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So yet again the girlfriend wants another one of these BS products that seem to be everywhere in Thailand. Yet more bags of a slimming cofee drink. Of course it's 3 times the price of normal cofee and will do a negligible difference if any. Not drinking the cofee and creamer would be more slimming. I may as well pour money down the drain. As if having to earn the money wasn't torture enough.

It's so easy for these companys to push these things to the less well educated. I've told my girlfriend that it's a gimmick but she's in a mood as usual when I try to explain these things. <_<

So thankyou xxx for putting a little more agro in my life. Just what I needed.

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Just tell her she can buy regular sugar filled ice coffee? For 20 baht as usual but only drink half of it. Same affect, half the price, half the headache.

If she says its a waste to only drink half, tell her she can drink the whole thing if she stops eating 4 donuts everyday.

:rolleyes: I will give you her number and you can explain it. Maybe it's the way I use old fashioned logic instead of something else like magic or superstition.

Haha, at least she hasn't started watching all those super white cream info mercials at 3am.

One product that I find amazing is those concentrated chicken stock things that cost an arm and a leg-thais love em and not sure why-what benefits? Super intelligence?scale large buildings with a single bound?

Somebody please fill me in on these-perhaps I am missing something incredible here.


some of these products may well assist with one's diet - the ingredients of Fitne Slimming Tea - 75% senna leaves, 25% senna pods.

Laxative tea.

Maybe the slimming coffee is a similar concept.

It's so easy for these companys to push these things to the less well educated.

Mediums, phychics, homeopathy, naturopathy, reiki, religion, astrology, spiritualism. All alive, kicking and fleecing the general public (educated or not) the world over.


some of these products may well assist with one's diet - the ingredients of Fitne Slimming Tea - 75% senna leaves, 25% senna pods.

Laxative tea.

Maybe the slimming coffee is a similar concept.

Well, thanks for that. Wifey drinks a cup of this tea a few times a week when she needs a bit of extra help in that department. At first I was against it, but it works great for her...and it's not that much more than regular tea. I think som tom would work just as good though...

The one I like is the whitening drink. Right....


So are these BS products confined to Thailand or are they available to the gullible the world over?

Products everywhere good looking GF only Thailand.


Not wanting to stereotype an entire race, but I think this is typical of Asia as a whole,Well, anywhere really, east or west where there is a market of poorly educated punters.

The selling of crap/ useless products is made very easy in Thailand because of the way business is conducted. The term 'Buyer beware' unlike in the west where it's seen as advice, in Thailand it's a must.

Large Business right down to the one man bands, (sure not all) in Thailand, will out-right lie, con and overinflate the price to make a sale. Everything is geared to making it the byer's responsibility. In this environment the sale of 'quick fix' and 'must have' products, at a cheap price, primarily aimed at the un-educated who are going to believe anything from a guy wearing glasses, tie and lab-coat in an advert on the telly.


One product that I find amazing is those concentrated chicken stock things that cost an arm and a leg-thais love em and not sure why-what benefits? Super intelligence?scale large buildings with a single bound?

Somebody please fill me in on these-perhaps I am missing something incredible here.

I know the stuff you mean. My son loves it. I don't know why.

And yes, it's expensive.

I think the idea is that it increases your IQ.

But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's supposed to make your skin whiter. Then again, maybe it's supposed to make you slimmer.

Or ......... maybe all three.


In my experience, if you can get a Thai to tell her its nonsense she may well believe it.

The "falang" doesn't understand Thai products ;)

How very,very true, I've experienced this a few times myself. I was left open mouthed once, I was having some work done at my home, Some structural welding, I saw the guy doing the welding had it all wrong, the set-up, I explained to, my then wife, (my Thai was crap then) what they need to do. My wife started to explain how I wanted it doing, the guy looked at her then me gave her some old &lt;deleted&gt;, she just walked off, and he did what he wanted. I spoke to her, "whats' happening" I asked; "you think too much' she said!

Fact is, I'm a welding engineer, the whole set-up was wrong on the welding set, they couldn't make it work……3 times that day I re-set the unit, each time they would watch me, I would walk away, the guy would change the setting back to what he had on there, try and weld, (no joy) then laugh, (I presume at this dumb farang) in the end I feared I would punch this fookers lights-out.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to the welding set, (with them sniggering and obviously talking about me) I re-set it and started doing some welding, (putting down some test 'stringers' on a piece of old steel)

Did they think, Ok, maybe this farang knows one thing, how to make the welding set work? No the frigging wasters, had a bad case of 'lose of face' I had to get a new crew in to do the work, fine, there loss

I was left open mouthed once, I was having some work done at my home, Some structural welding, I saw the guy doing the welding had it all wrong, the set-up, I explained to, my then wife, (my Thai was crap then) what they need to do. My wife started to explain how I wanted it doing, the guy looked at her then me gave her some old &lt;deleted&gt;, she just walked off, and he did what he wanted. I spoke to her, "whats' happening" I asked; "you think too much' she said!

Fact is, I'm a welding engineer, the whole set-up was wrong on the welding set, they couldn't make it work……3 times that day I re-set the unit, each time they would watch me, I would walk away, the guy would change the setting back to what he had on there, try and weld, (no joy) then laugh, (I presume at this dumb farang) in the end I feared I would punch this fookers lights-out.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to the welding set, (with them sniggering and obviously talking about me) I re-set it and started doing some welding, (putting down some test 'stringers' on a piece of old steel)

Did they think, Ok, maybe this farang knows one thing, how to make the welding set work? No the frigging wasters, had a bad case of 'lose of face' I had to get a new crew in to do the work, fine, there loss.

Excellent. That really does sum up Thailand.


So are these BS products confined to Thailand or are they available to the gullible the world over?

Probably available everywhere, but in most developed countries it would not be legal to promote them as being in any way beneficial.


So are these BS products confined to Thailand or are they available to the gullible the world over?

Available the world over loved by chavs and council house tenants/trailer trash is ..................... the shopping channel :whistling: hurry only 3 left at this price though.........


some of these products may well assist with one's diet - the ingredients of Fitne Slimming Tea - 75% senna leaves, 25% senna pods.

Laxative tea.

The diet is called sh*t yourself thin...!!!:rolleyes:


In my experience, if you can get a Thai to tell her its nonsense she may well believe it.

The "falang" doesn't understand Thai products ;)

How very,very true, I've experienced this a few times myself. I was left open mouthed once, I was having some work done at my home, Some structural welding, I saw the guy doing the welding had it all wrong, the set-up, I explained to, my then wife, (my Thai was crap then) what they need to do. My wife started to explain how I wanted it doing, the guy looked at her then me gave her some old &lt;deleted&gt;, she just walked off, and he did what he wanted. I spoke to her, "whats' happening" I asked; "you think too much' she said!

Fact is, I'm a welding engineer, the whole set-up was wrong on the welding set, they couldn't make it work……3 times that day I re-set the unit, each time they would watch me, I would walk away, the guy would change the setting back to what he had on there, try and weld, (no joy) then laugh, (I presume at this dumb farang) in the end I feared I would punch this fookers lights-out.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to the welding set, (with them sniggering and obviously talking about me) I re-set it and started doing some welding, (putting down some test 'stringers' on a piece of old steel)

Did they think, Ok, maybe this farang knows one thing, how to make the welding set work? No the frigging wasters, had a bad case of 'lose of face' I had to get a new crew in to do the work, fine, there loss.

Tonto21...glad you are referring to person as "the guy doing the welding" and not a "welder".....it appears the person concerned is a rod burner, not a welder, but then again suppose we cant even call him a rod burner, as he couldnt get the set to work...:rolleyes:

There are excellent real welders in Thailand actually some of the best in world and guess they too would be offended if we referred to this indiviudal as a welder...:lol:

But to the topic at hand....sometimes better to raise your objects over a product and leave them to their own devices and when figure for themselves that the product concerned is BS....start putting the pharse, "I told you" so a lot into the conversation....certainly worked with me in the past with Mrs Soutpeel..

This is not unique to Thailand, goes on all over the world


has much changed?

as a child we had comic books, Disney etc, from USA, and the back pages were full of adverts for sea monkeys. x-ray specs and so on.

Actually those two items could well be a hit in Thailand, esp the sea monkeys if we start a rumour they can also select winning lottery numbers.

I looked for a sea monkeys advert, first from the search was this website of old US comic book adverts


So are these BS products confined to Thailand or are they available to the gullible the world over?

Available the world over loved by chavs and council house tenants/trailer trash is ..................... the shopping channel :whistling: hurry only 3 left at this price though.........

So because some people are poor or choose to live in council houses they are trash ? So what are you doing in Thailand ? Surrounded by poor people that are being exploited.


One crazy advert that was on TV here around 6 months ago & could still be for all I know . Showed a child that was put on what can only be described as a modern day rack . he was stretched for 2 hours each day .(recomended)

The child was around 7yrs old . The advert shown pics of the skeliton & what the Rack would do to it.

It then moved on to the child being aged about 18yr-20-yr . The pictures where of a 7ft professional basketball player.

Yes this rack created 7ft people .

How they are allowed to come out with such bull is beyond me .


One crazy advert that was on TV here around 6 months ago & could still be for all I know . Showed a child that was put on what can only be described as a modern day rack . he was stretched for 2 hours each day .(recomended)

The child was around 7yrs old . The advert shown pics of the skeliton & what the Rack would do to it.

It then moved on to the child being aged about 18yr-20-yr . The pictures where of a 7ft professional basketball player.

Yes this rack created 7ft people .

How they are allowed to come out with such bull is beyond me .

Actually I would say the advert was guilty of being reckless and irresponsible more than out right lying, I may be wrong, but I am sure I've read, or seen that one can in fact extend ones height by stretching or hanging. I heard one story of a guy who couldn't get into the police; he was to short, by an inch. Apparently he hung upside down, by the ankles for an hour a day over a month or so and re-tested, he had grown 1 and a bit inches. I remember it in the papers, no not the Sunday Sport! Gravity Bites!


I'd say the same for the x million dollars of pet fish and cut orchids that we sell worldwide each year as 'Thai nonsense products' (most will either wilt or die before the month is out), but people need what they think they need. The market is what it is.



I'd also add just about the entire product line of Brand's and Scotch (Bird's Nest beverage, Vita Berry, Essence of Chicken, etc. etc.) as not only nonsense, but in terms of sugar content potentially harmful products.



Every time I travel back to the UK my wife has me bring back some very expensive tablets that they do not sell in thailand that apparently make your hair grow and make you young again - can't find them in Thailand anywhere.

To be fair to her she manages to flog enough of them at a higher price to cover the cost.


I'd also add just about the entire product line of Brand's and Scotch (Bird's Nest beverage, Vita Berry, Essence of Chicken, etc. etc.) as not only nonsense, but in terms of sugar content potentially harmful products.


I've always wondered - I thought they were supposed to be vitamin rich or something.

Nonsense products abound everywhere but since we are in Thailand can I just put in a vote for whitening underarm deodorant as one of the top ones?


Three in one suggestion here, don't buy the slimming coffee, get one of those rotating mops that you have to pedal like crazy to spin, exercise and work and also the owner of a fad product all in one laugh.gif

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