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Maid Salry


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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills.  We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

"So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year"

To most people this staement would mean that you should pay her for working more than usual. How did you assume I said you need to pay her less?

Get off my high horse? You are the one who is taking advantage of these people, not me! :D .

Beginning to think i'm leaving a note for Cathy Lee Gifford :D

By the way, the post is about the Maid on staff "at home" not at your work place so she get no tips, now does she? :o

You obviously know nothing about the working life of the average Thai person in Thailand since you don't even live in Thailand. I won't discuss this with you any longer since you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Sorry truth hurts.

For my credentials. I lived in Chiangmai, Lampang, Bangkok & have a condominium Suratthani for better than 15 years while employing for a us firm. I can speak, read, write Thai, what about you?. I know the Thai people likethe back of my hands. I be willing to bet that these folks do not call you their friends when they leave work. Wonder why?

I see, so that's why you are posting in US dollars when it never applies locally and know nothing about current wages. In fact, two of our staff have been with us for 3 years, so again, you clearly don't know what the heck you are talking about. I never said my staff did outside work, did I? In fact, they do not do any personal work for me whatsoever. I am perfectly capable of doing my own laundry and cleaning my own house. Unlike most other places run by Thais where the staff is expected to the work around the resort and the owners laundry, housecleaning and childcare.

Once again, you have proved you can't read.

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How about you get off your high horse?

What's next, expect anyone to pay their maid 50K+ THB because that is the social welfare-level in my homecountry?!

I see that you are employed for a US-firm, meaning you most likely aren't even getting local salary-level. Can I have your salary too?

50k? you need to go back and read my posts. I did not mentioned 50k, 5k or otherwise. I merely pointed the fact that if you worked an employee over the time agreed upon, you need to pay overtime. Just because you can forced them to work overtime without pay, It doesn't mean you do it!!!! So get your facts straight.

Ofcourse I get US paid. Who in their right mind would take less money to move over-sea, may be only you? Sure you can have my salary, all you have to do is go to school, be dedicated and good at your job.

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Again, you did not read the entire post. 6000 is the starting wage. Our cook earns far more than that. Plus paid time off during the year plus insurance plus meals plus tips plus help with medical bills.  We are not in the US so US wages are not applicable here. Our staff makes a very good wage for Thailand. I'll tell her you think she should get paid less when she works less and more when she works more. I am sure that will thrill her no end when she has bills to pay and can't make it because it is a slow season. Get off your high horse ozone, you don't know what you are talking about.

"So for 5 months out of the year you work her 13 hours / day and pay her the same as the rest of the year"

To most people this staement would mean that you should pay her for working more than usual. How did you assume I said you need to pay her less?

Get off my high horse? You are the one who is taking advantage of these people, not me! :D .

Beginning to think i'm leaving a note for Cathy Lee Gifford :D

By the way, the post is about the Maid on staff "at home" not at your work place so she get no tips, now does she? :D

You obviously know nothing about the working life of the average Thai person in Thailand since you don't even live in Thailand. I won't discuss this with you any longer since you don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Sorry truth hurts.

For my credentials. I lived in Chiangmai, Lampang, Bangkok & have a condominium Suratthani for better than 15 years while employing for a us firm. I can speak, read, write Thai, what about you?. I know the Thai people likethe back of my hands. I be willing to bet that these folks do not call you their friends when they leave work. Wonder why?

I see, so that's why you are posting in US dollars when it never applies locally and know nothing about current wages. In fact, two of our staff have been with us for 3 years, so again, you clearly don't know what the heck you are talking about. I never said my staff did outside work, did I? In fact, they do not do any personal work for me whatsoever. I am perfectly capable of doing my own laundry and cleaning my own house. Unlike most other places run by Thais where the staff is expected to the work around the resort and the owners laundry, housecleaning and childcare.

Once again, you have proved you can't read.

If you go back to the original post by " CPH" it clearly states "Hi, How much do you pay your maid. Live in and live outside. What work does it include, for instance cooking, cleaning, laundry etc."

This to me sounds like he's asking for a "live in -or outside" maid and not an employee at your place of work; So, is it me or you who can't read?. You are in the wrong forum.

And once again, you failed recognized that i've lived in Thailand and have a condo in suratthani for the last 15 years. Go back and read my posts correctly instead sitting there being irritated. Get it straight

Just in case you didn't know, Calling names, being a tyrant only proved you're classless; so if you need to get your view point across, its more advantageuos to be calm. :o . Its also differentiate between good and horid management. Which one are you?

Edited by OZONE
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We pay ours live in 6k per month with 2 days off.

She starts around 6am, works all day, does everything except cook, but will cook simple stuff for kids. Two kids to take care of and even the garden and 4 monkey's, a parrot and several dozen fish.

She has been with us for 2 years or so and enjoys her days off

I believe we are paying around the same amount, perhaps another 500-1000 baht (wife handles these kind of things, I just make the money :o ). Two adults, two kids, no cooking, but cleans, washes, takes care of the garden and the kids when required. Flexible with time off, usually 2-4 days a month.

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Hi all

Thank you for your inputs. From your posts I think the level is approx. 5000 per month.

Please ignore our little misunderstanding. Majority of the time this forum is a very good place to start. We have our liitle terrible discussion now and than, but more times than not, its very helpful. :o

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Tuky, Is she a live-in or part time? part time, a few hours a week ok, but 2500 for a full time maid is peanuts! OK, wages are higher in the south but we pay our staff a starting wage of 6000/mo for an 8:30 am-9:30 pm job (hour and a half off in the afternoon) that is only full on during high season (Dec-Apr). Rest of the year it is easy between full moons. We also pay for their govt insurance and give them paid time off when they need it (min of paid two weeks off a year). I have found that by treating my staff with decency and generosity I get repaid in loyalty and good work.

Wow you pay them like a real job. Cheap charlies in here huh ?

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OZONE>> When you truly live here, not in your $-bubble, you can complain that people under-pay their staff.

Besides, some people here pay their staff more then the thais that live around us do...

First, I've stated 3 times on previous posts, I have a Condo in Surrathani, By the way I work in Krungthep (Bangkok, just incase you didn't know) and have an apartment there as well, so go back and read the posts.

Second, I didn't complaint about under-paying the workers. I merely pointed the fact that if you worked an employee over the time agreed upon, you need to pay overtime.. So get it right

Go back, reread the posts, understand it than give feed back.

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Don't complain that others don't read your post when you lack readingcomprehension yourself.

I wrote: "When you truly live here, not in your $-bubble, you can complain that people under-pay their staff."

It means that when you are payed in dollars you have no concept of the value of the local currency. You might know how much the milk costs, but you lack any real feeling for it.

So no, I haven't written that you don't live in Thailand. Not native english-speaker, are we?

And your concept of overtime versus salary is still bull. Just ask any thai people that live here...

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Don't complain that others don't read your post when you lack readingcomprehension yourself.

I wrote: "When you truly live here, not in your $-bubble, you can complain that people under-pay their staff."

It means that when you are payed in dollars you have no concept of the value of the local currency. You might know how much the milk costs, but you lack any real feeling for it.

So no, I haven't written that you don't live in Thailand. Not native english-speaker, are we?

And your concept of overtime versus salary is still bull. Just ask any thai people that live here...

Congratulation atleast you paid attention and figured out i'm not a, English-speaker. English is my Third Lanuage and I believe I'm quite good. What is your excuse?. I posted the same statement many times stating "monthly payment is based upon agreed hours; If required to work more, than the employer should pay more". if you can't understand this statement than you really need to go back to school.

who said "overtime - versus- salary?. I said "salary+ overtime". Again, go back and read it.

I do not need to ask Thai people about this issue as you request. Majority of my Employees are Thai and more than willing to accept "paid overtime" instead of working for free. What person in their right mind do not mind working for free. especially, when its forced upon them?

Why is this such a hard issue for you to accept. You are taking advantage of these people because you can. Shame on you

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Minimum wage = minimum service

The kind of wages discussed here are clearly slavery. Doesn't anyone have a conscience?

Guess not

Wait Wait, I just figured it out. The maid is actually paid 2500 baht + all she can steal. Now it makes good sense

apparently its standard for many foreign settlers (not all) in Thailand to play follow the leader. The model is "If my neighbor can cheat the poor people than its ok for me to do also" :o I find it to be absolutely disgusting. Regardless it's from Farang or Thai.

BTW, I'm not saying pay them the US standard wage, but just be fair. NO FORCE OT for freeeeee

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Patex, you are right. We have considered having a maid, but will most propably try on our own for that same reason, privacy. I think we will get a dishwashing machine, washing machine, micro wave etc. and in that way make life easier. And then eat out for the money that would have gone to salary.

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Patex, you are right. We have considered having a maid, but will most propably try on our own for that same reason, privacy. I think we will get a dishwashing machine, washing machine, micro wave etc. and in that way make life easier.  And then eat out for the money that would have gone to salary.

I agree, the lack of privacy could be a bit awkward. We are in the same situation of deciding whether or not to have a live-in maid. However, the advantages would seem to include fewer thefts (compared with the chances of the pool guy/gardener/daily maid), constantly being reminded to speak Thai (I'm trying hard, but at home we speak English - lazy, lazy, lazy) and, perhaps most importantly, it provides a social service - by employing a maid, she can help support her family as well.

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OZONE>> When you truly live here, not in your $-bubble, you can complain that people under-pay their staff.

Besides, some people here pay their staff more then the thais that live around us do...

First, I've stated 3 times on previous posts, I have a Condo in Surrathani, By the way I work in Krungthep (Bangkok, just incase you didn't know) and have an apartment there as well, so go back and read the posts.

Second, I didn't complaint about under-paying the workers. I merely pointed the fact that if you worked an employee over the time agreed upon, you need to pay overtime.. So get it right

Go back, reread the posts, understand it than give feed back.

Sounds to me like you've got a condo in New Jersey, if you really have two condo's in Thailand you should be ashamed of your lack of knowledge of the country.

You probobally only found your way onto this thread hoping it might be a discussion about live in maids that offer 'extra services', under the wifes nose! :o

Everyone of your posts has been crap, you can't even read other peoples posts correctly, then you come on ranting,

are you drunk? :D

Oh and BTW, in my experiance maids seem to be paid 4000-6000 baht, 6am-9pm, 3 days off per month. They also get a room and food. This is not a bad deal for a girl from a poor family as she doesn't need to spend any of the money, she can send it back to her family, which makes her and her family very happy. Most farangs I know give more time off than the Thai's. Usually one day a week sometimes more, and they also don't make them work such long hours each day.

There's far worse jobs out there than being a live in maid earning 5g a month with food and board. Providing the work is with a family that treat you well.

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I can sit here and argue my point day after day, but If one do not read all my commments and try to understand it , than theres no point to argue. So heres a quick summary.

1)As far as i'm concern, If you employed anyone for low wages and force them to work long hours with same pay, you are exploiting them. You are contributing to slavery of the third world.

2) I have a condo in Surat with a Thai wife, work Mon-Thurs in bkkand travled home on week-ends. Currently Wife and I are back working in USA (temporary). Although we can afford to hire a help staff in Thailand, we refused to do so.

Weather you like my posts or not its irrelevant to me. This is my opion. I valued yours and everyone elses but don't think for a minute that I won't rebut when I disagree with your comments.

Thats my opion and that's what matter.

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I think all the comments comparing the working situation in Thailand to elsewhere, or even between farang and Thai employers, are at best a rough idea of the actual current status and at worst a waste of typing effort. There is no point arguing about how much you pay or don't and whether you should or should not pay overtime. The reality is that it is a matter of agreement between the maid and the employer. If the maid likes it and agrees, she will stay, if not she will leave.

Our maid has been with us for 9 years, she is always treated as part of the family, but she still does her work. Thekids have to go to school, so she is up at 6am to get them ready - sometimes she drives them to school, and sometimes my wife or I do. She usually finishes her work around the house after dinner time, and then goes to bed to watch TV for a while.

I pay for a UBC set top box in three rooms of the house, one being the maids bedroom. She gets a couple of days a month off, but as she is treated like a family member, this is not really too much of an imposition as she often goes out to dinner with us or to the movies or wherever.

As she has been with us such a long time, my wife has slowly increased her salary on a fairly regular basis and she now gets 12,000 per month, plus live in, food, 2 days off, UBC in her room, and of course she also gets New Year off and many other national or Buddhist holidays.

The reality is that everyone at home helps out with the usual household chores anyway - she is more like just another of the extended family than a "maid".

I am seriously thinking of getting a visa organised for her to visit Australia or the UK or maybe Singapore when we go on holiday next time, as I feel that I would like to give her that as a special gift from us. She can't travel to these places alone as she doesn't speak any English at all.

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We pay our maid 8500/month, living in. (In Bangkok). For this she starts at 6am and finishes up around 8pm, 6 days a week. During the day, she has only laundry to do as we have another maid who comes during the day to do the house cleaning etc. Our live in is basically to take care of our daughter while we are working when she comes home from school.

While we pay well over the odds she has been with us for 3 years, ive sent her out to pay bills of over 100,000 THB and she has returned with the reciepts, and at the end of the day we dont want some bottom of the barrel muppet taking care of our daughter.

You certainly get what you pay for.

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Ozone, quick question. Do you think that all Thai people should be paid at a western salary level?

Just interested to know.

Ofcourse I do not think the salary are of equal nor have I said otherwise.

My point of this matter is working overtime needs to be compensated. Just because you can make these people work overtime for free, It doesn't mean you do it. Obviously everything is based on prior arrangements. If she / he gets food, living quarter etc... for free than it changes

Paying 5000 baht / month while working them 6:00am-9pm, 7 days / week with no living quarter, food allowance is slave labor to me. Taking consideration of the cost to travel, food, living expenses. The 5000 baht is not enough since Rent takes half of that (pending on location).

I commend people like you (EVO) & Greer for treating them better than slaves. I do not have a problem with your arrangement, However, If anyone pays these people 5000 baht without any benefits and thinking they are doing these people a favor, than think again. Its slavery as far as i'm concern.

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Ozone, quick question. Do you think that all Thai people should be paid at a western salary level?

Just interested to know.

If they paid western taxes and had a similar cost of living, I'd say yes.

EVO, quick question: Do you think all Thai people should be paid at a Nigerian salary level. I don' hear any complains from the Nigerians, so it should be OK, right.....? Although a weeks pay for a Nigerian probably wouldn't even buy you a plate of som tam, not to mention handphones....

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Shiva, I dont think that Thai people should be paid at any other salary level than is appropriate for Thailand, and its general cost of living.

Right now the average salary of a Thai throughout Thailand is 6,000 THB/month. (This icludes ALL workers). Thai labour law states a maximum of 48 working hours per week, and our maid works a lot less than that. She also has 2 or 3 extra days off a month when we go away for weekends etc etc and takes holidays during Songkran etc.

We also provide her with BUPA medical insurance as we would feel terrible just kicking her out on her ass if something were to happen to her which rendered her unable to work for us.

I think that this situation is very fair for all concerned. She started on 6,000/month and we have incresed over time.

Bottom line is, this is Thailand, not Nigeria or the US and people should remember that when talking about salary levels.

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Shiva, I dont think that Thai people should be paid at any other salary level than is appropriate for Thailand, and its general cost of living.

Right now the average salary of a Thai throughout Thailand is 6,000 THB/month. (This icludes ALL workers). Thai labour law states a maximum of 48 working hours per week, and our maid works a lot less than that. She also has 2 or 3 extra days off a month when we go away for weekends etc etc and takes holidays during Songkran etc.

We also provide her with BUPA medical insurance as we would feel terrible just kicking her out on her ass if something were to happen to her which rendered her unable to work for us.

I think that this situation is very fair for all concerned. She started on 6,000/month and we have incresed over time.

Bottom line is, this is Thailand, not Nigeria or the US and people should remember that when talking about salary levels.

Agree 100%, Evo. It is silly to talk about explotation in this context. You and I are both paying the market rate for our maids, and there are other jobs out there. It is not as if she would starve if you didn't employ her, right?

In fact, a live-in maid has free food and accomodation, something which eats up a huge chunk of the earnings of most urbane low income earners.

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I pay 2500 baht for once a week on Friday. About 4 hourss work. 2 bedroom condo 120sqm. She does a great job with no complaints but I do feel I am overpaying her. But then again I say to myself hey better her than me and I can afford it and as I said the place looks great! So I guess since I have no complaints then I should be happy. Oh she does not do laundry or iron even though I have washer in my condo. What do you think?

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A Thai friend of mine, single professional lady, pays her live-in maid who cooks, cleans, looks after her daughter and whatever else needs to be done; 4,000 baht per month.

She says this is the normal rate as the maid doesn't pay food or rent and gets to live in a nice apartment etc. Sounds fair I guess when youc onsider what teachers / policemen / factory workers / shop assistants etc get paid, then have to pay rent, food, travel to and from work etc. They would be lucky to have 4K left at the end of the month.

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I pay 2500 baht for once a week on Friday.  About 4 hourss work.  2 bedroom condo 120sqm.  She does a great job with no complaints but I do feel I am overpaying her.  But then again I say to myself hey better her than me and I can afford it and as I said the place looks great!  So I guess since I have no complaints then I should be happy.  Oh she does not do laundry or iron even though I have washer in my condo.  What do you think?

that is overly generous, for about 20 hours a month, you pay 125 Baht per hour, whereas the unskilled rate is about 200 Baht per day

oh well, she must be happy :o

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I am seriously thinking of getting a visa organised for her to visit Australia or the UK or maybe Singapore when we go on holiday next time, as I feel that I would like to give her that as a special gift from us. She can't travel to these places alone as she doesn't speak any English at all.


That is one of best thing I've read in this forum. It shows you have compassion for other human being and shows how much you appreciate her. She'll love that.

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