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Where Is The Best Sunday Roast In Pattaya?


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robins nestaurant soi buakhao was the last place i had a sunday roast .. thort it was pretty dam good at 3 course buffet (240bt i think ),, lots of good meat to choose from and eat as much as you can. before i ate at thesportsman that also was very good.

The Robins Nest on Soi Bukhow. There is also a Robins Nest on Soi Diana, are they both doing Sunday Roast's and are they having the same standard and management?

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Shenanigans beats both by a mile. But do yourself a favour and miss the rest of the crap they have on offer during the week.

Im surprised they can make a decent roast, i ordered the Cheesburger and Chips coming in at a cool 350bht and i have to say it was the worst meal i had in a recent 2 month stay in Pattaya, the majority of it got left on the plate.

The burger was huge i almost put my back out lifting it, but it had so much needless salad shyt in it was just a complete stodgy mess, the bun just fell apart and the meat and i use that term loosely was the most cardboard like tasteless beef ever to have come out of a cow.

This was finished off with masses of disgusting great big frozen chips, cooked in some vile cooking fat that left a lingering taste for the night, why the <deleted> a company that charges a small fortune for its vile food cant buy some fresh potatoes and cut them into chips is beyond me, same applies to all restaurants.

It taught me a lesson though, never to break my rule of never venturing into Irish bars under any circumstances.

Youve more chance of finding a straight talking virgin in a soi 6 gogo bar then a decent English roast dinner in Pattaya.

Let me get this straight..........you have decided for whatever reason to travel to Thailand, a totally different country from your country of birth, different culture blah blah blah..........and you`re complaining about the lack of quality foreign food such as good old Roast Beef , proper chips etc etc etc.?

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........wake up ! Try and get a life? Or better still, return back home and then you can complain about how unauthentic the Thai food is.

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Let me get this straight..........you have decided for whatever reason to travel to Thailand, a totally different country from your country of birth, different culture blah blah blah..........and you`re complaining about the lack of quality foreign food such as good old Roast Beef , proper chips etc etc etc.?

Your rant makes no sense for expats. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the foods of your home country. Do you think Thais overseas aren't looking for good Thai food, and complaining if they can't find it? Personally, my culture has always been to eat foods of many countries and I find no reason to change that here. In fact, the availability of international food in places like Pattaya is one of its great features.

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robins nestaurant soi buakhao was the last place i had a sunday roast .. thort it was pretty dam good at 3 course buffet (240bt i think ),, lots of good meat to choose from and eat as much as you can. before i ate at thesportsman that also was very good.

The Robins Nest on Soi Bukhow. There is also a Robins Nest on Soi Diana, are they both doing Sunday Roast's and are they having the same standard and management?

Pretty much samesame quality. Best Sunday deal in town IMO, 6 or 7 meats (I go for the roast lamb with real mint sauce and a glass of drinkable red at 69 baht)(7 or 8 veg, roast & mashed spuds, gravy, yorks pud, and apple pie with hot runny custard for afters.

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  • 10 months later...

are you lot for real there is one sunday lunch that the sportsmans maybe more exspensive than the others but you pay for what you get not like the ********* and the rest come on keenios get your hands in your pockests and try it :)

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Must give Robins Nest a try for the Sunday roast next time iam in Patts, I liked their buffet for 89baht during the week, great value imo.

I did try the roast at Rosies on soi7, everything was great apart from the meat which was just tuff and tasteless.

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Nicky's, the rest just follow!

Not a buffet though, which is a good thing IMHO, as the carvery types are generally not good, roast potatoes, Yorkshires, etc. need to be served fresh, otherwise they are just not good.

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are you lot for real there is one sunday lunch that the sportsmans maybe more exspensive than the others but you pay for what you get not like the ********* and the rest come on keenios get your hands in your pockests and try it :)

The food may be good but there is too much of it and, call me keeniao if you want, but I resent paying for the greedy b........ at the next table who has a mountain on his plate while I just want the quantity provided for half the price at restaurants that don't have a carvery.

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the Ritz on Yamoto.

Yer credibility just flew out the window.

4 years ago The Ritz was good. Haven't been for a while - new owners now so could have picked up again.

Speaking of The Ritz. How about ANOTHER The Ritz.

The Ritz Cafe I am talking about is in Jomtien Complex in the same soi as the well known Blind Massage place.

This Ritz offers very wonderful modern English roast DINNERS every night, including Sunday.

Recently had their 3 course Roast Lamb dinner, everything on the plate was scrumptious and cooked well (except for the cool mashed potatoes). The lamb really tasted like lamb, I don't know whether its imported or not but it was very delicious. Good Yorkshire pudding and a very large separate plate filled with a mix of roasted vegetables including potatoes. Mashed potatoes served on the side on the plate, they were a little cold. 3 course dinner is 340 you can get the roast plate alone for 300. The desserts on the 3 course all the usual English standards from raspberry sponge to spotted Dick. The portions for the appetizers and desserts a tad small compared to the generous portion for the roast platters. In any case, the flavor is there so in my view well worth the money.

I haven't been to many of these roast places, but I can compare it to the pork roast plate at Pig & Whistle and the cheapo special at the Bowling Green. The Ritz Cafe MUCH better.

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the Ritz on Yamoto.

Yer credibility just flew out the window.

4 years ago The Ritz was good. Haven't been for a while - new owners now so could have picked up again.

Speaking of The Ritz. How about ANOTHER The Ritz.

The Ritz Cafe I am talking about is in Jomtien Complex in the same soi as the well known Blind Massage place.

This Ritz offers very wonderful modern English roast DINNERS every night, including Sunday.

Recently had their 3 course Roast Lamb dinner, everything on the plate was scrumptious and cooked well.

The lamb really tasted like lamb, I don't know whether its imported or not but it was very delicious. Good Yorkshire pudding and a very large separate plate filled with a mix of roasted vegetables including potatoes. Mashed potatoes served on the side on the plate, they were a little cold. 3 course dinner is 340 you can get the roast plate alone for 300. The desserts on the 3 course all the usual English standards from raspberry sponge to spotted Dick. The portions for the appetizers and desserts a tad small compared to the generous portion for the roast platters. In any case, the flavor is there so in my view well worth the money..

i second that Jing

i have been there many times

john is a great cook and jovial host with probably the worst jokes in Pattaya area

he deserves his success, he works very hard.

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  • 2 months later...
Nicky's, the rest just follow!

Have you actually tried the 'rest' ??

I left 3 teeth on the plate after eating the roast potatoes there, hard as nails they were, truly bad food at its finest ... Sportsmans is the best ive had here .. roasties and yorkies are upto a decent standard

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Nicky's, the rest just follow!

Not a buffet though, which is a good thing IMHO, as the carvery types are generally not good, roast potatoes, Yorkshires, etc. need to be served fresh, otherwise they are just not good.

I agree Nicky's is very good for a 'Sunday Roast'.


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Wow you guys dont get around much .Nobody mentioned Rosie o Gradys Sunday roast at B189 ,and a pint of Guinness only B160 .Had one today around 4 pm , and am still full at 9 pm .

I had one of their roasts a while back and found the meat as tough as nails but the trimmings were good, potatoes, pud...gravy was watery and tasteless......i'd give it a 6/10

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Caddy Shack on Soi 17 gets my vote for roasts (chicken, beef, lamb) 7 days a week from 9am until midnight. Quality is very consistent with nice potatoes any way you like em and veges along with Yorkshire pudding. You'll get a huge serve of tasty gravy too. Chicken and beef will set you back 195 baht and the lamb 255. You can order an extra serve for 100 baht (120 for the lamb).

Imagine getting a roast dinner at 9am or 11pm anyday of the week. (I'm getting hungry just sitting here typing this post, unfortunately it's 2:30 am)

Try their apple pie with hot custard (85 baht) while you're there. You won't be disappointed. You could also try their fish and chips or beef stew with mash....very nice!

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Have to agree with tropo, Caddy Shack roast is consistently good and my wife says the same about the Thai food there so it pleases both of us.

As a plus at this hot time they have Air con inside in the main no smoking area and a nice new smoking area outside.

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