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Ploy To Bring Back Thaksin


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So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

Nail, hammer, head.

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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

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You know what happens when the spring gets to tight, it breaks.

I often wonder about people who are insatiable in their appitite for more in the case of Thaksin he has enough to live in the lap of luxury for the rest of his life but he just cannot except that and continues to finagel, lie, and cheat for more and more. In a way i feel sorry for his sister, surely somewhere inside she wishes to do a good job for Thailand but the big brother until he has gotten everything he wants will not allow it. this whole drama about the Japan trip and now Cambodia all to put the spot light on himself.

So far so good one day closer to Thailand

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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Because this is the only way for them to exist ...

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well whatever happens in this ongoing circus all I can say is, all thaksin has to do is wait out his time, once that time has passed and nobody in sight Thaksin will appointment himself

Dictator Thaksin

once that happens thailand in all forms will change over to a similiar state like burma, libya, zimbabwe, north korea

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The election WAS about Thai People.

Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

Isn't it time the spoiled class in Thailand face the facts.

They are outnumbered and need to honer the election results.

Whatever path is taken to amend the constitution, the government risks a severe backlash from detractors, who view the planned change as a passport for Thaksin to return to Thailand without first having to serve his jail sentence.

therein lies the crux of the matter, despite all the constant denials concerning Brother No.1the truth is as plain as the nose on our faces for all to see. The election campaign was never about the Thai people or their interests. It was all about one man and his return to let him re-commence and continue feeding on the financial blood of Thailand in his never ending pursuit of power and money


..and honor the corruption, crony behavior, changing laws, making exceptions, and shafting the country? You honor that type of thing in yuor home country?

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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Well if it was possible that someone like Abhisit and the Dems with their election results became PM and formed the government than is any result that the Thaksin group got in comparison to that a "landslide" and a big win.

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well whatever happens in this ongoing circus all I can say is, all thaksin has to do is wait out his time, once that time has passed and nobody in sight Thaksin will appointment himself

Dictator Thaksin

once that happens thailand in all forms will change over to a similiar state like burma, libya, zimbabwe, north korea

That's exactly what will happen. Hope karma serves him a cold plate beforehand. He is only concerned about keeping his family and cronies in mind, and enslaving and using everyone else for his benefit. Guess the rural Thais forgot their own idiom: The honest eat an endless supply of food, while the dishonest can't eat for too long.

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well whatever happens in this ongoing circus all I can say is, all thaksin has to do is wait out his time, once that time has passed and nobody in sight Thaksin will appointment himself

Dictator Thaksin

once that happens thailand in all forms will change over to a similiar state like burma, libya, zimbabwe, north korea


They won the election.

They didn't need the military, coups, state of emergency laws and life fire zones to come and stay in power.

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well whatever happens in this ongoing circus all I can say is, all thaksin has to do is wait out his time, once that time has passed and nobody in sight Thaksin will appointment himself

Dictator Thaksin

once that happens thailand in all forms will change over to a similiar state like burma, libya, zimbabwe, north korea

That's exactly what will happen. Hope karma serves him a cold plate beforehand. He is only concerned about keeping his family and cronies in mind, and enslaving and using everyone else for his benefit. Guess the rural Thais forgot their own idiom: The honest eat an endless supply of food, while the dishonest can't eat for too long.

Part of the reason why the rural Thais look to Thaksin so much is that those they seek a little more freedom, opportunity and wealth from keep saying Thaksin is bad and an enemy of them. Ergo he must be good and a friend of the rural people. If they had left him as part of the accepted ruling class, he may over time have been judged differently by the poor. He may still, but that time has been put off and maybe even put into doubt by his opponents.

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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Because this is the only way for them to exist ...

Exactly. Lies, propaganda and nonsenses.

Everybody knows who won the election and who not and never will.

Sore losers, this is the only way for them to exist ...

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So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

Thaksin broke a well established serious law, and was convicted and sentenced to 2 years jail, he fled and hasn't returned.

He made his own situation, it's totally his own fault that he is separated from his family. No tears.

Not the same opinion as the International community that suspect the charges and convictions were probably political in nature hence his freedom to travel. When is Abhisit going to face charges over all of the alleged murders during his time in office?

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So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

I realize you may have posted this during a moment of weakness, but please don't mock the afflicted.

It is unseemly and you're better than that.

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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Because this is the only way for them to exist ...

Exactly. Lies, propaganda and nonsenses.

Everybody knows who won the election and who not and never will.

Sore losers, this is the only way for them to exist ...

Geriatrickid goes to sleep and samurai takes over?

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You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Because this is the only way for them to exist ...

Exactly. Lies, propaganda and nonsenses.

Everybody knows who won the election and who not and never will.

Sore losers, this is the only way for them to exist ...

Geriatrickid goes to sleep and samurai takes over?

No, if guys like you post in shifts don't assume that other do it too.

Edited by samurai
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Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

Surely what better way to demonstrate belief in the sanctity of family than not breaking it up when it is within your power to stop that happening. Thaksin didn't have to break the law when in power, Thaksin didn't have to try and bribe judges, Thaksin didn't have to lie about respecting the court's verdict before running away like the yellow bellied coward that he is, when found guilty, Thaksin didn't have to divorce his wife and mother of his kids... but he did... he did all those things and that he was happy and prepared to do so, despite what it meant for his family, shows you all you need to know about how he values it and where his priorities lie.

Using his daughter's marriage to play on people's sympathies is just further proof of what this man is made of.

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar.

And with nonsense like this, your fall from respected forum contributor that i always viewed you to be, despite a great difference of opinion usually shared, to out and out troll looking to insult and offend those with differing opinion, is complete. You have reached the bottom.

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And with nonsense like this, your fall from respected forum contributor that i always viewed you to be, despite a great difference of opinion usually shared, to out and out troll looking to insult and offend those with differing opinion, is complete. You have reached the bottom.

Quite funny though , and certainly touched a few nerves.

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Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

Surely what better way to demonstrate belief in the sanctity of family than not breaking it up when it is within your power to stop that happening. Thaksin didn't have to break the law when in power, Thaksin didn't have to try and bribe judges, Thaksin didn't have to lie about respecting the court's verdict before running away like the yellow bellied coward that he is, when found guilty, Thaksin didn't have to divorce his wife and mother of his kids... but he did... he did all those things and that he was happy and prepared to do so, despite what it meant for his family, shows you all you need to know about how he values it and where his priorities lie.

Using his daughter's marriage to play on people's sympathies is just further proof of what this man is made of.

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar.

And with nonsense like this, your fall from respected forum contributor that i always viewed you to be, despite a great difference of opinion usually shared, to out and out troll looking to insult and offend those with differing opinion, is complete. You have reached the bottom.

Nah, he's just having a bit of fun with the trolls who are always attacking him because he makes intelligent, informed posts that don't sing from the 'correct' hymnsheet.

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So far so good one inch at a time eventually becomes a foot. Thaksin home for the wedding

Yes. Won't that be grand? The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar. However, for those that understand family values, they will appreciate why it is a good thing for the beloved Mr. Thaksin to return. Perhaps this show of family unity may cause discomfort in some, what with their not having a presentable partner nor much of a family life, but for the family loving Thais, they will find it heartwarming to see the love of a father for his child. It makes me shed a tear. B)

You get weirder every day.


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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Well if it was possible that someone like Abhisit and the Dems with their election results became PM and formed the government than is any result that the Thaksin group got in comparison to that a "landslide" and a big win.

So we are re-writing the definition and meanings of words?

I suppose, though, why not? You guys are intent on re-writing history.... so definitions are small potatoes in comparison.


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I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar.

And with nonsense like this, your fall from respected forum contributor that i always viewed you to be, despite a great difference of opinion usually shared, to out and out troll looking to insult and offend those with differing opinion, is complete. You have reached the bottom.


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Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.

You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Well if it was possible that someone like Abhisit and the Dems with their election results became PM and formed the government than is any result that the Thaksin group got in comparison to that a "landslide" and a big win.

So we are re-writing the definition and meanings of words?

I suppose, though, why not? You guys are intent on re-writing history.... so definitions are small potatoes in comparison.


No Idea who 'You guys' is supposed to be, but at least nobody on this forum nowadays physically re-writes history in the way that the now banned member sriracha john did when he infamously edited out a section of a news article that he quoted.

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quote name='pauljones'

Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide.


You must have a strange definition of landslide.

Thaksin's group, as you call it, have achieved the feat once, in 2005. All the other elections they have been unable to get a majority, with the exception of the latest one when they managed a majority of 3%. You call this a landslide?

All this information is very easily available. Why do people continue to echo lies and propaganda?

Well if it was possible that someone like Abhisit and the Dems with their election results became PM and formed the government than is any result that the Thaksin group got in comparison to that a "landslide" and a big win.

So we are re-writing the definition and meanings of words?

I suppose, though, why not? You guys are intent on re-writing history.... so definitions are small potatoes in comparison.


No Idea who 'You guys' is supposed to be

Any poster that says

"Thaksins group won the last 4 elections by landslide."

or attempts to re-define the definition of words.


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The people of Thailand believe in the sanctity of family and what better way to demonstrate that strong differentiating characterstic than to help a father come home to see his beautiful daughter married in a wedding that will delight the population. :whistling:

Unless of course you were trolling, which in this case, seems likely judging by many of the replies.

That's exactly what he's doing. Don't feed it... they tend to get found out in the end, with a nice 'banned' in the nick. ;)

I especially like the 'sanctity of family'. Try 'obligated'.

In any case, would the boy really be ballsy enough to stage a come-back and risk a monumental sh1t storm!

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And with nonsense like this, your fall from respected forum contributor that i always viewed you to be, despite a great difference of opinion usually shared, to out and out troll looking to insult and offend those with differing opinion, is complete. You have reached the bottom.

Quite funny though , and certainly touched a few nerves.

Yep, that singular nerve just at the back of your throat that can be stimulated using one finger.

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Nah, he's just having a bit of fun with the trolls who are always attacking him because he makes intelligent, informed posts that don't sing from the 'correct' hymnsheet.

I see. So when it comes from someone who you happen to agree with, trolling becomes "just having a bit of fun". Understood.

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I suppose some of the western males in TVF may not understand this as I believe a characteristic of many older western males is to abandon their wives and children in favour of a woman/kathoey they meet in a Thai beer bar.

Takes one to know one, eh?

Don't worry, I heard that Singapore now allows kathoys to marry their boyfriends.

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well whatever happens in this ongoing circus all I can say is, all thaksin has to do is wait out his time, once that time has passed and nobody in sight Thaksin will appointment himself

Dictator Thaksin

once that happens thailand in all forms will change over to a similiar state like burma, libya, zimbabwe, north korea


They won the election.

They didn't need the military, coups, state of emergency laws and life fire zones to come and stay in power.

yeah, they just needed bribes, hand outs, and propaganda to prey on the poor, so they can work on their backs. Genius demagogues!

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Dr.Thaksin won the last election and Ms. Yingluck is a place-holder until he returns. He will return and he won't be under any charges and he may even get his money and position back. Those who cannot accept this reality are going to be very frustrated over the coming years. My only question is: Why the hurry? His return is a done deal and only needs the 'formalities' to make it all neat and legal. What is going on behind the scenes (military, dems, etc.) that is causing this man to want to 'jump the gun' and thereby make it difficult for the PM and his supporters to explain why his actions are in conflict with their words? I know from following him since 1999 that he is self-admittedly impetuous, I know he is arrogant, but is he so narcissistic he cannot see all the problems he is causing for those who love and support him. We are all flawed human beings and I am not condemning someone for being true to their nature but he seems to be in such a hurry that I wonder what is going on. I thought the time-table had him returning by the end of the year. Anybody got a clue?

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