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Yingluck Denies Linkage Between Thaksin And Thai Govt


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If there is a problem with the current constitution, then fix it. There is no point going back to a flawed constitution.

It the popular demand, she said.

Brought you in a free election and not with a coup, tanks in the street, emergency laws and undemocratic circumstances.

Was there a box on the voting form that said 'please change the constitution any way you like it'? Getting elected doesn't mean you have a carte blanche mandate on every issue, particularly when you hadn't got around to publishing your policies. That's just cheap political rhetoric.

According to Weng they are going to have two referenda one to ask whether to base the new charter on 1997 or 2007 and one to then put all the proposed changes that a drafting commission come up with to the people. Before doing either they will change a single section to allow the establishment of a drafting commission. This will be the most democratic way the charter has ever been changed if this is followed

Lets not forget a constitution was ripped up after a coup and a new one written and then put to referenda with the fall back being the military would select an old one of their choice if it was voted down. Lets not also forget the last government changed a few bits of the current constitution seemingly to allow a system to help them in a vote.

Bearing all that in mind and trying to be even handed it is hard to criticise what PTP are proposing as the people will have the say, and they can vote how they want. In the meantime the media, Dems and other interested power players can start putting their arguements forward for what they want in the charter and for what version they prefer. To just say it isnt necessary is to avoid reality of conflict and to deny a government its right to enact its policies which both the coup installed and the opportunist Abhisit government took without any kind of mandate. Lets let conflict be resolved by democracy and not by trying to resist it. When Abhisit said the last election was a let the people decide one he was right and it was even maybe an admirable statement. Now maybe that spirit should be allowed to grow.

The fastest way that I can imagine to lose reader interest is to open with "According to Weng...."

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