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Time Frame Unclear For Wage Hike: Pheu Thai


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Time frame unclear



Preparations are being made for the government's plan to honour the Pheu Thai Party's election promise to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300, says Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap.

However, he refused to provide any time frame for when the pay rise would take place.

On his first day at the Labour Ministry, Phadermchai said yesterday, "I cannot say whether it will happen in six months or in one year. I cannot be specific."

He only said some work had been going on to prepare for the implementation.

"But we cannot disclose details now," Phadermchai said.

He preferred to wait until the Yingluck Shinawatra-led administration declares its policy statement before Parliament. The statement will be made next week.

By September 6, the Labour Ministry is expected to produce plans in line with the statement.

"After the policy statement, we will urgently discuss the issue with the private sector," Phadermchai said, "As of now, we have made some preparations."

He said the policy to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300 was meant to allow Thais to live happily.

"Society must not exploit workers. We have to give them higher wages in line with rising living costs," he said.

However, he reckoned that apart from talking with employers, workers and officials, he would need to have discussions with agencies like the Commerce Ministry.

There are growing concerns that if the daily minimum wage rises, product prices will jump too. The Commerce Ministry, therefore, is expected to plan what preventive measures it can.

Phadermchai added that discussions would also be made with the Office of the Civil Service and other authorities about a plan to give all bachelor's-degree holders a starting salary of Bt15,000 a month.


-- The Nation 2011-08-18

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He said the policy to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300 was meant to allow Thais to live happily.

"Society must not exploit workers. We have to give them higher wages in line with rising living costs,"

But don't you realise, sir, that raising minimum wage wholesale will increase the cost of living by the same amount! Thais will not get to live 'happily', it will be EXACTLY the same if not worse. Only way to pull people out of the mire is education, bloody hard work ( :whistling: ), and lots of time. These election promises are downright selfish and irresponsible.

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"I cannot be specific"

He doesn't need to be, the clear promise was for an immediate & universal national minimum-wage of 300B/day, and now that PTP has narrowly-won the election & formed a solid coalition-government, it's time for them to keep their promise, not start prevaricating or back-sliding or listening to Thaksin's diktat from-afar that it only applies in Bangkok and Phuket.

Will they do as they promised, or will they let down the poor people who voted for them, it shouldn't be a hard question to answer ! <_<

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"After the policy statement, we will urgently discuss the issue with the private sector," Phadermchai said, "As of now, we have made some preparations."

Meaning he has stuck a hard back book down the seat of his pants in preparation for the spanking coming his way.

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He said the policy to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300 was meant to allow Thais to live happily.

"Society must not exploit workers. We have to give them higher wages in line with rising living costs,"

But don't you realise, sir, that raising minimum wage wholesale will increase the cost of living by the same amount! Thais will not get to live 'happily', it will be EXACTLY the same if not worse. Only way to pull people out of the mire is education, bloody hard work ( :whistling: ), and lots of time. These election promises are downright selfish and irresponsible.

Yeah Quite correct,but the electorate "fell for it" big time did'nt they,in the coming weeks and months we will see more pre election "promises" fall by the way side , I often wonder about these people up here in Issan as to when they will finally realize that they have been well and truly "shafted".
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Labor Ministry Kicks Start Rising Daily Minimum Wage

The Labor Ministry pledges to keep Pheu Thai Party's promise to raise daily minimum wage to 300 baht.

Labor Minister Padermchai Sasomsub reiterates that his first tasks are to increase daily minimum wage to 300 baht and set a new undergraduate starting salary at 15,000 baht, as the Pheu Thai-led government promised during its campaigning.

He said the policies will be made more clear when the government officially declares its policies to Parliament on August 24.

Padermchai said the ministry has already discussed the issue with the business sector.

Many businesses oppose the plan out of concerns for increased costs.

He insisted that it would benefit all stake holders.

Padermchai explained that increasing people's well being and purchasing power will stimulate economic growth in the long run.

Meanwhile, he admitted that the Pheu Thai policy to increase daily minimum wage caused commodity prices to rise.

The labor minister said he is confidnet the government would be able stabilize commodity prices to lessen the public's cost of living soon.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-18


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Meanwhile, he admitted that the Pheu Thai policy to increase daily minimum wage caused commodity prices to rise.

The labor minister said he is confidnet the government would be able stabilize commodity prices to lessen the public's cost of living soon.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-18


We haven't got the wage increase yet, we have to wait a bit longer, but in the mean time commodity prices have risen because of the Pheu Thai policy which still needs to be worked out in details almost three months after they were announced.

Words start to fail me ...

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"However, he refused to provide any time frame for when the pay rise would take place.

On his first day at the Labour Ministry, Phadermchai said yesterday, "I cannot say whether it will happen in six months or in one year. I cannot be specific."

In other words...............he don't have a clue how to do this.

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Is all I have to say is the new Goverment has a lot of stabilizing to do. I assume when they say stabilize they really mean subsidise. Or is there some PTP magic that will reduce commodity prices?

Phadermchai also failed to mention, all the companies looking at other countries to set up shop because of the sudden wage increase. I wonder how they are going to stabilize that issue?

Edited by dcutman
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However, he refused to provide any time frame for when the pay rise would take place.

On his first day at the Labour Ministry, Phadermchai said yesterday, "I cannot say whether it will happen in six months or in one year. I cannot be specific."

So the payrise timeline has gone from:

* Immediately (pre-election promise) to

* 1 year ("that was just a campaign speech") to

* Some unspecified time in the future, probably in a galaxy far, far away...

Thanks for voting, suckers!

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11 billion baht to Thaksin's children already accomplished

76 Billion baht to Thaksin proceeding on schedule

Corporate tax reduction on its way

Low and easy to evade taxes for the rich continues as normal

300 baht minimum daily wage when buffalos learn to fly

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Ummm. How are they going to increase minimum wage without increasing material costs??? Since the one who gain the most from this rise, would be those working in factories providing us with the goods. Pay increases=cost increase=price increase. High unemployment would be the main issue with this.

Good luck to the PM but this would raise hell with the manufacturing sector, infact all businesses would be affected.

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11 billion baht to Thaksin's children already accomplished

76 Billion baht to Thaksin proceeding on schedule

Corporate tax reduction on its way

Low and easy to evade taxes for the rich continues as normal

300 baht minimum daily wage when buffalos learn to fly

Exactly. :clap2:

But in reality Thailand is no different than any other country. It's politicians are full of lies, broken promises and rotten to the core.


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11 billion baht to Thaksin's children already accomplished

76 Billion baht to Thaksin proceeding on schedule

Corporate tax reduction on its way

Low and easy to evade taxes for the rich continues as normal

300 baht minimum daily wage when buffalos learn to fly

Exactly. :clap2:

But in reality Thailand is no different than any other country. It's politicians are full of lies, broken promises and rotten to the core.


Like every other country, maybe. PTP seems to have taken it to an art form.

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Thaksin's too busy finagling his way back here to worry about such trivialities as keeping promises.

Yep Jingthing, A breath of fresh air , broken promises were just part of the plot to get her Beloved Brother back, problem is most who voted for Yingluck believed her, Whether they will "cotton on" to the simple fact that they have been well and truly conned is open to conjecture IMHO I doubt it ,more is the pity!. Edited by Colin Yai
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Thaksin's too busy finagling his way back here to worry about such trivialities as keeping promises.

Yep Jingthing, A breath of fresh air , broken promises were just part of the plot to get her Beloved Brother back, problem is most who voted for Yingluck believed her, Whether they will "cotton on" to the simple fact that they have been well and truly conned is open to conjecture IMHO I doubt it ,more is the pity!.

Maybe a lot of those who voted for PTP wanted Thaksin back and assumed that was what would happen. I did hear a lot of men were unhappy about the idea of a woman being in charge. There are a lot of men some of whom are very experienced in politics in the cabinet and some who perhaps think they should be. Did they think they would have to serve under woman with no political credentials at all were they thinking she was just a nice face with the surname of the person she was going to help them get back?

One thing about this minimum wage policy that puzzles me is why a daily wage. Surely an hourly wage would make more sense as happens elsewhere. Perhaps everyone works the same amount of hours in a day in Thailand. This would make it impossible for a company to allow for instance a woman to work say 5 hours so she could look after her children or maybe an elderly relative. I realise that this may not be the done thing in Thailand at the moment but I would have thought it wise to frame your policy to take account of future trends especially now the PM is a woman and a mother.

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Thaksin's too busy finagling his way back here to worry about such trivialities as keeping promises.

Yep Jingthing, A breath of fresh air , broken promises were just part of the plot to get her Beloved Brother back, problem is most who voted for Yingluck believed her, Whether they will "cotton on" to the simple fact that they have been well and truly conned is open to conjecture IMHO I doubt it ,more is the pity!.

Maybe a lot of those who voted for PTP wanted Thaksin back and assumed that was what would happen. I did hear a lot of men were unhappy about the idea of a woman being in charge. There are a lot of men some of whom are very experienced in politics in the cabinet and some who perhaps think they should be. Did they think they would have to serve under woman with no political credentials at all were they thinking she was just a nice face with the surname of the person she was going to help them get back?

One thing about this minimum wage policy that puzzles me is why a daily wage. Surely an hourly wage would make more sense as happens elsewhere. Perhaps everyone works the same amount of hours in a day in Thailand. This would make it impossible for a company to allow for instance a woman to work say 5 hours so she could look after her children or maybe an elderly relative. I realise that this may not be the done thing in Thailand at the moment but I would have thought it wise to frame your policy to take account of future trends especially now the PM is a woman and a mother.

A women in charge???, sorry your words do not compute!,LOL.
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