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Phuket Prepares For Gay Fest


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Phuket prepares for gay fest

PHUKET: -- Gays, lesbians, bi- and transexuals set to descend on holiday isle for Asia's biggest party of its kind

Phuket's post-tsunami high season for tourism will next week adopt a new agenda mapped out for pilgrims making their way to Asia's largest gay and lesbian party.

The resort island is scheduled to host for the first time what the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual) community calls the annual Nation party, spanning three days starting on Friday with 1,000-1,500 GLBTs expected to attend.

Singapore was the venue for the last four Nation parties, Asia's largest event of its kind. They were usually planned to coincide with Singapore's Independence Day on August 9.

However, Singapore decided to discontinue the event this year, saying it was contrary to the public interest, even though the annual party generated US$6 million (Bt244 billion) in tourism revenue last year.

Organised annually since 2001 by Fridae.com, the largest GLBT network in Asia, past parties were a major attraction for Asia's GLBT community, drawing 6,000-8,000 participants each year.

The parties may have been too successful.

"This phenomenon [of banning the parties by Singapore] has grown out of homophobia and discrimination," said Stuart Koe, CEO of Fridae.com.

"The government has not given any reason other than saying they are contrary to the public interest. Gays are being seen as offensive to the conservative mainstream society in Singapore," he said.

For this week's version in Phuket, Fridae.com has budgeted over Bt25 million, with co-hosts Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan.

Altogether, nine parties will be staged over the weekend at places including the Karon stadium, Crowne Plaza hotel and Phuja Nirvana bar and restaurant.

The parties will feature world-class DJs and stars from the US, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

"It will be breathtaking in scope and diversity," Koe said, adding that the parties would be promoting the theme of "Embracing Diversity".

"The gay and lesbian community is composed of a large diversity of cultures and individuals. We have to embrace the diversity among ourselves even as we encourage the rest of society to embrace us as a part of mainstream society," he said.

The organisers put together the idea of going for an international venue and found Thailand a potential site, he said. Phuket was approached as it has a culture of tolerance and a world-class hospitality infrastructure with direct flights from all the major cities in Asia.

Will Owen, general manager of Oriental Leisure, coordinator of the event, said tourists usually came around this time, which was good for Phuket.

"Gay tourists are an important market for Phuket, and they are well liked by people in the tourist industry. They are relaxed and easy-going, have a lot of money and will be good for the economy after the tsunami, particularly when arrivals by air are down 60 per cent this year," he said.

At the fifth Nation party, about 15,000 condoms as well as 15,000 lubricant packs will be distributed, said Trai Isarapong, of Population Service International (PSI Asia).

PSI will work with a local NGO from Patong hospital, the local gay foundation Rainbow Sky Association, and the Thai US Public Health Collaboration (TUC) to carry out a comprehensive safe-sex and HIV-education campaign at the party.

Trai said MSMs ( men who have sex with men) would make up the biggest group of party-goers so PSI aimed to disseminate knowledge about safe sex, though Aids was a health and behavioural issue affecting all people, not just gays.

Somchai Silapanong, director of the Phuket Tourism Association, said the event was expected to generate Bt30 million for the local tourism industry.

Somchai, who sits on the Kata-Karon municipal board, said authorities had given the green light after Fridae agreed to respect Thai traditions and abide by the law.

Suwalai Pinpradab, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand office in Phuket, said the TAT was not opposed to the festival as gay and lesbian tourists caused no harm to others.

"We are open to all tourists. The gay and lesbian groups should be treated like any other tourist group. This group of tourists has considerable purchasing power," she said.

The festival is about individual rights and is now allowed in many big cities around the world, notably New York and Sydney, she added.

--Bangkok Post 2005-10-30

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Naka, just reviewing your posts- you seem to have a problem with, well, er, just about everything. Good luck with that :o

From the report-

"However, Singapore decided to discontinue the event this year, saying it was contrary to the public interest, even though the annual party generated US$6 million (Bt244 billion) in tourism revenue last year"

A little followup marketing survey-

Gay market- Substantial spending power:

Median household income = $55,670

71 percent have a college education, at the least

70 percent work in professional/managerial jobs

Good on Phuket. Maybe Naka should move to Singapore? Probably be whinging about something else in no time tho... :D

Edited by baht&sold
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Naka,  just reviewing your posts- you seem to have a problem with, well, er, just about everything. Good luck with that :o

From the report-

"However, Singapore decided to discontinue the event this year, saying it was contrary to the public interest, even though the annual party generated US$6 million (Bt244 billion) in tourism revenue last year"

A little followup marketing survey-

Gay market- Substantial spending power:

Median household income = $55,670

71 percent have a college education, at the least

70 percent work in professional/managerial jobs

Good on Phuket. Maybe Naka should move to Singapore? Probably be whinging about something else in no time tho... :D

Singapore has declined to host this event as they consider it 'unbecoming', but it would appear you are only interested in the tinkle of your cash register, hence your aversion to my post. I reiterate, hosting this event will certainly not enhance Phuket's reputation as a "quality" destination. :D

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Naka,  just reviewing your posts- you seem to have a problem with, well, er, just about everything. Good luck with that :o

From the report-

"However, Singapore decided to discontinue the event this year, saying it was contrary to the public interest, even though the annual party generated US$6 million (Bt244 billion) in tourism revenue last year"

A little followup marketing survey-

Gay market- Substantial spending power:

Median household income = $55,670

71 percent have a college education, at the least

70 percent work in professional/managerial jobs

Good on Phuket. Maybe Naka should move to Singapore? Probably be whinging about something else in no time tho... :D

Singapore has declined to host this event as they consider it 'unbecoming', but it would appear you are only interested in the tinkle of your cash register, hence your aversion to my post. I reiterate, hosting this event will certainly not enhance Phuket's reputation as a "quality" destination. :D

Let me know when Phuket decides to have a hetro festival - hetrosexuals have a right to party as well :D - and although we may have less spending power than gays, we make up for it in numbers! :D

Be proud to be hetro! :D

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Singapore has declined to host this event as they consider it 'unbecoming', but it would appear you are only interested in the tinkle of your cash register, hence your aversion to my post. I reiterate, hosting this event will certainly not enhance Phuket's reputation as a "quality" destination.  :D

Fair comment naka. But you might as well wipe every top class city in the world off the map for being supposedly non family friendly, or lacking as a quality destination resultant of simply having a gay festival... Sydney, London, Vancouver, New York, on and on...

From a straight marketing perspective (pun intended;) this is a good event for Phuket, especially at a time when they could use more visits. Anyone who thinks otherwise might also harbour fears (circa the last century;) that they might catch 'gayness' from a toilet seat :o And no, I don't stand to profit one way or another :D

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I have nothing against gays, but sometimes privacy about your sexuality is better public relations.

I used to live in San Francisco and just found the whole Gay Rights March nothing but seedy. A bunch of hairy sleazeballs, fake women, and ugly old "Dykes on Bikes" charging down the street with the stench of the cigarettes hanging out of their mouths following behind them. We like to suck c___, Rah, Rah!

Please, keep it to yourselves :o

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Oh come on guys! Patong hosts a PUBLIC gay parade and festival every year for local gay residents which attracts gay tourists from around the world (as well as many tourists from all walks of life). It's fun!!! :D

This gay party is hosted by a reputable hotel resort with the blessing of the Thai authorities. What is the problem? It can only add much needed life and colour to the season and goodness knows we need the positive energy on the island (after what we've been through)......

This is about professional people enjoying themselves on a tourist island. It's hardly going to be debauched!

It's a GOOD thing!!! Go party, let your hair down........... :o

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Jeez, Thailand is one of the gayest places i've been to, it's full of them, so what. Patong has a gay area for christ's sake. The whole country is full of Katoeys and you fools are moaning over a few shirtlifters :o

i've been to many a gay festival, and the music is often some of the best, always a great atmosphere too. Providing they conduct themselves decently in public then I think this is great for phuket, Singapores loss is Phukets gain. Baht is needed desperately, whether it be the pink varierty or the normal one.

I bet most of them behave better than your average straight tourist on a night out in Bangla!

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And its not like the behaviour of many of the "acceptable" hetero people makes the place so disneyesqe anyway.  :o

Certainly true. :D

I just find it strange that anyone wants to celebrate their sexual preferances. Why not a festival for the left handed? Or the balding? Or albinos? Or the mentally handicapped? Or single parents? Or orphans? Or TV members?

I just fail to see the need to make a big deal out of one's sexuality. Why not make it a people's festival so everyone can join in?

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And its not like the behaviour of many of the "acceptable" hetero people makes the place so disneyesqe anyway.  :o

Certainly true. :D

I just find it strange that anyone wants to celebrate their sexual preferances. Why not a festival for the left handed? Or the balding? Or albinos? Or the mentally handicapped? Or single parents? Or orphans? Or TV members?

I just fail to see the need to make a big deal out of one's sexuality. Why not make it a people's festival so everyone can join in?

I guess most of us lot being straight see no need to shout about ones sexuality in public, although i've seen many a drunk man in bangkok, samui, phuket doing just that, with the young ladies of the night.

The point is that whilst we may not undertand the need for a gay festival, 1000's of gays obviously do, or this party wouldn't be the biggest in Asia.

Maybe it has something to do with safety in numbers, most minority groups are discriminated against, gays certainly are, so maybe these parties are a way of them partying in large numbers and meeting new friends.

I'll think you'll find that whilst they are advertised as 'gay' events, I think they are much more than that. I've been to a few and found them enjoyable, obviously not to everyones taste, and whilst the parties can be good fun, there's still something I don't like about men being over effectionate towards each other, now ladies on the other hand :D

Anyway I think the point is although you may not see a need for it, there obviously is many who do, one reason may be that in many Asian countries it's illegal to be a homo, so an event like this is somewhere they can gather and make friends without being arrested.

Whatever the reasons are, there's obviously a demand, and Phuket should be happy for the business. Gays have big buying power, much more than the average straight couple. No kids, usually two way above average incomes. This means other than just a few days partying, these are people who could potentially buy properties, or become repeat visitors, thus helping Phuket finacially beyond the few days of the party.

I hope it becomes an Annual event, I think it does no harm to Phuket, and those that do shouldn't be so prudish.

Wouldn't surprise me if half the people complaining are secret homo's, or enjoy a bit of illicit lady boy action. we all know a large percentage of homophobes actually have gay tendencies :D

Or just general insecurities :D

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Wouldn't surprise me if half the people complaining are secret homo's, or enjoy a bit of illicit lady boy action.  we all know a large percentage of homophobes actually have gay tendencies :o

Well I don't, and if you keep on insinuating so, I will swat you with my handbag. :D

Seriously though - I appreciate your comments, but I still find the whole thing strange. Not homosexuals as such, just the concept of celebrating "gayness".

But if it can bring in some dollars to the kingdom, why not?

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Good for Phuket - as long as people behave themselves then I see no problem.

##britmaveric here here right-on!!

#B&S#Anyone who thinks otherwise might also harbour fears (circa the last century;) that they might catch 'gayness' from a toilet seat And no, I don't stand to profit one way or another - but do you stand to pee is more the question?? :o

When standing is the issue - one must ask is it gayness or grayness that is the problem??

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No probs "D" I thought someone may have chided me on the spelling of "grey" - I did use poetic licence but also took it from the spelling of colours on this board.

I liked your gentle acknowledgement - happy Pppppping.

Edited by mijan24
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Asian Gays Kicked Out Of Singapore Party In Thailand

by Peter Hacker 365Gay.com Asia Bureau Chief

Posted: November 4, 2005 11:00 am ET

(Phuket City, Thailand) Asia's biggest gay festival got underway in Phuket on Friday, a little leaner but no less popular, after being thrown out of its old home in Singapore.

About 2500 people attended the opening party, down considerably from other years. Organizers attributed the decline to the move since it did not have Singapore's huge community to draw from. Nevertheless, they said, the number of foreign partiers was up, likely the result of Thailand's more friendly atmosphere.

Hotels and guest houses have been booked for months and Singapore's loss is Phuket's gain as the Thai tourist resort continues to recover from the tsunami. The local tourism industry predicts the festival will bring in about $20 million.

The three day Nation Party event has been spread over nine different venues with DJs and performers from the US, Thailand, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

The annual party was told earlier this year it was no longer welcome in Singapore.

For four years the Nation Party attracted thousands of gays from throughout Asia to Singapore, but earlier this year the government refused to give organizers a permit after an official linked the party to a spike in HIV/AIDS cases in the city nation.

Phuket officials instantly embraced the festival.

“We are open to all tourists," said Suwalai Pinpradab, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand office in Phuket. "The gay and lesbian groups should be treated like any other tourist group. This group of tourists has considerable purchasing power,” she said.

©365Gay.com 2005

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