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Minimum Wage: Thai Govt Plans To Be Clear By October


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Whats the difference between a farmer, a sole street trader and a worker for a company?

A farmer and a sole street trader are effectively in control of what they get paid. In some ways they are the same, as they could pay themselves 300 baht per day, but then they would have to increase their prices and maybe even go out of business.

".........., but then they would have to increase their prices and maybe even go out of business." Very much like the small company.

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Whats the difference between a farmer, a sole street trader and a worker for a company?

A farmer and a sole street trader are effectively in control of what they get paid. In some ways they are the same, as they could pay themselves 300 baht per day, but then they would have to increase their prices and maybe even go out of business.

My point is that the supporters of the current government who work for themselves thought that somehow they were going to be getting 300 bts day minimum from somewhere thats why they voted for them. when it is explained to the boys and girls up country that it does not apply to farmers and the family busineses I think they will not be too happy, then it will be the old Thai bit "you did not understand." This could blow up in the Govt's face, time will tell, maybe an opportunity for the military to come to the aid of the "people." ?

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Labour Ministry official ready to consider staggered raise over 34 years

How the government will implement its policy to raise the daily minimum wage to Bt300 will become clear by October, Labour Ministry permanent secretary Somkiat Chayasriwong said yesterday.

The daily minimum wage varies from 159 - 221. The current government moved from campaign promise 'minimum 300B/d now' to 'considering staggered raise over 3 to 4 years'. Well as someone said before 'those were just campaign promises'

Makes you wonder what would have happened with the Dem's campaign promise of 25% raise over two years. Maybe that would have been implemented without much ado ?

It is also funny how the rest of this PTP wage promice is not discussed at all. Maybe that 34 year time frame is accurate


Policy pledges include:

- Guarantee a uniform daily minimum wage of 300 baht ($10) throughout the country; this would rise to 1,000 baht by 2020.

The government has offices through-out the country, govt officers wear uniforms. :D You have to read the fine print, or the space where it will be inserted later. B)

Oh $hit! I did forget about that, "Laws to be amended at any time for our convenience" space.

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"Energy Minister Mr Pichai said his ministry will suspend collecting levies on premium petrol (benzene 95), regular petrol (benzene 91) and diesel for no more than one year.

The policy will be implemented immediately after the government delivers its policy statement before parliament.

However, reducing Oil Fund subsidies will cost the state about 3 billion baht a month ...................... issuing government bonds to subsidise the prices of LPG and CNG,

This would bring down the price of premium petrol (benzene 95) by 7.5 baht a litre, regular petrol (benzene 91) by 6.7 baht and diesel by 2.2 baht.

Mr Pichai said the Oil Fund will begin to collect fuel levies again when the public is earning better incomes as a result of the government's economic policies."

Interesting - go into debt by about B36 billion to give a fuel price cut mainly to wealthier vehicle owners. Sounds like a Marxist economic idea to me; Groucho not Karl. It will be reversed "when the public is earning better incomes as a result of the government's economic policies." Might be a long wait.

Interesting insight about fuel prices.

At first I thought this idea is the only reasonable one the PTP had. I do believe you are correct, this government seems to be setting up this economy as every western economy. Beat down the little guy, give as much to the rich as possible, and let the chip fall as they may. Bring back the levy "when the public is earning a better incomes" Sounds very familiar

as the majority will never earn a better income. The government will always find a way to take from the poor to give to the rich. At least that is how it works in the U.S.

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Interesting insight about fuel prices.

At first I thought this idea is the only reasonable one the PTP had. I do believe you are correct, this government seems to be setting up this economy as every western economy. Beat down the little guy, give as much to the rich as possible, and let the chip fall as they may. Bring back the levy "when the public is earning a better incomes" Sounds very familiar

as the majority will never earn a better income. The government will always find a way to take from the poor to give to the rich. At least that is how it works in the U.S.

I thought the "reduce corporate tax by 1/3rd and increase VAT" plan was a complete giveaway. It's amazing how some people are still oblivious to this things.

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Interesting insight about fuel prices.

At first I thought this idea is the only reasonable one the PTP had. I do believe you are correct, this government seems to be setting up this economy as every western economy. Beat down the little guy, give as much to the rich as possible, and let the chip fall as they may. Bring back the levy "when the public is earning a better incomes" Sounds very familiar

as the majority will never earn a better income. The government will always find a way to take from the poor to give to the rich. At least that is how it works in the U.S.

I thought the "reduce corporate tax by 1/3rd and increase VAT" plan was a complete giveaway. It's amazing how some people are still oblivious to this things.

Yes, the plan to reduce corporate tax but not personal income tax, will benefit rich owners and those rich who register themselves as legal bodies to pay less tax.

And of course any VAT increase, an across the board tax, hits the poor so much more. Hopefully the Democrats will raise these points on Tuesday or Wednesday.

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