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Welcome To Phuket: Swede Robbed Of B1 Million On Day One


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Morning ,

Had a friend with the same problem , he was a German expat lost well over b1 million he had to pay for a car, after about one week it

was his Thai girl friend that noticed her brother spending a lot of money , anyway in the end it was him , he had helped The German move into his

new condo .

Cheers .

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I agree, I know for a fact people who get robbed every single day of the week and I'm sure it amounts to more than 1,000,000 baht per day that's stolen. Maybe not in one go. but still. But what I really can't understand is the stupidity of people who think leaving valuables lying around the house is what is concidered safe. Would you leave 1,000,000 baht or even better yet say $30,000 just sitting on the kitchen table even if you've lived in the house for 20 years. You wouldn't do it anywhere especailly in an unsecured house (It was if he got in that easily).

It's like the 20 odd different people I know in california who had the car broken into, and their wallets and purses stolen that was sitting on the passenger seat. Som Nom Nah

Didn't it say that he had jewellry stolen to the value of 1,000,000B? I doubt even the most stupid Swede's would leave that amount of cash lying around the house. Why is everybody so paranoid about this? It sounds to me like the thief was a little opportunist, saw a rich farang move in and tried his luck - Bingo!

You're all so paranoid it's unreal! DO any of you sleep at night?

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Many posters here continue to insinuate that it is in some way that this may well be an insurance scam but as stated in the article "Mr Lindgren said he had not had time to take out home and contents insurance."

Sure he may well try to claim on other forms of insurance but very unlikely they would be successful given it was his house the robbery/ burglary/ thieft took place.

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Swede again ... should we believe him? Scam? you be the judge...

Firstly, "Scam" is a form of meat favoured by the English.

Secondly, does this prove that Swedes should be kept for soup, as originally intended.

dont you mean "spam" ? B)

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Well, the jewellery was something that is basically useless, unless he was planning to sell it for a profit. It's not very nice being robbed and particularly annoying getting your passport nicked while abroad but I don't see why this should make him sell up, presumably at a loss, and move on, unless he thought the girl was involved and wants a clean start. If she now has to go back to Bkk and ask for her old job back, it sounds like he is dumping her. Another strange story on TV where the facts seem far from complete.

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Still lucky..... he could be in Rayong by now.

"Lars unlocked the security door and rushed inside to find his bag was missing,” she added.

"The mosquito screen on the security door was broken open."

A security door with a mosquito screen............HELLO, how much security is that???

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He said he had been in the real estate business for quite some time... Sooo I kind of thought he KNEW to take out insurance and all that jazz...

But then again I havnt brought a house yet so I'm not sure how it works. =S

& wow he left Oz to start up a business in Thailand....he would be getting more profit in selling real estate in Australia..just saying

I kinda feel sorry for him

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Nah, if the g/f with accomplices did it, he would have been beaten to death

They probably kept him alive in order to get the rest of his assets, his gf will keep them informed about it, moreover, the purchased house could be in her name, thus should something fatal happen to him, then they have total victory ... those are assumption's of course, but the possibility exists.

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Nah, if the g/f with accomplices did it, he would have been beaten to death

They probably kept him alive in order to get the rest of his assets, his g/f will keep them informed about it, moreover, the purchased house could be in her name, thus should something fatal happen to him, then they have total victory ... those are assumption's of course, but the possibility exists.

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Who is the only person- aside from the swedish guy - who KNEW there were 1 million bath in jewelry inside the house?RIGHT... !!!!

I agree, I know for a fact people who get robbed every single day of the week and I'm sure it amounts to more than 1,000,000 baht per day that's stolen. Maybe not in one go. but still. But what I really can't understand is the stupidity of people who think leaving valuables lying around the house is what is concidered safe. Would you leave 1,000,000 baht or even better yet say $30,000 just sitting on the kitchen table even if you've lived in the house for 20 years. You wouldn't do it anywhere especailly in an unsecured house (It was if he got in that easily).

It's like the 20 odd different people I know in california who had the car broken into, and their wallets and purses stolen that was sitting on the passenger seat. Som Nom Nah

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What sort of burglar uses a stick to pry open a screen? Around here even the most down on their luck burglar carries a pocket knife or box cutter that will quickly and silently cut through most screens.

Maybe it was no planned, perhaps he just passed by, saw the briefcase and then tried to fetch it, so he needed the a tool, hence the stick.

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Swede again ... should we believe him? Scam? you be the judge...

Under the category of:

Those things happen. Get on with your life.

go into the jungle monkeys piss on you

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A Setup For Sure! Inside job!

Have seen it here in BK. Next door Yankee Doodle was acting a little strange one morning (nothing out of the ordinary for him) - took the dog for a walk (AKA crap on the footpath) - aborted the walk and quickly hurried back home - had not left the house other than what is mentioned and the next thing we see is the local police roll up and fumble around in pretence of investigating 'the break-in'. YD had the gall to view his opinion with Herman the German across the way and loud enough for others to hear that "it was a professional job."

Surely the Swedish chap is as naive as they come in almost everything he has put his hand to: - Thai girl friend; new house (in girl friend's name for sure); leaving all his valuables in the one bag, in an easy to get to possie; etc. No mention of neighbors being alerted by 'break in' noise - Story line fits too snugly. (Big) 'If' the lad is the victim of his own naivity and is not 'in on the deal' then he is lucky that he didn't purchase a condo - 15 floors up and invited to have cocktails on the balcony. Would have been interesting to see how it all pans out - as either way, nothing more will be heard on it. As has been said before - You be the Judge.

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Now thats why the Thai people call it the " Land of Smiles." Everytime they see a foreigner, there brain goes ka ching, ka ching ka ching...coz they know they can get away with it, coz the cops will never do anything about it...ka ching ka ching ka ching mar mak. :ph34r:

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Well isn't it obvious? His girlfriend set-up this theft? Or am I being paranoid?

Guaranteed. She moved the bags etc. close to windows for easy reach. I mean, a 10 Mil house should have more packing place than close to a window especialy if there is 1 Mil in them.

6 PM. Broad daylight. New people. Nobody is going to think funny if the family come over for some help.

Quick move to Bangkok isn't it ?

I wonder if the police will interview the neighbours and also check the girlfriends telephone and the call she made just before they went to eat, i doubt it !!

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Isn't it pretty silly to leave 1 mill THB jewelery in the small bag at the uninsured house rather than carry it around? It's probably silly even to buy a lot of gold and carry it around. Everybody wants gold now. But if you must buy gold please buy these big bars and bury it somewhere in the middle of the night making sure nobody's watching. When you're ready try to find the spot again and sell :-)

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Pardon my French or Swiss but 10 mil baht = 204,290.09....UK

That's a lot for an ouse.

In the UK the average price is £168,731 (08/11)

This is well above that..

Just goes to show that LOS is velly pen sive for most Farang these days

My advise is come to UK get Northen lass t do ouse work, slap-n-tikle for free, satisfy muder-in-law with cups of tee. Luvly Jubbly

If you get robbed in Shopping City Salford these days all they want is a pair of JD sports undies not golden necklaces

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