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PM Yingluck Will Brief The Press Twice A Week


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How can you say she had no experience? Do you know what her job was and what she did on a daily business? You have no idea, and yet you make this ignorant comment.

Do YOU know what her job was and what she did on a daily basis?

Very unlikely, yet you make the wild assumption that she was good at it.

She had one job that was replaced by no one, and another job that was replaced by a 23 year old.

"another job that was replaced by a 23 year old" who just happened to be her young niece, the youngest daughter of her dear brother k. Thaksin.

Anyway twice a week we can look forward to hearing "it's too early to say", "we'll clarify later", "I leave that for my cabinet members to answer", "I'm confident my cabinet can elaborate", "Please, give us a chance", "(thinking microphone closed) why anyone wants this job is beyond me"

For accuracy sake, the Billionairess Niece that replaced the Billionairess PM in their father/brother's company, is 29 and is the oldest daughter of the fugitive Thaksin.


Hot? Or Not? What do you think?

Richest Stockholder in Thailand


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Apparently. some people are clueless as to media control in Thailand. The majority of radio and TV stations in Thailand are controlled by the government or the military. As such, they carried the conservative status quo of the Thailand's elite.

Indeed, some are clueless and yes, the elite-ness of Pheu Thai Party comes to mind

Probe Finds Some Newspapers Subservient to Pheu Thai Party

A probe committee has discovered some supporting evidence behind an allegation that the Pheu Thai Party has emailed three major newspapers, asking them to make biased reports for trade-offs.

Dr. Wichai Chokewiwat, chairman of the probe committee on an allegation that the Pheu Thai Party has emailed three major newspapers, aksing them to make biased reports in exchange for trade-offs, has revealed the committee's findings to the National Press Council of Thailand.

According to Wichai, the committee found that the emails were sent from Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesperson Wim Rungwattanajinda's account.

as for

Matichon is probably the most balanced print journalism source in Thailand but it showed that even it could be intimidated once the military coup occurred.

OR the money-bribers from the Pheu Thai Party showed up... as Matichon was one of the bribed newspapers (from the above link)


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Gk, you keep on refering to her previous high position job! Every one knows why she got this position, what she was doing, and how quick this position has been scrapped as soon as the new owner took over. Bottom line is: she has NO experience, even not the one you wish she has....

Did you know that the majority of businesses in Thailand, just as in the "west" are family businesses? Ask people that have worked in their family business if they had it easy. It doesn't matter how big or prosperous that business is, family members almost always are expected to work harder than the other employees. They are on call 24/7 and the principal expects more from those family workers. It is obvious that some of you never worked in a family business, otherwise you wouldn't be so condescending and dismissive. Go on and talk to some people that worked in the family business.

How can you say she had no experience? Do you know what her job was and what she did on a daily business? You have no idea, and yet you make this ignorant comment.

What a load of craps!!! How does this comment about family business connect in any way with Yingluck and her "job" as "president" in her brother company? we are not talking about a convenient store here.

You are the ignorant here !!! Prove me wrong, if you can !!!

Prove you wrong? You did it yourself. You have no clue whatsoever as to what her job function entailed and you have no clue as to what is involved in a large family business. You make the claim that PM Yingluck did nothing in her previous job and yet you cannot substantiate that accusation. The onus is on you to substantiate your allegation. Do you have even the slightest idea of what she did previously?

Here's how the Economist described her "She gained her business experience from working for the family as well. Ms Yingluck ran the Shinawatras’ principal money-spinner, Advanced Info Service, Thailand’s largest mobile-phone operator, from 2002 until it was sold off in 2006, after which she ran the family property business." If you think she sat there as eye candy, then there is nothing I can say because the position you espouse is incredibly ignorant and ill informed.

I might have no clue as you say, but I seriously doubt that you have more than I do.

I might be ignorant as you say, but you seriously seem to be at least as ignorant as I am.

What she did previously....well, it might not be that impressive if her post (created for her, may I remind) has been scrapped immediately once a new owner took over.

Anyway, GK, whatever you say is quite irrelevant...and yes, whatever I say is quite irrelevant too. None of us will have any influence on Thai politics, or muppets show rather...

Our positions are quite far apart. You are a Thaksin and his family lover. And you believe he is the nation savior.

I am convinced that he and his family are just a bunch of thieves, and that they have absolutely NO interest in Thai well being.

I stand by my position, and I still insist that Yingluck has achieved nothing in business, and will achieve nothing in politics. She is here for one purpose only, and we all know what it is all about. Period.

Edited by Who, me ?
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You're blaming the questioners? Oy, that's rich. Perhaps she's just not qualified for the level of this new job; have you considered that? Her previous experience, quite frankly, does not impress as preparing for being PM. I am also quite skeptical about how you describe her previous role, sounds like a campaign brochure. In any case, people she met with before were supportive or people UNDER her. Reporters are something very different, yes?

Yeah I would just love her to be "grilled" by a western type press on her future plans and promises to the electorate and especially on "her Choice" of foreign Minister, sadly this scenario will NEVER be put into operation as its the "THAI WAY" When reporting "their" side of proceedings ,that any political sinners remain unnamed ,just in case it causes"loss of face" to the perpetrators ,and of course massive litigation and even loss of their jobs for printing their democratic right to speak the truth.

It is not blaming to recognize the realities of the news media in Thailand.

Apparently. some people are clueless as to media control in Thailand. The majority of radio and TV stations in Thailand are controlled by the government or the military. As such, they carried the conservative status quo of the Thailand's elite. The various military coups entrenched a management that was biased in favour of the government of the day. The managment that was installed back in the 1970's left a legacy of hiring people that shared a particular view. Although community radio stations sprang up, the military junta and the Abhisit government was quite successful at shutting them down. Newspapers such as Thai Rath are heavily skewed to crime reporting and political reporting is not a forte.It is a populist newspaper and is not going to undertake an expensive investigation of anything. Matichon is probably the most balanced print journalism source in Thailand but it showed that even it could be intimidated once the military coup occurred. The Daily News is a weak version of Thai Rath and the Nation Multi Media group has long been biased against Mr. Thaksin. Please tell me which media outlet in Thailand has a history of unbiased reporting? There are some local news outlets such as Phuketwan which try to be fair and don't pull any punches, but its mandate is Phuket, not national. The same for the Pattaya Daily News which has done some hard hitting articles on local corruption. On a national level when it comes to politics, outside of the Matichon Group, I can't think of one reliable Thai news outlet that doesn't show a distinct bias. It is rather telling when the redshirts tried to open their own news media outlets to spread their version of the news. In Thailand, there is a polarization of positions. Expecting the current Thai cadre of reporters to report in an unbiased manner is like expecting Fox News in the USA to offer a fair assessment of the current US President.

Some people talk way too much. You would've made a good politician!

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PM not bothered by the Opposition's debate

However, the Prime Minister said she would only observe the event and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised by the Opposition Party.

Ahh yes how very cosy , if they "drop a clanger" she is not responsible,or as they say in the west its called "passing the buck" and there's silly old me thinking that any PM worth their salt should lead from the front and be ultimately answerable for her tenure as PM of Thailand , obviously I have it all wrong in my assumptions.

the headline could just easily be written as...

PM can't be bothered

not answerable to the media nor her Parliamentarians...


Yeah she gets all her answers from dear Brother, who in turn was answerable to no one in Parliament before he got kicked out of office.
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You're blaming the questioners? Oy, that's rich. Perhaps she's just not qualified for the level of this new job; have you considered that? Her previous experience, quite frankly, does not impress as preparing for being PM. I am also quite skeptical about how you describe her previous role, sounds like a campaign brochure. In any case, people she met with before were supportive or people UNDER her. Reporters are something very different, yes?

Yeah I would just love her to be "grilled" by a western type press on her future plans and promises to the electorate and especially on "her Choice" of foreign Minister, sadly this scenario will NEVER be put into operation as its the "THAI WAY" When reporting "their" side of proceedings ,that any political sinners remain unnamed ,just in case it causes"loss of face" to the perpetrators ,and of course massive litigation and even loss of their jobs for printing their democratic right to speak the truth.

It is not blaming to recognize the realities of the news media in Thailand.

Apparently. some people are clueless as to media control in Thailand. The majority of radio and TV stations in Thailand are controlled by the government or the military. As such, they carried the conservative status quo of the Thailand's elite. The various military coups entrenched a management that was biased in favour of the government of the day. The managment that was installed back in the 1970's left a legacy of hiring people that shared a particular view. Although community radio stations sprang up, the military junta and the Abhisit government was quite successful at shutting them down. Newspapers such as Thai Rath are heavily skewed to crime reporting and political reporting is not a forte.It is a populist newspaper and is not going to undertake an expensive investigation of anything. Matichon is probably the most balanced print journalism source in Thailand but it showed that even it could be intimidated once the military coup occurred. The Daily News is a weak version of Thai Rath and the Nation Multi Media group has long been biased against Mr. Thaksin. Please tell me which media outlet in Thailand has a history of unbiased reporting? There are some local news outlets such as Phuketwan which try to be fair and don't pull any punches, but its mandate is Phuket, not national. The same for the Pattaya Daily News which has done some hard hitting articles on local corruption. On a national level when it comes to politics, outside of the Matichon Group, I can't think of one reliable Thai news outlet that doesn't show a distinct bias. It is rather telling when the redshirts tried to open their own news media outlets to spread their version of the news. In Thailand, there is a polarization of positions. Expecting the current Thai cadre of reporters to report in an unbiased manner is like expecting Fox News in the USA to offer a fair assessment of the current US President.

i have to disagree with you here.

Matichon is pro Thaksin as are some columnists in both Thai Rath and The Daily News, the main cartoon in the latter is still to this day attacking Apisit and Suthep. Both papers employs columnists on both sides of the fence to ensure maximum circulation.

Which press organisation recently revealed an email sent by a Pheua Thai MP detailing favours for certain papers for printing pro Yingluk articles?

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How can you say she had no experience? Do you know what her job was and what she did on a daily business? You have no idea, and yet you make this ignorant comment.

Do YOU know what her job was and what she did on a daily basis?

Very unlikely, yet you make the wild assumption that she was good at it.

She had one job that was replaced by no one, and another job that was replaced by a 23 year old.

"another job that was replaced by a 23 year old" who just happened to be her young niece, the youngest daughter of her dear brother k. Thaksin.

Anyway twice a week we can look forward to hearing "it's too early to say", "we'll clarify later", "I leave that for my cabinet members to answer", "I'm confident my cabinet can elaborate", "Please, give us a chance", "(thinking microphone closed) why anyone wants this job is beyond me"

For accuracy sake, the Billionairess Niece that replaced the Billionairess PM in their father/brother's company, is 29 and is the oldest daughter of the fugitive Thaksin.


Hot? Or Not? What do you think?

Richest Stockholder in Thailand



He has a square head.

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PM not bothered by the Opposition's debate

However, the Prime Minister said she would only observe the event and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised by the Opposition Party.

Ahh yes how very cosy , if they "drop a clanger" she is not responsible,or as they say in the west its called "passing the buck" and there's silly old me thinking that any PM worth their salt should lead from the front and be ultimately answerable for her tenure as PM of Thailand , obviously I have it all wrong in my assumptions.

the headline could just easily be written as...

PM can't be bothered

not answerable to the media nor her Parliamentarians...


More on the "I can't be bothered" PM...

in all these many hours scheduled for Parliamentary debate, she will remain speechless?

Government Ready for Policy Statement

A key figure in the ruling coalition says the prime minister needs no guards to protect her from grilling by the Opposition during the policy statement tomorrow and Wednesday.

Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri, as the temporay government whip chief, said the government and the Opposition have been allocated 11 hours each while the Senate is given seven hours for the debate on the government's policy statement scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday.

Witthaya went on to say the combined debate time could be extended by one hour or two depending on whether the session will be hindered by protests from MPs.


but then later, Witthaya contradicts the PM's earlier stated "observer" status only with continuing on with...

Withaya stated the prime minister has asked her party's MPs not to guard her from being grilled by the Opposition.

Edited by Buchholz
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Probe Finds Some Newspapers Subservient to Pheu Thai Party

A probe committee has discovered some supporting evidence behind an allegation that the Pheu Thai Party has emailed three major newspapers, asking them to make biased reports for trade-offs.

Dr. Wichai Chokewiwat, chairman of the probe committee on an allegation that the Pheu Thai Party has emailed three major newspapers, aksing them to make biased reports in exchange for trade-offs, has revealed the committee's findings to the National Press Council of Thailand.

According to Wichai, the committee found that the emails were sent from Pheu Thai Party Deputy Spokesperson Wim Rungwattanajinda's account.

Senators want explanation from government on media intervention

BANGKOK, 22 August 2011 (NNT)-Senator Somchai Sawangkarn wants Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and related ministers to answer his questions concerning the government’s media intervention while calling on the government to be clear on the Sovereign Wealth Funds.

During the House meeting today, Mr. Somchai said he wanted clarification over the suspected media intervention, adding that even though it had not been proven that some of them could have been under the government’s control, but some of the news content was evidently being presented in its favor.

He cited the rumor concerning the removal of the entire MCOT’s board of executives as an indication to support his claim. Meanwhile, Senator Kamnoon Sittasaman said he wanted to be clear whether the government would amend the Money Act 1958 when the Commerce Ministry expressed its intention to tap into Foreign Exchange Reserves.


-- NNT 2011-08-22 footer_n.gif

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Reading some of the comments, I am struck by the common characteristic of resentment and bitterness. The article is about the PM stating that she plans to meet with the news media 2X a week. The PM has been accused of not being accessible by the same people now ridiculing her for being accessible.

If one finds the sexist and ignorant remarks about "flouncing" and "lipstick" acceptable it explains why some people have failed marriages, have failed in the workplace and failed at managing or leading.

Grow up. It's 2011 and outside of the beer bars, women are not chattel nor domestic servants anymore.

Given that you continually advocate a shoot 'em dead approach to anyone that doesn't fit in with your rabid political ideology, forgive me if I scoff at your sensitive-new-age guy comments. Only a total bonehead would think Thaksin's sister could have got this job by herself.

Great Leader, would you care to explain the connection with beer bars and chattel? Failed marriages and failed jobs? I think the the man does protest too much...

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I for one will look forward to seeing her briefs twice a week.

the same I presume for her grilling?

Withaya stated the prime minister has asked her party's MPs not to guard her from being grilled

Grilling, guard, BarbieQ?


Edited by rubl
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PM-Yingluck "will only observe the debate and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised". :giggle::blink::wacko:

I know she's only a Newbie, but doesn't she feel that her party & her country are entitled to hear her own views, now that she has been elected to the top political position ? Amazing Thailand indeed !

I almost feel sorry, for those farangs, who considered her up-to-the-job. B)

She's diggin her grave already, can't do her job nor make a speech. Can't believe some people on TV see any qualities in her. But some on TV still defend these oligarchy clowns when there is nothing left to defend. She seems really arrogant not to even wanna stand up there and try, nor even accept a debate against Abhisit. She's got a lot of weaknesses, not something valued in a leader.

and now, they are demanding nobody mention the real leader... otherwise, they'll be sued for defamation...

No bashing ex-PM in debate, government whips warn

Coalition whips from the ruling Pheu Thai Party yesterday sought decisive action by the Parliament chairman against any opposition MP who attacks fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra during the parliamentary debate on government policies today and tomorrow.

During yesterday's meeting of coalition whips, Pheu Thai MP Paijit Sriworakhan asked them to ask Somsak Kiartsuranont, who is Speaker in the Lower House, that meeting chairs strictly abide by a regulation that bars debating MPs from mentioning a third person during parliamentary meetings.

Pheu Thai MP Witthaya Buranasiri, who chaired the whips' meeting yesterday, said Somsak would have to ensure opposition MPs don't make inappropriate remarks about Thaksin and violate the alleged regulation. He said offending MPs would face legal action if the "third person" sued them for defamation. He did not think the MPs could claim parliamentary immunity.

House Speaker Somsak and his two deputies - who take turns to act as House meeting chiefs - are all from Pheu Thai. At joint meetings of the Upper and Lower Houses, the Senate speaker also acts as the chair.

Thaksin, who has been in self-exile overseas to avoid a two-year jail term for abuse of power, has been viewed by critics, observers and the opposition as strongly influencing the ruling party and government headed by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. He has described Yingluck, his younger sister, as his "clone".

Chief opposition whip Jurin Laksanavisit, from the Democrat Party, said yesterday that during the debate opposition MPs would focus attention on government policies and the Cabinet members responsible for them.

"There is no need to mention any person outside Parliament or the government. We will stick to the meeting regulations. We have no intention of mentioning any third person," he said. "The government should not be overly worried."

Jurin, who served as public health minister in the previous Democrat-led government, said that 40 opposition MPs would take the floor in the two-day debate on government policies. The focus would be on policies involving security, the economy, and society.

He said former ministers from the previous administration would also take part in the debate and respond to any attacks by coalition MPs against the Democrat-led government.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung yesterday expressed his confidence in the prime minister's eloquence and ability to debate.

"There's no problem. Do not underestimate her or think that she is not eloquent. In fact, she can go non-stop," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-08-23

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Reading some of the comments, I am struck by the common characteristic of resentment and bitterness. The article is about the PM stating that she plans to meet with the news media 2X a week. The PM has been accused of not being accessible by the same people now ridiculing her for being accessible.

If one finds the sexist and ignorant remarks about "flouncing" and "lipstick" acceptable it explains why some people have failed marriages, have failed in the workplace and failed at managing or leading.

Grow up. It's 2011 and outside of the beer bars, women are not chattel nor domestic servants anymore.

Given that you continually advocate a shoot 'em dead approach to anyone that doesn't fit in with your rabid political ideology, forgive me if I scoff at your sensitive-new-age guy comments. Only a total bonehead would think Thaksin's sister could have got this job by herself.

Great Leader, would you care to explain the connection with beer bars and chattel? Failed marriages and failed jobs? I think the the man does protest too much...

Keep it up GK. I love the feral responses to your posts: They are proof enough for me that you are on the right track.

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PM-Yingluck "will only observe the debate and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised". :giggle::blink::wacko:

I know she's only a Newbie, but doesn't she feel that her party & her country are entitled to hear her own views, now that she has been elected to the top political position ? Amazing Thailand indeed !

I almost feel sorry, for those farangs, who considered her up-to-the-job. B)

She's diggin her grave already, can't do her job nor make a speech. Can't believe some people on TV see any qualities in her. But some on TV still defend these oligarchy clowns when there is nothing left to defend. She seems really arrogant not to even wanna stand up there and try, nor even accept a debate against Abhisit. She's got a lot of weaknesses, not something valued in a leader.

and now, they are demanding nobody mention the real leader... otherwise, they'll be sued for defamation...

No bashing ex-PM in debate, government whips warn

Coalition whips from the ruling Pheu Thai Party yesterday sought decisive action by the Parliament chairman against any opposition MP who attacks fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra during the parliamentary debate on government policies today and tomorrow.

During yesterday's meeting of coalition whips, Pheu Thai MP Paijit Sriworakhan asked them to ask Somsak Kiartsuranont, who is Speaker in the Lower House, that meeting chairs strictly abide by a regulation that bars debating MPs from mentioning a third person during parliamentary meetings.

Pheu Thai MP Witthaya Buranasiri, who chaired the whips' meeting yesterday, said Somsak would have to ensure opposition MPs don't make inappropriate remarks about Thaksin and violate the alleged regulation. He said offending MPs would face legal action if the "third person" sued them for defamation. He did not think the MPs could claim parliamentary immunity.

House Speaker Somsak and his two deputies - who take turns to act as House meeting chiefs - are all from Pheu Thai. At joint meetings of the Upper and Lower Houses, the Senate speaker also acts as the chair.

Thaksin, who has been in self-exile overseas to avoid a two-year jail term for abuse of power, has been viewed by critics, observers and the opposition as strongly influencing the ruling party and government headed by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra. He has described Yingluck, his younger sister, as his "clone".

Chief opposition whip Jurin Laksanavisit, from the Democrat Party, said yesterday that during the debate opposition MPs would focus attention on government policies and the Cabinet members responsible for them.

"There is no need to mention any person outside Parliament or the government. We will stick to the meeting regulations. We have no intention of mentioning any third person," he said. "The government should not be overly worried."

Jurin, who served as public health minister in the previous Democrat-led government, said that 40 opposition MPs would take the floor in the two-day debate on government policies. The focus would be on policies involving security, the economy, and society.

He said former ministers from the previous administration would also take part in the debate and respond to any attacks by coalition MPs against the Democrat-led government.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung yesterday expressed his confidence in the prime minister's eloquence and ability to debate.

"There's no problem. Do not underestimate her or think that she is not eloquent. In fact, she can go non-stop," he said.


-- The Nation 2011-08-23

So "The People's" elected representatives are not permitted to discuss a criminal fugitive, even in Parliament? That sounds oddly familiar...

"They shouldn't criticise me, I am the country's leader" !!!

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Brain the size of a thimble this one.

I wish there were Thai political satire shows in on the TV (along the lines of HIGNFY) . She would be absolute gold. (but then again most Thai politicians would be as well).

"We can explain everything" - Please do ! cause so far you've explained nothing.

One of the Red shirt leaders commented that Abhisit was only good at talking. Well if that's true Abhisits already got one up on the current incumbent cause she doesn't even talk.


I understand what you're saying, but I disagree.

Now don't take that statement above to imply that I admire her.

But she does at least have the sense to understand the old saying,"It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool by some, than to speak and prove it to everyone."

In at least that way she is a cut above the usual Thai politician.

Besides, she's prettier (sexist, I lnow, but I'm a male).


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So "The People's" elected representatives are not permitted to discuss a criminal fugitive, even in Parliament? That sounds oddly familiar...

"They shouldn't criticise me, I am the country's leader" !!!

Yay for Freedom-of-Speech and Red-Democrazy ! :whistling:

This is such an improvement of the situation under the previous government ... erm ... where the blood-crazed yabba-freaks of the military dictatorship shot down any MPs who dared speak the truth ... erm ... ceaselessly grinding the poor under the heels of the Bangkok elite in war-crimes unseen since the Romans invaded South Vietnam ... erm ... can I have my cheque now please ? Oh, a plastic lunch-box with cash inside, that will do nicely instead ! :rolleyes:

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Brain the size of a thimble this one.

I wish there were Thai political satire shows in on the TV (along the lines of HIGNFY) . She would be absolute gold. (but then again most Thai politicians would be as well).

"We can explain everything" - Please do ! cause so far you've explained nothing.

One of the Red shirt leaders commented that Abhisit was only good at talking. Well if that's true Abhisits already got one up on the current incumbent cause she doesn't even talk.


I understand what you're saying, but I disagree.

Now don't take that statement above to imply that I admire her.

But she does at least have the sense to understand the old saying,"It is better to say nothing and be thought a fool by some, than to speak and prove it to everyone."

In at least that way she is a cut above the usual Thai politician.

Besides, she's prettier (sexist, I lnow, but I'm a male).


She has sense???????????????? WHAT.........a cut above the usual ??????????????? Prettier than who ????????????????/ you may be male but like most farrangs you cannot see through some Thai females and their ways to gain anything that's on offer==males also.

As far as I know the Demo's had open Questions in the press interviews, The leader did NOT palm questions to others cause he couldn't answer them -not like this circus.

Brush aside questions that need to be asked, and answer the questions that have no importance THIS IS THE TUNE being played.

Edited by ginjag
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PM not bothered by the Opposition's debate

However, the Prime Minister said she would only observe the event and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised by the Opposition Party.

48 hours later: Warning... U-Turn Ahead...

Yingluck stated that she is ready to elucidate government policies to the public as well as ready to answer and explain queries of the opposition


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When the PM was in the private sector she had to meet with investors, clients and company staff on a daily basis. She was quite capable in her former job. Appreciably, many journalists for the English languauge press in Thailand do not appear as overly bright, but she should be able to answer their questions without making them appear to be intellectually challenged spoilt Bangkok brats. They may wish to write their questions down and practice asking their questions in front of a mirror first as she is not going to coddle them when they ask some of their assinine questions. Watch some of the previous media question and answer sessions with former PM Abhisit. Sometimes the questions were poorly stated, or were incredibly silly and they were often mumbled with the journalist not enunciating clearly.

care to refer us to any evidence of her good performance?

So, there appears to be no evidence of how she even performed in her previous leadership positions: Return On Investments strategies she implemented, successful new business policies championed, customer satisfaction, investment in people initiatives ,third-party employee survey feedback reports, KPI successes... the usual type of achievements & initiatives that a company president champions within their organisation......


Please understand, given that there has been no credible evidence openly made available, my scepticism remains more than valid, and yourself as an open promoter of her capability, I respectfully assume that your opinion has been formed through suitable evidence that has helped you form it, and I was rather hoping that you would have been able to enlighten me.

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Soon new urgent newsworthy item:

"21:47 and still no topic on the presentation today of the urgent policies and other minor items like getting back k. Thaksin"

Whoho, anyone out there ?

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Soon new urgent newsworthy item:

"21:47 and still no topic on the presentation today of the urgent policies and other minor items like getting back k. Thaksin"

Whoho, anyone out there ?

It's not one of the two times she's supposed to meet the press this week.

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Soon new urgent newsworthy item:

"21:47 and still no topic on the presentation today of the urgent policies and other minor items like getting back k. Thaksin"

Whoho, anyone out there ?

It's not one of the two times she's supposed to meet the press this week.

one of the two times she will "brief the press", no less.... answering any questions is likely to be a different matter.

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PM not bothered by the Opposition's debate

However, the Prime Minister said she would only observe the event and let her ministers answer all of the questions raised by the Opposition Party.

Ahh yes how very cosy , if they "drop a clanger" she is not responsible,or as they say in the west its called "passing the buck" and there's silly old me thinking that any PM worth their salt should lead from the front and be ultimately answerable for her tenure as PM of Thailand , obviously I have it all wrong in my assumptions.

the headline could just easily be written as...PM can't be bothered

not answerable to the media nor her Parliamentarians...

PM can't be bothered


More on the "I can't be bothered" PM...

in all these many hours scheduled for Parliamentary debate, she will remain speechless?

Government Ready for Policy Statement

A key figure in the ruling coalition says the prime minister needs no guards to protect her from grilling by the Opposition during the policy statement tomorrow and Wednesday.

Public Health Minister Witthaya Buranasiri, as the temporay government whip chief, said the government and the Opposition have been allocated 11 hours each while the Senate is given seven hours for the debate on the government's policy statement scheduled for tomorrow and Wednesday.

Witthaya went on to say the combined debate time could be extended by one hour or two depending on whether the session will be hindered by protests from MPs.


but then later, Witthaya contradicts the PM's earlier stated "observer" status only with continuing on with...

Withaya stated the prime minister has asked her party's MPs not to guard her from being grilled by the Opposition.

PM can't be bothered

Shouldn't that read "I'm being Brothered so I can't be Bothered" ?

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