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Go have a look on my Website => www.personal-trainer-bangkok.com

I'm Belgium, certified NGA Master Fitness Trainer & Nutrition Expert.

If you are real about it => contact me.

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or just buy a book called 'brawn' by stuart mcrobert and do it yourself. that book will teach you everything you need to know and is a great motivator.

why pay someone to teach you something you can have fun learning for yourself?


Dear All ,

Many thanks for your kind advices and attention in responding my post.

I am looking for some help in getting address/contract of some

Experts/Doctors/institution who are professional in reduction of body weight

at Bankok.

Thanks in advance Rasel.


Hi Rasel,

like you I am overweight. I was never overweight before I came to Thailand and basically stopped working 3 years ago.

What I did when I first "Retired" was drink an awful lot of beer and eat fast food because I did not particularly like Thai food.

Now my Wife has a Thai Restaurant and the cook is excellent and makes healthy Thai food with lots of fresh vegetables that I can eat. Trouble is I have access to free beer, which obviously negates the value of the good food.

Since I had two major operations for Back problems this year this has made excercise very difficult, but I know if I am truthful I am lazy. I have a Dog that I could walk when I get up and it is cool, but no I come straight onto the computer drink 2 or 3 cups of sweet coffee and smoke 10 cigarettes before I do anything.

I have my own pool, but I very rarely use it. I am just a lazy, whinging bast*rd who needs to get a life.

What I am getting at is that your post (and the responses here) have made me realise that it is really up to me to "sort myself out" There have been a lot of great responses here that can help us fatties!

Thank you for posting and keep us informed of your progress



Well I think all this talk about education, nutrition, exercise and positive lifestyle changes is a bunch of hooey.

As it turns out the poster who suggested that ice and iced drinks are the cause of obesity in the U.S. is not far off the mark.

I will probably get in trouble for sharing this information with you but you all seem discreet so here goes.

The key to reducing one’s body mass is actually quite simple, and involves the use of just two square meters of aluminum foil. Hah, you say, surely it can’t be that simple. Aah, but it is.

I’m sure you’ve seen references to UFOs, aliens, and alien abductions. Most people think this is the clandestine work of our governments, but it is not. There really are aliens (extra-terrestrial beings, not farangs), and they harvest humans for consumption. Think of us as the Alaskan King Crab legs of the universe. We are highly prized, preferably soft on the outside and crunchy on the inside.

Like our own geese and the desirable fois gras, aliens prefer their humans to be ‘fatted up’ up prior to harvesting. For thousands of years these aliens have been bombarding Earth with brain-wave rays which encourage us to eat, eat, and eat more. For some unknown reasons not all humans are 100% affected or even susceptible to these brain waves, but most are. Only in the past 60 years have they succeeded in creating food sources that speed up the “growth cycle”. They created fast food (Col. Sanders was an alien.), among other fast-growth nutrition substitutes.

This is why you hear so much about alien abductions. Sometimes their de-materializing beam is out of whack (software bug) and they take the wrong human, a thin one. Much like a fisherman would do with a catch under the limit, they through him back. So these people really have been abducted, albeit for a short time until the mistake has been noticed and the appropriate return authorization paperwork is processed.

Anyway, fashion your aluminum foil into an AFDB (Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie) which will shield your brain from these electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. You must wear your AFDB all the times, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, everywhere, sleeping, showering and even making love! Your desires to over eat will be eliminated and you’ll be shedding the kilos in no time.

Seriously, I think the OP is asking about Gastric Bypass Surgery?


I recommend that you see a homeopath or naturopath as a first off to guage what underlying health issues you may have that may be contributing to your overweight conditon.

Everyone is different and some foods may not be good for you that may be good for someone else....once you have addressed any underlying health problems and you find out what foods best suit your metabolism and genetic makeup you then have to change the way you live. Forget about short fix diets...they don't work. You need lifestyle changes. You can lose the weight the same way you gained it slowly over time.....forget surgery unless your condition is life threatening as you will only put the weight back on.

Good luck.


Go on the Issan lose weight program. Eat "bla dak" a fermented fish that can be eaten on its on or mixed with various dishes. This will loosen up the system. No beverages except water an fruit juice. Morning glory and high fiber vegs with tofu. Walk and or ride a bike. You could lose 20 pound with the fermented fish alone. Good luck. :o


One benefit of vegetarian food is a lower intake of saturated fatty acid. All most fatty acids come from animal product, but vegetarian foods eat vegetable and fruit. Vegetarian diet received lower fat and eat bean and mushroom replace meat [***link to member's own blog deleted***].

I would be glad if you just provide address of the professionals of body weight

reduction ,  no advices of eating or how to .

Dear Rasel,

There are different kinds of professionals depending on the extent of the problem and result you are looking for.

If you are really obese -- to the point that it is unhealthy, and you have tried all other methods and failed, then there are surgical options (gastric bypass/staple). These do work, permanently, but they are major abdominal surgery and used only for serious cases. If this fits your case, contact www.bumrungrad.com

If you are just moderately overwieght and want a quick weightloss to get started, there are several spas in Koh Samui that offer supervised fasting programs with nutritional supplements. Health Oasis and New Mind New Beginnings are two. You will definitely lose weight doing a 7-10 program there, the question is whether you'll be able to avoid re-gaining it afterwards. They do provide nutritional counselling and training in yoga and other types of exercise.

Lastly, there are the many fitness/exercise places already mentioned on this thread. These will help firm and tone up your body and produce some gradual weight loss provided the exercise doesn't make you eat more, and that you can stick with it. Another alternative is to arrange your life so as to get physical exercise doing ordinary things, like doing your own yard work, gome repairs, climbing stairs instead of elevators, etc. This approach is slow and needs to be kept up.

Lastly, if your overall body weight is not too bad but you have parts of the body that have too much fat,like just the stomach, liposuction is a surgical procedure that will literally vacuum out the fat cells. This is also surgery but much less major than gastric bypass. Dr. Amorn at Bumrungrad Hospital would be a good choice. But this is only iof the fat problem is localized, you cannot liposuction the whole body!

Hope this is helpful


Dear Sheryl,

Many many thanks for your kind informations.

I am 6" hight 120 KGS, I want to bring it 85-90 KGS.

Among of your all mentioned info I prefer to go through with Bumrungrad

as I am already patent of them for my teeth so I am quite familier with them.

If you can provide more info about taking help from bumrungrad please advice.

I had already send them an email but strangely no responds from them.

I am planning to meet them again to my next visit in Thailand.

Thanks once again ,Rasel

Dear Sheryl,

Many many thanks for your kind informations.

I am 6" hight 120 KGS, I want to bring it 85-90 KGS.

Among of your all mentioned info I prefer to go through with Bumrungrad

as I am already patent of them for my teeth so I am quite familier with them.

If you can provide more info about taking help from bumrungrad please advice.

I had already send them an email but strangely no responds from them.

I am planning to meet them again to my next visit in Thailand.

Thanks once again ,Rasel

Dear Rasel,

I don't know the names of doctors who do this but it would be a surgeon, when you get to Bumrungrad you could go into the surgery clinic and ask the nurses there if any of the doctors do "gastric bypass" or "banded gastroplasty" for obesity. You could also ask at the international patient center.

Basically these operations make your stomach smaller so that it becomes impossible to eat large amounts. Besides the normal risks of any kind of abdominal surgery, some people suffer from diarrhea often afterwards. Once you find a doctor who does this procedure, ask him to explain to you carefully what the long term effects are. It is a permanent procedure.

It's true that liposuction wouldn't work in your case as the total weight is too much. It is also true that you are enough overweight5 for it to be bad for your health. So the only solutions are diet/exercise or the surgery.It is possible to lose as much as 40 kg after the surgery, it won't be immediate of course but it will come off steadily over the course of about a year and then stabilize. Good luck


Dear Sherly ,

Thanks again for your kind attention.

I would like to go diet/exercise process not anyother process.

Please advice me on this process.


  • 7 months later...

Here is the link to a series of articles: http://www.intense-workout.com/lose_weight2.html Maybe you should measure your blood saugar levels as high blood sugar prevents your body from burning fat. I am looking to start a protein diet myself (and I have questions, so I'm no expert). One way to c o m p l e m e n t your exercise would be to keep your blood sugar levels "flat". (When you eat sweets for example or drink regular Coke or sugary lemoade, this causes your bloos sugar to go up, triggering a sequence in your body which is bad for burnign fat). ** Ultimatly, you will need will power and some sort of body building would help as more muscles would burn more fat.


I think that earlier on this thread a lot of advice was already given about exercise and diet.

If you are not a vegetarian, the Atkins and similiar high protein/low carbohydrate diets (such as South Beach) seem to work well for most men; in my experience they are not as satisfactory for many women and of course not at all suitabke for vegetarians. Books on Atkins diet and South Beach siet are easy to obtain.

If you want to get a head start on weight loss, you could consider a detox/fast program. There are several in Thailand, the one I have used is Health Oasis, you will definitely lose weight (usually close to a kg er day for men) with such a retreat program but to keep it off, will still have to make permanent diet and exercise changes. Some people (me included) find it easier to start permanet changes to diet after doing a detox/fast retreat because the fast sort of breaks the food addiction cycle plus the rapid weight loss provides hope and inspiration.

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