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This Is Very Serious ! I Need Genuine Answers Only


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me and wife having serious problems, we are in uk, i want a divorce now !!! we have 2 houses and a car in her name in thailand, she told me today i can have houses and car back but one house in thai villiage in isaan ( which no one will buy ) 1 house in pattaya that i want to keep only its in her name !!! 1 car in thailand which is in her name. she told me today she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back.

what can i now do, i can book flight back to thailand soon to resolve this matter urgently. ONLY THOSE IN THE KNOW PLEASE ADVISE ME, I DO NOT WANT MISLEADING INFO FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT BEEN THROUGH IT.


Edited by scorpio
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Well, if the items you mentioned are acquired after the marriage, you are entitled to 50% of the assets. If they are acquired before the marriage they belongs to you.

Just noticed that everything is in your wifes name. So If you bought the houses and the car before you got married.......bad "luck". :(

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As long as you ( thai wife ) is willing to sign all paper work regarding the transfer of Property .Car.. ETC.. to your name shouldn't be any problem .

think it would be very wise to get your self a lawyer as to make sure all the paper work is correct..

not to sure about how much the fees would be for a lawyer ?? seeing as you are dealing with 2 houses and a car ..think it would be money well spent rolleyes.gif

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

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(1) we are in uk at minute

(2) everything was bought after we married

(3) i am in possession of all documents for car + house in pattaya ( not house in isaan, i dont nessesarilly want house in isaan but i could use it as an extra bargaining tool although she is cute enough to know i cannot own this as its on her fathers land )

(4) she is willing to write me any letter that i require for sale of car and house plus i will get copy of her I.D card and passport for this purpose.

willthere be any problems ? can any one recommend a decent ( honest ) lawyer ? costs etc. basically shed some light on this to enable me to get the situation sorted asap. i cannot see an end to this nightmare marriage and ive had enough, its gone too far now.

fool in paradise eh rolleyes.gif

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

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she is willing to write me any letter that i require for sale of car and house plus i will get copy of her I.D card and passport for this purpose.

willthere be any problems ?

A buyer won't care if the Dalai Lama has signed a letter saying you've got the right to sell the house in LOS. They'll want to see the real owner at the Ministry of Interior office where land transfer occurs.

The vehicles you'll have better luck getting rid of, but I seriously doubt you'll get even 2/3 of what you paid for them, if you're in a hurry to sell, which you will be.

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

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"she will sign papers for me to give me the pattaya house and my car back."

You can get the cars, but the land is not available for you to own legally, unless you form a Thai company to own it, which to me is just asking for troubles later on.

If you don't have a home in LOS you might as well sell the vehicles, because you'll have nowhere to park them.

i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

She will get 50-50, like it or not.

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Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

I was thinking that as well. Back on her own turf things may change.

Ideally she deserves some security too though.

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Right now your in the driving seat and she will say anything, once you get to Thailand things will switch and she will be the one in the driving seat. She cannot legally sign anything over to you where land is concerned If I were you I would put the house and stuff up for sale while in the UK and have the papers signed by her via courier and do it from there.

If you return to Thailand on her word she will do it all while here you are up S$#%T creek without a Paddle and while you are still entitled to 50% it will be a long slug getting it.

The one positive thing is you are in the UK that is your only saving grace.


P.S the car should be easy she just has to sign the book and a few papers from the transport place to anyone you know or trust or even to you although that might cause more problems if she acuses you when here or forcing her to sign it.

I was thinking that as well. Back on her own turf things may change.

Ideally she deserves some security too though.

Well the security she has a nice new house in Issan :)


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Have to wonder if they'd still be happily together if they had not decided to "relocate" to the UK?

Well one thing is for sure She would be much happier if she was in Thailand about now as she could tell him to take a hike and she would have control of 2 house and a nice car without the headache he is giving her right now.


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She is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

If what you want is all the money out

I would suggest to you that a 50/50 split, will be the very best deal you will get, if all the assets where aquired after the marriage, and this is what you should be going for, as it appears all the assets are in her name, so in fact she could stitch you for the lot.

Further do you have any assets in the UK, which were aquired after marriage, as if she is in the UK as a legal spouse she could have you for 50% of that as well, if she decided to go that route.

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if all the assets where aquired after the marriage

Yeah, I guess it is important to know WHERE they were acquired.

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she has security !!! she has money in a thai account and a uk account which i do not want !!! she is the one giving me the headache right now, our daughter is suffering through this so its time to move on, all i want is my money back, ive made and given her enough money in uk and thailand i.e house in isaan, all i want is my house and car in pattaya ( or at least a paper to say that i have the right to live there in the pattaya house)

im not prepared to walk away empty handed leaving myself with nothing and her with everything .

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she has security !!! she has money in a thai account and a uk account which i do not want !!! she is the one giving me the headache right now, our daughter is suffering through this so its time to move on, all i want is my money back, ive made and given her enough money in uk and thailand i.e house in isaan, all i want is my house and car in pattaya ( or at least a paper to say that i have the right to live there in the pattaya house)

im not prepared to walk away empty handed leaving myself with nothing and her with everything .

I think when you build a house in thailand you should be prepared to lose that money... If she gets to thailand then in my opinion you wont get anything.. be careful

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Is it a bitter break up or you both on good terms?? I wouldnt trust her word id make her sell the property and car first while still in England

:lol: ...have you ever been through a divorce "toffo9" ?.......I have yet to meet some who has been through one "on good terms", granted they have most likely been some but for the most part the nature of the beast is bitter, let us also factor in here the "genuine loving, easy going personalities of Thai ladies when they crossed or are losing their meal ticket"......:whistling:

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Is it a bitter break up or you both on good terms?? I wouldnt trust her word id make her sell the property and car first while still in England

:lol: ...have you ever been through a divorce "toffo9" ?.......I have yet to meet some who has been through one "on good terms", granted they have most likely been some but for the most part the nature of the beast is bitter, let us also factor in here the "genuine loving, easy going personalities of Thai ladies when they crossed or are losing their meal ticket"......:whistling:

no never been divorced thankfully and like i said i think his wife will take everything if she comes back to thailand

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I think the thing to do is to remain cool and contact a Thai based lawyer. Also make certain of your legal situation in the UK.

Isaan lawyers are apparently quite good at this sort of thing. Also you need to protect the assets in the UK. Do you have a local lawyer?

By all means have her write some documents to the effect that she is prepared to sign over the house and car in Pattaya, but I feel that they would not be worth the paper they're written on if they are drawn up in the UK and you try to use them in Thailand. Think about this.

Another thing. What is your property situation in the UK? I don't know the laws involved, but if you left for Thailand on your own could she effectively just change the locks and live legally in your UK home? By remaining in the UK could she gain all properties? You need to look into this.

At first glance my gut reaction is that the thing to do would be to travel over to Thailand together with your wife visit the ampur with a witness and a translator, if not a lawyer and sign a divorce document if you are both in agreement with the terms. That is assuming you married in Thailand?

The fact that she is saying that she is prepared to sign documents and hand over the shared assets back so easily seems suspicious. I hope I'm wrong but it pays to be careful.

Box cleaver, and don't be rushing back over to Thailand and leaving yourself at risk at home. It'll take months if not years before you'll see any money back, apart from perhaps the car.

Take it slow.

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she has security !!! she has money in a thai account and a uk account which i do not want !!! she is the one giving me the headache right now, our daughter is suffering through this so its time to move on, all i want is my money back, ive made and given her enough money in uk and thailand i.e house in isaan, all i want is my house and car in pattaya ( or at least a paper to say that i have the right to live there in the pattaya house)

im not prepared to walk away empty handed leaving myself with nothing and her with everything .

Why dont you get her to agree to put the Pattaya house in your daughters name, who I assume is a Thai citizen, this would get you round the land ownership issue, the car can be very easily signed over if your soon to be ex is in agreement.

Getting a piece of paper from soon to be ex to let you live in the house in Pattaya could be easily turned over and you kicked out, if the property is in her name.

You should also be looking out for your daughters interests as regards you getting legal access to her, as one assumes you ex will be departing back to Thailand with your daughter, assume you daughter is also British national to you can get this legally binding in the UK.

As regards walking away empty handed, you wont, but you will not get any more than 50% of the value of the assets

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i do not want the car i want the money for house and car i dont want anything only the money i have lost over the last while, if need be i will get her to sign some kind of document to enable me to live in the house in pattaya if i cannot own it r sell it. she is not getting 50-50 as it was all my money that bought everything.

ive lost too much !!!

As others have said you will have to hope that your wife fully co-operates with the sale of the house in Pattaya, that's assuming you can find a buyer, and agree to let you have any funds that she might get from the sale. To enable you to live in it, I think you will probably have to lease it from her, in any case she has the upper hand so best not to alienate her at this stage.

The car can be transferred into your name, I'm sure you don't need telling that you might have been better doing that in the first place, but what's done is done.

If an when you divorce you go to the Amphur and at at that stage you agree the division of property, she is entitled to 50% of anything that was purchased after you married, whoever paid for it, if you can get her to agree that have the house in Pattaya then I would snatch her hands off, I suspect that is worth more than half of your/her total property assets, you certainly will not get it all back. You know already that you will not be able to have the land in your name and that it's a buyers market at the moment.

I have been through this, and it's still going on after nearly four years, I got an agreement via the court that the house I purchased is sold and I get 50%, it's been on the market for 20 months, it's now empty, and there is not a sniff of a buyer, I don't even know where she is.

You really need to get yourself over here and get yourself a good lawyer to advise you, but it's gonna cost you and there's a danger that you might find yourself throwing good money after bad. The lawyer I picked, because they are sponsors of this forum, are as much help as a chocolate fireguard, I won't name them because I suspect they would go after me for defamation.

Good luck, it's not going to be easy.

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Is it a bitter break up or you both on good terms?? I wouldnt trust her word id make her sell the property and car first while still in England

:lol: ...have you ever been through a divorce "toffo9" ?.......I have yet to meet some who has been through one "on good terms", granted they have most likely been some but for the most part the nature of the beast is bitter, let us also factor in here the "genuine loving, easy going personalities of Thai ladies when they crossed or are losing their meal ticket"......:whistling:

no never been divorced thankfully and like i said i think his wife will take everything if she comes back to thailand

Care to elaborate on this?

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:lol: ...have you ever been through a divorce "toffo9" ?.......I have yet to meet some who has been through one "on good terms", granted they have most likely been some but for the most part the nature of the beast is bitter, let us also factor in here the "genuine loving, easy going personalities of Thai ladies when they crossed or are losing their meal ticket"......:whistling:

I will happily meet you and be your first.

My divorce cost me $500...thats it and no problems at all at the time or afterwards.

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I don't know the laws involved, but if you left for Thailand on your own could she effectively just change the locks and live legally in your UK home? By remaining in the UK could she gain all properties? You need to look into this.

In essence yes, she couldnt "gain" all properties but she would be basically entitled to 50%, if the divorce went to court in the UK he could get scr*wed as well, this is why first priority is to see where he stands as regards the UK ie through a lawyer, as there a possibly properties/money and a daughter involved this could end up messy as well..

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