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Tramp On Soi Bukow


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I called the German embassy in BKK,all I received was an endless loop giving instructions in German / Thai. Chiang Mia have a English speaking German consulate,left message there.

Whatever happens to this guy it will be police involvement,arms grasped,legs whipped from underneath him and into a pickup. Just hope it can be straight to the airport,but doubt it. Think he is heading for the worst part of his life.

Finally spoke to someone at the German embassy ,they knew about him but were uninterested,kept hammering away,but still the same,finally said I would contact Merkel ,that seemed to wake them up.

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The Bild Zeitung in Germany have just received an email regarding this guy, wooops do not know how it got there......

Seems to tell them about how interested the Germany Embassy is in its fellow nationals.

Just sent a message to the Germany Embassy telling them I have contacted the Bild, lets see what happens now.

Edited by beano2274
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Another German newspaper has been informed, and asked to show the rest of the world that the Germans are in fact one of the best countries in the world when it comes to looking after it's nationals, wherever they are.

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This was Last week in Soi Honey he was taking a nap another day I saw him and he was yelling at me.

All that tramping around can take its toll, no wonder hes having a nap.

Still at least he is sabai, living the dream as they say.

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For information to others, someone has been in touch with me from a German newspaper, and might be going to see this guy in Pattaya, if they think there is a story there then they might proceed. At this time it is just "might".

So fingers crossed.

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No embassy help directly stranded people in a foreign country, they eventually contact, for a fee, family or friends.

Not sure this guy even remember his name.

Also I doubt a newspaper is interested in the story of an, addicted, mentally ill, guy stranded in Thailand, especially in Pattaya.

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For information to others, someone has been in touch with me from a German newspaper, and might be going to see this guy in Pattaya, if they think there is a story there then they might proceed. At this time it is just "might".

So fingers crossed.

Poor guy, that's just what he needs, i.e., drawing more attention to him and taking more pictures of him which will inevitably embarrass Thai authorities and might get him a room along with 60 or so soon to become close friends in an Immigration lockup. No more beer.

Here's to hoping folks instead might just leave the guy alone.

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Here's to hoping folks instead might just leave the guy alone.

If he is left alone he will die, and soon. There can be little doubt about this. He is a lot worse now than he was a couple of months back.

If someone gets involved he may get better.

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Here's to hoping folks instead might just leave the guy alone.

If he is left alone he will die, and soon. There can be little doubt about this. He is a lot worse now than he was a couple of months back.

If someone gets involved he may get better.

He might get better, and he might not. Taking pictures of him and posting them on web boards is just cruel. I know of at least 4 boards that have published his photo. Slickman has done it on two of them himself, once in Bangkok and another time in Pattaya.

Several have tried to help him and he gets more press in Thailand than anyone not named Taksin. The Pattaya orphanages should be so fortunate.

He clearly prefers to be left to himself or so he told me when I naively tried to offer him some water. He prefers beer and/or Whiskey. He is not the first and will be far from the last that dies from addiction. At least in Thailand he can do that without frostbite.

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He is not the first and will be far from the last that dies from addiction.

And that makes it all OK?

I suggest you ask people who have been in the same position and who were helped and who are now better, whether they are now glad that someone bothered about them, or whether they wish that people had taken them at their word when they asked to be left alone.

I think I know what the answers will be.

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but seriously, has anyone of roughly the same build/size considered offering him some old clothes, some shorts and a shirt? see if he as approachable at least. the way he looks at the moment he may well be taken off the streets by the police and once in a cell he could be attacked and beaten or get a lot sicker than he is now, both mentally and physically.

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but seriously, has anyone of roughly the same build/size considered offering him some old clothes, some shorts and a shirt? see if he as approachable at least. the way he looks at the moment he may well be taken off the streets by the police and once in a cell he could be attacked and beaten or get a lot sicker than he is now, both mentally and physically.

I agree .Better if two people togeather were to approach him ,with a bag of s/h clothes .Once he starts showing his tackle in Public ,the Police will have no option but to take him to the cells .Then they will leave him there untill somebody pays his ticket back to Germany .

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but seriously, has anyone of roughly the same build/size considered offering him some old clothes, some shorts and a shirt? see if he as approachable at least. the way he looks at the moment he may well be taken off the streets by the police and once in a cell he could be attacked and beaten or get a lot sicker than he is now, both mentally and physically.

I agree .Better if two people togeather were to approach him ,with a bag of s/h clothes .Once he starts showing his tackle in Public ,the Police will have no option but to take him to the cells .Then they will leave him there untill somebody pays his ticket back to Germany .

When I saw him a few time he struck me as eccentric and a bit abusive (he called me an idiot as i walked past, so I know he speaks some English) but not dangerous. I'm not in Pattaya now so I can't help but if I was I would be happy to hand a bag of clothes to him, although as I remember he is bigger than me and my old clothes may not fit. Just walk up, smile, say you thought he might be able to make use of some extra clothing and hope for the best. I would be very surprised if he lashed out or became physically abusive. If he does then just pull away quickly and leave the bag with him. Remember he is a human being not a wild animal.

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I guess he will not get much pity if he is well dressed.

And we won't notice him that much.

Are people compassionate or does he disturb ?. I hear a guy saying( Beer & Beer terrace) when seeing him, : "We don't need this"

I think most people just want him out of their view, on one or another way.

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Look, please let's not get so high horse moral about this.

First, not sure what "God" (there but for the grace, yada yada) has to do with this, this guy's suffering or the fortunate comfort of most of us reading this.

Secondly, if he wants money, he wants money, why project onto a possibly insane man's suffering and imagining evil intentions? (Also, you want money, I want money, does that make us bad people?) You don't know either way what goes on in his head. If I were him I would want the cash to clean up in a hotel and that would indeed be better than clothes he can't sell. But I'm not him and either are you. Maybe he just wants to get blitzed because he is self medicating. Not nice to judge someone who is so far in the gutter already. Kudos to people who are actually trying to help him or anyone else in need. But realistically, is there anyone here who will offer him a place on their sofa? (Didn't think so.)

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He is not the first and will be far from the last that dies from addiction.

And that makes it all OK?

I suggest you ask people who have been in the same position and who were helped and who are now better, whether they are now glad that someone bothered about them, or whether they wish that people had taken them at their word when they asked to be left alone.

I think I know what the answers will be.

And I suggest Darrel that you just remove all doubt and invite the guy over to your place for Sunday brunch.

I'll be at the Orphanage. I do take them at their word that they need and welcome the help. We can meet later and share experiences.

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I don't get why everyone is so concerned. The guy is obviously a verbally abusive bum who deserves what he gets. I don't care if I'm in Thailand or Germany or my country but when I see a bum like this that yells profanities at people trying to help, I take a b-line around him and think "why don't the police get this loser off the streets?"

I say if the guy is drunk walking around with his woody hanging out yelling at people and begging then the police should simply throw him in jail with the rest of the bums. They would if it was a Thai guy so what's the difference.

I understand all you people being concerned and being a fellow human being and that's great as we should do but it also seems most of you are trying to pass the buck. Saying that the German community etc. should deal with him. Why should they? Why don't you do it (I see some people have and that's great) but if you are going to join this topic and have legitimate concerns then do it yourself anonymously.

To me, he is a niucense and if he approached me with that verbal bum like crap I wouldn't hesitate to smack him in the face.

This guy obviously had a life at one time and then lost it. He is after all in Pattaya so say no more. If you folks want to help someone in need then visit the orphanage or the battered woman in Rayong or some poor Thai people and help them.

Sorry but I just have no time for folk like this. I agree that the UK story was sad and should never have happened but I don't think it would again. When a faring like this bum is taken away they are supposed to contact the persons embassy so the best thing you could do for this guy the way you are thinking is bring the police or even the VP to him HOWEVER maybe he prefers to be a bum in a warm country with beautiful woman walking around and cheap food and drinks rather then be a street bum in Germany with winter coming in so maybe better just to leave him alone and let his fait take effect.


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The German consul has been informed of the problem, in person, by me.

Apparently he wasn't aware of it prior to my meeting with him this morning.

He did seem to be thinking that this guy is just another farang drunk, but of course he isnt. He is clearly both physically and mentally ill, and as such not responsible for his actions. I tried to impress this upon him.

He said that there wasn't a great deal he could do until the guy is arrested and the Thai police/immigration inform him officially that a German is in jail. I told him that surely wouldn't be long in coming, if the guy doesn't just die first.

I suggested that perhaps he could contact some German religious/social group and he said he would do so.

If any TV member actually knows any German nationals who live here (I dont) perhaps they would like to let them know as maybe one of them has contacts who might be able/willing to help their countryman.

I would do more myself, but as I dont speak a word of German and have absolutely no knowledge of German social organisation I wouldn't even know where to start. If he was British or French I would know exactly who to contact and what to say, and how to say it.

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What does church have to do with this? How do you know if Mr. DocW is buddhist? I hate these "Jesus Saves Us All"-knowitalls!

Best cure to the tramp SOB would be a smack in his face every time he yells at somebody. Maybe that would fix some obviously loose screws. If that doesn't work, monkeyhouse. At least that would solve his alcohol problem.

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