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Abhisit Slams Govt For Lack Of Time Frame On Policies


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Abhisit slams govt for lack of time frame on policies

By Wichit Chaitrong

The Nation


The government's economic policies fall short of its election campaign promises, with no clear time frame for implementation and a lack of readiness to tackle the risk of high inflation and rising financing costs, Opposition Leader Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday.

"We observe that people have started to worry about whether the promises can be implemented," the Democrat leader said during the policy debate.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had earlier spent about two and a half hours presenting her government's policy statement to Parliament.

She said the country needed a restructured economy to make it immune from global economy volatility, and that this would be done by increasing domestic demand and reducing the excessive dependence on exports.

She detailed the policies that would be urgently implemented over the first year in office, largely aimed at lowering the cost of living, while other projects would be undertaken in later years.

Priorities include a sharp wage hike, a reduction in corporate income tax, cash handouts to villagers and the elderly, a debt moratorium, debt restructuring, funding support for villages and universities, keeping fuel prices affordable, free tablet computers for students, and water management.

Mega-investment projects such as extension of the rail system, high-speed rail lines and the mass-transit system will be implemented later during the government's four-year term, Yingluck said.

However, her statement did not impress Abhisit, who claimed that many of the government's policies were now different from what Pheu Thai politicians had promised during the election campaign.

"The public views the credibility of politicians as being at the bottom, as they do not live up to their promises," said the former premier.

He pointed to the earlier pledge to immediately increase the daily minimum wage to Bt300 and to introduce a minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 for new graduates, and said ministers were now saying other things about these promises.

The absence of a clear time frame on when to implement these measures contradicts the immediate implementation previously promised by politicians, he insisted.

Meanwhile, the government has no problem stating a clear plan to cut corporate tax to 23 per cent next year and 20 per cent in 2013 for the benefit of the business sector, said Abhisit, who added that he supported the proposed hike in minimum wages.

Moreover, he said, the government had not mentioned a "minimum wage" in the policy statement, merely using the term "daily income", which could mean workers' daily incomes could end up being lower than Bt300.

"Nor does the government have a tool for how it could make private employers increase [starting] salaries to Bt15,000 for new graduates," he said.

Widening the income gap could also force firms to hire other groups of workers, causing the already high level of unemployment among university graduates to worsen, he added.

The government could increase the monthly income for new graduates who become government officials, but not for the private sector. Such a wage hike for graduates is not the right policy, since the labour market currently demands more workers from vocational schools, not from universities, he said.

Abhisit also questioned the government's energy policy, under which politicians earlier promised to abandon the Oil Fund but then changed their minds and now plan to cancel the collection of the petrol-fee contribution from motorists.

While the government's policy would lower the price of petrol, it is likely to increase the price of diesel and cooking gas, he said.

Nor does the government have a clear policy on gasohol, the ex-PM added.

The promise of free tablet computers for each student is unlikely to be implemented fully, as the government now says it will first give them to schools participating in pilot projects next year, said Abhisit.

He also slammed the government policy to resume the rice-pledging scheme, which he maintained had benefited only a quarter of rice farmers when it was last used.

He said the high guarantee prices promised by the government would erode Thai competitiveness, while rice quality and corruption were also major issues of concern.

Abhisit also expressed his concern over the impact of government policies on inflation and the level of public debt.

"The unclear policy on wage hikes will make businesses anticipate rising inflation, which would cause the central bank to increase interest rates in a bid to curb it, resulting in a higher cost of living for everyone," he said.

He estimated that the cost of financing the government's priorities could be as high as Bt1 trillion, so it may not be able to balance the budget in the next four years, as was the plan under his administration.

Aat Pisanwanich, director of the International Trade Study Centre of the University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, said the government's policies were only focused on short-term development and would lead to difficulties in achieving growth in the medium and long runs.

"Major policies for reducing fuel costs and the rice-pledging project will only create short-term benefits for the country. However, Thailand is at risk of losing financial stability in the long run, as there will be huge budget spending for subsidies," he said.

Aat suggested that the government should reduce all kinds of fuel and farm subsidies, as well as help lower rice farmers' production costs in order to ensure long-term economic growth and a stable financial status.


-- The Nation 2011-08-24

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.



"He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want"


"Accept some English lessons, you must" says Yoda

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Umm ... he's actually pointing out that the PTP are not keeping the promises that they used to get that "landslide" (53%? Landslide?).

It seems to be that the PTP have done all the talk about "helping the poor", but don't seem very intent on actually "helping the poor".

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Umm ... he's actually pointing out that the PTP are not keeping the promises that they used to get that "landslide" (53%? Landslide?).

It seems to be that the PTP have done all the talk about "helping the poor", but don't seem very intent on actually "helping the poor".

The test of that will be over the next four years and at the next election assuming that Yingluck doesnt call an early one, in which case it will be over a shorter timeframe. The cut and thrust of parliamentary politics is fun to us political junkies but largely irrelevant to most who tend to be swayed more by what happens in their pocket and by what their trusted source of media says.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Umm ... he's actually pointing out that the PTP are not keeping the promises that they used to get that "landslide" (53%? Landslide?).

It seems to be that the PTP have done all the talk about "helping the poor", but don't seem very intent on actually "helping the poor".

If timeframes were included in the official pre-election 'manifesto' then surely that is what the PTP have to be held to. If they didn't give timeframes, then that too was the deal the largest block of voters agreed to, suggesting that delivery would take place at some point during the administration, but with no specific timeframe defined.

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"The public views the credibility of politicians as being at the bottom, as they do not live up to their promises," said the former premier.

As the man who has been in charge for the last few years this is a pretty damning indictment. One of the reasons that new governments are given a honeymoon period is so that the opposition has something more concrete to critise them for rather than constantly highlighting their own failures thet they failed to deal with.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Umm ... he's actually pointing out that the PTP are not keeping the promises that they used to get that "landslide" (53%? Landslide?).

It seems to be that the PTP have done all the talk about "helping the poor", but don't seem very intent on actually "helping the poor".

If timeframes were included in the official pre-election 'manifesto' then surely that is what the PTP have to be held to. If they didn't give timeframes, then that too was the deal the largest block of voters agreed to, suggesting that delivery would take place at some point during the administration, but with no specific timeframe defined.

They need to know the timeframe so they can time the complaint to initiate dissolution properly;) They wouldnt want to get that wrong leaving loads of people insanely unhappy with Abhisit and his buddies for toiletting their pay raise.

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"The public views the credibility of politicians as being at the bottom, as they do not live up to their promises," said the former premier.

As the man who has been in charge for the last few years this is a pretty damning indictment. One of the reasons that new governments are given a honeymoon period is so that the opposition has something more concrete to critise them for rather than constantly highlighting their own failures thet they failed to deal with.

That is a classic catch. True the credibility of politicians currently will be judged on the last parliaments performance as this one hasnt done anything as of yet to be judged on. He is blaming his own government for it;)

Not allowing a honeymoon period in which to start is a very risky Dem strategy but they seem utterly desperate and will no doubt continue to make basic errors like this.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Do you think PTP's policy to cut the corporate tax rate will help the poor, or the wealthy?

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Do you think PTP's policy to cut the corporate tax rate will help the poor, or the wealthy?

If they are in conjunction with the implementation of a minimum wage increase they would be so as to mitigate some of the effect on businesses.

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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

Edited by Soi Sauce
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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

Try The Nation ...

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i think Aphisit is sinking even lower if this is all he can come up with. Is this the best he can do? If it is then so far the new government must be doing ok. It amazes me how such definite losers types can remain in the positions they have and for so long.

Is this the same kind of slam he gave Germany in the Walter Bau case. If it is then we all know the results do we not.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

Pheu Thai having sincerity and concern? They don't have any morals and values and there is no way they are going to hand over their money. The money is going to beoops alreadry going only one way and that is into the Shinawatra dictatorial dynasty funds.

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i think Aphisit is sinking even lower if this is all he can come up with. Is this the best he can do? If it is then so far the new government must be doing ok. It amazes me how such definite losers types can remain in the positions they have and for so long.

Is this the same kind of slam he gave Germany in the Walter Bau case. If it is then we all know the results do we not.

The Democrats and Abhisit lost the election by a bigger margin than they thought and that is after they changed the constitution to help themselves and when they were in power and had cleansed the system of anyone with any kind of vague Thaksinista sympathy. They dont know what to do or how to combat the Thaksin machine and they have in the past made huge errors of judgement that leave them embedded with an extra-parliamentary conservative elite that are also seen by increasing numbers as part of a problem.

They cant win electorally. They cant rely on a coup as it would be a disaster. The legal system cant be used anymore to overturn a government as according to a recent survey over half the people already have lost confidence in it. There are no anti-Thaksin street demos and basically Sondhi after being sacrificed by his earstwhile allies has said you are on your own. That only really leaves desperate all out hysterical offence albeit in the mild spoken Abhisit way and hope with the media amplifying it, it will knock PTP off course or something will stick or suddenly Dr Tul (lacks the organization and charisma of Chamlong/Sondhi) and his multicoloureds (mininumbers right now) will become a mighty street force or someone will do something really silly.

Right now PTP are in full command and they can change the constitution and nobody can stop them. They are also going to force through as many populist schemes as possible (dont believe everything the media spin you that none will happen), remove as many Dem/BJT implanted bureaucrats as they can and when everything is calmer it will be amnesty time.

That for the Dems is anathema but they just dont know what to do and are taking it very badly. Cue vicious assaults and claims government have failed before they have even had chance to do soemthing. The Dems are scared that if they do push the populist stuff through government popularity will soar and leave them able to do anything they want ie amnesty.

Also bear in mind Abhisit called the let the people decide election as he termed it and convinced his conservative allies in and out of parliament that he would deliver for them even against the advice of more in touch with the people politicians such as Newin and Banharn. The implication being beat Thaksin in an election and he is finished. Abhisit then proceeded to lose badly and not deliver. If some of those conservative elites need to cut a deal with the evil one and part of that is to sacrifice Abhisit as Sondhi was sacrificed before, no doubt they wont think too long before doing it. Times right now are very grim for the democrat party but they can always reform when they ditch the electoral liability Abhisit, but for him and his place in Thai history things are very uncertain and probably closer to the kind of linkage Suchinda has than that enjoyed by Chuan.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Do you think PTP's policy to cut the corporate tax rate will help the poor, or the wealthy?

If they are in conjunction with the implementation of a minimum wage increase they would be so as to mitigate some of the effect on businesses.

How do mitigate something that is not happening? The words "minimum wage' have been dropped from the policy, and the reason for the tax cut has been changed.

So far Thaksin 1 rich 1 poor 0.

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Totally unfair on PM Yingluck, her government and Pheu Thai. first all and sunder asked for a policy statement, we give it in all it's glorious (lack of) details and what do you think happens? Guess what, people start asking for a time frame. Of all things, a time frame. Does the opposition think we have nothing else to do :rolleyes:

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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

And send the country bankrupt . Was never a well thought-out policy to declare in the first place. Better for Thailand that they fail to deliver it, which in turn becomes a failure in what they promised. Given the fragile world economy right now, a conservative approach makes much more sense.

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Do you think PTP's policy to cut the corporate tax rate will help the poor, or the wealthy?

If they are in conjunction with the implementation of a minimum wage increase they would be so as to mitigate some of the effect on businesses.

How do mitigate something that is not happening? The words "minimum wage' have been dropped from the policy, and the reason for the tax cut has been changed.

So far Thaksin 1 rich 1 poor 0.

The corporate tax cuts will definitely happen though :lol:

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

Umm ... he's actually pointing out that the PTP are not keeping the promises that they used to get that "landslide" (53%? Landslide?).

It seems to be that the PTP have done all the talk about "helping the poor", but don't seem very intent on actually "helping the poor".

If timeframes were included in the official pre-election 'manifesto' then surely that is what the PTP have to be held to. If they didn't give timeframes, then that too was the deal the largest block of voters agreed to, suggesting that delivery would take place at some point during the administration, but with no specific timeframe defined.

PTP stated and promised the wage hike immidiately... and K Thaksin promised that all would be rich in 6 months..! He obviously meant All His Family..

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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

And send the country bankrupt . Was never a well thought-out policy to declare in the first place. Better for Thailand that they fail to deliver it, which in turn becomes a failure in what they promised. Given the fragile world economy right now, a conservative approach makes much more sense.

Let all Farangs hope they deliver all their promises... we wil be getting much more for our dollars... Yippeeeeeeee..!

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.

If you call Abhisit a member of the Bangkok Elite, what is Thaskin a member of the Issan Elite

In fact his whole family are rich so you are a kettle calling the pot black

And Thaskin after giving a handfull to the Issan farmers took back 5 fold, in my books this is a con, and infact under Thaskin the rich gort richer and the poor got poorer

Oh sorry you are on the Issan Elite Pat roll

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Abhisit is nothing more than one of the Bangkok elete entent on keeping the poor poor and the wealthy wealthy. He's a cry baby that can't accept that he made promises that he didn't keep and lied to the people. Did nothing while in office. He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want. Why can't he simply pick up his toys, go home, and accept it. He's no good and the people showed what they thought of him. Grow some gonads and accept it. wah, wah.



"He has a problem accepting that the people have spoken not by a little, but a landslide thet the democratic government with him at the helm is not what they want"


"Accept some English lessons, you must" says Yoda

Guess with all the promises and lies most people voted for their pockets, not for the Party

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Sent this to the Bkk Post but it didn't get published. However, it gives a realistic timeframe for politicos to be true to their promises;

To all Pheu Thai MPs,

You all promised to raise the minimum wage to 300 baht per day but are now blaming big business for opposition to doing so. This after one of your spokesman said it was only election speak.

However, as a sign of good faith to the Thai poor and to prove you were not all lying, it would not be difficult for you all to a) immediately raise the pay of all your maids, cleaners, drivers, gardeners, etc, to the promised minimum, and B) to immediately raise the pay to the thousands who work in businesses you either own, control, or have a major stake in, ex hotels, manufacturing, construction. After all, PTP MPs do control a large chunk of the country's economy.

Please, when you have done this, it should not take more than a month, let the people know. If you do not, please tell them why.

It's easy to let the tax-payer pay for the rises to civil servants as it's not your money. By doing the above, you will show your sincerity and concern for the poor. Or is there neither when it is your money involved?

Very well put, But don't hold your breath

They will be the first to find an excuse why they will not do

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