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Impeachment Motion Filed Against Thai Foreign Minister Surapong


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Impeachment motion filed against Surapong

By The Nation

The Democrat Party Thursday filed a motion to impeach Foreign Minister Surapong Towichakchaikul on grounds of unconstitutional conduct to facilitate the entry of fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra to Japan.

On behalf of his main opposition party, MP Wiratana Kalayasiri lodged the impeachment motion with Senate Speaker Teeradej Meepien. Some 130 Democrats co-sponsored the motion.

Surapong had abused his office by requesting the Japanese authorities to issue a special entry permit for Thaksin, Wiratana said.

"Surapong had acted before the government presented its policy statement to Parliament - this is in violation of Article 176 of the Constitution," he said.

Thaksin is a fugitive convicted for conflict of interest as per Article 100 of the anti graft law, he said, deploring Surapong for his failure to uphold the law by helping such fugitive to flee instead of tracking him down to face punishment.

He said he was disappointed that the government made no mention about apprehending Thaksin as one of its policies.

Upon acknowledging the motion, Teeradej said he would spend 30 days checking the motion and its co-spongsors. Should the motion be found in order, he would forward it for an inquiry by the National Anti Corruption Commission.

If the NACC finds cause to suspect abuse of power, the Senate would then convene to try Surapong.


-- The Nation 2011-08-25

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Democrat Party will impeach FM Surapong for alleged role in Thaksin's Japan visa

BANGKOK, Aug 18 - The opposition Democrat Party on Thursday resolved to seek to impeach and file criminal charges against new Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for ignoring to proceed to carry out the arrest of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra.

Democrat MP Nipit Intarasombate, chief of the Democrat Party's legal team, announced the opposition's move following remarks of Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano that Japan decided to issue a visa for the ex-premier Thaksin in light of the request from the Thai government.

Mr Nipit said the foreign minister has not acted to seek the arrest of the ousted premier, but on the contrary, provided help for him.

The Democrat spokesman cited the remarks of the Japanese government official as evidence which confirmed that it was the Thai government which requested Japan to allow Mr Thaksin to enter the country.

Mr Surapong also met with the Japanese ambassador to Thailand before the new government delivers its state policy to the Thai parliament, the action which is considered as violating the Constitution, Article 176.

"The Democrat party legal team resolved to file an impeachment of Mr Surapong and will collect the names of 125 MPs, one in four of the total parliamentary seats of 500," said Mr Nipit.

"Legal proceedings will also be filed against the foreign minister as the law indicates that those who facilitate escape for persons fleeing a court's detention order could face maximum 3-year jail term or Bt6,000," he said.

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-- TNA 25 Aug 2011

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Has anyone ever been successfully impeached? Or is this just a total waste of time?

They've got the 125 MPS needed in Parliament, but there's no way they'll get the necessary 60% of the votes in the Senate

I tend to agree, and more than that it doesn't really even matter what the outcome is, as even if he were to be successfully impeached he would simply be replaced with an other indistinguishable Thaksin puppet. But it is an interesting case study anyway as he is almost certainly guilty. He had no business making a request of the Japanese Ambassador before officially taking office. This should set a clear precedent that from now on a new administration can start implementing foreign policy without having to wait for the official formation of the government. Whether that is good or bad I don't know, but the Democrats are completely correct that it should be sent to the Senate for deliberation.

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Opposition submits impeachment motion against Foreign Minister


BANGKOK, Aug 25 - Opposition Democrat Party on Thursday moved to impeach Thai Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul for abuse of power for helping fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra get an entry visa to Japan.

Lodging an impeachment motion on behalf of the opposition, Democrat MP Virat Kalayasiri submitted the motion signed by 130 members of parliament to Senate Speaker Gen Theeradej Meepien. They asked the Senate to consider impeaching Mr Surapong as he allegedly abused his authority when he met with Japanese ambassador to Thailand Seiji Kojima to facilitate Mr Thaksin's Japanese visa.

The petition said that after the new foreign minister met with the Japanese authorities, Thai media reported that the convicted ex-premier was issued a special entry to Japan as requested by the Thai government, an action which indicated that Mr Surapong had obviously exercised his ministerial influence prior to the new government delivering its policy statement to Parliament.

The action was considered as facilitating Mr Thaksin's personal visit, a matter not an urgent issue for Thailand's new administration, said Mr Virat, reasserting that the foreign minister's action clearly breached Article 176 of the Constitution.

Gen Theeradej said it will take about 30 days to verify the names of MPs endorsing the motion and that he will inform the Senate about the case. When the verification process is complete, the petition will be forwarded to the National Counter-Corruption Commission (NCCC) for further investigation.

The opposition's move followed remarks of Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano that Japan decided to issue a visa for the ex-premier Thaksin in light of the request from the Thai government as he planned to visit Japan Aug 22-28 to give a special lecture on trade, and to tour northeastern areas devastated by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

The Democrat legal team also filed criminal charges against the foreign minister as the law indicates those who facilitate escape for persons fleeing a court's detention order could face a maximum 3-year jail term and/or a fine of Bt6,000.

Ousted in a bloodless coup in Sept 2006, Mr Thaksin is still a fugitive as he was convicted in 2007 under the anti-graft law for helping his wife securing a prime land deal with below-market price and the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Political Office Holders had sentenced him to a two-year imprisonment. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2011-08-25

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Has anyone ever been successfully impeached? Or is this just a total waste of time?

They've got the 125 MPS needed in Parliament, but there's no way they'll get the necessary 60% of the votes in the Senate

60% of living senators or senators in session? :whistling: I guess it could be interesting also!

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The Japan visa deal was a case of Thaksin dipping his toe into the water, before he hops, skips and jumps to Suvarnabhumi via Phnom Penh. The Democrats are making it very clear the water is still very hot!

That's right Dems, keep Yingluck and her lackies so busy defending themselves that they will scarcely have time to appease the voters, stop me if you've heard this tactic before....

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It appears that PM Abhisit is harbouring some ill will ever since his defeat at the polls.laugh.gif

Waste of time and will only encourage the perception that the Democrats are nasty petty people.

It may be a waste of time, but that happens in democracies. To quote that as one of the reasons not to do it, is ludicrous.

To suggest that no-longer-PM Abhisit is harbouring bad feelings and the Dem's might be nasty, petty people, is just as unfounded as when I would say that there is indication that a certain geriatrickid seems way past it and may be in need of his medicine <_<

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The Japan visa deal was a case of Thaksin dipping his toe into the water, before he hops, skips and jumps to Suvarnabhumi via Phnom Penh. The Democrats are making it very clear the water is still very hot!

That's right Dems, keep Yingluck and her lackies so busy defending themselves that they will scarcely have time to appease the voters, stop me if you've heard this tactic before....

Only those in the government who are 'obviously' doing what they shouldn't have been targeted for censure, impeachment and the like. Remember FM Surapong was caught lying about what he did, contradicted by the Japanese.

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Has anyone ever been successfully impeached? Or is this just a total waste of time?

Maybe what is needed here in Thailand is the Polygraph operated by an independent body like the CIA ,as to get to the actual truth here from whichever political party is about as rare as Pork in a Mosque .
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Doubt that anything worth while will come out of the posturing this will produce. It may point out the fact that some people are just going to eat the cover off of the instruction book, instead of reading it. As further time passes, with the real probability that this government will be stepping on their di.ks, on a regular basis, the people may learn another valuable lesson in the disappoints of life.

The proposed description of governments being labeled, "good, bad, ugly", is probably most accurate in that the good description is only one third of the choices, this may be a very real hint to the most accurate words to use two thirds of the time, for the majority of governments and their workings.

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Has anyone ever been successfully impeached? Or is this just a total waste of time?

Maybe what is needed here in Thailand is the Polygraph operated by an independent body like the CIA ,as to get to the actual truth here from whichever political party is about as rare as Pork in a Mosque .

CIA independent? Since when? :whistling:

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It appears that PM Abhisit is harbouring some ill will ever since his defeat at the polls.laugh.gif

Waste of time and will only encourage the perception that the Democrats are nasty petty people.

indeed it is a waste of time on many levels, although the accusation is probably is true.

Are you more of a 'live and let live' approach to the constitution; or would you actually like it to be followed in letter and in law?

Because if it doesn't matter that much...then why does it need to be changed? It wasn't like TRT paid much attention to its intent or words in their day (like asset declarations for instance), and yet we already see PT's desire to start fiddling with it ahead of many more pressing issues.

Personally, I like my opposition to do their job, and scrutinise and analyse what our elected representatives are up to, especially ones like Surapong, who can be kindly described in many ways, but "experienced and knowledgeable with an astute understanding of foreign policy" would probably not be in there even from the most ardent Surapong fan.

The PT belief that justice is something to be decided by a popularity vote doesn't really gel with the concept of democracy inaction, but anyhow, I'll take it if it means we get a nice bribe of lower taxes and an incentive to buy a new Toyota, er, I mean car.

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That's right Dems, keep Yingluck and her lackies so busy defending themselves that they will scarcely have time to appease the voters, stop me if you've heard this tactic before....

Sounds like last year and the year before... mobilize your militant wing, protest, riot and hold the city to ransom, burn it down when you don't get your own way... then the government in power at the time has to divert all attention to the protests and cant move forward with constructive policies and make improvements to the country...

stop me if you've heard this tactic before...

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Has anyone ever been successfully impeached? Or is this just a total waste of time?

Maybe what is needed here in Thailand is the Polygraph operated by an independent body like the CIA ,as to get to the actual truth here from whichever political party is about as rare as Pork in a Mosque .

CIA independent? Since when? :whistling:

They should have asked the CIA beforehand and maybe got advice of how to sucessfully cover things up.....:whistling:

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If Surapong did request Japanese help for the visa, it was done so before his appointment as a FM, in other he did so as a private citizen not as a FM...so how can the Democrats impeach him and to remove him as FM....

The Abhisit gang is only out to create chaos...they have not won an election for a long time and will not be so for a long long time...mark my words...

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If Surapong did request Japanese help for the visa, it was done so before his appointment as a FM, in other he did so as a private citizen not as a FM...so how can the Democrats impeach him and to remove him as FM....

The Abhisit gang is only out to create chaos...they have not won an election for a long time and will not be so for a long long time...mark my words...

The Japanese Government didnt say "we issued the visa on request of a Thai citizen" they said "we issued the visa on request of the Thai Government" therefore your view is incorrect in this instance.

The 'Abhisit gang' (as you put it) is just giving a healthy dose of what it got when it was in government, don't like it? awww diddums

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If Surapong did request Japanese help for the visa, it was done so before his appointment as a FM, in other he did so as a private citizen not as a FM...so how can the Democrats impeach him and to remove him as FM....

The Abhisit gang is only out to create chaos...they have not won an election for a long time and will not be so for a long long time...mark my words...

Being able to read is useful.

"Surapong had acted before the government presented its policy statement to Parliament - this is in violation of Article 176 of the Constitution," he said.

He had been appointed FM already.

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If Surapong did request Japanese help for the visa, it was done so before his appointment as a FM, in other he did so as a private citizen not as a FM...so how can the Democrats impeach him and to remove him as FM....

The Abhisit gang is only out to create chaos...they have not won an election for a long time and will not be so for a long long time...mark my words...

I like your scenario- 'Hello, Japanese embassy, you've probably never heard of me, my name is Mr Surapong and I'm a very ordinary looking man, do you think you could give a visa to my friend and relative, Mr Thaksin?'

'Of course sir, right away!'

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Foreign Minister Claims Misunderstanding in Thaksin's Visa Case

The foreign minister claims that the Japanese ambassador misunderstood his comment on the issuance of an entry visa to Japan to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul commented on the Japanese government's statement that he requested an entry visa to Japan for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, saying it is just a misunderstanding.

Surapong insisted he simply told the Japanese ambassador to Thailand that the ruling Pheu Thai Party had no intention of stopping Thaksin from traveling to various countries and the approval of a visa was entirely up to the Japanese government's discretion.

The foreign minister also shrugged off the Democrat Party's attempt to impeach him, saying that the whole matter is just a non-issue.

On August 15, Japanese Government Spokesperson Yukio Edano made an announcement that the Thai government had asked Japan to issue an entry visa to Thaksin as a special case.

Thaksin was granted a visa at the Japanese consulate in Dubai. The purpose of his trip was reportedly to assist the earthquake and tsunami victims.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-26

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The foreign minister claims that the Japanese ambassador misunderstood his comment on the issuance of an entry visa to Japan to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


Surapong insisted he simply told the Japanese ambassador to Thailand that the ruling Pheu Thai Party had no intention of stopping Thaksin from traveling to various countries and the approval of a visa was entirely up to the Japanese government's discretion.

No, yes, of course not, ....

But now we know, traditional Thai excuse and very believable: 'lost in translation' :D

Mind you, to my knowledge the Japanese Ambassador to Thailand is fluent in Thai, although I'm not sure about his English :whistling:

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Foreign Minister Claims Misunderstanding in Thaksin's Visa Case

The foreign minister claims that the Japanese ambassador misunderstood his comment on the issuance of an entry visa to Japan to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul commented on the Japanese government's statement that he requested an entry visa to Japan for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, saying it is just a misunderstanding.

Surapong insisted he simply told the Japanese ambassador to Thailand that the ruling Pheu Thai Party had no intention of stopping Thaksin from traveling to various countries and the approval of a visa was entirely up to the Japanese government's discretion.

The foreign minister also shrugged off the Democrat Party's attempt to impeach him, saying that the whole matter is just a non-issue.

On August 15, Japanese Government Spokesperson Yukio Edano made an announcement that the Thai government had asked Japan to issue an entry visa to Thaksin as a special case.

Thaksin was granted a visa at the Japanese consulate in Dubai. The purpose of his trip was reportedly to assist the earthquake and tsunami victims.


-- Tan Network 2011-08-26

So, should he be impeached for incompetence (a FOREIGN minister can't communicate clearly with his foreign counterparts) or for conflict of interest? Surapong's not doing himself too many favours here.

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It appears that PM Abhisit is harbouring some ill will ever since his defeat at the polls.laugh.gif

Waste of time and will only encourage the perception that the Democrats are nasty petty people.


Khun Abhisit is doing what he should be doing, and whether you like it or not, what the fm did is totally inappropriate for a number of reasons and he should be shamed for what he did.

"Waste of time and will only encourage the perception that the Democrats are nasty petty people." So the red leaders activities , are they not encouraging many to think they are not much more than thugs and manipulators, with no hesitation to doctor tapes, no hesitation to tell lies on stage and hoodwink tens of thousands of people?

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Heavy Back Pedaling ....

and blame it on the Farang Japanese diplomate and his translators,

who's job it is to PRECISELY translate all they hear without ANY DOUBTS.

Oh this excuse will really FLY... ... like the Hindenburg.

Let's insult the Japanese FM for NOT UNDERSTANDING him.

Well gee whiz Uncle Bumps, they assigned a rank amateur to the FM position because he is the big bosses cousin, and first thing he does is stick his foot in his mouth so deeply it comes out his ass and he walks with a limp till he's excused from office. Who could possibly imagine this outcome?

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