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It Jobs In Thailand

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hello all....

im a foreigner in thailand.....living here since the last 2 years....

im 22 years old having a comerce degree and doing some trading activities....

its about time now that i must make my passion my full time work (IT).

i plan to get a computer science degree from a reputable institute here...(3.5 to 4 years)

the main question is how is the job market here.....

1) are the companies willing to hire foreigners?

2) how much of an advantage is it to be fluent in english?

3) how much to expect? in case there are ppl in the IT industry here pls comment.

4) is a bachelors degree in IT or telecomunications enough?

5) im not good at speaking thai.....is that a very important issue?

im looking more along the lines of system mantainance/administration....not a coder.

these issues may have been discussed here.....but i couldnt get much help on search.....

looking forward to some helpful comments....


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I dont really think it would be worth getting a degree in IT from a Thailand University, Firstly everyone in every other country is going to think you bought it on Khao San Rd. Secondly education here is nowhere near the levels of Europe/US or Australia, why do you need the degree? you already have one, and if IT is your passion you probably wont be learning anything new.

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I dont really think it would be worth getting a degree in IT from a Thailand University, Firstly everyone in every other country is going to think you bought it on Khao San Rd.  Secondly education here is nowhere near the levels of Europe/US or Australia, why do you need the degree? you already have one, and if IT is your passion you probably wont be learning anything new.

hi ben...

thanks a lot for your comments...

the main fact is i intend to work in thailand.

i am looking at taking up some job here....

going thru the job sites i see they require someone with atleast a bachelors degree in computers.....

i think for getting work within thailand it wouldnt be wise to use a khao san degree....

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hello all....

im a foreigner in thailand.....living here since the last 2 years....

im 22 years old having a comerce degree and doing some trading activities....

its about time now that i must make my passion my full time work (IT).

i plan to get a computer science degree from a reputable institute here...(3.5 to 4 years)

the main question is how is the job market here.....

1) are the companies willing to hire foreigners?

2) how much of an advantage is it to be fluent in english?

3) how much to expect? in case there are ppl in the IT industry here pls comment.

4) is a bachelors degree in IT or telecomunications enough?

5) im not good at speaking thai.....is that a very important issue?

im looking more along the lines of system mantainance/administration....not a coder.

these issues may have been discussed here.....but i couldnt get much help on search.....

looking forward to some helpful comments....


Sounds like you want to do something with Electrical Engineering so you might try Chulalongkorn or Mahidol but why you wouldn't do so at home is a mystery.

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There are precious few Farang IT jobs here in Thailand... In my opinion you should stay away from IT altogether. Most companies are outsourcing services to India nowadays so not many jobs to be had anywhere in IT.

Of course if you are a programmer in a specialized software such as peoplesoft, databases, ect you can find a good paying job.

My two cents


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hello all....

im a foreigner in thailand.....living here since the last 2 years....

im 22 years old having a comerce degree and doing some trading activities....

its about time now that i must make my passion my full time work (IT).

i plan to get a computer science degree from a reputable institute here...(3.5 to 4 years)

the main question is how is the job market here.....

1) are the companies willing to hire foreigners?

2) how much of an advantage is it to be fluent in english?

3) how much to expect? in case there are ppl in the IT industry here pls comment.

4) is a bachelors degree in IT or telecomunications enough?

5) im not good at speaking thai.....is that a very important issue?

im looking more along the lines of system mantainance/administration....not a coder.

these issues may have been discussed here.....but i couldnt get much help on search.....

looking forward to some helpful comments....


1) Yes, some.

2) Absolutely essential.

3) Minimum salary for a foreigner in Thailand is about 50,000 - 60,000 Baht - can't remember exactly. That's for a proper, work permit job anyway. For non work-permit jobs, you can still expect that kind of salary if you're a web designer, programmer, etc. Expect 40% less outside of Bangkok (although living expenses refelect this), and considerably less if you want an IT admin sort of job; and no work permit either, probably. Also much harder to find these admin type jobs as a foreigner.

4) You already have a degree, that'll be good enough.

5) Not really too important for IT, could open a few doors though.

Othre comments: You say you want to get a computer science degree from a reputable institution - if you mean reuptable on a global scale, there are no such institutions in Thailand. But you have a degree already so you don't need to study for another one.

You mentioned looking on web sites for job openings: that'll be a fruitless search, hardly any jobs for foreigners appear on job web sites.

Hope this helps anyway - feel free to ask any more questions you may have.


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The IT industry will get bigger and bigger and there will always be demand for people with experience, even if some work does end up outsourced to developing countries there still has to be people managing, designing, integrating, customising and selling those systems.

Wont be long before carputers, home control and other convergent technologies become mainstream.

In terms of a degree, perhaps something from the Open University would be better suited, you can do most modules online, it is well known and although not quite the same as having a 'proper' degree I think it would hold more clout than a Thai degree.

For work, why not look into companies associated with commerce and use your trading/education background to see how IT systems fit into that side of things, perhaps offer your services as a remote worker to a Western country. What about developing a website?

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