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OK, standard preface on any OP I make on this forum: I know virtually nothing about IT. I can turn on my PC and use it to download stuff or do your standard word processing etc, but mostly the way it all works is a mystery to me.

So, to my current challenge:

When I signed on to True Hi-Speed Internet a few years ago, I opted for Wi-Fi (at least I'm 99% sure I did) but as I don't own a notebook or any other device (until now) that would use Wi-Fi, I've never taken advantage of it. I now want to use it to make my new TV able to do it's cool stuff. I have the Wi-Fi adapter hooked up to the TV (presumably correctly, as the Sony guys did it for me)...

How do I "activate" my Wi-Fi? Especially as I vaguely recall choosing a password but no longer have any idea what it is...

I assume I'll be told to contact True...but I guess I'm just hoping for some way to avoid that or at least to be armed with a bit more kowldge before I start talking to someone on the phone/reading stuff on their site.

* As always, any advice or assistance is genuinely appreciated; the kindness of strangers on this forum has impressed me in the past and I thank you in advance for helping this ignoramus...


Joe, to make your Wifi work, you need two pieces -- a wifi router/transmitter attached to your PC where your wired Internet connection arrives, and the wifi adapter that you've said has been attached to and set-up with your television.

Typically, there aren't any settings to configure on the wifi adapter itself. But the settings you'll need to use are for the wifi router that's attached to your PC. And to access those, you'll do so via a regular web browser interface with an Internet address that varies by the manufacturer of your wifi router.

Linksys routers, for example, usually use the address of Other brands may use a different IP address. You can search on Google for the interface address of the particular brand of wifi router you have. Then you'll be prompted in the browser window for a user ID and password in order to access the set-up/settings menu to configure the router.

If you've forgotten or don't know the ID and password for your particular router, there are several options...

-- most brands come with a default ID and password that isn't changed unless you choose to do so. So you could try a combination of something like leaving the ID field blank and entering "admin" in the password field.

-- If you have the original software CD that came with your router, you could use that to reinstall the router on your system and set a new ID and password in the process.

-- Most wifi routers also have some kind of reset to defaults switch or button that erases any user settings and returns the router to factory defaults. Linksys routers, for example, have a little pinhole on the back that you press a paperclip tip against for 30 seconds, and then power off and on again, to do the reset.

Perhaps needless to say, once you work out the wifi router settings, you'll also need to change the video input selection on your TV to select whatever input number the wifi signal is configured as, as opposed to the video inputs for, for example, your cable TV signal or attached DVD player, etc.

And, anytime you're using wifi in your home, you'll want to protect/secure your wifi network with a password-protected security setting. Typically for newer routers and adapters that's going to be something called WPA2. That means in your router settings, you'll need to select WPA2 as your wifi security protocol and then select a password to go with it. Then, anytime you want to connect a new wifi device in the future like the adapter attached to your TV, you'll need to enter the wifi password on that device in order to confirm the connection.

If you specify exactly what brand and model of wifi router you have, perhaps folks can offer more specific advice and guidance.


You need to log on to your router using your browser (Internet Explorer) try as that's the default of 99% of SOHO routers. You will likely need a password, do a Google search on your router type to find the default.

Since we don't know what type of router you have, look for something like 'wireless settings' and enable WiFi, turn off security for now, let's get it going first.

Your TV should now see a WiFi connection and be able to do it's thing.

If you get this far try enabling wireless security, WEP works well but is not totally secure, it's certainly enough to keep the casual snooper out.

EDIT Evidently TallGuy.... types faster than me :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Wow. Thanks very much folks. Most kind of you.

dam_n shame that about 90% went well over my head!

I shall read it few times and maybe can work it out --

I'm pleased to report that in the last 20 minutes I have been using "True Care Chat" and so far they have been relatively speedy and helpful. But all that's resulted up to now is that I have confirmed that I have a Wi-Fi account and I have my user name and password. But she is so far unable to tell me why I apparently have no Wi-Fi signal...


Does your router have an antenna? Maybe it's still in the box since you've not used WiFi :)

What make and model is your router, better information will be forthcoming, possibly :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Well I went to my router using my browser and the link so helpfully provided. But no password suggested worked -- including the ones I found online, or the one provided by True.

Then I recall that when my friend -- who is not reachable for the forseeable future -- walked me through the steps to setup my PC for downloading things (or more specifically to use the downloading software for file sharing services), I may have been told to reset my password and done so...does that sound feasible? It would be pretty stupid to reset it and then not remember -- but unfortunately that degree of stupidity DOES sound feasible to me...

True says they will send a tech to come reset my router in the next 24 hours.

But here's where I was REALLY stupid. I failed to sort this out before I got the TV. So even though I had the Sony guys here, they didn't configure my TV for the Wi-Fi . Here I was thinking I could do that easy enough once I had my Wi-Fi going, but I've since messed around with the TV and it looks like a major pain in the ___ to do the set up (and rather confusing to someone as challenged as I am).


When you bought the tv did it come with a wireless adaptor for the unit. some of them charge extra for the unit which plugs in to the tv to connect with the wireless signal from your modem which plugs into the line.


When you bought the tv did it come with a wireless adaptor for the unit. some of them charge extra for the unit which plugs in to the tv to connect with the wireless signal from your modem which plugs into the line.

Yes, as I mentioned in the OP, I have the adapter and it was hooked up by the Sony technicians from the dealer.

Wish it were as simple as just buying a little gadget I don't have yet...

Thanks anyway.


Steeljoe,welcome to the world of computers and ITand all of that stuff.

You now know about as much of it as I do and I've been in it for a number of years !!

Good luck with everything.


Whoops, didn't see your last post Crossy.

I've got a ZyXEL P-660HW-T1 v2. Yes, it does have a an anttena (even I know that!)

ZyXel is admin as already mentioned here, when you type it in you will see more xxx than the word admin do not worry, just login and you should see the interface.

On the bottom of your Router are two stickers with barcodes on the them, the bottom one is the one you need just remember the last 4 numbers plus the last letter and hey presto that is the password that you need to enter on the TV system so it can use wifi.


Steeljoe,welcome to the world of computers and ITand all of that stuff.

You now know about as much of it as I do and I've been in it for a number of years !!

Good luck with everything.

Thanks. That makes me feel better. I think. smile.gif

Whoops, didn't see your last post Crossy.

I've got a ZyXEL P-660HW-T1 v2. Yes, it does have a an anttena (even I know that!)

ZyXel is admin as already mentioned here, when you type it in you will see more xxx than the word admin do not worry, just login and you should see the interface.

On the bottom of your Router are two stickers with barcodes on the them, the bottom one is the one you need just remember the last 4 numbers plus the last letter and hey presto that is the password that you need to enter on the TV system so it can use wifi.

The ZyXEL won't let me in with "admin" (or blank).

But that info about the barcode and the password may come in very handy once I get my router sorted out! Thank you very much.


Joe, whatever ID and password True is giving you most likely won't be for your router, especially if you changed the router password yourself somewhere along the way. They're probably talking about the ID and password for your True account and/or for using True Wifi when out in public.

If True is coming to reset the router for you, that should sort you out. You probably can also Google and find the reset procedure for your particular model and do it yourself, and/or use the software CD that may have come with the router to do a fresh install...

Whatever you do...once you get a new user ID and password for administering your router's settings... be sure to SAVE IT somewhere reliable... And likewise, you'll have to select a passphrase for your wifi connection that you'll enter on your TV in order to connect the TV to the router's wifi signal... Likewise, be sure to save your wifi password/phrase, since you'll need it any time in the future you try to connect or re-connect a device on your wireless network.


Joe, whatever ID and password True is giving you most likely won't be for your router, especially if you changed the router password yourself somewhere along the way. They're probably talking about the ID and password for your True account and/or for using True Wifi when out in public.

If True is coming to reset the router for you, that should sort you out. You probably can also Google and find the reset procedure for your particular model and do it yourself, and/or use the software CD that may have come with the router to do a fresh install...

Whatever you do...once you get a new user ID and password for administering your router's settings... be sure to SAVE IT somewhere reliable... And likewise, you'll have to select a passphrase for your wifi connection that you'll enter on your TV in order to connect the TV to the router's wifi signal... Likewise, be sure to save your wifi password/phrase, since you'll need it any time in the future you try to connect or re-connect a device on your wireless network.

Actually, I thought that might be the case regarding the password (especially going by the way the TRUE rep only seemed to understand everything I needed after she gave me the TRUE passwords) -- but like most things regarding my IT stuff, I wasn't sure.

Great info and advice. Thanks very much indeed for taking the time and effort.


Does the router have a "WPS" button? This is for Wireless Protected Setup and makes hooking up wireless equipment relatively easy if all is in readiness for wireless operation. Basically you push the WPS button on the router for a few seconds (check manual?) and initiate a similar WPS operation on the TV, hopefully they then link up, though the TV may ask for the passcode which sounds like the one discussed above.




Obviously you have changed the Default Password and unfortunately forgotten it!

This Utility :


will reveal any WiFi Passwords stored in your Computer.


Patrick it was obvious to you (right away, apparently) but, further proving how thick I am, it tok me a while to realize that i must have - and even then wasn't sure.

Well the TRUE guy came and reset it and while he was very helpful he didn't have any idea how to configure my TV -- surprisingly despite the manual asking me oads of questions I didn't know about my LAN/wireless set-up etc, I managed to work it out and am now enjoying Internet TV.

In truth I didn't buy the TV for this feature and would have happily done without it for a lower price or a bigger screen. But one of the 2 TVs I found in the right price range above 40" had Internet and they threw in the adapter and camera...so why not? And it is pretty cool actually...

Anyway, thanks for the help people. Now to compose my next OP (about my home theater challenge)...


Not that anyone's paying attention but, I will say this...

I would never have set out to get TV with internet but I have to say using Skype on a big screen was pretty freaking cool and I'm quite happy with the performance of the Sony cam and mic -- the whole family was able to sit comfortably on the sofa and speak with relatives as opposed to being all gathered round the computer and trying to squeeze into frame.

I'm nearly 50 and it doesn't seem that long ago to me that TVs were much smaller (except for those awful rear projection things) and with far less picture quality available and one had to go through a bit of an ordeal -- and no small expense -- to call overseas (he** I remember having to go to the main post office to make intl calls 28 years ago). Now just push a button on the remote of my big ol' TV and my whole family is talking to relatives halfway round the world.

Technology. Me likee.


Welcome to the modern world, Joe.... Glad you're enjoying it... now after working out the kinks...

There's a lot more out there to discover and enjoy..... and of course, it's changing all the time... :)

Who ever said you can't teach an old dog new tricks... :D

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