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Tired With Relationship...


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Have you ever been desperated in a relationship?

What would you guys do when your partners make you feel inferior?...

I'm a gal who is in a relationship with a WISE farang guy.

He teaches me many things to make me improved.

But, I think he doesn't know that his wisdom is killing me!!

I now feel like I'm a dumb girl who needs urgent assistance about whatever I do.

God, I'm gradually losing my confidence...

Hope to hear your advice soonest :o

Thank you,

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I like how the grammar and spelling are correct (except of course for "desperated" to make it sound like a non-native english speaker). And the use of "gal" from a supposed non-native English speaker is amazing!

TROLL. But it certainly has caught the attention of TV members, hasn't it?

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Thank you so much rio666uk!

It's my first post and you are right that I expected too much from strangers.

Sorry that my English sounds strange for you, I already told you I'm Thai.

Anyway, thank you very much for yr comment.

P.S. Now I know I should study English course before posting.

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What would you guys do when your partners make you feel inferior?...

I had that problem before..what i did to solve the prob, i went to see a plastic surgery and do breast implant ...

(he has bigger boobies than me)

i really feel desperate and pretty inferior :o:D

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Well, let's say you are not a troll. I do sometimes feel like that myself. Being raised closely with my parents (both of them worked at home when I was younger) and having two maids (sometimes more) at home, I found it easy to do things because I could have them help me. Therefore I never had to do anything by myself. I have never spent a day away from home until I moved out to live with my bf six months ago - the troubles begin. I feel totally hopeless when doing stuff (esp those that Thai girls should be able to like cooking, cleaning etc. which I never had to do it before) because he is much better than me. Plus it doesn't help when his ex (I know her as they are still friends) is absolutely unlike me. She seems perfect. When it comes to stuff that does not need much thinking (TV programmes, football etc) he talks to me. But when it comes to stuff like his work or money, he picks up the phone and calls her, so imagine how I feel sometimes? It makes me feel stupid (he always jokes I am thick which doesn't help.) However, It doesn't tire me though. My thought is that I will try harder to be less hopeless not for myself but for him (and it would be nice to shock my parents with how clean I am at the moment :D ). I just want to make our relationship work and to do that we need to work hard.

I am having fun with life though :D despite being 'hopeless and thick' :o

Ps. I am Thai as well.

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He is wiser than you - learn from him and learn to control your confidence levels independent of the advice he gives you. If you lose confidence because of the WAY he gives you advice, that is a separate problem and one you should be honest with him about.

You should not lose confidence just because he is wiser and more experienced than you - you should be thankful for such a guide.

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Amazing guys......the OP's english is as good as Bambi's in some ways....cut the poster some slack and give the benefit of doubt, even if it is a troll, honest answers may help someone else out who is too quiet to post.....the timeline is consistant with Thailand....

I would say that you need to tell him that you need to work some things out for yourself sometimes....and in a nice way tell him that you will ask him if you need his help. try to find ways to show him that you can manage on your own.

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Have you ever been desperated in a relationship?

What would you guys do when your partners make you feel inferior?...

I'm a gal who is in a relationship with a WISE farang guy.

He teaches me many things to make me improved.

But, I think he doesn't know that his wisdom is killing me!!

I now feel like I'm a dumb girl who needs urgent assistance about whatever I do.

God, I'm gradually losing my confidence...

Hope to hear your advice soonest :o

Thank you,

sugarspice, have you been in this relationship for a long time? Has he always been like this and steadily over time it has started to bother you? I think you just need to communicate with him and express your feelings about all this. In a relationship you should never have to keep little complaints like this inside you or they will grow and make you feel worse over time. Maybe he thinks he's doing a good thing but just not going about it the right way.

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ok..if you are not a troll..indeed


Have you ever been desperated in a relationship?

What would you guys do when your partners make you feel inferior?...

i had  BFs be4 ,  they are  smarter than me(in their skill and  other  guy stuff)..but i've never fell deperate nor inferior..people  are  vary..you have  your own skill and  that one  you must know/have  more than him.

i dont think that he  is  so wise  to know all on earth happend..so  why you just dont present your strong point..the way that makes  he respect you more

ok..i will give u an example ....one of my ex is a civil engineer(master degree) ..he  know how  to build things ..(obviously i dont know that much) but come on,  on my  skill, as  medicine.. he  doesn't know either..u can  make a  crisis to be a  chance..seem  you are  pretty smart,arent you?

I'm a gal who is in a relationship with a WISE farang guy.

He teaches me many things to make me improved.

But, I think he doesn't know that his wisdom is killing me!!

that's good ,isn't it?  you'd  proud  to have  a smart BF (if i was you,i'd not complain)

could  you give  us  some examples  about which one   he  teach you ..and  make  you feel like a dumb girl,please?

BTW ..i believe that READING makes people SMARTER .. so try to do it more, follow news (technology,econ,sport..etc..etc...) that one can make you feel proud with yourself..and when he talk with you, u can follow him every step (no need to be deep in info..just superficial is fine also)


Edited by BambinA
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Does he try to tell you to do everything what he wants ? He knows everything better than you ? Are you only listening to him without any idea ? Have you ever told him your point of view or your will or what you want to do ? Did you accept his right all the time ? He nevers heard you when you wanted to describe him ? Is the language between you and him a big problem ? Your language is excellent, I am sure he cant speak thai like you speak his language.

Give him the idea, dont wait till he ask you and you only said, ok. Give a plan and tell him , you want to do this and that ...dont wait till he plans for you.

Tell him this weekend , you would like to make a picknick with him, or going shopping with him or making a short trip anywhere, or making things that you and him are happy.

If you stay in your country, tell him you want to go to school or you want to apply for a job. Notice things that he has interested for. If he loves sport, ask him and watch with him.

Going out and have your own friends, going out for a coffee with your girl friends sometimes. Able to going alone in the city or shoping alone. All these things shall collect you lots of confidences. Listen him but you should have your own point of view and your aim what you want to do. :o

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Thank you very much for your kind attention and moral support.

I'm still so happy to be with him that's why I have to take this advantage to improve myself.

P.S. Where can I have lower price native English teacher.

You know, when you don't speak or read English everyday, the B.A. degree doesn's help :-(


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