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Visa Run Crash

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Just a side but the British transport police look after people traveling on the rail network ie trains, they do not deal with road traffic accidents, unless they occur on a rail line.

my thoughts are with the injured.

either way transport police persons job is to protect the public. Something that seems to be lacking on this trip

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Just as an FYI:

Definition of hearsay:

1. Information received from other people that cannot be adequately substantiated; rumor.

2. The report of another person's words by a witness, usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.

This confirms then that none of this is hearsay.

very true, if you cant beleive what is being told by the people ON THE BUS, what can you beleive ?



3 IVE DONE MANY runs with july/song,fact he is a better driver than any ferang ive seen here,if any ferang could do that trip 3x a week for 7 years and not have a forced or unforced crash ill eat my hat.

so stop bullshitting,telling porky pies untill you know what you are talking about and maybe help RYAN with some cash towards his hospital bills.-

you know july song were a hard working couple,stop your bitching,and put yourself in that situation?.... oh gone quiet now have we?

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ahh someone who actually knows something first hand, rather than some re hashed samui gossip hearsay.

Glad your wife is ok & hope she has no issues in future relating to her injuries. Best wishes

I am soory Boo but how is that more first hand than me for example talking to someone on the bus? Its not is it. Is that person telling the truth anymore than me/ Why is his post that backs uo Julie's visa run instantly more credible than other posts who are quoting from witnesses that state different? this really isn't adding up.

Finally to state that its like a Thaivisa lynch is total melodramatic rubbish. On the contrary this thread has been very reasonable throughout. the only bias shown would clearly be by your goodself.

I also note that unlike another instance you have blatently failed to draw refence to a new poster. Out of the blue here is a new poster totally contradicting what others on the bus have said to me and you immediately take that as valid!!!!!!! is that because that poster is saying what you want to hear? Why is that poster more valid than others that you simply don't seem to agree with.

I've edited because i'd like to say that i would greatly appreciate an answer to my questions and in particulat i'd like to know why this particular person quote that had such a fortunate ending to the incidence is instantantly truthful and more credible than other eyewitness accounts when it is clear for the world to see that this a a ONE POST member that has miraculously appeared out of nowhere.?

Over to you

Dear Sir.

After spending 72 hours by my wifes bedside in Hatyai public hospital, no sleep and very little food, then being able to have her transferred to Bangkok international hospital in Hatyai for a further 3 days, I take offence at your remarks about me not telling the truth. I don't know where you are getting your information, but it must be from a comic book.

The reason this is only my second post is because I received a phone call from Julie telling me about your remarks on this forum so I decided to take a look myself. Once again I question where you are getting your information. So I will state once again just in case you do not understand. My wife received head injuries which resulted in 2 small blood clots on her brain, her left side is covered in massive bruising. Sha had x rays to her abdomen, spine, neck and skull. She also had 2 ct scans to her brain. Perhaps you would like to know her inside leg measurment and waist size as well? All of this was over 6 days and ONCE AGAIN Julies insurance paid every penny of the bill.

My wife was not an eye witness, she was involved!! and will have the scars to prove it.

Hopefully this will answer all of your questions because you are obviously so full of your own importance that you need to know.


I have no wish to cause offence and as i seem to have done so i apologise and ofcourse i wish your wife and all the passengers a full, speedy recovery. i might add that i did not call you a liar but you have certainly suggested that a number of others on here are. Might i expect an apology because i also take offence to be called a liar. wanting to hear the truth has nothing to do with being full of ones self either

I might add that for some reason you have neglected to answer my question as to whether or not the minibus was hit by a lorry? Please do so, and you will doubtless be delighted to hear that i will have nothing further to say on this thread.

YES IT WAS,BUT to get a thai driver to confess??? with his boss???? yeah right!all know here how that can be " fixed" so nothing ever happened,or is it better for all to be dragged through the Thai court system,without getting any insurence payment in the meentime??

what would you choose? clear your name or get your customers looked after quickly?-i know what i would do. same as Julie.

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No one knows the circumstances of the crash. Please let's not start accusations without knowledge of the facts or circumstances.

Main concern at the moment is the well being of the passengers. So any further progress reports, would be appreciated.

Wise advice.



Then perhaps it wouls also be better to practice what you preach. That would be not taking taking a first post members story as instantly credible and questioning the credibility of other witness versions because you happen to prefer that version.

And while we are on the subject perhaps this getleman could confirm whether or not a lorry hit the bus? A very simple yes or no would suffice because i see he negected to mention this particular point. i ask this because this seems a very big FACT that some are trying to brush over. Or does this post sound like a lynch mob? :rolleyes:

Mr Hackett, please take a deep breath & check the names please. My name is Rooo.

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3 IVE DONE MANY runs with july/song,fact he is a better driver than any ferang ive seen here,if any ferang could do that trip 3x a week for 7 years and not have a forced or unforced crash ill eat my hat.

so stop bullshitting,telling porky pies untill you know what you are talking about and maybe help RYAN with some cash towards his hospital bills.-

you know july song were a hard working couple,stop your bitching,and put yourself in that situation?.... oh gone quiet now have we?


if they where fully covered for the trip, why was one person not included in the policy?


i cant see the logic in this one, regardless of a criminal case, they insurance company would still pay for medical treatment, are you saying there is a ' private agreement ' in place not to take the lorry company to court ??? and to pay out of court? .... are the victims getting compensation from somewhere? , please expand on the above

so stop bullshitting,telling porky pies untill you know what you are talking about and maybe help RYAN with some cash towards his hospital bills

in your first post ' FACT" THEY DID HAVE INSURANCE,ALL BUT 1 PERSOM OK,AND ALL PAID FOR. ' , so why are you asking people to stop bullshitting and help with hospital bills?

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Kindly expand upon your involvment in this "Ralph Taylor" as I'm a bit puzzled by your sudden interest.

Were you involved in the accident then and in what capacity are you able to explain such facts to us?

i think ralph taylor is the same ' new poster ' who got his posts removed before...

last time he tried , if it is him, to put herbert down, but is now trying to defend, but isnt really doing a good job by contradicting in his own post, which has only now brought this whole post into light again and making it look like julie is getting people to write posts for her whom seem a beer short of a six pack with THEIR TYPING

anyway .......... is julie going to post her accounts here? , as i can feel this thread is going to come up again and again ... esp after Mr Ralphs Post

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Kindly expand upon your involvment in this "Ralph Taylor" as I'm a bit puzzled by your sudden interest.

Were you involved in the accident then and in what capacity are you able to explain such facts to us?

i think ralph taylor is the same ' new poster ' who got his posts removed before...

last time he tried , if it is him, to put herbert down, but is now trying to defend, but isnt really doing a good job by contradicting in his own post, which has only now brought this whole post into light again and making it look like julie is getting people to write posts for her whom seem a beer short of a six pack with THEIR TYPING

anyway .......... is julie going to post her accounts here? , as i can feel this thread is going to come up again and again ... esp after Mr Ralphs Post

Sadly this is my gut feeling too. At least two people involved haven't had their medical bills fully covered if I;m not mistaken so the post is simply not true unless the poster can expand fully on their earlier rant.

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I am always surprised when people use the term "FACTS" with a load of bravado, huff and puff in a fairly unpleasant manner. Its generally the same everytime and in this case no different. Ralph is a new poster, what is it 4 so far, yet he knows the "facts" but what he says is totally unsustantiated. Perhaps his "facts" should more likely be considered his "opinions," which ofcourse he's totally welcome to.

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Just as an FYI:

Definition of hearsay:

1. Information received from other people that cannot be adequately substantiated; rumor.

2. The report of another person's words by a witness, usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.

This confirms then that none of this is hearsay.

very true, if you cant beleive what is being told by the people ON THE BUS, what can you beleive ?



3 IVE DONE MANY runs with july/song,fact he is a better driver than any ferang ive seen here,if any ferang could do that trip 3x a week for 7 years and not have a forced or unforced crash ill eat my hat.

so stop bullshitting,telling porky pies untill you know what you are talking about and maybe help RYAN with some cash towards his hospital bills.-

you know july song were a hard working couple,stop your bitching,and put yourself in that situation?.... oh gone quiet now have we?

I once made the mistake of going on a visa run with this company. I vowed never again. I am not easily scared but this was an accident waiting to happen. I now drive down myself and stay overnight.

Now either there had insurance to cover the accident or they didn't ? I don't know of any insurance that covers MOST of the passengers ? The way I read it is they have covered the small bills out of their own pocket but either can't or won't cover the most serious guy Ryan.

The article in the local rag was also the most condescending piece of press they have written to date. It may as well have been written by Julie herself. No wonder the person wanted to stay anonymous.The way they call it Julie isn't doing this for money but rather is doing all the Farangs that need to do a visa run a favour.

It also goes on to say that many Farang need to do the run quickly to get back to either their families or business.

If you have a family here you shouldn't need to be doing a visa run and the same goes for having a business. You should have a work permit ?

I still don't buy the truck collision either. If there was a truck involved then Julies insurance would pay put and then they would recoup the money from the truck owners. Trying to say they are not going to chase the truck company to do the injured a favour is to be honest a kick in the teeth to those unfortunate to have been injured.

I also find the fact that Julie has been silent in all this sad.

People use the two Farang run visa run businesses because they expect them to run them differently to the Thai way of doing things. It seems very evident to a lot of us who live here they do not !

What was the outcome of the fund raiser they had for Ryan ? any update ?

Lets hope he recovers fully and that lessons have been learnt from this tragic accident

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i am thinking that maybe Thai owned proffessional visa run serviced might be better than forang visa run companies. With the owners being Thai they have allot more strength when it comes to Thai problems. As long as the company is properly run and not just some thai man with a van.

The company Easy Way i have used in the past and i haven't had too many major problems.

There was a small problem a while ago about 3 or 4 years ago with a driver but he was sacked and since then i cannot complain about the service. Only the annoying customers that i sometimes sit next to. lol

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It appears from the above that the bus may have been carrying at least one person more than the insurance coverage. I do hope this is not the case as I am sure a civil case against the company would be damaging.

Edited by harrry
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It appears from the above that the bus may have been carrying at least one person more than the insurance coverage. I do hope this is not the case as I am sure a civil case against the company would be damaging.

i am only guessing i might be totally wrong but i think that the company is still running seemingly care free from the incodent maybe the company is not that bothered and the owners main bread and butter does not come from the company.

allot of forangs have allot of assets from back home. If that is the case if anyone wants to take court proceedings then they should do now while the company is still active

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It appears from the above that the bus may have been carrying at least one person more than the insurance coverage. I do hope this is not the case as I am sure a civil case against the company would be damaging.

if that is the case, how do you determine who will be the 1 over and not be treated? ...............

as i have mentioned, and many other posters, this whole think is still a bit fishy, and NO factual outcome has come from it?

SO , the main questions have still not been answered

1) Was it or Wasnt it hit by a truck? .......... if the police report states NO , cover up or no cover up , was it or wasnt it? ..... people need to know

2) Where all the passengers insured or NOT? , this seems to be the main point? , people have come to the board and said YES they where all covered, BUT why are they doing fund rasiers for people on the bus for hospital bills? , or how much was covered if they where? , but then WHY has it come up that they where over thier insured limit?

Questions need to be answered here folks .... many or if all of us have done Visa runs, and we NEED to know we are in safe hands, and properly covered ( even if you have private medical insurnace )

Edited by Boater
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It appears from the above that the bus may have been carrying at least one person more than the insurance coverage. I do hope this is not the case as I am sure a civil case against the company would be damaging.

if that is the case, how do you determine who will be the 1 over and not be treated? ...............

as i have mentioned, and many other posters, this whole think is still a bit fishy, and NO factual outcome has come from it?

SO , the main questions have still not been answered

1) Was it or Wasnt it hit by a truck? .......... if the police report states NO , cover up or no cover up , was it or wasnt it? ..... people need to know

2) Where all the passengers insured or NOT? , this seems to be the main point? , people have come to the board and said YES they where all covered, BUT why are they doing fund rasiers for people on the bus for hospital bills? , or how much was covered if they where? , but then WHY has it come up that they where over thier insured limit?

Questions need to be answered here folks .... many or if all of us have done Visa runs, and we NEED to know we are in safe hands, and properly covered ( even if you have private medical insurnace )

Perhaps the new creative writing dept of the Samui Express will clear it all up for us.

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It appears from the above that the bus may have been carrying at least one person more than the insurance coverage. I do hope this is not the case as I am sure a civil case against the company would be damaging.

if that is the case, how do you determine who will be the 1 over and not be treated? ...............

if you are the insurance company, you pick the most expensive one.

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As I continue to read this thread it's still surprises me that the Visa Run company hasn't gone to the ends of the Earth to clarify the situation.

It would be far better for there business if the cleared everything up, even if they were in the wrong. Then they should remedy the situation and ensure that a similar events wouldn't unfold in the future.

At the end of the day it is an accident, someone maybe at fault (who that is, will we ever know?) maybe not, maybe its just a terrible accident.

What is very clear that there is a problem with the insurance and liability side regarding passengers hospital cover injuries etc.

So how can the visa run company expect people to travel with them, when this issue has still not been made clear to the public.

I don't need to do visa runs, but I have friends that come on holiday and often they use one of these services.

Be nice to know what there position really was.

At the end of the day they are only harming there reputation by staying quiet.

P.S I think Mr R. Taylor tried to clarify the situation, but looks like he may have made the whole matter more confusing. Thanks anyway Mr R. Taylor!

Edited by Maipenrai007
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As I continue to read this thread it's still surprises me that the Visa Run company hasn't gone to the ends of the Earth to clarify the situation.

It would be far better for there business if the cleared everything up, even if they were in the wrong. Then they should remedy the situation and ensure that a similar events wouldn't unfold in the future.

At the end of the day it is an accident, someone maybe at fault (who that is, will we ever know?) maybe not, maybe its just a terrible accident.

What is very clear that there is a problem with the insurance and liability side regarding passengers hospital cover injuries etc.

So how can the visa run company expect people to travel with them, when this issue has still not been made clear to the public.

I don't need to do visa runs, but I have friends that come on holiday and often they use one of these services.

Be nice to know what there position really was.

At the end of the day they are only harming there reputation by staying quiet.

P.S I think Mr R. Taylor tried to clarify the situation, but looks like he may have made the whole matter more confusing. Thanks anyway Mr R. Taylor!

I totally agree with your post, and as i said before, or i think i did anyway, accidents do happen on these very dangerous roads, and no one should be condemned because they were involved in one. However, there do seem to be other issues that would be best cleared up. Some clarity would help and whoever the new poster, a certain Mr R Taylor is, he has done them no favours whatsoever from his posts that i've read.

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As I continue to read this thread it's still surprises me that the Visa Run company hasn't gone to the ends of the Earth to clarify the situation.

It would be far better for there business if the cleared everything up, even if they were in the wrong. Then they should remedy the situation and ensure that a similar events wouldn't unfold in the future.

At the end of the day it is an accident, someone maybe at fault (who that is, will we ever know?) maybe not, maybe its just a terrible accident.

What is very clear that there is a problem with the insurance and liability side regarding passengers hospital cover injuries etc.

So how can the visa run company expect people to travel with them, when this issue has still not been made clear to the public.

I don't need to do visa runs, but I have friends that come on holiday and often they use one of these services.

Be nice to know what there position really was.

At the end of the day they are only harming there reputation by staying quiet.

P.S I think Mr R. Taylor tried to clarify the situation, but looks like he may have made the whole matter more confusing. Thanks anyway Mr R. Taylor!

Good post Maipenrai.

Sadly, I suspect that we will not hear the true/real story. Sadly, it will probably happen again (if my experience of Thailand is anything to go by).

I just hope that all of the injured recover fully without having to mortgage their souls.

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You really have to ask yourself whether you would do a Visa Run with any of these cowboys.

Can someone post here and describe a decent Visa Run company that pays its bills, gets you from A to B and back again in one piece with the same driver who took you there and has appropriate insurance coverage?

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You really have to ask yourself whether you would do a Visa Run with any of these cowboys.

Can someone post here and describe a decent Visa Run company that pays its bills, gets you from A to B and back again in one piece with the same driver who took you there and has appropriate insurance coverage?


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You really have to ask yourself whether you would do a Visa Run with any of these cowboys.

Can someone post here and describe a decent Visa Run company that pays its bills, gets you from A to B and back again in one piece with the same driver who took you there and has appropriate insurance coverage?


With Firefly you might just be lucky if theres a promotion but otherwise its an expensive option. Between 8-9k rtn plus a hotel for one night, food drink taxis etc etc. Mindyou, its an option i think i'd prefer nonetheless and added to that, the food on the visa runs i wouldn't feed to my dog.

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With Firefly you might just be lucky if theres a promotion but otherwise its an expensive option. Between 8-9k rtn plus a hotel for one night, food drink taxis etc etc.

I've done it a couple of times, and yes, the cost is high, coming in about 5 times the price of a day trip in a hearse traveling at MACH 2.

But it is efficient. And easy. You get chance to do a bit of shopping at somewhere other than a 7-11. You can even do some duty free stuff. And certainly worth considering if you want legit. items, rather than potential fakes. Getting off the island and into a taxi that actually uses a meter and into a bar that doesn't only sell Chang is quite refreshing.

Yes it is expensive. But then the alternatives can work out even more expensive, as we have seen.:(

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With Firefly you might just be lucky if theres a promotion but otherwise its an expensive option. Between 8-9k rtn plus a hotel for one night, food drink taxis etc etc.

I've done it a couple of times, and yes, the cost is high, coming in about 5 times the price of a day trip in a hearse traveling at MACH 2.

But it is efficient. And easy. You get chance to do a bit of shopping at somewhere other than a 7-11. You can even do some duty free stuff. And certainly worth considering if you want legit. items, rather than potential fakes. Getting off the island and into a taxi that actually uses a meter and into a bar that doesn't only sell Chang is quite refreshing.

Yes it is expensive. But then the alternatives can work out even more expensive, as we have seen.:(

I think you are trying to say its civilised. :D Thing is, when take a trip off Samui these days i shudder at the prospect of having to come back.

Joking apart, your point about potentially more expensive alternatives is a good point and very true. I am absolutely livid that i was not properly insured whilst doing visa runs. If thats the way a company wants to operate then i want no part of it. Fly, take the financial hit and enjoy the trip with no 140kph driving.

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  • 3 weeks later...

so far the facts are that there was a crash, many people hospitalized and aprt from that to this day nothing is clear apart from the fact that Julie was out of hospital within days and running visa run tours.

i know that for a fact.

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so far the facts are that there was a crash, many people hospitalized and aprt from that to this day nothing is clear apart from the fact that Julie was out of hospital within days and running visa run tours.

i know that for a fact.

Is there any update on the guy, who was in a coma please

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As to why Julie does not post here, it could be that she realizes that this avenue of discourse adds nothing to the situation except innuendo, nonsense, speculation and misinterpretation.

troll troll troll your boat, gently down the stream.

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As to why Julie does not post here, it could be that she realizes that this avenue of discourse adds nothing to the situation except innuendo, nonsense, speculation and misinterpretation.

troll troll troll your boat, gently down the stream.

Actually, I disagree. I've seen threads where business people post and threads where they don't and it doesn't make a bit of difference to the armchair sherlocks.

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