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Bangkok Criminal Defense Attorney/Fixer


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Can anyone recommend a well connected criminal defense attorney in Bangkok? Silly situation: A guy took me for 4000 USD. I texted him that if he did not pay me back I would kick his phanny. He showed the cops my message;they called me, and I admitted to telling the man if he did not pay I would kick his butt. The cops set up an appointment for me to come to the station an explain myself. Who knows who he bribed and what he actually said.

This is what i want done: I want some fixer/attorney with enough heft so that this whole problem can be resolved in exchange for my money and his phone call. I also want to legally--at the very least--take punitive action against the man who stole from me.

Yes, I am a fool for giving some man 4000 bucks.

Does anyone know of anyone reliable (who can prove bonafides) to assist me? An expat lawyer with connections and thai partners. Thanks in advance.

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The really good and connected lawyers are expensive.

Top grade lawyers are companies like Tilleke and Gibbens and Chavalit Finch and partners. But the cost might be higher than what you get back, if any. However, there is obviously a complaint against you, which you should not take lightly.

Police will want to question you about if you send the message and if you wanted tho threathen the other person or if it for example was meant as a joke. Do show up with a lawyer.

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So I assume you lent the $4000 of your own free will? i.e. the guy did not steal it, therefore what you need to do is consider suing him to get it back. Did you have an agreement written down?

The process is long and expensive - I doubt any lawyer would touch it for less than 60,000b in fee's and realistically you maybe looking at 200,000b if you use a foreign lawyer. There are no punitive damages in Thailand - but equally even if there were, why would they apply? From what you have described it was a simple loan and he cannot afford to repay it.

You will end up going round the houses and it goes to court - he says he just does not have the money to pay you back in one go however maybe can afford 2000b month for the next however many years. The court would likely agree with that timescale and you win the case. The court will award costs of probably 4000b to you.

So you end up winning morally and also losing big time financially. In the meantime, he then sues you for defamation on the one hand and for threatening him, in writing - both of these could cost you a lot of money to sort out.

Just write it off.

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