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Deaths of farangs are no more newsworthy than deaths of Thais. Dozens, if not hundreds, of people die each week of less-than-natural causes. If you want to read about all of them in lurid detail, I suggest you learn to read Thai and subscribe to a tabloid like the Thai Rath.

PS: I'd fling myself from a high building, too, if I woke up in the body of a typical Pattaya expat.

Well done! Awful thought, I agree.

Some staff working for the English-language dailies might not like all those son-of-Thaksin shots either, but there's not much we can do about it.

I suggest maerim contacts the editor and tells him. I hope the editor takes the opportunity to explain to maerim a few facts of life about working under Thaksin.


You might note that every time a Farang dies of a heart attack or other natural causes in Chiang Mai, the local Thai Raht "reporter" always claims they died on the job. Protests to the newspaper by upset friends and relatives have usually not been well recieved.


the bangkok post, even though it may have more thai readers than falangs,consistently fails in its duty to report news stories concerning falangs.

falangs look to the english language press to keep abreast of not only thai and world politics,sport etc. but also for news stories about the falang community here.

when a falang gets arrested,murdered,mistreated etc.or becomes involved in something newsworthy, i feel the english language press should report these happenings to a greater depth than they do, and the story should be followed until the conclusion.this rarely,if ever happens.

true journalists should report and investigate and come up with facts and good stories,not complain about "life under thaksin", whilst continuing to ride the gravy train.

if "life under thaksin " makes journalists jobs so difficult then they should go work for the free travel mags that are given away in the lobbies of all the restaurants and hotels of thailand and let some good old fashioned professional news- hounds take their place.

if the papers find themselves so constrained as to what they can print and what they cant print then they should stop masquerading as legitimate newspapers and taking our money under false pretences and print the truth about the constraints that they have to work under.

professional journalism is ,after all,about providing the paying readers, with "the truth", and not kow-towing to vested interests.


I don't mind if Thai Rath reports that I was getting some when I kicked the bucket, as long as they include a picture of Venessa Mae, that I keep in my wallet at all times, as the young hussy that did me in. My friends back home would be so impressed! :o

true journalists should report and investigate and come up with facts and good stories, not complain about "life under thaksin", whilst continuing to ride the gravy train.
There's more to Thailand than the latest Pattaya suicide or the comings and goings at Soi Cowboy. You just haven't seen it yet.
taking our money under false pretences and print the truth about the constraints that they have to work under.

Democracy and freedom of the press here are but young things. The culture of news gathering here is different from the West. Journalists can't publish whatever they want. They get the sack, and editors likewise. Compared to the Thai language press, where Thaksin is the daily page-three pin-up boy, you're getting a good deal, even if the product still has a long way to go.

If journalists weren't making some effort to dig up the ''truth'', as you put it so dramatically, they'd feel no political pressure, and would presumably publish what they saw fit. Just ask any journalist who has felt Thaksin's wrath whether that really is the case.

That said, some journalists belong to a mindset where they feel privileged to be mixing with rich and powerful politicians.

Those types are unlikely to write anything challenging. You might hope that, given fair warning, they are one day driven out of the profession.

Of course this sort of news is not for the weak minded readers of the English language press here, might give em some ideas of what to do in between visiting temples and getting ripped off for 200 baht when the Thai's get in for 20 baht.



Oh yes it is "Of course this sort of news is not for the weak minded readers of the English language press here"


Teacher dies suddenly

Published on Jan 5, 2004

CHIANG MAI - Police suspect heart failure caused the death of an American English teacher who died in a hotel room with a 19-year-old prostitute in Chiang Mai early yesterday.

Walter Louis, 44, a lecturer at Thammasat University, was found dead in a room of Muang Thong Hotel in the city's Muang (city) district at about 3am.

Police said they found heart medicine and three Viagra pills in the room. They said he had taken the girl from a go-go bar opposite the hotel.

Lt-Colonel Itthirat Saenpanya of Muang police station quoted the girl as saying that the American collapsed on top of her.

His body was sent to Chiang Mai Hospital for an autopsy.


what to do in between visiting temples and getting ripped off for 200 baht when the Thai's get in for 20 baht.

I missed this poisoned drop of prejudice the first time around. If you have a problem living here, you know what you can do!

If you want to be a real journalist you know what you can do as well!

Unlike you, I'm not rubbishing the product day in, day out.

Talk to people who have lived here for more than five minutes, then come back to us. I am sure we can't wait!


Too right you are not "rubbishing the product" the product is paying your rent on no doubt a very nice pad in the metropolis.

As for being here 5 minutes, I reckon you have been at Bernies watering hole,"I have been here years" so what? Is there a time limit before one can have a dig at the Post?

Thank's again for the news that it was Min 7 Max 13 and cdy in New York, riveting stuff.

Too right you are not "rubbishing the product" the product is paying your rent on no doubt a very nice pad in the metropolis.

I am delighted to have you think that way. I do not suffer from the green eye of envy myself, but I understand it can really chew you up. So knock yourself out!

Guest IT Manager

Maerim stop picking. I know what they have to put up with, sort of, and though I also wish the Post had balls, I can read enough Thai to get by on Thai Rath and what I don't understand I have a family full of excellent interpreters for the big words like Saddam Hussein, and Pattaya based bar owner leaps.

In my opinion the Post dodges controversy as a means of survival, as do I, and misses bits that reflect badly on LoS as a paradise for money spending tourists who may be put off coming here and repeatedly marrying BG's who push them out of windows in their apartments.

Weird but true. Thank God for Chiangmai Mail IMHO. Up to a point.



I envy people who have nothing but some dignity more than I envy you lot.

By the way is that 5 minutes here a Thai 5 minutes or a Farang 5 minutes.

Ever thought what you might do when you grow up?

Ever thought what you might do when you grow up?

When posters start getting personal I know my stuff must be getting under their skin.

Notice I am too smart to reply in kind, or to tell you what I really think of the Bangkok Post (oops!)

Thank you, maerim, for livening up my evening.


There is a pick up that comes round here and on the side in large friendly letters is the logo "God loves you"

I thought, how nice as everyone on here thinks I am a <deleted>.

Made my day


Maerim, the same story about the viagra munching American was in The Nation today. And it was not exactly hidden. There it was, slap bang in the middle of page three.

If you are going slag off the English-language papers for missing certain stories, it might pay to have a look at them first. It'll do wonders for your credibilty.

Eerr...excuse my ignorance, but what's the lowdown on the ugandian referrence

I missed this poisoned drop of prejudice the first time around. If you have a problem living here, you know what you can do!

mrentoul.....can you never think of anything else to say???....

Change the record will you!!

Eerr...excuse my ignorance, but what's the lowdown on the ugandian referrence .

The Ugandan bit comes from the U.K. where the libel laws are a bit tricky, it started when some upper class slag was bang at it at a very posh do with some upper class bloke, the do was in aid of Uganda. They were seen so rather than risk a court case the Private eye said they were engaged in Uganda discussions.

As for the Nation I don't get it 20 baht a day is enough to waste on trash newspapers, the rabbit's grateful though.


It might not have been the Ugandan discussions that killed this poor bloke.

If he was on heart meds (specifically nitroglycerine) perhaps he didn't know that mixing nitro and viagra within a 24 hour period can lower blood pressure to a life threatening level.

Which brings up another one of those combination mysteries. Do you think it is really true that mixing liquor and durian can kill you? The Thais always say this but I find it hard to believe.


Unfortunately for mrentoul I am living proof that it's an old wives tale.

They all gasp when I drink Mekhong and eat them, convinced I am going to snuff it.

How long does it take as I have been doing it for 15 years now?


I have no bloody idea what you two guys are talking about. But volume-wise I suggest print and shred it and my cat will have litter for the next 2 weeks.

Come on.... Grow up!


It was beer and durian. I think the combined stomach gases blow you up Kapoow !!

The point about the Nation publishing where the Post won't is correct. You may recall that General Kraponyu tried to shut the Nation down during the troubles a few years back. Didn't like the truth.

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