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Advice To Newbies


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Dear Newbies,

I am writing this because I am so frustrated and overtaken by the bunch of awful people that choose to give “advice” on this forum. So its simple I will tell you how it is. I am not a retiree. I am not here because I am running away from anything. I am attractive, I am quite intelligent, I am quite successful.

I came here just after the Tsunami, I did some shit jobs to get by, my first proper job I earnt 50,000 Baht a month. Last year I earnt over 100,000 dollars prior to that I earnt 35,000 USD a year at my best. My current situation does not need to be discussed, suffice to say I am in my early 30’s, I earn over 100,000 USD a year. Three years ago I earnt less than 20’000 USD a year . I am relatively successful and I did it all in Thailand.

Most of the people who will respond to you on this forum have nothing better to do. They are one of several groups but overwhelmingly they are retirees from shit jobs in the west. If they were lucky they made it as far as middle manager, they were your post manager your local shop “boss” or perhaps they managed the local pub – they are not successful people but they will give you advice like they are some type of multinational senior managers. Do NOT listen to them. They will tell you that you cannot get a good job in Thailand, you cannot be successful, they are absolutely correct. They will never be successful, if you are the same as them you WILL never be successful. You are a waster, you were no good at what you did and you will never be good at what you do, you will not be successful, move on.

OK now we have got rid of at least 50% of these people they will not read this far, so lets talk:

Guys this is how it is. You can set up a company with relative ease or play around and start a business with little constraints. If you have a good idea play around and make it all off shore and you can do it. You can set it up and make it work. I bought an empty condo next to where I live and made it an office I turnover 300,000 dollars a year(in my second year), because I am not inhibited by the borders that inhibited me in the west I can do it and I will do it. I AM A SUCCESS THAT COULD NEVER DO IT IN THE WEST BUT I CAN DO IT IN THE EAST _ these silly old bastards that wanted to teach me so much now call me every week to try and sell me their shit investments and their shit ideas because I earn more in a week than they earn in a year but they have been here for 20 years and I have only been here for six. You can be the most successful guy that you know by moving to the east, get a good idea, follow it through and make it work. If you were totally unsuccessful in the west understand why and learn from it. Two years ago I had 20’000 dollars in my account now I have two condos (worth over half a million dollars) and 80,000 dollars in the bank and I am a speck in the eye of success. You can Do it. You will do it. Piss off these old idiots and lets enjoy being more successful than they ever were. YOU can and will do it if you are passionate, hard working and convinced , be prepared to work 20 hours a day to Make your business a success and then take the “experts” on this site out for a drink in your local champagne bar. Welcome to ASEAN – welcome to the land of opportunity – MAKE IT, DO IT & ENJOY IT. Piss off the idiots and let’s have fun by being more than they can ever be. Welcome to the land of opportunity.

Edited by Luke06
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No you've finished blowing smoke up your backside, can we have the advice? All I see is expletive-ridden diatribe. Btw, I'd advise not having 500k worth of condo sitting pretty in Muang Thai... consider diversifying; perhaps Malaysia, China or Singapore. ;)

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Agree with other posters.

True, there are a number of posters here that are a waste of bandwidth. True one can be successful in Thailand.

But there is too much frustration in your post for me to believe you are as successful and happy as you claim.

In Thailand there are a number of monasteries that offer retreats where you can figure out what is really important for you. You should try that.

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Agree with other posters.

True, there are a number of posters here that are a waste of bandwidth. True one can be successful in Thailand.

But there is too much frustration in your post for me to believe you are as successful and happy as you claim.

In Thailand there are a number of monasteries that offer retreats where you can figure out what is really important for you. You should try that.

Of course one can be successful in Thailand. Problem is if you start something in Thailand without prior knowledge of that business field you will have it double as hard as back in your own country. Not only do you have to learn your field of business but you have to compete with locals who have local knowledge and are in the field already. Your a foreigner and that makes it harder.

Examples enough of people starting bar, restaurants without ever having operated one in the west. Normally its hard to operate a business but then its even harder as you have more things against yourself.

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'Luke66'………………….I just spent 2 minutes reading your topic, and 5 minutes thinking you must be a right 'dream boat', attractive, quite intelligent and successful…….And it would seem not too shy about telling all how you alone are the man with his finger on the pulse of life.

One question mate, why are you telling me all this, is there a point to your self-promotion?

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Is there somewhere I can get a precis of the OP's rant?

I got baffled by all the numbers - it was like a Chinese annual report and I kept on trying to see if he had misquoted monthly as annual, or dollars instead of baht, or hundreds of hundreds instead of thousands.

Anyway, I'm pretty full of myself too. Its nice to know I'm not alone. I was worried, until I read this post, that maybe the people who thought I was the biggest arse they'd ever met might be right


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Good stuff glad that so many of you grasped it (hits head against wall), thanks for your replies. Frustrated - dam_n right. Frustrated by the morons who post here to tell you how bad life is in Thailand, never invest more than you can afford to lose, bla, bla. Is that golden nugget really different from anywhere else? Advice - the advice is simple, you can be successful in Thailand from a monetary/career point a view (as well as having a good wife/husband and a family), if you take the risk, don't be put off by people on this forum telling you that you can't do it, it is possible. I do have a wife and children but this was focused on the career/money side that so often gets beaten down here as some type of dead end, for people of my age it is critical as we are trying to build our lives and need those foundations.

Lets have some positivity, encourage people to come to Thailand and try it for themselves as long as they are not a desperate old man with a death wish, a bit of spare change in their pocket and the desire to get as close as possible to committing pedophilia with any whore who comes their way.

As for self-advertising, look at how often I post and what I post, do you really think that I feel the need? You really didn't get it, I am nothing special or remarkable, I'm an average guy, that's the whole point. Hopefully it will give some of the people wondering about making the jump a reality check that it can be done and won't end in some farmer from Issan getting a new house. As for being here 20 years I'll see what the future brings.

-That said apologies for the expletives - too much Asahi.

Edited by Luke06
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Well the OP has a point, for the past five years or so the morbid, miserable expat population has been increasing.

While the younger, more positive expats have been leaving and getting smaller.

All I can say is:

The future ain't what it used to be.

OP, what exactly is it you sell?


Not every expat in business in SE Asia is a salesman you know :)

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I am always intrigued by those people who have such a good deal thats its a secret and cannot be discussed. Intrigued enough that that I usually try to finish my drink and change bars. My guess is..... ghost writer employed by Armstrong writing the rhetoric for the red shirt tv channel evangelists. Time to change watering holes.

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never invest more than you can afford to lose,

That's one that winds me up the other "if you want to make a small fortune, start of with a big fortune"

These are the factory workers from some nowhere town that have only known to clock in and out for the last 25 years come here blow their money then sit in a bar depressing everyone.

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OP's rant sounds like one of these nonsensical Tony Robbins style self-help motivational programmes, where the speaker tells you the secrets of gettting rich(of course you have to buy the $50 video to find out)

What a complete load of nonsense!

BTW I would much rather be friends with a pub manager than this guy because at least I would get the occasional frre pint, and alot better advice....for free!

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I don't know if Luke is trolling but the man has a point. This forum attracts a lot of "lower class", cynic old men who get a kick out of ridiculing anyone who's succesful and not being shy of expressing that. The survey done by Thaivisa amongst members proofs that. As long as you don't ask any serious questions or mention your young age you'll be fine on Thaivisa. I'm glad the psychographics on this forum do not reflect the ones in the real world.

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I don't know if Luke is trolling but the man has a point. This forum attracts a lot of "lower class", cynic old men who get a kick out of ridiculing anyone who's succesful and not being shy of expressing that. The survey done by Thaivisa amongst members proofs that. As long as you don't ask any serious questions or mention your young age you'll be fine on Thaivisa. I'm glad the psychographics on this forum do not reflect the ones in the real world.

Aren't all old men cynical regardless of class? I know I am and I'm really high class! :D

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