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hey boys and girls ;-)

since a few weeks the standard incomming ports (like 80,25,110,143,138,145) getting filtered

is that a new rle or somethings like that ??

we have True dsl 512 kb Bussiness-account ...

someone have same experiances ??

or know any way to switch that off ? ;-)


On the home version of true it is filtered all the time. Search the forum for "transparent proxy" and you'll find a lot infos.

hey boys and girls ;-)

since a few weeks the standard incomming ports (like 80,25,110,143,138,145) getting filtered

is that a new rle or somethings like that ??

we have True dsl 512 kb Bussiness-account ...

someone have same experiances ??

or know any way to switch that off ? ;-)


filtering port 80? May I know what you mean exactly?

The speed is never the speed annouced, because it's shared DSL, the subject was debated several time in the forum.

Now, some prts are filtered, mostly those used for p2p sharing (winmx, bittorrent) but is the usual policy all around the world. ISP pay for the bandwith and they tend to minimize the cost.

Iffiltering mean firewall some sites that are not conform to the local moral, then that is the usual policy.


Now, some prts are filtered, mostly those used for p2p sharing (winmx, bittorrent) but is the usual policy all around the world. ISP pay for the bandwith and they tend to minimize the cost.

Are you sure of this? :o

In the world the ports for p2p is filtered and limited,yes anywhere,but not like here.Here is limited 90 per cent!In my country is limited in half,and this is ok,but no like a true!!!!!!!I know who wrone,30 per cent isp because not tell to custommer real story about international bandwitch,end Cat 70 per cent because want only money from isp without spend money for buy more bandwitch.But the problem is that TRUe and more isp filtered and limited the ports of p2p almost 100 per cent!!!!!!In europe a little bit and not all isp!Abaut the transparency of the proxy is bad story,is not right,but is normal this in this country about privacy of custommer.We hope anythings can change in the future abaut this story of adsl and internet,because abaut this ,today,thailand is last country in list in good service. Maybe need time for good change.


port filtering only blocks certain ports, such as those that were used by Kazza etc... These days you can setyour p2p to use any port. TRUE use packet shaping - they 'sniff' all informaiton through their transparent proxy server - through which all their internet traffic runs - not just certain ports.

Rest assured that they will not pass on any bandwidth saved to the none p2p users - they will simply pile in as many users per line as they think they can get away with (and then double it)

port filtering only blocks certain ports, such as those that were used by Kazza etc... These days you can setyour p2p to use any port. TRUE use packet shaping - they 'sniff' all informaiton through their transparent proxy server - through which all their internet traffic runs - not just certain ports.

Rest assured that they will not pass on any bandwidth saved to the none p2p users - they will simply pile in as many users per line as they think they can get away with (and then double it)

yes,i know this story,true and most isp here sniff protocoll of p2p and not block the ports.But he sniff almost 100 per cent of p2p and so block almost all.we know about problem of bandwitch,i get 2560/512 i don't want run in 200KBytes per second,but please give some medium of 20-30 :D:o

But is impossible run no more of 10KB!About the transparency of the proxy,i not understand.What you intend ?proxy asianet http1.1. tcp8080?i never use this,but i use normal connection,true use proxy also for normal connection? :D

i want know better this,is possible?

thanks :D:D


Most ISP's do only the portblocking / packetshaping on their cheap packages.

If you move up to the more expensive sme/business packages it seems not to be a problem.

Up till now I've only heard reports from True sme users that service is not as should be...

filtering port 80? May I know what you mean exactly?

what i wrote ;-)

incomming ports filtered ;-)


port on ppp- (

80/tcp filtered http


About the transparency of the proxy,i not understand.What you intend ?proxy asianet http1.1. tcp8080?i never use this,but i use normal connection,true use proxy also for normal connection? :o

i want know better this,is possible?

thanks :D  :D

Yes, every TRUE connection runs through a transparent proxy server, where the police block access to many web sites deemed inappropriate.


Protocol, ports, ... sound complicated ... I do suppose you are all technies with MAster or above in IT science, maybe lecturer for APNIC for the related subjects, maybe also do you have a sit as individual in both Apnic and ARIN ... don't you? I do.

To explain simply, about the speed of true, if you look the contract you have sign in True tower or Fortune town, that is a maximum theorical speed.... that I reach or get about 23 hours per day (the last hour is mostly used to check that forum).

I am simply assuming you are using Window , and then your download speed will be limitate a 30k/sec (in case of the simple basic download form a http or ftp server). Use Download manager, and you will get the full speed the download. Same for the FTP upload, use a command line client and you will get the 512k/secs.

True policy, and that is conform to some RFC (sorry I do not have the number in mind) is limitated at 30 k/secs per port. All complains related to that MUST be send to I.E.T.F. (Internet Ingeneering Task Force), non profit top level organisation where you are certainly members if I can believe the quality of your comments (I dislike people who wank at me when I ask something, in more when the answer stay stupid, or senseless).

That is true for every and each port, even the 80 (basic http).

Whatever, 30k are enought to get a website in seconds if the related website was created with the US industry standarts and following the recommandations of the W3c. I do agree problems arise with websites that are technologicaly top of the egde, full of useless gadgets,features ... or full of animated gif. One sample , I recently got a client who were complaining his site was very slow if people used a 56 k (as he live in Florida, I do suppose he must be still some US citisens who do not have access to True packages ... errr to the DSL/cable/satellite. Anyway, the previous coder (indian as well) just created a php loop that was sending about 20 000 lines of raw HTML and that for every page. The coder eventually had a real T3, as my client, so both of them did not noticed something first ....

I do suppose many visitors complained about a slow ISP, or traffic jam on the network ... fact is ISP were not guilty, but the way the pages were created was.

Complaining about True is easy, but for the individual use, or the very small business (as mine), the package 1 Mb/sec is simply the right one, even if I compare with my own country. The price is equal, the quality since 2 month is equivalent.

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