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I am now going to practice defensive driving and anticipate bad drivers with a TOOT of my car horn. Too many times I have had a car in the lane next to me try and move into the lane I am in with no indication or even to check to see if it is empty and safe to do so. I am not a lane hog like so many are and will quite happily let someone merge in if it is possible but when someone just wanders into my path I will not hesitate to TOOT!!!! Todays incident was just a case of the driver in the turning lane wishing to get around the corner faster than the car in front, the driver tried to get around him/her in the straight ahead lane which I just happened to be in. A near miss for me as I had to swerve sharply - I was lucky that the lane on the other side had a small gap.

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Happens to me all the time on the sweeping bends on Patak Rd just past Kata School. I just hold my ground as the vehicle on the inside lane swings in to cut the corner, make sure you are at least abreast of them so they can at least see you out their side window. A TOOT is not usually needed. And beware that TOOTing can often cause road rage in some drivers.

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Was going to say the same as LiK.. Seems to beep a horn is considered a rebuke rather than a warning or alerting them to your presence. I know my missus winces and tells me not to if I beep a horn in what is usually more a 'watch out, dont miss that I am here' use.

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Was going to say the same as LiK.. Seems to beep a horn is considered a rebuke rather than a warning or alerting them to your presence. I know my missus winces and tells me not to if I beep a horn in what is usually more a 'watch out, dont miss that I am here' use.

Yes. I know from bitter (and shocking) experience that TOOTing (even just a friendly 'here I am' warning) is often considered an insult to some macho Thai males and can lead to serious consequences. I avoid the TOOT these days.

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been tooting t hem a lot lately when they do this. They almost always brake right away and swirve left and right as if they just had a crash in front of them..

they mostly open their window and curse the gods at their 4'9 height..

then they get back 10-20 cars behind and i never see them again because they get stuck further and further back by trying to cut people from the left and getting stuck into motorbikes or super slow drivers.

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On my way back home by car, I TOOT'ed yesterday at one minibus that drove into the roundabout straight in front of me.

The driver of that minibus was after that hanging out the window and drove in front of me and stopped along side the road making sign for me to stop. I just drove as normal and ignored him. He was hanging on my back until i turned off the road, then he again hung out the window while passing making sign with his arm like "I see you...."

I never thought somebody would be so upset by a signal from fellow drivers in the traffic...

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Anyone know where to get an Air Horn, wanna make it as loud as possible so they know.

Supercheap. Good selection in air horns and loud conventional horns. I replace on all cars with 500 baht dual Hella, as they respond more rapidly than air horns, and can use existing dual horn wiring.

or Big C carpark tents, if you want seller to install, approx 800 baht for Hella.

Hella great on bikes too :D

The ultimate conventional horn is japanese Piaa, anyone know if they have a dealer in Phuket?

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In vietnam they use these dual oscillating tone horns.. Something about the way the two tones work really cuts through.

I wanted a set to fit to a big bike but couldnt find one physically small enough to install.

approx double the size of conventional bike horns, not easy to hide if not faired

here on a faired bike, one on each side, should be visible as it is red, just at the rearend of the white fairing


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I'm sorry but I don't agree that folks shouldn't sound their horns when other drivers create a driving threat, that's the purpose of the horn and local drivers will get used to that fact, eventually. I understand only too well the cultural implications of sounding a car horn at an offending vehicle and I've heard all the horror stories, I've also had more than my fair share of run ins in over the past 100k+ miles.

But others getting upset and aggressive doesn't make me want to change my behavior necessarily, when someone wants me to stop and fight them just because I sounded my car horn to warn them, that's their problem not mine and stop, not a chance. Finally, nobody please mention guns in all of this, I accept that sometimes idiots pull guns and shoot people as a result of these things but frankly, in my experience, I reckon the chances of such a thing happening are really very very low, despite the sensationalized press reports when it does happen - yes, we know.

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<snip> I reckon the chances of such a thing happening are really very very low, despite the sensationalized press reports when it does happen - yes, we know.

Well it happened to me, as you know chiang mai. But I'm not going to get into that again. History for me, but I'm a lot more careful these days.

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A TOOT is not usually needed. And beware that TOOTing can often cause road rage in some drivers.


And especially when they get a wiff of the TOOT, I don't even need to touch the horn, vegetarian diet.

Beans, beans the magical fruit,

the more you eat the more you toot,

the more you toot the better you feel,

so eat your beans with every meal !

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<snip> I reckon the chances of such a thing happening are really very very low, despite the sensationalized press reports when it does happen - yes, we know.

Well it happened to me, as you know chiang mai. But I'm not going to get into that again. History for me, but I'm a lot more careful these days.

I had bullet holes in my Vigo in 2005. The general rule by Police is max 2 short honks, 3 or long is provoking and you get what you deserve. Obviously took me 2,5 years and bullet hole to learn. Slow learner :rolleyes:

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