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My Thai Wife'S Annoying Habits


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Now I've got your attention...She never lets me finish sentences, puts rubbish in the sink (that's next to the bin) and sits in the doorway.Now, if we all post ours here, the letting off of steam will help and any that appear often will show it's 'them'! Also, moaning here is better than moaning at them and suffering two + days silence.

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Sorry if this is another bitch and moan thread but seeing as I am here might as make an effort:

Talking while trying to watch a tv program, spending too much time talking on the phone to friends about nothing in particular, not emptying the waste basket in the toilet, blindly accepting something is wrong because a more senior person said it must be so...I could on and on.

Oops, I was talking about me...I will sit down now and shut up.

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Similar experiences, would interrupt me half way through an explanation to tell me I am wrong, standing in doorways and narrow openings while deciding what to do next, leave crap all over the kitchen bench tops Oops that was the Australian wife.

Thai GF just talks a lot on the phone, thinks as an expat I know nothing and is completely dedicated to cleaning the condo and putting things away. Sometimes things get put away to the village, but that is a different story.

I am beginning to think that all females are tarred with the same brush and the sisterhood is a reality. However as with all things there are differences so you need to be careful that the model you select is OK for you, as they will never change the way you want them to, and trading them in for a new model can be a hassle.

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I don't take the tape of her mouth so I have no idea what she would say if I did.

Or the tape off her ankles and arms. :lol:

I like you, Tokay; you treat the topic as a bit of fun... as it should be.

Like Roblock says, you made your choice in partner and now you have to live with it. I had two successful marriages and both women did me a favour by ending them. It's much easier just having a bunch of women friends and there are no manipulative games being played. I'm quite certain that I have annoying habits if I had to live with someone.

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I have removed some posts that where excessively mean spirited painting all with the same brush.

You all want to have a whinge and moan, about your personal situations, fine, however, please resect Thai Visa forum rules.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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B) I too have noticed the Habit of all of the Thai women I have lived with that they also put the "rubbish" in the sink. I think as Farangs we are accustomed to throwing the left over food into the bin, or garbage can for Yanks. As for the silent treatment, I have found the best remedy is to give it right back to them. If you try to talk and reason with them you get nowhere.


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Yes, I know exactly what you mean...my wife is 64 and very set in her ways.

Any minute thing that I do that doesn't meet her standards...which seem to be different every day and never explained to anyone else...we are all just asumed to know what she wants today by some sort of mental telepathy...is what we should have done.

And in my family it's not only me...as the farang...but Thai members of the family that are treated the same way. Her grown children included.

So why do I put up with it? Well, call me stupid if you want to, but the fact is I been with her for 31 years, and I still love her.

So I guess I'll keep her.


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but the fact is I been with her for 31 years, and I still love her.

So I guess I'll keep her.


You're a fool mate. She's only after your money. After 31 years and being 64 years old can't you see that she's biding her time? :D

Edited by mca
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I can say that my Thai wife is an angel compared to some of the western women that I had the misfortune of spending intimate time with. Not generalizing - there are good western women also - I just didn't find any.

One little thing that does disturb me is leaving leftover food sitting on the table for 2 or 3 hours and then happily eating it. I am used to putting left over food in the refrigerator.

But no complaints - Thai women - I just love them!!

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I don't take the tape of her mouth so I have no idea what she would say if I did.

Or the tape off her ankles and arms. :lol:

I like you, Tokay; you treat the topic as a bit of fun... as it should be.

Like Roblock says, you made your choice in partner and now you have to live with it. I had two successful marriages and both women did me a favour by ending them. It's much easier just having a bunch of women friends and there are no manipulative games being played. I'm quite certain that I have annoying habits if I had to live with someone.

Ian, I think it's your choice of shirts that made your wives leave you!

Mrs. T's always complaining about my loud shirts and buying me alternates that I acquiesce to wear, for fear she will otherwise leave me and take the dogs, whom I'm fondly attached to.


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I never let her finish her sentence because I already "know" what she is trying to say. I leave junk in the sinc and she cleanes it. My dog (Rottweiler) is always sitting right in front of me or in door openings etc.

I do exactly the same thing, but it enrages her when I cut her off. To me its saving time, but in order to not argue I will have to listen.

As Archie Bunker said; "ding-bat!!"

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Yes, I know exactly what you mean...my wife is 64 and very set in her ways.

Any minute thing that I do that doesn't meet her standards...which seem to be different every day and never explained to anyone else...we are all just asumed to know what she wants today by some sort of mental telepathy...is what we should have done.

And in my family it's not only me...as the farang...but Thai members of the family that are treated the same way. Her grown children included.

So why do I put up with it? Well, call me stupid if you want to, but the fact is I been with her for 31 years, and I still love her.

So I guess I'll keep her.


How devilishly devious this woman of yours. Instead of leaving you and taking most of the money, she's waiting for you to depart this realm, thus leaving her with *all* your money, *plus* the insurance. These Thai Jezebels are so full of trickery.


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We all have our problems. I'm not allowed to take out the trash because I throw good stuff away. I'm also no longer allowed to run the Honda weed whacker because I cut down her herbs.

I let her win both of those arguments. B)

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I don't take the tape of her mouth so I have no idea what she would say if I did.

Or the tape off her ankles and arms. :lol:

I like you, Tokay; you treat the topic as a bit of fun... as it should be.

Like Roblock says, you made your choice in partner and now you have to live with it. I had two successful marriages and both women did me a favour by ending them. It's much easier just having a bunch of women friends and there are no manipulative games being played. I'm quite certain that I have annoying habits if I had to live with someone.

You don't know your annoying habits :blink:?

Perhaps that's why your wives ended the relationships?

Personally, I'm v aware of my faults and habits and find it hard to understand people that can't see their own imperfections.

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I don't take the tape of her mouth so I have no idea what she would say if I did.

Or the tape off her ankles and arms. :lol:

I like you, Tokay; you treat the topic as a bit of fun... as it should be.

Like Roblock says, you made your choice in partner and now you have to live with it. I had two successful marriages and both women did me a favour by ending them. It's much easier just having a bunch of women friends and there are no manipulative games being played. I'm quite certain that I have annoying habits if I had to live with someone.

You don't know your annoying habits :blink:?

Perhaps that's why your wives ended the relationships?

Personally, I'm v aware of my faults and habits and find it hard to understand people that can't see their own imperfections.

Different things annoy different people. I am quite well aware of why my marriages ended. My first wife started having affairs and my second wife couldn't handle having an adult son who was a drug addict living in our home. She took off and left him with me.. and I eventually had to get the police to remove him.

There is a HUGE diifference between having someone stay at your home for a while and actually living with someone on a permanent basis. THAT takes a LOT of adjusting. Being single for a while makes me appreciate just how nice it is being single.

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I don't take the tape of her mouth so I have no idea what she would say if I did.

Or the tape off her ankles and arms. :lol:

I like you, Tokay; you treat the topic as a bit of fun... as it should be.

Like Roblock says, you made your choice in partner and now you have to live with it. I had two successful marriages and both women did me a favour by ending them. It's much easier just having a bunch of women friends and there are no manipulative games being played. I'm quite certain that I have annoying habits if I had to live with someone.

You don't know your annoying habits :blink:?

Perhaps that's why your wives ended the relationships?

Personally, I'm v aware of my faults and habits and find it hard to understand people that can't see their own imperfections.

Different things annoy different people. I am quite well aware of why my marriages ended. My first wife started having affairs and my second wife couldn't handle having an adult son who was a drug addict living in our home. She took off and left him with me.. and I eventually had to get the police to remove him.

There is a HUGE diifference between having someone stay at your home for a while and actually living with someone on a permanent basis. THAT takes a LOT of adjusting. Being single for a while makes me appreciate just how nice it is being single.

So neither of your failed marriages had anything to do with inadequacies on your part... :rolleyes:.

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Ian, where you been? Haven't seen you post for a while.

Shopping. Drives me bats how she will take 10 minutes to chose the right apple. Then the standard sulks and quiet time. But she's still precious. ;)

Geez F1, lighten up a bit will you.

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