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Some Advice On Thai Women


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Cos if not they wouldn't bother getting married I guess. Save on the cost of a new suit for a start.

Marriage in Thailand gives you joint custody rights over any children produced.

Costs about 50bht to do and another 50bht to end.

No need to buy a new suit.

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Dude I'm not marrying her she is coming for a holiday. She's paying. Not me. Besides it wasn't like a didn't keep the investigator on her after I left. So far the only lie I have caught her in was one night she said she was going to go out to a disco with a friend and she really went to bed. This guy spends two hours every second day around her and so far nothing

This guy spends two hours every second day around her

Her new gik? :rolleyes:

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A few posts deleted.

Either have a little class when posting or risk getting thrown out of here. We know people here have had problems with women before, but we also have many women members here and if you post here you should do so with a little respect for them in mind.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I must say I was very careful but I still she tried to scam me. you were all right.

The week I got back she asked for money to fix her teeth. I had stopped the investigator. So I thought you know what I will send her 20000 and see what happens. So I sent it. I didnt hear from her for three days then she pops back up and tells me her wallet and passport had been stolen. she needed more money for these. I was on skype with her and she was laughing while asking and then made a call to another friend while I was on skype making me wait for her. I hung up the call.

She sent a text asking if I was angry that she had asked for money.... I said no just angry cos she didnt say thank you last time. I thought I would play her a little more. I have a friend who's brother is in Pattaya this week so I sent him into her cafe. he brought his Thai wife and baby. she came straight over and started talking about Australia and Adelaide in particular.

He then listened in as she spoke in thai about how she had a boyfriend from Adelaide. His wife commented that he husband was from Adelaide. Charles apparently understands Thai perfectly but pretends to only get the odd word. This way he can monitor his wife.

So she goes on and on about her poompoi who she has he sends money every time ( I have once ) that he will do anything and he is very rich. She even texts me to go on skype. So there I am on skype with My mates brothers wife and my girlfriend talking about what part of Adelaide I am from. It was gold. So on skype she asks for more money for some festival loi kraton or something.

she says its for good luck oh man she should have gone last year cos her luck ran out.

My mates brother understands the conversation and can see his wife is feeling awkward so he come to to computer and says hey mate hows it going. I reply good mate hows your brother. My girlfriend looks very confused. we start talking about his nephew and basketball and she clicks.

She closes her laptop and runs upstairs.

I got a call from my mate who tells me she has 5 guys sending her money mainly Italians and Russians but also her ex in Melbourne. She then calls me and asks what happened did I know them? I said no but I know his brother Adelaide is very small. She starts crying that I dont trust her and send people to check that the investigator I sent before every girl knows is investigator and acts good around him ( that was a waste of money ).

So I said its fine you scammed me or tried but I was finished with her. I hung up. now my question is why is there not a thai scammer list on the internet where we can list these women. I mean mine thought I was really stupid not to notice her three facebook accounts or her emails with different names.

is there a website somewhere?

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So I said its fine you scammed me or tried but I was finished with her. I hung up. now my question is why is there not a thai scammer list on the internet where we can list these women. ........

is there a website somewhere?

Because that would rob too many of us of a worthwhile life experience :rolleyes:

But seriously, a list of investigators whose cover has been blown would be more worthwhile

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"Ludditeman" is of course talking absolute <deleted> on his second point as I can attest to first hand, and the Thai "girls" concerned were most certainly better educated and come from more repectable familes than the person concerned making the comment...:whistling: ......but I will bow down to his extensive knowlege of Thai culture...:jap: ...after all what do I know...

Seems like I was exactly right and not talking "<deleted>".

Thanks for the update Eguage, hope you had fun with her while it lasted.

I'm sure she was happy with the 20k she earned.

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All the way through this thread the O.P makes out he knows the score e.t.c but he clearly has it all wrong. You now make it sound like you played her all along but that just isn't true is it.

All you started out wanting, was advice on going away for the weekend with a thai lady , a simple task it would seem , but along the way you employed the use of a private investigator , why ? were you planning on proposing marriage or something ?? no just a weekend together and take it from there.

You have your weekend away and it seems you enjoy the rollercoaster ride it can be and fly back to Oz and here it all goes wrong , as soon as she asks for some money you give it to her , WHY <deleted> ??

At that point why carry on with an elaborate plan to play her , sure you probably felt better, but it cost her some crocodile tears and you 20,000 baht and what ever the private dick cost !!

One born every minute .

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Very interesting story egauge and thanks for contributing. I have come to the conclusion that many of these girls are molded from their direct environments in Pattaya, Phuket and other tourist venues. Not to mention Thai soaps lol. These girls are very good actors and seem to revel in the chance to show their skills for profit. And the ace in the hole is the "crying game". Once you can get past your own guilt and white knight conscience you can render these tools of theirs useless and quickly separate "good company for the night" from "bad company for life".

Sex really is something quite different from long term companionship. The real beauty of Thailand and many Asian cultures is that men are allowed to roam as long as they do not bring embarrassment or loss of face to their wives. In most Western cultures women want it all so if the sex fizzles their is little outlet except divorce.

Edited by losworld
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The week I got back she asked for money to fix her teeth. So I thought you know what I will send her 20000 and see what happens. So I sent it.

She sent a text asking if I was angry that she had asked for money.... I said no just angry cos she didnt say thank you last time. I thought I would play her a little more.

So, you sent her 20,000 Baht and then decided to "play her a little more".

Words fail me.

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20000 baht which was like $700 near enough it wasn't like i sent 20000 AUD. I wanted to see if it was a once off. She can keep the 20000 I have hours of memories from pattaya. But next time I go if I go back I'll be a lot less trusting of Thai women and their expectations

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20000 baht which was like $700 near enough it wasn't like i sent 20000 AUD. I wanted to see if it was a once off. She can keep the 20000 I have hours of memories from pattaya. But next time I go if I go back I'll be a lot less trusting of Thai women and their expectations

How much for the private Investigator ? with an attitude like yours it's probably better staying away , there are plenty of ladies here you can trust, but I doubt you would ever meet one :whistling:

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I don't live in Thailand, but have spent about 30% of my time there in the past three years. My Thai biz partner, and best friend has set me up with a few Thai stunners. Some will not even see me "alone" unless my friend and his lady are also present.

She sounds dangerous.

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I don't live in Thailand, but have spent about 30% of my time there in the past three years. My Thai biz partner, and best friend has set me up with a few Thai stunners. Some will not even see me "alone" unless my friend and his lady are also present.

She sounds dangerous.

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