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Trouble With The Wifey


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:lol: :lol: :lol:

I learned that the hard way the first time I came to Thailand. I figured it a bar girl I had been with could go home with various custormers then I could take another girl from the same bar home with me when the first gal wasn't available. BROTHER! Was I ever WRONG! :lol: I was rather funny though, and I eventually wound up with both of them.

Yes, they thought you were incredibly funny so were both desperate to have sex with you :rolleyes:.

Money had nothing to do with it at all.

Edit - I'm honestly not following you around - but you do come up with the most ridiculous posts!

Nothing ridiculous about a true story, F1. Of course money had something to do with it. It always does. But it took a lot of explaining and apologizing to calm her jealous anger. I was real greenhorn in those days and didn't understand the system. I didn't realize that once a Thai hooker goes with a guy he sort of becomes her property... at least in the group she goes with. If a client takes out two different women from the same bar at different times then it causes problems. But, if the client takes both women out at the same time it is somehow okay. Like I said, it's a funny system.

But it took a lot of explaining and apologizing to calm her jealous anger.

If we knock off a couple of decades from the visage below we can still see how the calming of the ho was achieved through cunning mind control techniques rather than hard cash.


Ian, please don't hunt me down and destroy me piece by piece, slowly, with a warm smile on your face. I'm not the first one to post this on TV. Honest! Please have mercy...err....how's the goatee? No? Err....seen any good movies lately? I'll just get me coat....

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<deleted> wheres your dignity and self respect, 'it took a lot of explaining and apologizing to calm her' this is a whore we are talking about.

I have been in Thai places with Thai male friends and I dont need to tell you what their reaction would have been if a stunt like that had been pulled.

'I didn't realize that once a Thai hooker goes with a guy he sort of becomes her property' may well happen in the cheap knocking shops you frequent but it certainly doesnt happen in the more up market establishments in Bkk.

Like I said, it happened a long time ago when I first came to Thailand. I was a naive newbie. I was raised from a child that women were the weaker sex and men were there to protect them. I was raised to be the classic white knight in shining armour. How innocent I was, and it's taken a life time to learn that women are just smarter when it comes to manipulation and playing mental games. And, it's easy to manipulate a man who thinks with his little head instead of his big one. But, I've also learned that to have success with women you treat the hookers like ladies and ladies like hookers. but in a nice way I don't know why, but even the nicest women seem to be attracted to bad guys providing the guys are self confident and have a sense of humour. Maybe it's the challenge of conquering the unconquerable.

I have a lot of hooker lady friends and treat them all with respect... just as I treat everyone with respect if they don't screw me around. They can be a fun bunch to be with and are no different than anyone else except they have been run through the mill and had their feelings torn apart by others. They don't come out of the womb that way. And, they still do have feelings, but they've learned to hide them. I"ve had more than one bar girl cry on my shoulder because some guy has treated her like crap. I'm happy when they finally meet some guy who wants to settle down with them. A lot of them make good wives and probably no better and no worse than any other woman. I've certainly seen a lot of crap played by so called "nice" women in North America. .

And, I'll still say that once a hooker goes with a man a few times she begins to think he is her property... even though she will go with other customers. She doesn't want some other gal in the bar moving into her territory. Like ozzie said, it's case of losing furure money to some other woman. They are jealous of their potential nest egg.

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If we knock off a couple of decades from the visage below we can still see how the calming of the ho was achieved through cunning mind control techniques rather than hard cash.


Ian, please don't hunt me down and destroy me piece by piece, slowly, with a warm smile on your face. I'm not the first one to post this on TV. Honest! Please have mercy...err....how's the goatee? No? Err....seen any good movies lately? I'll just get me coat....

That WAS a funny thread and nobody ever found out who did it. We sure had a lot of laughs about it though. I was away at the time when it first happened and when I got back my hooker friends pulled me over to show me the posters.

I've had a lot of experience in killing things and removing the evidence... piece by piece. And I've been doing it for a long time. Humans are just like slow deer. B)




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Posts derogatory of all Thais deleted and warning issued. I would highly recommend that members heed my previous public warning.

That is too bad, sbk. It fits right into my philosophy that we are all responsible for most of what happens to us. People should accept responsibility for the choices they make. No need to be derogatory to anyone.

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It IS her house!

Every last brick and blade of grass!

I have a friend in a similar situation. Bought land and built a house in HER name. Bought a new car in HER name. When she talks to other Thai's the property is always refered to as HER's

I havn't the heart to tell my friend (even if i did he would justify it in some way) but it is clear case of "pay me money and I will give you love".

But you know...at the end of the day....they are happy!

He's just a c*** struck idiot and she's a gold digging bitch!

Some would say (mainly poor rural Thai's) a marrage made in heaven!

That does seem a pretty clear cut way of looking at things. Probably not a great deal of differance from the west in how we marry and then play to the roles that society expects of us.

Your post did strike a chord with me about looking at things from the other side though. I always find it amusing when guys on these forums claim " I bought my house" or " I bought my business" when in fact the letter of the law says it is not really their property at all, but their spouses.

Come to think of ot Living in Exile..werent you the guy that was posting about buying another farangs house out from under him, and getting it very cheap??

How is that going anyway? I suppose you would have to conceeed that that house is no more yours than it was the last fellows :)

Yes We did, and it's in my wife's name.

BTW, there was more to it than "buying another farangs house out from under him".

We eventually got the full story from neigbours and other expats in the area. The guy was a complete prick that drove his wife to the brink of madness with drinking, whoreing and violence. He eventually disapeared so the ex was not lying, she just wanted to get out!

Anyway back to the subject....

ALL the property I have bought legally belongs to my wife, I guess I am luckier than most and she always refers to the properties as "ours".

But then again she's a women, and women are women the world over. It's ME I don't trust...not her :)

Apologies, i guess i could have used a little more tact in my previous comments.

Anyway im glad to hear that all went well in your situation. Sounds like you have stood the test of time,which also answers some of the things i was wondering.

I guess its fair to say you have also brought another side to the issue, in regards to how the other guy you mentioned treated his wife. As many wiser than me have said, there is always two sides to the story, so maybe a lot of the guys who harp the loudest have not done anything to help the crappy situations they find themselves in.

But good to hear a positive story mate and hope it goes well for you in the future wink.gif

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They would have the usual arguments and the bigger ones would result in her refusing to talk to him for days on end, which i know from experience to be pretty much the standard MO for Thai females.

Sincere apologies to those on here who experience this but I simply couldn't be with someone who goes off into a sulk for days like a bloody kid.

NICE REPLY !! try living with my wife for a few months, <deleted> nightmare, but im stuck with all my money tied up in thailand in "her" name and a 2 year old daughter to her. hindsight really is a wonderfull thing blink.gif

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That WAS a funny thread and nobody ever found out who did it. We sure had a lot of laughs about it though. I was away at the time when it first happened and when I got back my hooker friends pulled me over to show me the posters.

I've had a lot of experience in killing things and removing the evidence... piece by piece. And I've been doing it for a long time. Humans are just like slow deer. B)



Sheesh! Those are ugly-looking hookers.

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I was married for 4 months to a Thai woman.

No offence but if you were only married for 4 months, what makes you think you are in a position to give advice?

It has nothing to do with being Asian. If she was referring to a family home as 'her' house, she was obviously a c~~t.

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The comments about burning the house to the ground did amuse me, i think you say this in jest. It probably would work in a real nasty case but im sure you would end up dead very quick...cant sleep with one eye open forever!!

The one woman i might have fallen for in the early days had a live in child, so the burning down the house tactic would'nt have been practical.

Many things I say in jest, but I stand by what I said about burning my home to the ground. I basically threatened my second Canadian wife the same way. I bend over backward to try to be fair, but if someone wants a war then I'm the wrong person to pick it with. I will do anything I want up to and including many things illegal if someone wants to pick a fight. At that point I don't follow law abiding rules and I don't care about the consequences.

Jeez, do you think your agression problem maybe why you've had more than two wives?

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Thai women, especially hookers are teh most jelous people you can meet. They try to outdo each other with material things when infact they actually have eff all that they have paid for.

Move on..

Tripe. The fact that you say 'especially hookers' tells us where you are gleaning all your wisdom from. Most Thai woman are pretty much the same as all other woman anywhere in the world.

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I have to be very careful and control myself when I feel it coming. I REALLY have to control myself when dealing with the power tripping thugs in airport security and customs.

I can't use smileys because I haven't been a member long enough, but man do I really need that one with his mouth open in utter shock and disbelief right now.

You need therapy dude.

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I have seen so many thai woman use men, but i have also seen so many men mistreat thai woman.

can only speak for myself but my wife has rarely ever done anything even remotely to annoy me, people have to be aware that desperate situations require desperate measures so if you take a girl from a poor family or a similar situation you take a gamble.

keep your money in your pockets and your womans hand out of it, make sure she is from a stable enough family to look after herself and respects her country and religion and culture, from her heart not just her mouth.

there are many good girls out there, people just look in the wrong places.

Edited by mataus101
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Btw, woman all over the world sulk and blank their other halfs for days, do people really believe that ONLY Thai woman are like this?

True.....it's only the Isaan ones with hot tempers who are really objectionable. I pity their husbands. Luckily, my wife (Isaan) has a very sweet temper, and is a very reasonable person.

So let me get this straight. All Issarn woman are like that except yours?

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Bloody hell Ian.

Ian: Now, let's you just drop them pants.

Bobby: Drop?

Ian: Just take 'em right off.

Bobby: I-I mean, what's this all about?

Toothless Man: Don't say anything, just do it.

Ian: Just drop 'em, boy. You ever had your balls cut off, you fuc_kin' ape? Looky there, that's sharp. Bet it would shave a hair.

Toothless Man: Why don't you try it and see? Take off that little ol' bitty shirt there, too. Did he bleed?

Ian: He bled. Them panties. Take 'em off. Hey boy, you look just like a hog.... Come on piggy, give me a ride...Looks like we got us a sow here, instead of a boar....I bet you can squeal. I bet you can squeal like a pig.

Bobby: Weee!

Ian: Weeeeeeee!

Bobby: Weee!


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Ian, i always thought you were a peaceful easy goin fella but now your starting to remind me of this bloke......:lol:


I AM an easy going bloke, ozzie, but I do have limits. I'm a cold hearted bastard if I get pushed too far. That movie (Falling Down) is a good example of a man pushed too far. When someone steps over a certain line with me I change completely and turn icey cold and calculating. And at that point there is nothing that I won't do and get pleasure out of doing. I have to be very careful and control myself when I feel it coming. I REALLY have to control myself when dealing with the power tripping thugs in airport security and customs.

The experiences you described also pertain to many of us. We all have had to put up with some crap in our lives, that’s going to happen, no matter what.

We learn from experience and as the wise man says; once bitten, twice shy. Hopefully these life events will make us stronger and wiser. It`s all part of the survival plan, your life history is not unique.

The differences are, is how we handle these situations, either sensibly using common sense or go in with all guns blazing at the drop of a hat? Depends on a persons tolerance level, some are more highly-strung than others.

Since living in Thailand, I have lost most of my Western aggression. I would rather walk away than face confrontations. This doesn’t mean we are cowards, because sometimes it`s harder to walk away from a fight then to tuck in and battle things out rather than lose face. Of course sometimes we are placed into situations when we need to defend ourselves, but I would never turn aggressive just because I don’t like the look of someone’s face or tone of their voice, such as an airport official or shop assistant. With the amount of people that I meet out in public who I think are complete pricks; I could be fighting all day long.

Shame about the dead animals. I love animals, quite sad, never believed in killing just for the fun of it or sport. But that’s just my opinion. I believe that how people treat animals also depicts their characters. So now most of what you say, I am beginning to believe you.

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