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What Is Up With Canadians And Their Maple Leaf Patches


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Well. Back to topic ... Was talking to a couple of young American backpackers a while ago, both had Maple Leafs (leaves?) on their person. I asked why - their response was that no-one liked Americans in Asia(?).

Couldn't agree or disagree. What do you think?


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When I and my friends first started travelling back in the 60's, we wore the Canadian flag. We did it so we wouldnot be mistaken for Americans. We were treated well and respected by locals when they found out we were Canadians. The Dutch were especially kind to all Canadians. Also the Vietnam war was on during the 60's which influenced world opinion. So I quess some young travellers are still willing to see if it offers anything. Also what is wrong with national pride?

Edited by lovelomsak
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It's no secret that throughout the years many Americans have been known to sport the leaf when traveling through virulently anti-American regions. On a few occasions I have lied to obviously hostile people saying I was a Canuck and when I did, the anti-Yankee cursing began.

I haven't had occasion to try this yet, but posing as Canuck is now way too passe (and obvious). If I feel the necessity to pose in future, I'm going to say I'm BELIZIAN.


Sounds typical American use and abuse the Canadian neighbour. Hid behind our flag when it does you good then go back to north america and call us mexicans from the north.

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That's the reason I wake up so dam_n early (at least I hope), get a few punches in early and log off-feeling at peace knowing that the river of flames to follow will fall on deaf ears after I log off and tend to more pressing needs like taking a dump, going to the gym before going to my office to yell at a few staff.

Makes life worth living doesn't it?

I had the idea you did not wake up early....just got home late from your partying.... :rolleyes:

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