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Thai Clamp-Down On Internet Traffic Worries Global Companies


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It seems to me that, this particular law is being used to shut down opponents of who ever is the accuser, rather than because any real offence against the Royal family. Especially as the King has said people should be able to discuss this openly without fear of arrest.

I hope this is not being offensive, I don't particularly want to spend time in Jail for being offensive!

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Everything that is noted in the article are consequences of the action of the previous government. We were quietly heading to a North Korean style democracy whatever the yellow apologists were saying. All the alarming figures for freedom on speech over the internet are from last year, when the puppet government of Mr Abhisit was in place.

There is a cheap shot at the current government but being in place for less than one month, there isn't much they can be responsible of. We should also be reminded that the witch hunt on critical comments about the institutions are done because of the repeated demand of the current opposition. It's Mr Abhisit and his yellow friends who repeatly accuse the government of being too soft with the Monarchy opponents, leading to more internet and freedom of speech repression.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Mr Thaksin has always been an astute business man, dedicated to the economical development of his country. We can be sure that what could be an obstacle to free trade will be deal with promptly.

So you deny the existence of the cyberscouts or the block 'this website has been blocked'-logo that was drawn up under Thaksin's rule?

Yes, there have been a huge clampdown of overly broad definitions on sites in the past 10 years, but for the love of God don't pretend it is only happening during the past 2.5 years...

...case in point, during 2003-2006 it was impossible to reach a large number of gay discussion forums. What was their crime?

But the apologists see what they want to see.

If you really supported freedom your post would have been worded so differently. Hypocrite.

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Lets see how the freedom of expression indices go for this government. Ceratinly it dropped from 107 (2005 Thaksin) to 153 (2010 Abhisit) under reporters without borders measure. It would be nice to see a rebound

Oh come on. You were here for the first round of Mr T. weren't you? Can you honestly tell me that the general press was more restricted under the Abhisit government?

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The Thai press and individual reporters were indeed the target of Thaksins ire and his ridiculous inflated financial damages claim as I am sure we all remember .

However it seems as some of our posters have selective memories regarding their idols actions..

Thaksin plainly learnt his trade in the " let's sue the blighters for all we can get and destroy them financially and professionally game" from the late odious publishing crook ex M.P, and covertly dishonest Robert Maxwell.

Edited by siampolee
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Incredible !

All the abuses against freedom of speech the article discribes have been committed during the Abhisit administration.

But you still manage to blame Thaksin for some hypothetical crimes that have never happent.

And if the situation improves during the PT administration, it's only because people are too ignorant and too stupid to realize that it had actually deteriorated.

My god, I'm sur the doctor Freud would have loved to meet you wink.gif

I will give it to you, without doubt you are the most consistent troll ever to grace this cesspool

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