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Going To Laos


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Want to go to Laos for 10- 14 days and wondering where to start. I see flights are pretty expensive so wondering if taking train to Ventiane would be cheaper. Is it worth to go to Ventiane or should I just fly right to Luang Prabang. I know that is a vague question.Any good tour operators that people can recommend, also hotels or guesthouses you have used before, in Ventiane or Luang Prabang.I'm going beginning of Oct., so still be rainy season so might be good to do some river adventures.Kind of winging this post just trying to get some ideas from people that have done this trip. Plus turning 53 next month and have some walking problems so can't go trekking all over the place.Is the Mekong raging during rainy season or will it be calm waters to float down?

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I would suggest you go straight to Luang Prabang - very interesting place - unlike Ventiane which has nothing (might as well stay in Udon as very similar !)

Whoa! "Vientiane has nothing; might as well stay in Udon as very similar"

Now what do we make of a statement of like that?

"Vientiane has nothing... might as well stay in Udon..."

First, whoever said that surely has no appreciation for the Mekong River, which does not flow through Udon. Or no appreciation for a low keyed commercial environment, which Vientiane enjoys and Udon does not.

What a comparison-- you cannot compare VTE and UT.

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Stay a few days in Vientiane, it is very pleasant.

Then travel north via Vang Vieng to luang phabang. River trip 2 days to Chiang Khong.

And don't waste time in Udon, it's a dump.

Vientianne is lovely .Always enjoyed my time there ,until the Thai consulate got stroppy ,because some stupid american threw a big wobller and stuffed it up for us regulars.Then I had to go to Suwanakhet, Liked going there ,but much preferred V. Alwaysdrank my beer Lao , on the "beach",ate splendid Indian grub, Enjoyed the architecture, on my walks around the city. Has an absolutely excellent market -to boot. Bought heaps of stuff you canjnt get in Thailand.

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