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You Couldn'T Really Take A Thai Girlfriend To Buckingham Palace ,Could You?


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Ok Guys, n Gals, just a disclaimer before this thread gets to far. These following thoughts are just my own person observations and thoughts ok ,they are not meant to cause offences to anybody.

After reading the 'Peace Sign' thread about Thai girls and their constant habit of always posing for photographs using the peace sign with their fingers, well it kinda got me thinking. In my times in Thailand, I have often notice that Thai females in general seem to act sorta immature for their ages. I mean, I know of some Thai women in the 30's who have good jobs and family, yet they are obsessed with wearing their Hello Kitty t-shirts around or having their Hello Kitty toys hanging off their mobile phones. What!

I have heard a term used for this, and it is call "Kidult". This means that a woman who should be acting more mature, and let's say she is in her 30's, but ,she still act like a little 12 year old girl. This is something that is hard for me to understand. I come from western countries and 99.9% of western women would NEVER act like this, especially out in public as I have seen many Thai girls do.

I wonder what causes this type of behaviors/situations ? I mean, is it a cultural thing, peer group pressures, or just part of the individual personality. But in my experience, it is something which is very much confined to many Asian women. I mean, when you go to the Thai beach, why the heck do most Thai girls wear sexy tight jeans and high heels shoes to walk on the sand! It's really crazy in my mind.

This leads me back to my original question - could you really take a Thai girlfriend to afternoon tea at Buckingham Palace if invited by the Queen? If I had a Thai girl, I would be worried she would wear something really inappropriate , like Hello Kitty shirt, or too sexy tight jeans, she would pose for the photo with the Royal Family doing the annoying peace sign with her fingers, she would be chatting away on her mobile phone during the conversations, and last but not least ,she would throw a temper tantrum when there was no Som Tum served by the royal waiter ?!

Looking forward to reading everybody thoughts on this kinda interesting topic. In my opinions, western womens just know how to carry themselves better and behave/dress more classy and appropriate for the occasions.

peace, Maven (Ben)

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western womens just know how to carry themselves better and behave/dress more classy and appropriate for the occasions.

Or you could Google for 'essex girls' or 'newcastle girls' and find a nice well-behaved woman with finely-honed etiquette, to meet Liz at BP

Or Royal Ascot - even sounds royal . . .

As the Queen’s favourite racing event celebrates its tricentenary, fights have been breaking out amongst the male racegoers at the historic Berkshire course, watched by worse for wear women who can barely stay upright in their high heels.

A quick glance across the terraces reveals a sea of flesh and unsightly tattoos – of women in cheap, tawdry dresses. . .

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"setting the bar a tad high" or whatsoever - basically the author of this thread is right, many, many, way too many are obsessed with infantile behavior, I am quite sure that this is a psychological barrier against all the shortcomings, specially females have to face in this society, so they build this "escape room" around them! But similar behavior is observed in the male counterpart here many are highly immature, education maybe, or just a general cultural default setting to get along without much friction?

Edited by Samuian
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While there are no doubt several illustrious TV posters who enjoy the occasional afternoon tea at Buckers, I personally find it overrated, and would rather experience the vast and lofty wilderness of the Andes with a hardy Thai woman by my side. Each to their own. :jap:

Edited by weary
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Sounds like you live in Pattaya. Usually only bar girls wear tight jeans and high heel shoes on the beach, and anywhere/everywhere else they go. As for the hello kitty crap, it seems to span all ages and provinces because they think it's "cute" "narak". On the other hand, there are guys who wear beer company shirts, leo, chang, tiger, singha etc. almost all the time too. Are they "mature"? And should they be allowed into the Palace? Should a hello kitty shirt wearing girl take a bloat bellied beer shirt guy into a temple here in Thailand?

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While there are no doubt several illustrious TV posters who enjoy the occasional afternoon tea at Buckers, I personally find it overrated, and would rather experience the vast and lofty wilderness of the Andes with a hardy Thai woman by my side. Each to their own. :jap:

I agree. Although I find myself doing high tea on occasion with the accompanying string quartet I would point out that Visiting Thai royalty seems quite a bit more complicated than English royalty and the Thai ladies seem to cope quite well. And secondly I find the Thai feminine albeit adolescent behavior quite endearing. I especially like the way Thai women run regardless of age. The cute little mincing steps I find more attractive than the lumbering gait of some Western women of legal age.

Thai ladies seem to retain a youthful countenance of facial expressions and mannerisms that strike me as feminine. If I wanted a female lumberjack or jack hammer operator I would not come to Thailand.

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While there are no doubt several illustrious TV posters who enjoy the occasional afternoon tea at Buckers, I personally find it overrated, and would rather experience the vast and lofty wilderness of the Andes with a hardy Thai woman by my side. Each to their own. :jap:

Many Thai ladies would be quite at home at the palace or maybe even stand out because of their politeness but I cannot imagine one in the Andes....where would they get the somptum.

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Thai ladies seem to retain a youthful countenance of facial expressions and mannerisms that strike me as feminine. If I wanted a female lumberjack or jack hammer operator I would not come to Thailand.

"Lucy in the sky... with diamonds..." "oh' jucy Lucy.." yeah', yeah, 'yeah one of them who got set up with this special pair of pink glasses, which turn everything here into sheer beauty and fascinating endeavor and everything, specially the females from his society of origin, below the ranking of anything Thai (never could make a landing there, with them?), but foremost of all, Thai women are the absolute crack and the most advanced beings in the universe "cause they are so cute" and all western non thai women are "Lumberjacks and Jackhammers" ooh' yeah, tells it's very own story!

well, never mind... it's none but wishful thinking!

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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

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I know a someone who has met with a couple of US presidents (Clinton, GWB - no jokes please). She didn't do the peace sign in any of the photo's. Or maybe she isn't 'really' Thai?

As for the term 'kidault'. I use the term 'high maintenance'.

As for the OP - I think he should widen his social circle - if he is able to.

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Thai ladies seem to retain a youthful countenance of facial expressions and mannerisms that strike me as feminine. If I wanted a female lumberjack or jack hammer operator I would not come to Thailand.

"Lucy in the sky... with diamonds..." "oh' jucy Lucy.." yeah', yeah, 'yeah one of them who got set up with this special pair of pink glasses, which turn everything here into sheer beauty and fascinating endeavor and everything, specially the females from his society of origin, below the ranking of anything Thai (never could make a landing there, with them?), but foremost of all, Thai women are the absolute crack and the most advanced beings in the universe "cause they are so cute" and all western non thai women are "Lumberjacks and Jackhammers" ooh' yeah, tells it's very own story!

well, never mind... it's none but wishful thinking!

You are right. Except it is Sombong in the sky with diamonds.

I went to a college with many students from all over the world in 1963 and I met my first women from Thailand. Maybe I was kidding myself that they were different. A few years later I lived with hill tribe women for a while and then Thai women from Southern Thailand. Years passed and when I got old I came to Thailand to live my few remaining years and die here.

Maybe everyone is the same and I am only kidding myself Thailand is different. Maybe it is me and my pink glasses that makes them seem different.

Two women stay in touch with me that I knew as a young man. One I took to the senior prom, she lives in California and another who was a massage lady in Southern Thailand in 1968. They are both very different but both in their 60's.

Maybe my rose tinted glasses come from the fact that I am happy in Thailand now. I was happy in Thailand 40 years ago too. I have changed a lot, the world has changed a lot. I think I can see the changes; some good some bad. But the Thai ladies have changed the least of all. They are still the alpha ladies of the world I met as a young naive boy. Maybe my attitude is because I am happy as old and cantankerous as I am I am happy here.

How am I supposed to judge people but by my own experience? I have lived in North, South and in between in Thailand. I have moved many times and lived in many countries. How am I supposed to judge the places and people I have met except by my own experience? In 30 minutes my significant other will call and ask what I have eaten for lunch. In an hour my mia noi will call and ask the same question. At 3:00 the maid in the condo will knock on my door and ask the same question. It's obsessive isn't it. Of course they are just making polite conversation. Maybe it is just me and all women from all cultures are the same and I could be just as happy living in London or LA. There would probably be three attractive women calling me every day there too asking what I had for lunch. :lol:

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"setting the bar a tad high" or whatsoever - basically the author of this thread is right, many, many, way too many are obsessed with infantile behavior, I am quite sure that this is a psychological barrier against all the shortcomings, specially females have to face in this society, so they build this "escape room" around them! But similar behavior is observed in the male counterpart here many are highly immature, education maybe, or just a general cultural default setting to get along without much friction?

Are you talking about Adbrats getting along with kidults ? Gawd have you never heard the old adage " birds of a feather flock together " ?

I would say that young Prince Andrew displayed these immature behaviours and the old Queen kept mum about it so maybe we could lower the bar a bit .

I will give you this - "Escape Shack" is a good name for a bar , it could have a dress code too .

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...Looking forward to reading everybody thoughts on this kinda interesting topic...

Not interesting at all...

Even bloody Diana could manage this task.

Whilst I had no time for Diana until she started campaigning against land mines (partly I'm sure for the publicity), she was part of the 'upper class'.

No recommendation, but at least she understood the 'necessary' etiquette.

Again, not a recommendation for her or her class - just entirely different. Most marry people from a similar 'class' - horrible, but understandable as they understand each other.

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This isn't the first topic the OP has made about the superiority of western women, and how he wants to date them here in Thailand. I wonder if these posts work? Does he get a bunch of women sending him private messages asking for dates? :lol:

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...Looking forward to reading everybody thoughts on this kinda interesting topic...

Not interesting at all...

Even bloody Diana could manage this task.

...she was part of the 'upper class'...

You are joking aren't you?

She was the "mistake" of a degenerated prince - nothing more.

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...Looking forward to reading everybody thoughts on this kinda interesting topic...

Not interesting at all...

Even bloody Diana could manage this task.

...she was part of the 'upper class'...

You are joking aren't you?

She was the "mistake" of a degenerated prince - nothing more.

Have to agree :lol:. BUT, she was 'upper class'.

Typical 'upper class' moron, but 'class' is still well and truly alive in the UK :(.

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I have never dined at Buckingham palace but Prince Andrew has visited and dined at my club. One of my friends at the club is married to Thai woman from Chiang Mai. So from personal experience I can vouch for the polite behavior of Thai women with royalty. I would say they are more than capable.

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Mike Tindall - he knows how to behave - now that's class! but it doesn't say he'll take her home to meet Liz (or his wife for that matter)

Tindall's night-out<h1></h1>16/09/2011

Footage of what's claimed to be English rugby player Mike Tindall's much-discussed night-out in Queenstown has emerged.

Tindall, who married Queen Elizabeth II's granddaughter, Zara Phillips, in late July, was seen ''kissing'' and ''groping'' a woman and burying his head in her breasts, the tabloid reported.


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If you only mix with bargirls, then yes you would get this impression.

If you have middle class or hi so thai lady friends then you would know that Thai girls can be as charming and poised as any other nationality.

I agree with this poster.

My wife of 36 years, who is Thai, is a very poised and likable person. I have no doubt the Queen would find her a pleasure to talk with, and would probably become an instant friend of my wife.

My wife, on the other hand, would worry more about me acting properly, as I might ask the Queen some question such as: "Don't you and the rest of the royal family feel quillty about living such and extravagant and indulgent life, when there is so much of humantiy living in sordid poverty?"

As for the bar girls, in their defence, most of the 'falongs' they encounter in their daily lives, aren't exactly the epitome of politeness and grace.

If I spent most of my time interacting with drunk tourists, whoremongers, sex-patriots, etc. I would probably pick up some pretty course habits as well.


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