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You Couldn'T Really Take A Thai Girlfriend To Buckingham Palace ,Could You?


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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

Well said, sbk!


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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

Well said, sbk!


Isn't the first question ,who would want to meet the diabolicals? I certainly would have far too much ? to want to meet that bunch of twerps!!! Thank you kindly.!!!!

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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

Well said, sbk!


Isn't the first question ,who would want to meet the diabolicals? I certainly would have far too much ? to want to meet that bunch of twerps!!! Thank you kindly.!!!!

Funny, they speak very highly of you.

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As for the bar girls, in their defence, most of the 'falongs' they encounter in their daily lives, aren't exactly the epitome of politeness and grace.


I take offense at that remark. I'll have you know I change my " Sex Instructor - First Lesson Free " t-shirt almost daily and always choose a place away from public view when I piss in the street.

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Sounds like you live in Pattaya. Usually only bar girls wear tight jeans and high heel shoes on the beach, and anywhere/everywhere else they go. As for the hello kitty crap, it seems to span all ages and provinces because they think it's "cute" "narak". On the other hand, there are guys who wear beer company shirts, leo, chang, tiger, singha etc. almost all the time too. Are they "mature"? And should they be allowed into the Palace? Should a hello kitty shirt wearing girl take a bloat bellied beer shirt guy into a temple here in Thailand?

You could even say that the "farang" coming out of the KK Phulmans (formerly Sofitel) dressed to the hilt Singlet, shorts and flip flops should not be invited to the same afternoon tea yet you may be suprised how he and (the Thai Girl the OP so unkindly mentions) would rise to the occaision. One should not judge people on one's own behaviour patterns.

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Thai ladies seem to retain a youthful countenance of facial expressions and mannerisms that strike me as feminine. If I wanted a female lumberjack or jack hammer operator I would not come to Thailand.

"Lucy in the sky... with diamonds..." "oh' jucy Lucy.." yeah', yeah, 'yeah one of them who got set up with this special pair of pink glasses, which turn everything here into sheer beauty and fascinating endeavor and everything, specially the females from his society of origin, below the ranking of anything Thai (never could make a landing there, with them?), but foremost of all, Thai women are the absolute crack and the most advanced beings in the universe "cause they are so cute" and all western non thai women are "Lumberjacks and Jackhammers" ooh' yeah, tells it's very own story!

well, never mind... it's none but wishful thinking!

You are right. Except it is Sombong in the sky with diamonds.

I went to a college with many students from all over the world in 1963 and I met my first women from Thailand. Maybe I was kidding myself that they were different. A few years later I lived with hill tribe women for a while and then Thai women from Southern Thailand. Years passed and when I got old I came to Thailand to live my few remaining years and die here.

Maybe everyone is the same and I am only kidding myself Thailand is different. Maybe it is me and my pink glasses that makes them seem different.

Two women stay in touch with me that I knew as a young man. One I took to the senior prom, she lives in California and another who was a massage lady in Southern Thailand in 1968. They are both very different but both in their 60's.

Maybe my rose tinted glasses come from the fact that I am happy in Thailand now. I was happy in Thailand 40 years ago too. I have changed a lot, the world has changed a lot. I think I can see the changes; some good some bad. But the Thai ladies have changed the least of all. They are still the alpha ladies of the world I met as a young naive boy. Maybe my attitude is because I am happy as old and cantankerous as I am I am happy here.

How am I supposed to judge people but by my own experience? I have lived in North, South and in between in Thailand. I have moved many times and lived in many countries. How am I supposed to judge the places and people I have met except by my own experience? In 30 minutes my significant other will call and ask what I have eaten for lunch. In an hour my mia noi will call and ask the same question. At 3:00 the maid in the condo will knock on my door and ask the same question. It's obsessive isn't it. Of course they are just making polite conversation. Maybe it is just me and all women from all cultures are the same and I could be just as happy living in London or LA. There would probably be three attractive women calling me every day there too asking what I had for lunch. :lol:

Kerryk - Congratulations you have said it all - I would take my hat off to you but unfortunately I don't own one susequently no afternoon tea for me.

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May I ask the OP a simple question, in all seriousness? Mr. Benahayu, since you have such low opinions of Thai women, i.e., their maturity, intelligence, etc., why do you insist on dating them and/or having relationships with them? Do you prefer women who are intellectually inferior so you can take advantage of them? Or do you simply have no other options? Serious question.

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Yeh , and anyway who needs an invite , if I had a hello kitty , tight jeans wearing , peace sign brandishing gal I would just climb up a drain pipe with her , give her a guided tour while the palace slept ,a plate of crackers and cheese with a glass of plastic fantastic from Le Royal panntry and then a wee chat about life in general by Betties bedside with the very pair of em .

Smileing beguilling

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Your "culteral pre-conceptions" are showing.

If I was to say that ALL European Farang women who went to Phuket or Koh Samui only went there for drugs, casual sex with multiple partners, and booze binges...most women would take that as an insult to European women.

But you casually say that ALL Thai women would behave "inapropriately" in Buckingham Palace.

Surely you can see that niether of those ALL staements are true, but are simply a reflection of your built in pre-conceptions and bias?

Also, the "peace sign" you talk about...in Thailand, especially among Thai teenagers, (I have a 17 year old grand daughter in my family)...it is not considered as a "peace sign". Once again, you're misinterpreting that gesture based on your western pre-conceptions. In Thailand it simply means "here I am, look at me, I'm here in this picture with my friends at XXXXX and someone is taking my picture". Most young Thai girls wouldn't even reeognise it as the "peace sign", they don't carry that pre-concieved cultural baggage around. That sign is just something you do when you're with a group of friends and one of them snaps a photo of you all with the camera in their cellphone.


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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

And the least said about welsh woman the better whistling.gif

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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

And the least said about welsh woman the better whistling.gif


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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

And the least said about welsh woman the better whistling.gif


Ewe just couldn't resist, could ewe?

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Nothing like cramming a whole female nationality into the quart jar of your experience.

Indeed. And yet its so rampant on this forum, regardless of what nationality that happens to be.

OP, Thai women are a mixed bag, just like American women, English women, Australian men, German men etc etc etc and you cannot judge the female (or male) population of an entire country (or even region) by your own experiences. Even tho so many do.

And the least said about welsh woman the better whistling.gif


My friends call me Pee baaaa if you dont mind rolleyes.gif

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After just returning from the UK..visiting family and friends in wales .

We then spent 3 days in London as the misses want to see London and Buckingham palace ,,as it happens they were having a trial run for Harry and Kate wedding.

with full trooping of the colors horses and cartridges etc....and the misses had a really good time,,and i asked her what did you think ...and she said to be honest with you many Thais in Thailand think ,, want to visit London and see all the sights.. Buckingham palace ,,Big Ben,, London Eye..ETC.....and she was rather disappointed as it turned out to nothing special at the end of the day jap.gif

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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

Edited by metisdead
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After just returning from the UK..visiting family and friends in wales .

We then spent 3 days in London as the misses want to see London and Buckingham palace ,,as it happens they were having a trial run for Harry and Kate wedding.

with full trooping of the colors horses and cartridges etc....and the misses had a really good time,,and i asked her what did you think ...and she said to be honest with you many Thais in Thailand think ,, want to visit London and see all the sights.. Buckingham palace ,,Big Ben,, London Eye..ETC.....and she was rather disappointed as it turned out to nothing special at the end of the day jap.gif

You can introduce someone to culture, but you cant make them understand it.

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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

I must be going to the wrong temples. My Thai male friends ask me all the time where they can go to see Western women without underpants, thanks for your valuable information, now I can tell them. But it would be helpful if I knew which temples to send them to.

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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

I must be going to the wrong temples. My Thai male friends ask me all the time where they can go to see Western women without underpants, thanks for your valuable information, now I can tell them. But it would be helpful if I knew which temples to send them to.

Next time you are at the temple just sit and watch how many thai girls go there with very very short shorts.

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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

I must be going to the wrong temples. My Thai male friends ask me all the time where they can go to see Western women without underpants, thanks for your valuable information, now I can tell them. But it would be helpful if I knew which temples to send them to.

Next time you are at the temple just sit and watch how many thai girls go there with very very short shorts.

I get the short short thing being wrong but common but honest I have never seen no knickers. I might start going back to Wats again if I knew where to go.

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And I have seen some western women lift their pants to scratch ....in public.

kerryk...in Grand Palce if you want to know in front of the gate that's why the officer provide her a long pants. enough??

If you want more...Doi Suthep when they cane down and I could see...when she sitting on a step

Edited by metisdead
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It's about time and place. You are confused. In thai culture, it's rude to wear shorts in holy places like temples. As far as I know, I have seen many western women wearing shorts without underwear walk in to the temples. But Thais never said that western women are uneducated, not socialized, babaric or something like that. We just think that they are different or never been socialized in the same way as we have and the way to keep the places still holy is to provide them some sarongs,That's it.

But you, in return. Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? Do you think they will do the same in front of the royals?. Thai women love to wear Hello Kitty T-shirt. You think it's not proper while western women walking around with underpant is better? Hey, I have worked in international environment for many years. I have faced many kind of people. Saveral cases confirmed me that coming from developed countries doesn't mean that they are developed. Please don't be another confirmation.

P.S. there are something you should know.... meeting procedures for Thai Royals is far more complicated than European Royals. Not only we have to behave neatly as a decent person do but we have to learn new language as well. In " Royal thai language " we have several words to use properly depends on the ranking of the family members. We have five levels of wai depends on the seniority, position of people we greet. I think if thais can do this perfectly, it's not difficult for us at all to behave well in front of European Royals.

Taking photo among friends using V sign become stupid, uneducated, low IQ, uncivilized etc. If western women take photo while licking a man's chest ( I have seen it ), you think it's better than V sign? [/font]quote]

I think the op meant that 35 and up year old ladies are acting as 16 year olds. :)

Edited by Semper
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And I have seen some western women lift their pants to scratch ....in public.

kerryk...in Grand Palce if you want to know in front of the gate that's why the officer provide her a long pants. enough??

If you want more...Doi Suthep when they cane down and I could see...when she sitting on a step

Never had such an experience.

I must be looking in the wrong places, or perhaps my imagination just isn't what it used to be.

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And I have seen some western women lift their pants to scratch ....in public.

kerryk...in Grand Palce if you want to know in front of the gate that's why the officer provide her a long pants. enough??

If you want more...Doi Suthep when they cane down and I could see...when she sitting on a step

Never had such an experience.

I must be looking in the wrong places, or perhaps my imagination just isn't what it used to be.

Try the optician....

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Semper ...35 year-old acting like 16 year-old doesn't mean they are stupid.

Moonrakers... You never had experience but " I " saw it.

Semper ...35 year-old acting like 16 year-old doesn't mean they are stupid.

No, and I didn't say that. It's more like they are acting childish.

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