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Import Movies (Amazon.Com) To Thailand


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Hi pals,

I am ordering movies from amazon.com from time to time. Their offers worth buying...but the Thai customs just screwing me up!!! Every single time, they seems to have different(?) rules, different fares and somehow different fees for the wery same movies being imported to Thailand!

For example:

1. 10 days ago I have bought this:


Amount: 39.99$

Amazon has sent to me in single packet right away.

2. 8 days ago I have bought this:


Amount: 39.99$ too

Amazon has sent to me in single packet right away.

Pack n.1 arrived yesterday - was dropped directly to my mailbox.

Pack n.2 arrived today morning to the post office. I got the standart postal note that I must visit to the post office and pay the import fee (738 baht) for the 2nd pack.

It is the SAME movie series, just split 3+3 series per 1 box.

The amounts are exactly the same.

The dates were just 1 day diff.

The origin is same.

The source is same.

The weights\sizes are same.

The CD numbers per each box are same.

Both packages were unopened (they had no idea what are the movies inside).

Even the boxes were exactly the same - standart grey carton pack with "amazon.com" label + some common stamps, NOT stating the movie names\cd amounts. There was just a common 1 line "New music CD - 39.99$ " on the customs declaration label (on the both boxes).

First one - I got w/o fees. Second one - I must drive the taxi to the post office (300THB), pay them this IDIOCITY (738THB) and go back to my home (another 300THB). Total extra spendings will be 1338THB, comparing to the shipment's price of 1160THB itself....

And this is happening all the time (Im a recent buyer @amazon & ebay) - not just a single time!!!! Sometimes those idiots charging me the import fees for the single second-hand item, marked as "GIFT" (which is absolutely nonsense)!

Could someone here just enlight me - how is the "import fee" being calculated in Thailand? I have called to my post a million times asking them for a chart, or table, or whatever they have - just to re-check their customs bills, or just to read that and be prepared for an extra custms bills when I order something huge... But they have NOTHING to show me, except the words "You must pay the customs fee (whatever amount they calculated) if you want your shipment to your hands, or just leave it as it is!".

How\where to check their calculations? How to get the chart of imported goods/fees? What is the true logic of calculating that?? How\where I can submit my complains of this all?

dam_n, this country never stops surprising me...


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Just google it, you will find the duty rates for media items.

Well, I have this link - http://igtf.customs.go.th/igtf/en/main_frame.jsp, but have no clue how to use that. For example, what is the "Tariff Code 2,4,6,7,8 digit" in "Search for import tariff" section, and where could I find that "2,4,6,7,8 digit" on the amazon's package? :)

Im not a professional in this field at all. I just wanna know - how could that be when two exact parts of the SAME movie are differently tax'ed just over the day, and how could that be over and over again? :)

Best thing to do would be to make friends with a diplomat or active duty or retired US military, who can receive media items (books, CDs, DVD) duty free at the APO.

Unfortunately, I have no one. :(

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Just google it, you will find the duty rates for media items.

...also have this http://igtf.customs....=MM50%20〈=e (Photographic or cinematographic goods tariff) - but not a single word about CD\DVD\other digital medias...

...and here someone else complaining on the very same story: http://www.thaiwebsites.com/freetrade.asp

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I'm always buy from ebay since 2007. I've been through alot of suprises.

The general rule is all items above 1000 baht will get custom tax (in my case usually 600 baht). I don't know and i don't want to know how the calculate it. I have tried it several time asking the calculation but always get the answer "pay if you want it".

In the case of box 1 and box 2, i can say that you are lucky. Luck always play the part in the custom duty. They don't open/check everything that arrived from abroad and it also depends on the officer in charge; some officer is very flexible, some very strict.

Let me give you clear example what happen to me few weeks back. I bought 2 lot from ebay, first lot cost 200 usd, second lot cost 300 usd. The first lot was denied entry and being held at the custom (until now), second lot got through with custom tax of 2000 baht. Both are identical, different only in the amount.

Package marked "gift" will be inspected and will be charge custom duty if applicable. That is they do things here.

I always want to know if the receipient name is thai, what kind of tax they will get? just curious.

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>The general rule is all items above 1000 baht will get custom tax (in my case usually 600 baht). I don't know and i don't want to know how the calculate it.

I my case, I do want to know.

I normally buy nothing extremely valuable or very important for life. Usually I am shoping just for movies or flower seeds or something like that...so it is almost nothing if the package will be held at customs a bit longer.

But I REALLY want to know the process\fares\tariffs, and I do REALLY want to show those small government officials (with diamond rings on their fingers BTW) their true place. If The Law said "No fee for the items below 1000THB!" - then there will be NO fee being paid.Just as a principe, you know.

But first I need to know The Law and the tariffs - and then I'll walk the way. I just REALLY sick of this all, can't stand these "maipenrai"'s anymore. The Law is the Law....and even holding the package @the customs must be described by the very same Law.

>I have tried it several time asking the calculation but always get the answer "pay if you want it".

That's it. That's the answer I always being told, too.

But this is NOT the way to do business. It is not even the Thai version of business - it is just BS.

What if tomorrow they will calculate 100USD for 10USD package - should I pay? Hehe, sometimes I got to pay 400THB fee for the 0.99$ seed's package - believe me! The answer was "We have opened and inspected the package, and we do BELIEVE(!) that your seeds must cost you over a thousand baht while you was shopping. Then, we've calculated the fee from our SUSPECTED 1000THB+VAT - please, pay at the counter, thaaaat way!" (pointing the finger to).

Showing the printed order (included to the package as a carbon copy) was generate zero effect. At all.

PS: there was just a two teaspoon of common dill seeds (hardly found in TH). For 1000THB, I would buy BOXES and KILOS of fresh dill in my home country... :annoyed:

>In the case of box 1 and box 2, i can say that you are lucky. Luck always play the part in the custom duty. They don't open/check everything that arrived from abroad and it also depends on the officer in charge; some officer is very flexible, some very strict.

They might be very strict - I'll appreciate that. No problem.

But they must be very strict standing on the Law, but not on their "BELIEVING". Be strict, OK - but be ready to strictly prove your calculations based on the current Custom's tariffs for any imported goods. How much is the Tariff to import 2 teaspoon of dill's seeds, cost 0.99$ before tax, and which counter would I receive the refund from my paid 400THB of fees? :rolleyes:

>Let me give you clear example what happen to me few weeks back. I bought 2 lot from ebay, first lot cost 200 usd, second lot cost 300 usd. The first lot was denied entry and being held at the custom (until now), second lot got through with custom tax of 2000 baht. Both are identical, different only in the amount.

Yep. Another clear example of the current stupidity in da area.

Would someone here explain this to both of us?

>Package marked "gift" will be inspected and will be charge custom duty if applicable. That is they do things here.

How can they charge import fees for the USED items, imported for the personal use (one item at once)?? How is the value being calculated for an used item which is NOT on Thai market at all (say, an used coffe maker machine which I''ve received earlier this year? That brand never be on export, never be on Thai market and the price never hit Thai retail shops. And the item was used, sent to me as GIFT. Finally, I have paid 120$ shipment plus over 400$ of fees for an 75$ used coffee maker marked as a GIFT).

>I always want to know if the receipient name is thai, what kind of tax they will get? just curious.

I have checked that (used my wife's name as a recipient)

1. The possibility to be charged is going to 100% of cases.

2. They charge bigger amount.

Thai's normally do not ask too many questions from officials in charge, and 95% of recipients prefer just to pay&go than to ask&complain.

Frankly speaking, it is always a problem to find a Thai person to be a middleman b/w farang and officials - as a translator, for example. Thai's are normally avoid such of discussions with so-called "government clerks" - even by the tel.calls to callcenters. They simply prefer to pay.

And that is the way for small government clerks to afford a diamond rings, and small road policemans to drive Benz'es to the nearest Lotus at their day-off's. Just because the rest of population prefer to quietly pay than to loudly ask....

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I've ordered two consignments of books from amazon.com in the past four or five weeks. The first one contained 4 books and came to about about $133, the other had 3 books and came to around $137.

They were shipped directly from amazon, not one of their resellers - was your package in official amazon packaging and mailed to you directly from amazon or one of their resellers ?

They converted the amounts into UK Pounds as I originally setup my amazon account from the UK, here's what it says on the Amazon invoices at the website, the interesting thing is - there is already a charge in the form of a deposit for import duty on the invoice :

It's quite possible that have a different customs duty charge to DVD's.

Order 1

Total Before Tax: GBP 84.40

Sales Tax: GBP 0.00

Import Fees Deposit GBP 5.68


Total for This Shipment: GBP 84.40

Order 2

Total Before Tax: GBP 89.82

Sales Tax: GBP 0.00

Import Fees Deposit GBP 5.88


Total for This Shipment: GBP 89.82

So it appears that when you order directly from amazon they do already charge some import duty in the form of a deposit which is included in the total you pay to them, I'm not sure how it works exactly but on these two packages I didn't have to pay anything when they arrived, they were just dropped off at the security office at the front of the apartment and I collected them from there.

I wonder, did they also charge you import tax on your original invoice ?

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few months back someone also ask similar questions regarding custom tax calculation. You might want to search it in the forum.

I'm not expert in this field, so i can't answer it.

Many years of buying from internet has thought me a good lesson on how to deal with custom duty tax here and few ways to get pass it.

For the items marked as "gift" question, the custom officers have been learning from their experience also.

Sent pm to the op for trial suggestion.

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They were shipped directly from amazon, not one of their resellers - was your package in official amazon packaging and mailed to you directly from amazon or one of their resellers ?

Yes, both of my orders were shipped directly from Amazon LLC and in the original packages (hard carton boxes with the big "AMAZON.COM" characters on'em).

So it appears that when you order directly from amazon they do already charge some import duty in the form of a deposit which is included in the total you pay to them, I'm not sure how it works exactly but on these two packages I didn't have to pay anything when they arrived, they were just dropped off at the security office at the front of the apartment and I collected them from there.

I wonder, did they also charge you import tax on your original invoice ?

As far as I know, the "pre-charded" import duties applicable only to big orders (the orders delivered via FedEx or other expedited services). Yes, those I must pay the fees in advance - and then FedEx car drives directly to my door.

But small orders (like CD or sinlgle book) Amazon usually ships by common post, EMS or something - w/o any prepaid duties/taxes - and then it comes to Thai post, and then....Bingo! You are in the game of luck now. Cross your fingers while waiting for the postal notice AND the customs bill. :annoyed:

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shipito.com :)

Much cheaper shipping options than Amazon and you declare the customs value..Not suggesting you under value it of course :)

Starwars blurray boxed set from amazon shipped to thailand DHL delivery in 3 working days $30.00 plus import/vat $10.00 cheap.....

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As far as I know, the "pre-charded" import duties applicable only to big orders (the orders delivered via FedEx or other expedited services). Yes, those I must pay the fees in advance - and then FedEx car drives directly to my door.

You're right - I paid the express courier fee to get both of them delivered in just a few days. They were delivered by DHL.

The delivery fee was almost as much as the cost of the books. What can you do when you need them in a hurry though.

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shipito.com :)

Thanks for the link, but I avoid dealing with unknown sources/merchants. In case of troubles - it is sometimes very hard to find a person responsible for this all, you know what I mean.

The whole topic is to UNDERSTAND the logic of Thai customs and to learn their official calculations step-by-step (standing on their own official tariff), but not to look for the cheaper/cheapest delivery.

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dont know if above links are true but worth to check.

if you said no to the custom tax, you can decline it and submit an objection letter to custom office in bangkok. After that the items will be ship back to custom HQ and custom duty will be reviewed again there in your presence. This is the written custom law here.

This way you can ask the top level guys how to do the calculation. I don't recommend this cause it will consume tremendous alot of time and effort.

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I just don t get the idea why anyone would want to order books by amazon or Ebay, and have them shipped to Thailand, risking import tax fees and paying for shipping costs.


Ya can download books SALES-TAX-FREE, SHIPPING-FREE and IMPORT-TAX-FREE in an instant from the internet in about any location in Thailand !

The same goes with movies. If you happen to enjoy a 6 MB broadband internet connection ( doable in cities like chiang Mai, Bangkok , Hua Hin or Pattaya) you can download just

ANY movie from the internet. You must have a paid-per-year membership in a file-download-server ( mostly at 25 USD per year ! ) and the links are easy to find. I would not give you any details on

it right here, as in most countries including UK, USA and Europe, this method is illegal, but it is widespreadetly used in Thailand , being no offence here at all !

I know of one farang with a Thai family, he downloads ONE movie EVERY DAY from the internet , onto an USB stick, plays it on his flatscreen giant TV set at home , with kids or

without - depending what kind of a plot - and after having watched it, will delete the file from the USB stick because he does not think the movies worth while to keep or copy

into a library.

So what's all the whining about, go get informed, know your computer and your tools. Be a New World man, not an Old World bum !!!

I've ordered two consignments of books from amazon.com in the past four or five weeks. The first one contained 4 books and came to about about $133, the other had 3 books and came to around $137.

They were shipped directly from amazon, not one of their resellers - was your package in official amazon packaging and mailed to you directly from amazon or one of their resellers ?

They converted the amounts into UK Pounds as I originally setup my amazon account from the UK, here's what it says on the Amazon invoices at the website, the interesting thing is - there is already a charge in the form of a deposit for import duty on the invoice :

It's quite possible that have a different customs duty charge to DVD's.

Order 1

Total Before Tax: GBP 84.40

Sales Tax: GBP 0.00

Import Fees Deposit GBP 5.68


Total for This Shipment: GBP 84.40

Order 2

Total Before Tax: GBP 89.82

Sales Tax: GBP 0.00

Import Fees Deposit GBP 5.88


Total for This Shipment: GBP 89.82

So it appears that when you order directly from amazon they do already charge some import duty in the form of a deposit which is included in the total you pay to them, I'm not sure how it works exactly but on these two packages I didn't have to pay anything when they arrived, they were just dropped off at the security office at the front of the apartment and I collected them from there.

I wonder, did they also charge you import tax on your original invoice ?

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shipito.com are a huge company been using them 4 years+ without issue as has a lot of people on here a very very professional outfit with amazing customer service and user control panel.

Upto you but its the best option for the sort of thing you are trying to do.

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shipito.com are a huge company been using them 4 years+ without issue as has a lot of people on here a very very professional outfit with amazing customer service and user control panel.

Upto you but its the best option for the sort of thing you are trying to do.

Good to know, thx :)

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if you said no to the custom tax, you can decline it and submit an objection letter to custom office in bangkok. After that the items will be ship back to custom HQ and custom duty will be reviewed again there in your presence. This is the written custom law here.

This way you can ask the top level guys how to do the calculation. I don't recommend this cause it will consume tremendous alot of time and effort.

That's OK (for one time), if it will lead to UNDERSTANDING the whole logic/process/tariffs. I could buy something invaluable (say, one or two CDs) and then enjoy the whole show with TH officials (we all know how they work their daily duties and how smart, logical and effective they are in that). :rolleyes:


Ya can download books SALES-TAX-FREE, SHIPPING-FREE and IMPORT-TAX-FREE in an instant from the internet in about any location in Thailand !

Here we do talking about Thai Custom fees - not holywar'ing about buying vs downloading.

Pls, stop offtopic.

I know of one farang with a Thai family, he downloads ONE movie EVERY DAY from the internet , onto an USB stick, plays it on his flatscreen giant TV set at home , with kids or without - depending what kind of a plot - and after having watched it, will delete the file from the USB stick because he does not think the movies worth while to keep or copy into a library.

I am downloading 3 to 5 per day - TPB rocks.... so what?

Yes, 95% of the current media shit is NOT worth even for the download bandwidth. Yes, it is worth only to be deleted.

But some, only THE SOME good ones are OK to be bought to the hime library and being kept&revieved through the years. And those (mostly good classical oldies) I prefer to have in da BEST possible quality of picture and sound. Thus I navigate to Amazon or ebay and order a legal bluray - just to be sure about the quality of my home library. And YES - to support the authors/filmmakers/producers....And then it is being shipped to me for a reasonable price, and THEN IT COMES TO A THAI CUSTOMS.

And then we have this topic started at this only point.

Sometimes it is very hard and expensive to be good, you know....:annoyed:

shipito.com are a huge company been using them 4 years+ without issue as has a lot of people on here a very very professional outfit with amazing customer service and user control panel.

Will they help me to understand the Thai Customs internal procedures & tariffs? I don't think so.

This topic about understanding the Thai Customs procedures & tariffs, not about control panel on shipitto or wherever else.

Guys, once again: I AM NOT LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST DELIVERY IN THIS TOPIC - I am calling for someone who can explain me about Thai Customs rules. Here I want to know about Customs and their [logicless] logic, if any. I DO NOT NEED any links to any optional delivery services, please. I can afford FedEx per each CD if I need those - but this will NOT help me to understand how the digital media's import fee is being calculated here in LOS (Land Of Sorries), and what is the correct and the only legal procedure to pre-calculated that by myself prior to any orders.

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