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Israel's Netanyahu says Palestinian statehood bid at UN will fail


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Israel's Netanyahu says Palestinian statehood bid at UN will fail

2011-09-19 12:54:53 GMT+7 (ICT)

JERUSALEM (BNO NEWS) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said that the Palestinian bid to become a member state of the United Nations (UN) will fail.

Netanyahu said during a cabinet meeting that the Palestinian's attempt to become a permanent UN member will fail because it must go through the UN Security Council. "I am convinced that the activity of the U.S., which is deeply cooperating with us, as well as the activity of other governments with which we are also cooperating, will result in the failure of this attempt," he said.

The Palestinians are scheduled to submit their request to the UN Security Council on September 23. However, the United States - one of the permanent members - has said it will veto any Palestinian bid to seek a full United Nations membership.

Netanyahu added that the Palestinians can also decide to turn to the UN General Assembly "in which almost any decision can be passed." "But it has neither the same weight nor the same importance. This is not the Palestinians' avowed goal," the premier said.

This week, Netanyahu will meet with U.S. President Barack Obama and other world leaders and afterwards he will address the UN General Assembly. He decided last week to address the assembly next Friday when the Palestinians will submit their bid.

"The UN is not a place where Israel wins praise, but I think that it is important that I go there in order to represent both the State of Israel and the truth - and the truth is that Israel wants peace and the truth is that the Palestinians are doing everything to torpedo direct peace negotiations," Netanyahu said.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said he is ready to restart the peace talks after he gets the UN recognition of the Palestinian state. The peace negotiations have been stalled since last year when Israel refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Palestine has demanded a stop to settlement construction in the disputed East Jerusalem and West Bank area as a key element for continuing peace talks, aimed at reaching a two-state solution based on the 1967 Green Line. However, Israeli authorities have rejected the Palestinian solution based on the 1967 borders as that measure would leave a large population of Israelis in Judea and Samaria outside Israel's borders.

About 120 out of 193 countries have currently recognized the State of Palestine and those are seen as possible supporters if the UN votes on the issue. If the UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestine is approved, Palestine would become the 194th member of the United Nations.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-09-19

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More Israeli BS. Puts the lie to them wanting peace.

Peace in the way of a burglar breaking into your home and expecting you to stay quiet.

Another veto by the USA. Be interested to see their reasoning on this one.

Anyone who is fooled by this Israeli/USA story needs to be more honest with themselves. Peace for them means having it exactly their way.

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The Palestinians have turned down every single chance for a negotiated peace. Their unilateral approach to the UN is just war by other means and if they were granted a state this would just be a base camp from which to try and obliterate Israel when the chance permitted.

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Anyone who is fooled by this Israeli/USA story needs to be more honest with themselves. Peace for them means having it exactly their way.

And what is Hamas' idea of peace?

Koheesti..That list I put up clearly shows that Israel is by far the worst country for not following UN resolutions, yes Palestine also has also not paid any attention to a lot of resolutions, I did not contest that!

If Palestine Is not a nation then what right does the UN have to dictate to them anyway, UN does stand for UNTIED NATIONS, and Palestine is clearly not a NATION. (yet)

Hamas and Palestine are clearly no saints in all this and they have a lot to answer for, not as much as Israel though. Israel does have right to defend itself and it's citizens but surely they must realise that there actions are at least part of the problem

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Their unilateral approach to the UN is just war by other means

It speaks volumes that you're equating a vote at the UN to war.

If they want peace, why not push for direct talks with Israel? You can't seriously think this UN circus brings the region any closer to peace, do you?

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Their unilateral approach to the UN is just war by other means

It speaks volumes that you're equating a vote at the UN to war.

If they want peace, why not push for direct talks with Israel? You can't seriously think this UN circus brings the region any closer to peace, do you?

You're responding to this post but you haven't addressed the fact that the poster is equating a UN vote to war.

Anyway, in response to your post, over the past twenty years, direct talks with Israel have done little more than produce more illegal settlements. You can't seriously think that the Palestinians are going to put up with this forever, can you?

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You're responding to this post but you haven't addressed the fact that the poster is equating a UN vote to war.

Anyway, in response to your post, over the past twenty years, direct talks with Israel have done little more than produce more illegal settlements. You can't seriously think that the Palestinians are going to put up with this forever, can you?

I think the Palestinians are looking for war. They won't even take the first step and accept Israel's existence.

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Their unilateral approach to the UN is just war by other means

It speaks volumes that you're equating a vote at the UN to war.

Politics is just war by other means and after both invasion and terrorism failed to displace the Israelis the Palestinians are attempting to force through a declaration which will be used as a pretext for intafada III. Incidentally this unilateral action by the Palestinian authority is a direct breach of the Oslo accords, but given the Palestinian history of refusing to negotiate this comes as no surprise.

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Their unilateral approach

this unilateral action

Unilateral action/approach must be the new talking point which is somehow meant to demonize bringing resolutions before UN members for an up or down vote on statehood.

Only when someone has signed a treaty and agreed that they will negotiate for a state with the other signee, rather than try to do it through other means. Violating the Oslo Accords is not the deal that they made.

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You're responding to this post but you haven't addressed the fact that the poster is equating a UN vote to war.

Anyway, in response to your post, over the past twenty years, direct talks with Israel have done little more than produce more illegal settlements. You can't seriously think that the Palestinians are going to put up with this forever, can you?

I think the Palestinians are looking for war. They won't even take the first step and accept Israel's existence.

Now you're being disingenuous. The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly recognized Israel's right to exist. I assume you're referring to (but not implicitly stating) the radical terminology about a "Jewish state" used by the current Israeli administration. No previous Israeli administration has demanded this type of terminology, and that tells you all you need to know about how sincere their efforts are at obtaining peace.

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You're responding to this post but you haven't addressed the fact that the poster is equating a UN vote to war.

Anyway, in response to your post, over the past twenty years, direct talks with Israel have done little more than produce more illegal settlements. You can't seriously think that the Palestinians are going to put up with this forever, can you?

I think the Palestinians are looking for war. They won't even take the first step and accept Israel's existence.

Now you're being disingenuous. The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly recognized Israel's right to exist. I assume you're referring to (but not implicitly stating) the radical terminology about a "Jewish state" used by the current Israeli administration. No previous Israeli administration has demanded this type of terminology, and that tells you all you need to know about how sincere their efforts are at obtaining peace.

I'm not so sure what's so radical about having one Jewish state in the world, after all there are 51 Islamic ones. Though I warrant that it becomes implicitly problematic when the descendants of the original Palestinians claim to number 9 million and have been brainwashed into expecting a 'right of return'.

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The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly recognized Israel's right to exist.

The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly claimed to recognize Israel in English and then denied it in Arabic.

Joining forces with Hamas who do not even pretend to recognize Israel, makes it pretty clear where they really stand on the matter.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Besides which their actions always speak louder than their words.


The Palestinian Authority chose the mother of 4 terrorist murderers, one of whom killed seven Israeli civilians and attempted to killed twelve others, as the person to launch their statehood campaign with the UN. In a widely publicized event, the PA had Latifa Abu Hmeid lead the procession to the UN offices in Ramallah and to hand over a letter for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

What's wrong with these people, are they mentally ill? Surely you could choose a poet, or perhaps a peace campaigner, what better for showing intent to negotiate an eventual two state solution. Instead we get the mother of four murderers, which is more in keeping with 'final solution' than two state solution. :blink:

Edited by Steely Dan
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You're responding to this post but you haven't addressed the fact that the poster is equating a UN vote to war.

Anyway, in response to your post, over the past twenty years, direct talks with Israel have done little more than produce more illegal settlements. You can't seriously think that the Palestinians are going to put up with this forever, can you?

I think the Palestinians are looking for war. They won't even take the first step and accept Israel's existence.

Now you're being disingenuous. The Palestinian Authority has repeatedly recognized Israel's right to exist. I assume you're referring to (but not implicitly stating) the radical terminology about a "Jewish state" used by the current Israeli administration. No previous Israeli administration has demanded this type of terminology, and that tells you all you need to know about how sincere their efforts are at obtaining peace.

I'm not so sure what's so radical about having one Jewish state in the world

As I stated in post (which you copied, yet seemingly did not read), not a single previous Israeli administration has demanded this sort of terminology. Netanyahu's regime is not interested in peace, only war. This is why they sabotage any real efforts at diplomacy, this is why they continue with illegal settlements, and this is why they are so scared of the UN vote on Palestinian statehood.

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The Palestinians have turned down every single chance for a negotiated peace.

Utter nonsense. Seriously, how stupid do you believe the rest of us to be to say something like this?

Answer this one -- has the Palestinian leadership ever publicly renounced the demand for the right of return for Palestinians into the sovereign land of Israel? If so, detail that. You do realize Israel can't ever sign for peace unless the Palestinians give up that demand, right?

Israel was created as a Zionist state. That simply means a nation state for the Jewish PEOPLE (as opposed to the religion per se). Not a Thai state, not a Bahai state, not an Arab state, a Jewish state. Currently, Israel includes 20 percent Arabs as Israeli citizens. That isn't an issue. 50 - 70 percent non-Jews in Israel, that's an issue, as that's the end of Israel. Israel by definition is a Jewish, yes Zionist, state.


That's not the Star of Muhammed on that flag.

Edited by Jingthing
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Someone asked whether Thailand has recognized Palestine.. apparently not but this recent article from last month says Thailand will support the bid at the UN: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=415384

Thanks for that. I guess a no brainer for Thailand with little political cost. Vote with the vast majority and don't risk inflaming the situation in south Thailand.

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The Palestinians have turned down every single chance for a negotiated peace.

Utter nonsense. Seriously, how stupid do you believe the rest of us to be to say something like this?

It is a fact that the Palestinian Arabs have turned down every single chance for a negotiated peace. It would be untrue to claim otherwise.

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Isn't it amazing the pro Israeli zealots trump out the 'soveriegn land' but deny the Palestinians soveriegn land.

Then there is the 'first step' of acknowledging the right of Israel to exist. When there should be a 'first step' of Israel agreeing not to build more settlements (the world has repeatedly told them to stop).

Israel just continues to bait the Palestinians then cry to big brother USA when the Palestinians have had enough and fight back. They somehow think it is ok to blame Palestine for getting angry instead of being happy about the way Israel acts.

Even with all your propaganda, it is a fact that the majority of the world does not like what Israel does and wants a Palestinian state. The only reason the USA/Israel don't want it going to a vote is because it will show just how isolated they are becoming in their world view.

Whinge, sook, cry all you like about it but Israel, which used to have most of the world in their pocket, now struggle and beg to find friends. They only have themselves to blame.

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I hope you realize this UN thing does not get Palestine a state. It basically will change NOTHING on the ground. Also, it is clear USA government policy to favor the TWO state solution. Personally, I agree with you about the west bank settlement issue. I also agree with most Israel critics and I am sure that includes a large percentage of Israelis that Netanyahu is a horrible leader. But the other side of that coin is that Abbas is NOT a legitimate leader of the Palestinian people even in the west bank, not to mention Hamas/Gaza which is a totally different deal.

Abbas is old and will soon retire. This UN circus is most likely a legacy issue for his own ego. It does not advance the Palestinian cause on the ground.

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