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America Does Not Want My Money


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Exactly. I've no idea why Western countries are so suspicious about Thai wives.

Are you the same age? If so it makes it even more incomprehensible that they could think it was a 'scam'.

Well, my country wasn't suspicious of my wife, they just required her to apply for a visa, which she did. They then gave it to her.

There is no mention in the OP that the US government thought there was any kind of 'scam' going on.

Every country has it's own immigration laws, some allow you to just turn up and they let you in, others require visas which you need to apply for before you can travel there.

My wife also had to travel to Bangkok to submit her application, the fact that she has two children and had to get someone to take care of them whilst she did that, isn't any concern of the UK government.

If she had found these requirements too difficult, or inappropriate, she wouldn't be able to travel to the UK.

The fact is that the US requires visitors from certain countries to apply for visas before they travel there. Thailand is one of those countries and the OP's wife is a Thai passport holder.

Either the OP's wife applies for a visa or she can't travel to the US. No amount of debate will change the US immigration rules in that regard.

As already stated

The Thai Wife does not want to go to a country that treats her like a bar girl

so we off to Tahiti,

she got a visa over the internet

I am just a Farang and only wants warm dinners and a warm bed at night,

The sun in Tahiti is just as good as Hawaii

So she has voted with her feet

I am sorry, but no one is treating her like a bar girl. She is being treated as a Thai citizen, which she is. She has a Thai passport, and she needs a visa interview to enter the US just as US citizens need to go to the Indian embassy to get a visa or a Kenyan needs to go to the Thai embassy to get a visa. Those are the rules, and no one is treating her as a bar girl. If she went to the embassy, given what you have related, she would be granted her visa.

You are arguing about simple procedure and somehow making it out to be a slam against your wife.

As I posted above, my business partner has to get a Schengen visa for each and every trip he makes. He needs an Australian visa. He needed to get a US visa. This despite his net worth and the fact that he has two factories employing over 900 people, has lots of real estate, a wife, three kids, one son going to school in Melbourne, etc. Is he being treated like a "bar girl" because he has to apply for a visa?

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Hawaii is a Volcanic Island

Most of the sand was shipped in from Australia and California

Are you being serious? Or is that some attempt at humor?

Minimal amounts of sand was shipped to Waikiki for awhile to make the beaches around the hotels bigger, but that was stopped long ago. And do you really think that with all the sand on all the islands, "most" of the sand was actually shipped in from other places?

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My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

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My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

Delusions of grandeur spring to mind.Can't think of persons more pretentious than a Thai with a few quid in the bank.

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What do you think the reasons are that they are wary of Thai females and therefore put them through a strict screening process?

And are you saying that policies should be reciprocal? If thats the case then Americans should be allowed to own land in Thailand as Thais are allowed to own land in the US.

I actually agree with the Thai policy of not allowing foreigners to allow land.

It is one of the things that really annoys people in the West - that wealthy foreigners are able to buy large chunks of the country.

Good for the Thais!

Not saying they should change it, however they should realize this and stop complaining about our rules as there are reasons behind them as well.

Actually the Thai person in this case was not complaining, she voted with her feet and went elsewhere. On the other hand, some foreigners in Thailand persist on hanging around like a bad smell and complain endlessly about "the rules" here eventhough said rules have not changed. Can you imagine if a Thai arrived in USA and promptly set up a blog complaining about Americans, the food, the "rules", the culture and asked questions like "are all Americans dumb, fat and arrogant" ? :D

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My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

America is no longer on the same level as Australia, look at your countries Financial Mess

Its a laugh when you hear Apple Computers has more cash flow than the American Government

It seems you all missed the point in question

It is not the fact she needs a visa, she does and even I do

Her question is she has already passed the test when she became a permanant Australia

Why then does she have to jump through all the hoops again, if she gets an Australian passport, which I will finally get her to agree to all is okay

I like many others have no desire to go to America, as I already live in a better place AUSTRALIA

But it was her dream

Now she can see all that I have been telling her about America was true

The origional Post was


So she can legally stay work and live in Australia ( the best country in the world)

SHE HAS A FAMILY, A HOME, AND INCOME (Good proof she is not trying to get into America)

But what upsets her is


But in America she is treated like a person from a 3rd world country (not just Thais but many other countries as point out in this posting)

There is no doubt she will not have problems if she does what the require

The posting was only to say that it is unfair that once you have passed the test in Australia, that American embassy not take this into account

As said before this is my Thai wife's feeling, and she is allowed to have her personal feeling

She has 2 young children under 4 years of age and she has never been away from them, and feels she should not have to

As a sample she said to me

She has a Thai drivers Licence

When she first came to Australia it was recognised and she could use it

She only needed to get an Australia licence when she was staying here

To make a long story short

The writiing are her feeling, right or wrong these are her right

I do not agree with many things she says or does

But I believe in her right to say what she feels

Her argument is valid

Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

Then why can a Thai or any other national get a similar visa to visit America if they have already proved they are not an immigration risk

Cut and Shut


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>>Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

So can foreigners buy land in Thailand just as Thais can buy land in the US? Thought not. What's her brilliant opinion on this bit of DISCRIMIATION?

What's this about her "Thai pride"? Why doesn't she get her OZ passport then she can be treated the same as her children..........Imagine that!

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I have not read the whole thread but this is something I have dealt with too.

It is not easy but it is doable.

The US requires paper work. Lots of it :)

It gets even more involved if you decide to stay in the USA & adjust status.

Then it becomes tons of paper & money.

But all that aside it feels basically unfair to those who get stuck out as others have pointed out.

The USA has Visa waiver programs (VWP) with many countries.These countries automatically qualify for tourist visa on entry. Same as US folks who enter Thailand

Yet How does a country qualify to participate in the VWP?

It does not seem based on flight risk or 3rd world etc rankings.

To be admitted to the Visa Waiver Program, a country must meet various security and other requirements, such as enhanced law enforcement and security-related data sharing with the United States and timely reporting of both blank and issued lost and stolen passports. VWP members are also required to maintain high counter terrorism, law enforcement, border control, and document security standards.

In addition, designation as a VWP country is at the discretion of the United States government. Meeting the objective requirements of the VWP does not guarantee a successful candidacy for VWP membership.

It seems more a matter of security risks & security data sharing.

except of course the fine print at the bottom which basically says after all is said & done we reserve the right to snub you.

Because in fact Thailand shares much security info/enhanced law enforcement with the USA. Even so far as to help entrap those the USA requires trapped. Viktor Bout to name one. Thailand does have an extradition treaty with the US obviously.

As for info/data sharing the banks of Thailand have been strong armed more than once by the IRS to report on US citizens bank accounts if they exceed xxxx amount.

I know Thailand would never do it because they want the tourist dollars but they should just reciprocate in kind. Make it just as difficult for a US citizen to enter Thailand.

Early in this thread I did see one poster say...

America wants her money. But it doesn't want more illegal immigrants even more. Thais are highly likely to become illegal immigrants. Sorry.

Yet how many cheap US expats are also walking the fine edge of really being legal? Whether the BS income declaration at the embassy hoping there is no checks or the in & out border runs to stay current on visa without the bank account for the legal longer retirement stays.

Funny to think that if Thailand increased border security in order to qualify for the Visa waiver program many ex-pats probably would not be able to stay via the iffy methods.

So to that end I do not see it all that different or would claim all US immigrants to Thailand are quality immigrants. Anymore than to say Thais are anymore likely to become illegal immigrants.

So yeah....Thailand grow some & if the US wants to make it so hard for your citizens to visit then pull the same on their citizens. I am betting quite a few US congressmen would get calls.....probably not enough quality calls but still calls :D

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My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

America is no longer on the same level as Australia, look at your countries Financial Mess

Its a laugh when you hear Apple Computers has more cash flow than the American Government

It seems you all missed the point in question

It is not the fact she needs a visa, she does and even I do

Her question is she has already passed the test when she became a permanant Australia

Why then does she have to jump through all the hoops again, if she gets an Australian passport, which I will finally get her to agree to all is okay

I like many others have no desire to go to America, as I already live in a better place AUSTRALIA

But it was her dream

Now she can see all that I have been telling her about America was true

The origional Post was


So she can legally stay work and live in Australia ( the best country in the world)

SHE HAS A FAMILY, A HOME, AND INCOME (Good proof she is not trying to get into America)

But what upsets her is


But in America she is treated like a person from a 3rd world country (not just Thais but many other countries as point out in this posting)

There is no doubt she will not have problems if she does what the require

The posting was only to say that it is unfair that once you have passed the test in Australia, that American embassy not take this into account

As said before this is my Thai wife's feeling, and she is allowed to have her personal feeling

She has 2 young children under 4 years of age and she has never been away from them, and feels she should not have to

As a sample she said to me

She has a Thai drivers Licence

When she first came to Australia it was recognised and she could use it

She only needed to get an Australia licence when she was staying here

To make a long story short

The writiing are her feeling, right or wrong these are her right

I do not agree with many things she says or does

But I believe in her right to say what she feels

Her argument is valid

Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

Then why can a Thai or any other national get a similar visa to visit America if they have already proved they are not an immigration risk

Cut and Shut


Each country has different rules in place regarding visa's.

The U.S. has restrictions regarding citizens of certain countries.

What in god's name makes you and your wife think that she should be exempt from this rule?

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

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Yet how many cheap US expats are also walking the fine edge of really being legal? Whether the BS income declaration at the embassy hoping there is no checks or the in & out border runs to stay current on visa without the bank account for the legal longer retirement stays.

Funny to think that if Thailand increased border security in order to qualify for the Visa waiver program many ex-pats probably would not be able to stay via the iffy methods.

So to that end I do not see it all that different or would claim all US immigrants to Thailand are quality immigrants. Anymore than to say Thais are anymore likely to become illegal immigrants.

So yeah....Thailand grow some & if the US wants to make it so hard for your citizens to visit then pull the same on their citizens. I am betting quite a few US congressmen would get calls.....probably not enough quality calls but still calls :D


The fact that Thailand don't have 20 million illeagal westerners living in Thailand mainly for getting work speaks allot, The U.S. does and

many western countries have this problem due to wage despareties. Thailand lets few if any foreigners to become citizens of Thailand or own

property, Western countries do. The U.S. and other western countries do not require the foreigner to have 7 times the average annual wage to stay

long term in their country like Thailand does. Western countries do not restrict 98% of working positions from foreigners or require businesses to

be 51% owned by locals,,,,, on and on and on. Thailand provides no benefits or pensions to foreigners married to locals, western countries do.

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Thailand lets few if any foreigners to become citizens of Thailand or own

property, Western countries do. The U.S. and other western countries do not require the foreigner to have 7 times the average annual wage to stay

long term in their country like Thailand does. Western countries do not restrict 98% of working positions from foreigners or require businesses to

be 51% owned by locals,,,,, on and on and on. Thailand provides no benefits or pensions to foreigners married to locals, western countries do.

Well having seen 1st hand what happens to areas like Thailand when foreign ownership of land is allowed I cannot say it is a bad thing.

In fact i hope it never changes.


Yes it would be nice if Thailand allowed a spouse of a Thai to become a citizen & in fact they do easily for a woman foreigner to a Thai man. Odd that....

As for owning land in America...true a foreigner can own land as the US welcome tax revenues from anyone. Whether or not you will be ever allowed to see that land you bought is another question. In this case if your Thai....well???? So how is that a benefit?

You may own it & maybe even see it someday?

As for the 7x local wages to stay legally....Again many foreigners in Thailand do not use the legal route & even if they did 7x zip is still zip in most places on this planet.

As for benefits to foreigners married to Thais...how about the government medical insurance? Or the Thai SS?

Yes not much but then what government provided services are in most places in the world.

Nah....I tend to agree with the previous poster who said.....

Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

Then why can a Thai or any other national get a similar visa to visit America if they have already proved they are not an immigration risk

Not across the board mind you but at the very least the spouse of a US citizen should have the right to enter unencumbered.

If the US citizen signs a form taking 100% responsibility for their spouse then that should be enough period.

If they fail to maintain that responsibility while the spouse is not yet a US citizens then fine take deportation actions as needed.

Is it not a form of discrimination to make the wife or husband of a US citizen wait 15+ months to enter via a K1 or K3 visa?

BTW: you do know this gift entry is afforded to US military who marry over seas?

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Why would a foreign wife of a military person not have to go the same route as the tax payer that pays the military person his wages.

At least the military person don't have to pay for it like the tax payer does, if they use military channels.

I would estimate 90% of thais that live in western countries bring no money from Thailand and actually send money back to Thailand which

is just the opposite of foreigners staying in Thailand, few less than 2% of western foreigners send money out of thailand that live in Thailand.

Most western foreigners 99% provide a monetary benefit to Thailand where few Thais provide any monetary and actually just the opposite by 90%

take money out of their new country...... If the U.S. emabssy does not see her Thai passport how in the world do they know she is legal

in Australia or has legal residence in order for them to gage if she is qualified. Thailand is still third world by western standards for

many reasons and especially by wage standards. Foreigners married to Thais do not get survivior benefits as far as I know ( social security).

Face it few westerners are a burden on Thai citizens and are mainly a benefit as just the opposite for thais that move to western countries.

Opposite ends of the spectrum

Yes i agree why does the military not have to go through the 15 month wait that the employers of the military do?

But that is the fact of it.

Sorry though I dont agree with most of the rest of what you wrote.

But then again we probably run in different company.

I/we live in the USA & stay in Thailand when it suits us.

We may reverse that some day....not sure.

My wife & those she knows brought to America in the form of cash money from businesses they sold when they moved.

The Thais I know here in the US work,pay taxes,in the form of income,Federal,State,Property etc. Not to mention Social Security

even if they are not yet citizens.

So I would say they contribute at least 20% of what they earn. Your 90% figure comes from I know not where. To think they bring nothing & send 90% out??

I dont think you know what it costs to live in the USA. Those who work here have to pay to stay here. Sending all their money out is not only unlikely but logically impossible. If anyone can move to the US work & send 90% home please let us know where this is possible.

So my wife along with any Thai folks she knows here contribute plenty & we dont really send anything home except when we visit.

Which of course we tend to help out with what needs doing....as any family tends to do.

Reading the posts here I am not sure I would agree with what you consider falangs contribution to Thailand being all one way.

I also think you over estimate the worth of falangs contribution to Thailand the country.

Again the monetary benefit to the USA is far greater for working Thai's in America than most falangs pay Thailand so.....

I am not sure what your saying about the Thai passport/Australia so forgive my lack of response on that.

Overall though it must be the circles we move in are quite different as the Thai's I know...Are no burden to the USA. They are contributing members & the USA is happy to have their taxes I'm sure.

In any case we seem to have strayed from the original topic.

That of entry/tourist visa's


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My wife asked me the same question, how come she needs to apply for a visa for the UK when I can just turn up at the airport in Thailand and get a 30 day stamp?

Lets not get all mawkish here, it's not rocket science. She's trying to visit a 1st world country from a whatever country. It seems the op's bird has a very high opinion of herself - nice Thai female trait that. That foreigners can walk into Thailand is immaterial... they make it that way to get easy money in. Suggest getting her to swallow her pride and things will go more smoothly. Ask her what she thinks about her ability to buy land, houses, cars, businesses in these countries while enjoying immigration-free stays for the duration. What's that? but, but, but... thought so. :whistling:

America is no longer on the same level as Australia, look at your countries Financial Mess

Its a laugh when you hear Apple Computers has more cash flow than the American Government

It seems you all missed the point in question

It is not the fact she needs a visa, she does and even I do

Her question is she has already passed the test when she became a permanant Australia

Why then does she have to jump through all the hoops again, if she gets an Australian passport, which I will finally get her to agree to all is okay

I like many others have no desire to go to America, as I already live in a better place AUSTRALIA

But it was her dream

Now she can see all that I have been telling her about America was true

The origional Post was


So she can legally stay work and live in Australia ( the best country in the world)

SHE HAS A FAMILY, A HOME, AND INCOME (Good proof she is not trying to get into America)

But what upsets her is


But in America she is treated like a person from a 3rd world country (not just Thais but many other countries as point out in this posting)

There is no doubt she will not have problems if she does what the require

The posting was only to say that it is unfair that once you have passed the test in Australia, that American embassy not take this into account

As said before this is my Thai wife's feeling, and she is allowed to have her personal feeling

She has 2 young children under 4 years of age and she has never been away from them, and feels she should not have to

As a sample she said to me

She has a Thai drivers Licence

When she first came to Australia it was recognised and she could use it

She only needed to get an Australia licence when she was staying here

To make a long story short

The writiing are her feeling, right or wrong these are her right

I do not agree with many things she says or does

But I believe in her right to say what she feels

Her argument is valid

Westerners (Americans) get a 30 day visa on landing in Thailand

Then why can a Thai or any other national get a similar visa to visit America if they have already proved they are not an immigration risk

Cut and Shut


Each country has different rules in place regarding visa's.

The U.S. has restrictions regarding citizens of certain countries.

What in god's name makes you and your wife think that she should be exempt from this rule?

Just my 2 cents

Yermanee :jap:

I think many people who read this site have very little understanding of what has been said

At no time did I say they should be exempt from a VISA in fact they are a MUST

What I did say is one you get a drivers licence in 1 US state it is good for all states unless you want to move to another state to live, and the same is the rule in Australia

In context once you have been approved for full time residency in Australia you have already done the hoop jumping, why does the US immigration think they are better than Australia, or England, do American think there immigration system is better than all others

Not bad for a country that allows terrorists into their homeland to kiil its citizens, some thing Australia has been able to stop

So if you use the preference 1st World Country as some poster have written

Is it not logical if you hold permenant residence in one of these countries it should make the granting of visas the same for all 1st World Countries

and the fact she was born in Thailand or any other country should not have any bearing on this

I can apply for a Visa (and happy to do so) over the internet for all countries in the world for my complete Family ( Mother, daughter and wife)

Only in the US can I not do this

So the underlying question is why do you not trust Australian Immigration to be able to do their job, yet want our men to fight your battles and loose lives in any country you decide to invade

It seem my posting has be hijacked by western men who have a grudge against Thailand, and want to take it out on all Thai Females

we are all meant to be in tune with each other, and all have the same ends

Seems Austral;ia and England are able to get on together with these things but America wants to put it self above the world MY OPINION

But as the wife has pointed out to me many Americans get turned around at Australia borders so maybe this is tit for tat as mention on this posting

You can argue till you are Black and Blue, but in the end it seems not only the US Government feel they are better than everyone else, but is seem many of you feel the same

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I think many people who read this site have very little understanding of what has been said

At no time did I say they should be exempt from a VISA in fact they are a MUST

What I did say is one you get a drivers licence in 1 US state it is good for all states unless you want to move to another state to live, and the same is the rule in Australia

In context once you have been approved for full time residency in Australia you have already done the hoop jumping, why does the US immigration think they are better than Australia, or England, do American think there immigration system is better than all others

Not bad for a country that allows terrorists into their homeland to kiil its citizens, some thing Australia has been able to stop

So if you use the preference 1st World Country as some poster have written

Is it not logical if you hold permenant residence in one of these countries it should make the granting of visas the same for all 1st World Countries

and the fact she was born in Thailand or any other country should not have any bearing on this

I can apply for a Visa (and happy to do so) over the internet for all countries in the world for my complete Family ( Mother, daughter and wife)

Only in the US can I not do this

So the underlying question is why do you not trust Australian Immigration to be able to do their job, yet want our men to fight your battles and loose lives in any country you decide to invade

It seem my posting has be hijacked by western men who have a grudge against Thailand, and want to take it out on all Thai Females

we are all meant to be in tune with each other, and all have the same ends

Seems Austral;ia and England are able to get on together with these things but America wants to put it self above the world MY OPINION

But as the wife has pointed out to me many Americans get turned around at Australia borders so maybe this is tit for tat as mention on this posting

You can argue till you are Black and Blue, but in the end it seems not only the US Government feel they are better than everyone else, but is seem many of you feel the same

I did say RULES about visa's.

Every country has the prerogative to make any rule they want or can get away with.

Your frustration comes from the fact that the false pride of your spouse makes it more difficult to obtain (not impossible) a visa for her, and that you seem to live a fair distance from the nearest Embassy. You can hardly blame the US for these facts.

Rules are there for a purpose and even if we don't (want to) understand their purpose, the rules are the rules.

No malice intended.

Yermanee :jap:

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IMO ozzie man has gone on a bit of a rant about the USA and wars but he does say that england and Australia have it "together" when it comes to the mrs and her visa hence the fact that the usa requires anything more is unreasonable and the USA believes it is better. I might be mistaken but i am thinking that Australia and England are in something called the common wealth and i think Canada is part of it too as is NZ so i assume the mrs can go to all of these places quite easly. The USA is not a member of the common wealth nor is China, Japan, S. Korea, Russia or Mexico so by the OP's reasoning all these countries feel above Australia as well. I dont know maybe the op can educate me, if his mrs wwanted to go to any of these places would her Australian status allow her to get a visa on line?

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I am failing to see any connection between a Thai passport holder who happens to live in Australia, has a job and a house and what that has to do with getting preferential treatment for obtaining a US visa.

Tell your wife to get over herself and new new Hi-so attitude and follow the rules like everyone else.

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Congratulations. This post should go down in history as one of the best troll posts ever in TV history. Even if it isn't it really is. Get real people, why should you care about a self aggrandizing poster?

Yep, absolutely smells that way..

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Just show her craiglist posts from thais in the personal or meet me sections in america.

Ask her what her governement would do if americans were to come over thailand and do the same thing?

She'll get it.

You miss the point

She does not live in Thailand

But is a long time Australian resident

And is simply being requested to come to the Embassy for an interview to prove your claims. Now what's you problem again :rolleyes: ?

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Just show her craiglist posts from thais in the personal or meet me sections in america.

Ask her what her governement would do if americans were to come over thailand and do the same thing?

She'll get it.

You miss the point

She does not live in Thailand

But is a long time Australian resident

She's not an australian resident if shes not using her australian passport. That makes no sense.. No matter how long i stay in thailand i'll still use my canadian passport. thats how it works and if i wanted to be restricted than id adhere to the country and become hated by the rest of the world. If she cant understand such simple fact you're bullshitting about her business and she's just an other Lek or Nok.

My gf has gone to hard to get into countries with me and she still has to see those evil officers. Nobody's mad at anyone, its a good way to keep as much bad element in their own sandbox.

"She's not an australian resident if shes not using her australian passport"

Are you guys for real ?????

Are you for real?? I doubt it but in case you are the law is absolute with no grey areas and under the laws definition this is exactly correct..

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It seems to me that you have no idea of how Immigration and visa's in general work.

Using your logic, it should be easier to get a visa to America, for a 20 year old Thai bar

girl who is married to a 50 year old unemployed alcoholic Aussie, than an educated

wealthy Thai.

Based just on the fact that she has obtained permanent residence of Australia.

That makes sense!

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