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Why Sleight Us Oldies ?


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They seem to resent us having fun in our ' twilight years'.

Nothing wrong with having fun in your "twilight years".

But having fun at the expense of others, pursuing sexual encounters like an irresponsible teenager, and living on the verge of financial collapse are things best left to Spring Breakers, not Golden Agers.

You're right, real knowledge does come with time and experience, which is why those who behave themselves (in public) like a bunch of drunken, randy monkeys should be doubly ashamed of themselves.

Not only are they making big asses of themselves, but they are also proving that their entire life was pretty much a waste of time, because they didn't learn a d-a-m-n thing.

By the time you hit the golden years, you're supposed to have wised up and realize that you can still have your fun, but you need to take some responsibility for yourself, your family, your friends, and your community as a whole. Boring as that may seem to some "permanent adolescents", its also the "grown up thing to do".

Something that some people seem to have conveniently forgotten when they stepped off the plane here.

Been there, done that!

As have most of the "Oldies" I know over here.

The problem with youth is it is wasted on the young! :D !

Nothing wrong with enjoying life once you have paid your dues to society.

Sadly some oldies do misbahave but not the vast majority of us..... :o:D

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So long as you remember the motto of the Uilysses (Sp?) Motor Cycle Club.

Grow old disgracefully.

Their ilk can be seen at many motorcycle events in Oz, complete with banners and flags.

I like the thought, it beats sitting in the pub or the in front of the tellevision trying to remember when ......

The attitude I like to see is an active embracing of life.

I have met people who start the "remember when" routine in their 20's and are very old by their 30's. Their body soon catches up to their mind and they are miserable for as long as medical technology can keep the alive.

It is not the age but the state of mind.

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I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year.

  What will you be doing, when you are ancient, like me?  :o

I don't expect to ever get to that sort of age, and if I do, I will be acting with the dignity and commonsense a "Golden Ager" should have.

Whoring around in Thailand on a Harley claiming that Old Farts do it longer is demeaning to all ancients.

Us "Spring Breakers" have the only opinions that matter, and some dribbling old fool with dementia will never know as much about life and sex as I do right now!

I would not dream of being so pathetic as to be still posting on Thai Visa, let alone fathering a child, at that sort of age. :D

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Blah blah blah. Just because you are old does not automatically make you wise. It is the experiences in your life that make you wise. I know young guys who know far, far more than older guys who have worked in the same job for 40 years and only ever go to the local pub on a Saturday night. I have a mate here who is around 50 years old and who thinks he knows it all because he has lived in Thailand for 10+ years. He loves to patronise me with the 'you kids know nothing' b*llox. He spent most of his time on Cowboy and knows hardly anything about things outside that street. His idea of chatting up a woman is grabbing her arse or having a grope. I have seen far more in my life than he has in his. His favourite boast is about having slept with over 2000 women. Aye well done, but how many did you NOT have to pay!!

I have also seen old guys stumbling round drunk in their shorts, Singha vest and sandals/socks combo. Looks even worse than the young guys.

Age has nothing to do with it, I respect those who deserve respect, no matter how old or young they are.

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Blah blah blah.  Just because you are old does not automatically make you wise.  It is the experiences in your life that make you wise.  I know young guys who know far, far more than older guys who have worked in the same job for 40 years and only ever go to the local pub on a Saturday night.  I have a mate here who is around 50 years old and who thinks he knows it all because he has lived in Thailand for 10+ years.  He loves to patronise me with the 'you kids know nothing' b*llox.  He spent most of his time on Cowboy and knows hardly anything about things outside that street.  His idea of chatting up a woman is grabbing her arse or having a grope.  I have seen far more in my life than he has in his.  His favourite boast is about having slept with over 2000 women.  Aye well done, but how many did you NOT have to pay!!

I have also seen old guys stumbling round drunk in their shorts, Singha vest and sandals/socks combo.  Looks even worse than the young guys.

Age has nothing to do with it, I respect those who deserve respect, no matter how old or young they are.

My point exactly.

There's nothing wrong with having a good time, and even whooping it up on occassion.

But its pretty pathetic when that's ALL you do (and all you have done with your life).

Personally, I'd like my legacy on this planet to be a little bit more meaningful than: "pissed it all away on ale and whores".

But if that's what some of you old guys are going for, then I guess the "wisdom of old age" isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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I think one should respect age and strive for it.

I've never met an older guy who didn't want to be younger or a younger guy who wanted to be older.

I respect most of my elders, but not many of the drunken old whoremongers of which Thailand has such a large number. Maybe this is a pearl of wisdom that will come to me in older age.

It is self-righteous condemnation as I am terrified that it would happen to myself. To be so self-obsessed and have a sexual over-drive at 65, no thanks, I'd hope that I had mastered my senses by then - who wants to be ruled by their dick at that age?  I know so many elder guys who are so intelligent and worldly wise in other areas, I can't believe that they are stupid enough to hook up with bargirls and lose all their money.

Nothing to do with the age really, but who would you respect more - the guy who had brought up his kids and was now in Thailand to renunciate and develop spiritually, or other kind?

If some old lad wants to live out his life in an adult disney land, so be it. I think as long as he's sensible and doesnt lose his retirement in doing so why not? He's single and far from dead, most likely worked his arse off for countless years, raised a family, perhaps widowed or divorced. I think why the fk not. I think to myself hopefully I'm as active as some of these lads when I'm in my golden years.

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You young ones are really moners. I am 92 and have 2 girlfriends living with me. I try to manage it a couple of times a week with each of them but sometimes only manage it once. Its great being old and would never want to be a youngy again :D:o So lads get old and do like me

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Blah blah blah.  Just because you are old does not automatically make you wise.  It is the experiences in your life that make you wise.  I know young guys who know far, far more than older guys who have worked in the same job for 40 years and only ever go to the local pub on a Saturday night.  I have a mate here who is around 50 years old and who thinks he knows it all because he has lived in Thailand for 10+ years.  He loves to patronise me with the 'you kids know nothing' b*llox.  He spent most of his time on Cowboy and knows hardly anything about things outside that street.  His idea of chatting up a woman is grabbing her arse or having a grope.  I have seen far more in my life than he has in his.  His favourite boast is about having slept with over 2000 women.  Aye well done, but how many did you NOT have to pay!!

I have also seen old guys stumbling round drunk in their shorts, Singha vest and sandals/socks combo.  Looks even worse than the young guys.

Age has nothing to do with it, I respect those who deserve respect, no matter how old or young they are.

jeez! you sound green with envy :o

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There are some very interesting views in this thread about how old guys should behave - probably posted by young guys who don't like to be told how to live their own lives. :D Wouldn't it be interesting to see how you young chaps live your lives if and when you reach middle and old age yourselves? Perhaps your views will mature with age.

Where is it, by the way, that all of these old folk live who are constantly drunk and whoring? The older farang that I meet are busy enjoying family lives, creating homes and enjoying their drink in moderation. There must be a parallel universe! :o

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I so agree with you. I really hate when  guy approach to me when they are really drunk and then I have all his saliba dropping on me :D , so unattractive and so little gentleman like 

The only people I see slobering with saliva running down there mouth is the old farts around the bars or the Scottish guys

Hi rigger

I am afraid some men slober with saliva from day 1 of their lives til the end. They just do not know how to control themselves :o Also some just learn with time and the amount of saliva increase with age. Anyway you can find saliva slobers of all sort of age,size,colour... :D

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But the irony is, the young cocks, need to consume gallons of beer before they can work up the nerve to approach one of these young ladies.

Another classic to add to the ever growing library of Merton comments. Does he actually live in the real world.

Without example threads or a post to reference it's hard to know where the OP is coming from. Maybe drop a couple of links for us to understand better?

Edited by OxfordWill
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Phase 1. Learn. You were born, you had no choice. If you learned well, you will finish University, secure a satisfying profession, find the ideal wife, have the perfect family.
Dam .. this phase one is going to more difficult than I thought, ... throw out satisfying, ideal and perfect than maybe we have a shot, :o:D
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Being neither young nor old, I'm struggling to understand the point of this thread, except that it provides a vehicle for people to roll out cliche after cliche.

I quite like cliche after cliche myself.

The internet is easily a far better medium for information about Thailand than this or any site,but having a wry smile and chuckle every now and then while gaining valuable information is priceless!

Watching Simbo sauntering down Soi 8 next year with the buggy dodging baht buses and scantily clad women is one that i want a ticket for. :o

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This thread has been good for a laugh as I really couldn’t care what you old farts do

If you are enjoying your self and are not hurting your self or others GOOD LUCK to you

As for you old guys that get so drunk that you cant even make it home and have to be put to bed in a motel well GOOD LUCK to you to Kringle :D:D:D:o

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I like most of the old farts I know. I´ve spent many an hour and many more on beer, chatting, hanging around, enjoying the company of many, sometimes learning, sometimes disagreeing, sometimes just spending three days babbling utter bullshit. I enjoy the crack, and it makes me smile to think of many of the conversations a I´ve had with O.F.´s in pubs the world round.

That includes our common local: tv.com

hang up you slippers if you wish guys... But then come and sit infront of you computer and chat your days away.

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up the oldies...! by the way im in my twenties... :D

you gotta respect the oldies for even making to old age, fair play i say...! more wisdom and more experience def do count for alot....

although from knowing a fair few of oldies, they seem to have a teenage attitude to life..bit of a full circle....bit confused, but i guess u can only think like that once u have lived life and decide whats really important...

being old doesnt mean your always right though...!

what gets me is this feeling of pride that oldies seem to have to get a young thai girl under their arms....now that is strange....with all the experience u wud think they know they are only after their money! :o and usually taking them for a ride...(or maybe the oldie is taking them for a ride?)

so oldies why u so proud to play your part in funding the pimps and whoremongers of this world?

do u take pride in screwing a 16 yrd old thai girl? wud u do it in your own country?

i guess it comes down to a lack of respect for the thai girls in general.... :D next time think of your 15 yrd old grandaughter...

old isn't always right..

just stating the obivious...

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Phase 1. Learn. You were born, you had no choice. If you learned well, you will finish University, secure a satisfying profession, find the ideal wife, have the perfect family.
Dam .. this phase one is going to more difficult than I thought, ... throw out satisfying, ideal and perfect than maybe we have a shot, :o:D

And change University to Approved school. :D

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up the oldies...! by the way im in my twenties... :D

what gets me is this feeling of pride that oldies seem to have to get a young thai girl under their arms....now that is strange....with all the experience u wud think they know they are only after their money!  :o  and usually taking them for a ride...(or maybe the oldie is taking them for a ride?)

so oldies why u so proud to play your part in funding the pimps and whoremongers of this world?

do u take pride in screwing a 16 yrd old thai girl?  wud u do it in your own country?

just stating the obivious...

well, you are showing your age! the predujice and intolerance is leaking out.

When you see an old guy with a young woman you think the woman is a prostitute. It is certainly possible, but not necessarily so.

When you see an old guy with an older woman, what do you think? Prostitutes can be old too, you know!

or are you oblivious to that?

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do u take pride in screwing a 16 yrd old thai girl?  wud u do it in your own country?

i guess it comes down to a lack of respect for the thai girls in general.... :o  next time think of your 15 yrd old grandaughter...

old isn't always right..

just stating the obivious...

Has it ever occured to you that the 15 year old that you assume the oldie is screwing may actually be his grand daughter? The next time you see an oldie and a child walking down the street hand in hand just, for one minute, allow your bigotry to assume that they might be family rather than customer and client. Some of you people are puke-worthy :D

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You young ones are really moners. I am 92 and have 2 girlfriends living with me. I try to manage it a couple of times a week with each of them but sometimes only manage it once. Its great being old and would never want to be a youngy again :D  :o So lads get old and do like me

This post is a gem.


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"I'm 61, and will become a dad again eary next year."

I will be 59 this month. Before moving to Thailand a couple of years ago, I had never given a thought to having a child again (I have a 34 year old son). I was aware of several public figures who had children in their 70s and one over 80 (the comedian Jerry Lewis being one of them).

After being here about 6 months and being involved with a woman just turned 30 who wanted to have children I decided that I would be willing to become a father again. Afterall, I was quite fit and active going to the health club 6 days a week.

But, I developed a problem with my back and my activity has been curtailed significantly. After several misdiagonses, I had an MRI last week and it was found that I have a herniated disc - it looks fine in X-rays, which is all that had been done previously. So, I am now hopeful the problem with be completely resolved and I can return to my normal activity level.

But, I married while I was having the problem and was concerned that my physical abilities would continue to degrade (of course they will in the long run but there were 2 guys in a running club I belonged to in the States who were over 80 and still very healthy and very active). So, when the subject of children came up I said that due to conerns about my health, I didn't feel I could have children again. My wife said she was OK with this even though she is 33 and has never had children.

To my surprise, last night she made an offhand comment about stopping birth control and becoming pregnant.

Although I am now hopeful I can return to previous activity level, I am concerned about my health 10 or 15 years down the road.

Regarding an early death on my part, should we have children, I suspect this isn't of the same concern as it would be in the US, especially if we lived in the same area as my wife's family. My wife has 8 brothers and sisters who presently have produced 23 children. They all live in walking distance with each other. So, I imagine any child I would produce would be well taken care of and not lonely should I die. Also, as seems to be common in large Thai families, death happens, an accepted part of life. My wife has already experienced deaths among her generation, including one sybling.

The other factor in this is other unknown Thai cultural considerations. My wife knows my age and concern but I imagine views things quite differently than I do. Here is an example of the disparity of her thinking and mine. Although she had an appendectomy at Bumrungrad last year (presumably indicating a belief in science and medicine) she believes the source of my back problem is she hasn't visited the graves of her grandfather and grandmother often enough and they are angry :o While I respect Thai cuture and beliefs, I don't share this opinion.

I suppose after I am restored to full activity level, I will consider this again. But, I do wish my wife had already had 1 or 2 children and that this wouldn't be an issue. Not that I wouldn't enjoy a child, I think I would. But, I am reluctant because of concerns that my physical condition would degrade and I couldn't be an "active" parent.

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I suppose after I am restored to full activity level, I will consider this again.  But, I do wish my wife had already had 1 or 2 children and that this wouldn't be an issue.  Not that I wouldn't enjoy a child, I think I would.  But, I am reluctant because of concerns that my physical condition would degrade and I couldn't be an "active" parent.

It is up to you how you think! My father was old when I was born, and died when I was 8. I still venerate him and feel he is guiding me in my life. OK I missed having a father, but also had uncles and others who could help my mother and children.

As to being an "active" father at your age, many young parents are less than active. If you can take the total life-change, the noise and mess, the demands etc, go for it :o

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