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Let's Just Condemn The Coup And Play Soccer: Thai Opinion


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Let's just condemn the coup and play soccer

By Tulsathit Taptim


Anyone can talk up freedom and democracy and lash out at dictatorship, but it takes a real man to do all that and embrace Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the same time.

As Thailand marked the anniversary of the September 19, 2006 coup, it turned out that quite a few of our democratic idealists were also capable of adoring the Phnom Penh strongman. If you want to discuss what that power seizure that toppled Thaksin Shinawatra has done to all of us, look no further than the intriguing events unfolding in the neighbouring country.

How many independent websites has Hun Sen allowed in Cambodia? Did he ever stage a coup? Where are his political opponents now? Can anti-government protesters pour blood at the gates of his house? Is Cambodia an NGO paradise? Are the Cambodian armed forces democracy-lovers that stay away from politics and never let themselves become tools of politicians?

Of course, our ankle sprain is a bigger deal than an earthquake elsewhere. I mean, it's perfectly fine to decry our own dictatorship and ignore the plight of oppressed citizens someplace else. It's not so fine, however, to denounce one dictator and kiss the hand of another next door, almost in the same breath. When an ideology lacks consistency, it's in danger of degenerating into mere hypocrisy.

This is not meant to be Hun Sen bashing. He has gone through all kinds of political turmoil, even losing one eye because of political conflict battering his country. And he has been everything - a rebel, a "puppet" leader and a legitimate leader with no qualms about crushing rebellion or freedom fighters who fail to make the grade, to be exact). Hun Sen has criticised political situations in Thailand, especially under the Abhisit government. Again, whatever he does is his business. But here's a man whose government was in 1987 accused by Amnesty International of torturing countless political prisoners using "electric shocks, hot irons and near-suffocation with plastic bags".

For Thai politicians who portray themselves as champions of democracy to hero-worship Hun Sen, they should at least explain why they do so. Because he's giving Thaksin Shinawatra love, warmth and sanctuary? Problem with that is, if Aung San Suu Kyi sought refuge with the Abhisit government and got it, would that make the previous Thai government less "dictatorial"? Or if Thaksin requested asylum in Burma and got it, would that make the generals there, well, less of a junta? If a political prisoner in Cambodia escaped to Thailand and played guitar at a public event, like Arisman Pongruangrong did a couple of days ago in Phnom Penh, would Bangkok's democracy rating jump?

Five years on and the last Thai coup is being condemned like it has always been - romantically yet blindly. Ask Hun Sen why he had to stage a coup or do what he allegedly did to political prisoners, and Thai democracy lovers may understand the Council for National Security a little better. If that can't yield a new perspective, imagine having to choose between being a repressed citizen of Thailand (from the coup of 2006 up to July this year) or enjoying the political freedom that Hun Sen provides (go ahead and pick a period).

One may argue that it's within democracy's rights to employ desperate measures. If association with a dictator can help advance a democracy elsewhere, then so be it, no matter how ironic that sounds. If that's the case, the logic is flawed because it still indicates dictatorship has some virtues. It implies that it's all right for, say, Abhisit Vejjajiva to be dictatorial if his government gives a foreign political outcast a red-carpet welcome.

My point is simple. If you are opposed to any coup d'etat and abuse of human rights, choose your opponents for a friendly soccer game carefully. Do that for nothing but your very own conscience and the ideology that you proclaim you'd die for.

Granted, idealists everywhere can be led astray. That is always possible when the real people who drive an ideal are not its true believers. Only they can make it sound acceptable when they tell us why something is bad but a similar or worse thing elsewhere is all right. Perhaps the best lesson we have learned from September 19, 2006 is not an answer or solution, but the question why coup sufferers should receive "achievement" medals from a former coup-maker in another country.

Democracy may stand a chance if that question is addressed thoroughly and without any prejudice. For now, there is not much we can do but condemn the Thai coup and try to enjoy the soccer game.


-- The Nation 2011-09-21

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Problem with that is, if Aung San Suu Kyi sought refuge with the Abhisit government and got it, would that make the previous Thai government less "dictatorial"?

The fact is that Mr. Abhisit's regime did nothing concrete for her or the monks that were slaughtered. It's also a fact that he Burmese junta has been implicated in the flow of illegal drugs into Thailand, particularly yaba. It took some intensive military operations by Thailand in the period leading up to the much lamented Thaksin era war on drugs to curtail some of those drugs. The spigot reopened under the Abhisit regime. It remains to be seen whether or not the Thai military and the Yingluck administration will agree to again intervene in the border regions to impede the entry of the drugs.

Or if Thaksin requested asylum in Burma and got it, would that make the generals there, well, less of a junta?

Highly unlikely, as he was the only Thai leader to take on the Burmese complicity in the drug trade.

If a political prisoner in Cambodia escaped to Thailand and played guitar at a public event, like Arisman Pongruangrong did a couple of days ago in Phnom Penh, would Bangkok's democracy rating jump? At this time there are no Cambodian political prisoners seeking refuge in Thailand. Based upon Thailand's history of dealing with regional refugees, there would most likely be a shakedown or beating before consideration was given to the granting of refugee status. By the time anyone realized the person might be fleeing the Cambodians, it is most likely that the refugee would have either been sent to a labour camp or if cute enough to go work in a Thai operated brothel.

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The reds like Hun Sen so much as they want to create a dynasty just like Hun Sens Cambodian one right here in Thailand. Glad I hold a UK passport and have the option to leave. Thai people - Poor bastards who'll be robbed blind and told to enjoy it. The reds are identical to the dems who they usurped.

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They don't condemn Cambodia or Hun Sen because Cambodia is pretty much the red shirt wet dream and what they they wish Thailand to become. Authoritarian strongman rule for life, brutal suppression of political opponents, an impoverished and ignorant population easily controlled, and corruption and exploitation by the rich and the international corporations.

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Problem with that is, if Aung San Suu Kyi sought refuge with the Abhisit government and got it, would that make the previous Thai government less "dictatorial"?

The fact is that Mr. Abhisit's regime did nothing concrete for her or the monks that were slaughtered. It's also a fact that he Burmese junta has been implicated in the flow of illegal drugs into Thailand, particularly yaba. It took some intensive military operations by Thailand in the period leading up to the much lamented Thaksin era war on drugs to curtail some of those drugs. The spigot reopened under the Abhisit regime. It remains to be seen whether or not the Thai military and the Yingluck administration will agree to again intervene in the border regions to impede the entry of the drugs.

Or if Thaksin requested asylum in Burma and got it, would that make the generals there, well, less of a junta?

Highly unlikely, as he was the only Thai leader to take on the Burmese complicity in the drug trade.

If a political prisoner in Cambodia escaped to Thailand and played guitar at a public event, like Arisman Pongruangrong did a couple of days ago in Phnom Penh, would Bangkok's democracy rating jump? At this time there are no Cambodian political prisoners seeking refuge in Thailand. Based upon Thailand's history of dealing with regional refugees, there would most likely be a shakedown or beating before consideration was given to the granting of refugee status. By the time anyone realized the person might be fleeing the Cambodians, it is most likely that the refugee would have either been sent to a labour camp or if cute enough to go work in a Thai operated brothel.

As usual, you missed the point of the article completely. I will paraphrase for you in words as short as possible - Why are so-called democracy lovers doing playing games with a dictator?

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A great title spoiled by a very dumb article. It's just when you met a very beautiful girl, she open her mouth ...and the dream is over sad.gif *

I completely agree with the title, let's just forget the coup and play football.

Friendly football match between German and English during WW I, Christmas 1914 http://en.wikipedia....Christmas_truce

Regarding Cambodia, just let say that former King Nordom Siahouk took refuge in North Korea and his son Norodom Ranaridh, co-premier with Hun Sen, was allied with the Khmer Rouge and supported their armed guerilla until Hun Sen kicked him out, ending one of the most bloodiest interntal conflict in the history of South East Asia. Facts !

The sport shown in the OP picture is Football ............not soccer

It is to 300 million people, don't be so sensitive calling it soccer, you know what it is so move on.

And for the other 6.6 billions inhabitants of this planet, it's called football biggrin.gif

* : I'm not talking about bad breath here biggrin.gif

Edited by JurgenG
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Problem with that is, if Aung San Suu Kyi sought refuge with the Abhisit government and got it, would that make the previous Thai government less "dictatorial"?

The fact is that Mr. Abhisit's regime did nothing concrete for her or the monks that were slaughtered. It's also a fact that he Burmese junta has been implicated in the flow of illegal drugs into Thailand, particularly yaba. It took some intensive military operations by Thailand in the period leading up to the much lamented Thaksin era war on drugs to curtail some of those drugs. The spigot reopened under the Abhisit regime. It remains to be seen whether or not the Thai military and the Yingluck administration will agree to again intervene in the border regions to impede the entry of the drugs.

Or if Thaksin requested asylum in Burma and got it, would that make the generals there, well, less of a junta?

Highly unlikely, as he was the only Thai leader to take on the Burmese complicity in the drug trade.

If a political prisoner in Cambodia escaped to Thailand and played guitar at a public event, like Arisman Pongruangrong did a couple of days ago in Phnom Penh, would Bangkok's democracy rating jump? At this time there are no Cambodian political prisoners seeking refuge in Thailand. Based upon Thailand's history of dealing with regional refugees, there would most likely be a shakedown or beating before consideration was given to the granting of refugee status. By the time anyone realized the person might be fleeing the Cambodians, it is most likely that the refugee would have either been sent to a labour camp or if cute enough to go work in a Thai operated brothel.

As usual, you missed the point of the article completely. I will paraphrase for you in words as short as possible - Why are so-called democracy lovers doing playing games with a dictator?

why did obama want to have sit downs with known terrorists?

oh yeah, cos obama is a terrorist and thaksin is a dictator i forgot... i'll just get my tinfoil hat now

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Regarding Cambodia, just let say that former King Nordom Siahouk took refuge in North Korea and his son Norodom Ranaridh, co-premier with Hun Sen, was allied with the Khmer Rouge and supported their armed guerilla until Hun Sen kicked him out, ending one of the most bloodiest interntal conflict in the history of South East Asia. Facts !

Hun Sen was a member of the Khmer Rouge and an officer in the army that captured Phnom Phen and expelled/murdered the entire population of the city. He joined the Vietnamese in order to be on the winning side, and has ruled Cambodia since 1985 and intends to do so until his death when his son will son will take over.

Edited by DP25
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