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Retired Law Enforcement

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Just curious if there are any retired police officers here in Chiang Mai ? Might be nice to make contact . Retired one year today from USA ............

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Most of the Volunteer Tourist Police got retired :D

Incorrect.....They walked out!

What is the story? Do you know?


Yes there are a few of us in Chiang Mai, not only from America but also from other western countries. I just had my second retirement as an LEO from a Florida department about two years ago after a 32 year career. If you are interested in networking or just having someone who understands to talk to, PM me and I will give you my contact information.


Most of the Volunteer Tourist Police got retired :D

Incorrect.....They walked out!

What is the story? Do you know?

Simple answer ='s the powers that be felt threatened and hence the falangs had to go, in my opinion and estimation. Can't have the maid knowing more than the house madame. Also there was some rumbling in the ranks re policy and procedure.

These are solely my opinions and based only on what I have heard.

I do think it is a shame though. I think that it was a very good concept


Most of the Volunteer Tourist Police got retired :D

I heard they were all sentenced to death for crimes against humanity.

The excuse that they had to do it because they were only following orders did not convince the Thai judges.


you retired from the job,you live in thailand now.surely you don,t want to go back that life after moving here

I feel that if one cares about their vocation, whatever it be, really feels good about what they have accomplished and been doing for 30 - 40 years, you will no more be able to completely walk away from that vocation than you can your legs...... I almost said wife, but that may not be completely true.

If you can just push away your vocation, after so long, you have had a JOB, not a vocation, drudgery not satisfaction.

I know, I know , I'm nuts..... Just my personal opinion

I hope when my time comes, I go at my daily satisfying endeavors.

Die at my desk........ just not too soon I hope..



you retired from the job,you live in thailand now.surely you don,t want to go back that life after moving here

Not much chance of going back unless its in another country and the $$$$$$$$$ is too good to turn away. But most will tell you once a cop always a cop. Coming here was my best way to get away from it ...........But you never completley walk away .... Thats why they pay us such big salaries . NOT ...


I retired with 33 and a half years of credited service to the Department Of Corrections.

Would I be included?

In my book you would be considered a retired LEO. I have been inside on many occasions to interview suspects after their arrests or for new charges and from what I saw, you guys have earned the title LEO and in many ways your job was much more difficult and dangerous than mine.


Glad to hear that the Farang Tourist Police is declining in members.

There is no similarity at all between Western Country LEO's and Thai Police.

I for one, could not sit Idly By while the Thai Police indulge in their daily Activities Thai Style.

I noticed most of the Volunteers thoughout the Country were Wanna-Be's and acted nothing like a real, Trained LEO would.


Glad to hear that the Farang Tourist Police is declining in members.

There is no similarity at all between Western Country LEO's and Thai Police.

I for one, could not sit Idly By while the Thai Police indulge in their daily Activities Thai Style.

I noticed most of the Volunteers thoughout the Country were Wanna-Be's and acted nothing like a real, Trained LEO would.

Oh dear..another US expat with a strong opinion spouting off without even meeting the personalities and tarring people with the same brush. How on earth would you know about "wannabees". Maybe there are too many people who come to this country and are legends in their own minds, thus they re-invent themselves. Before you condemn or judge others......try walking in their shoes.

Fortunately, you are not archetypal of the many great and friendly genuine US citizens I have met here in Thailand

I thought that the role of a professional police officer was to gather evidence, analyse it and prepare a case for conviction if indeed there was sufficient evidence to do so. Seems that you have forgotten this principle in your judgment of people of whom you have no justifiable information or knowledge..

At least SOME of the tourist police volunteers were genuinely trying to offer a service and put something back into the world and society in general, instead of the usual take take or sitting on their behinds and to use TV to criticise others without cause .. I accept that some Tourist Police volunteers are and were wannabees, but that is from someone who actually joined and walked away from the system, because of many underlying problems of administration and double standards.


Wow so no more Farang tourist police??

Now I understand. There was a brand new 2 story Tourist Police station constructed just on the right side as the road starts climbing up the Doi Suthep mountain. It never did get occupied and is now covered in jungle foliage. Tut-tut, all that time, work, and effort just to produce a derelict old ruin. What a sad waste of good land and money!



Wow so no more Farang tourist police??

Now I understand. There was a brand new 2 story Tourist Police station constructed just on the right side as the road starts climbing up the Doi Suthep mountain. It never did get occupied and is now covered in jungle foliage. Tut-tut, all that time, work, and effort just to produce a derelict old ruin. What a sad waste of good land and money!


Yes Aitch we were promised this for so long. But we also asked....why move??? The current building by the Ping river was adequate and more central. But to be fair it would have been more simplistic to name us Tourist Advisors....rather than Tourist POLICE. It gave some people delusions of grandeur. But now this service for tourists and some many Farangs who lived here and needed help here, is gone and we are not the losers.

After all Chiang Mai was the pilot scheme and worked well for about five years. Sadly with the TV program (Bravo) from the UK it took on a different connotation. Which country in the world would accept a mixed foreign body of visitors to help them as Police Volunteers to help tourists. And without the appropriate training or proper Job Charter.

But there is more than that which I feel is not appropriate to comment on, on this forum. It is not for public consumption and may damage relationships between Farangs in general and the Royal Thai Police Service..


Seems to be police of all kind on here - just pick your gripe and lay down the law. ph34r.gif

And your point is? Or have I missed something? I do not recall "griping" as part of my information/answers to others who asked genuine questions.


Glad to hear that the Farang Tourist Police is declining in members.

There is no similarity at all between Western Country LEO's and Thai Police.

I for one, could not sit Idly By while the Thai Police indulge in their daily Activities Thai Style.

I noticed most of the Volunteers thoughout the Country were Wanna-Be's and acted nothing like a real, Trained LEO would.

I have not had much contact with the tourist police but I have seen enough to know there are Thai tourist police and there are volunteers who work to assist them. These are two separate things and should not be confused as being the same. I have seen some of these volunteers on Sunday Walking Street but have yet to speak with one.

I have also met Thai tourist police and did take a few minutes to speak with a couple of them. I was not very impressed with them but that is my opinion. On the other hand these volunteers remind me of volunteers we used back in the States. You have heard of the COP (Citizens on Patrol) programs in many of the cities and counties in America. Yes, most of these people were elderly and maybe a bit in to the part they play a bit much but they did serve a valuable service in being extra eyes and ears for the police and were there to assist with traffic control at auto crash scenes and other events. I see the Tourist Police Volunteers in much the same light, they want to help and be of some assistance and sure just like in America maybe a few of them could have egos about their work. If I were a lost tourist and had a minor problem in Chiang Mai, I would rather talk to one of them than a tourist policeman as I feel the volunteer would better understand my problem.

I think those that do offer up their free time to this volunteer work should be accepted as people who care and want to help. Yes, some may have egos but they in turn do offer a service with the intent to help the tourist who has problems.

I can also understand that any former LEO from the West not wanting to be part of this as it would be like trying to help with your hands tied behind your backs in their minds. LEOs are used to being able to react as an event unfolds in their presence and they are used to being equipped to do so. The tourist police volunteers here have none of that ability, authority, training or equipment to do so. All they can do is to offer advice and call for police if needed. This would be too much stress for me to handle as a former cop and I'm sure I would piss off a Thai Tourist policemen sooner or later because I would be unable to restrain myself from offering my advice and or opinion.


Seems to be police of all kind on here - just pick your gripe and lay down the law. ph34r.gif

And your point is? Or have I missed something? I do not recall "griping" as part of my information/answers to others who asked genuine questions.

It was 'generic' I don't see your name mentioned anywhere?

Seems you felt it was targeted directly to you for some reason? huh.gif


Seems to be police of all kind on here - just pick your gripe and lay down the law. ph34r.gif

And your point is? Or have I missed something? I do not recall "griping" as part of my information/answers to others who asked genuine questions.

It was 'generic' I don't see your name mentioned anywhere?

Seems you felt it was targeted directly to you for some reason? huh.gif

Then I offer an apology for the misunderstanding and my incorrect interpretation of your post.jap.gif


Seems to be police of all kind on here - just pick your gripe and lay down the law. ph34r.gif

And your point is? Or have I missed something? I do not recall "griping" as part of my information/answers to others who asked genuine questions.

It was 'generic' I don't see your name mentioned anywhere?

Seems you felt it was targeted directly to you for some reason? huh.gif

Then I offer an apology for the misunderstanding and my incorrect interpretation of your post.jap.gif

No problem RD - I just meant that there will always be someone who pops up saying, you must do this and you can't do that, which is linked to the subject (gripe of their choice). smile.gif


Why come to another country and be a cop. For god sake, Thailand doesnt need any more cops with god complexes running around !

I like the fact that there are less cops in Thailand with power trips than the US. I also like the fact that i can pay the traffic fine on spot with 100 baht. I like the fact there are no speed traps.

Don't try and make Thailand the way it was where you came from, I dont need someone running around telling me what to do. :jap:


Why come to another country and be a cop. For god sake, Thailand doesnt need any more cops with god complexes running around !

I like the fact that there are less cops in Thailand with power trips than the US. I also like the fact that i can pay the traffic fine on spot with 100 baht. I like the fact there are no speed traps.

Don't try and make Thailand the way it was where you came from, I dont need someone running around telling me what to do. :jap:

I love Thai cops too compared to my home. They never (in CM ) have cars out looking for folks. With the above, this is one of the reasons why I love living here after 28 years :)


Did they have to give back their guns, handcuffs and batons? What about their little blue caps with the police emblem on the front?

Yeah, and were those silly caps two sizes too small on purpose?

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