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Asking For Some Help....


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Hi and thanks for having me in the forum. I have a few questions about Thailand.

I am a American, educated, and I am moving to Thailand to teach. I will be looking for culture, climate, food, affordable living and looking to meet a great lady....Where do you recommend I live?

I have never been to Thailand, yet have traveled the world. I am just looking for a change...any help woudl be appreciated.

Thank you,

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Maybe you should get your priorities in order first meaning you’re looking for a great lady that is good looking, affordable, can cook, has an even temper and speaks English :)

All of these you’ll be able to find at your place of work I guess.

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I would suggest that you come here and travel around different parts of the country to see what area suits you best. Do you want a large cosmopolitan city? Do you want a beach nearby? Do you like rural areas? Mountains? Do you need western culture and food nearby?

I think after you travel a bit, then find a job it will sort of dictate where you will be living. FInding a girlfriend is not difficult at all.

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Maybe you should get your priorities in order first meaning you're looking for a great lady that is good looking, affordable, can cook, has an even temper and speaks English :)

All of these you'll be able to find at your place of work I guess.

Priorities will include the topic you want to teach.

Writing that you are "a American" tells me right away that you won't be teaching English. No, that's not a cheap jibe, it's "for real". Unless you somehow get a TESOL as a MINIMUM qualification, then drop that idea.

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Maybe you should get your priorities in order first meaning you're looking for a great lady that is good looking, affordable, can cook, has an even temper and speaks English :)

All of these you'll be able to find at your place of work I guess.

Priorities will include the topic you want to teach.

Writing that you are "a American" tells me right away that you won't be teaching English. No, that's not a cheap jibe, it's "for real". Unless you somehow get a TESOL as a MINIMUM qualification, then drop that idea.

What?? Because he said "a American", "not an American". He wants to teach English, not typing.

The above post about visiting different area is the best advice, happiness depends on being happy where you are. Look around, go slow, things will happen.

Oh, and learn proper grammar before you post again!


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Probably best to research the country first. Go there and check it our and travel about and see if there is anywhere in particular you want to live.

As for teaching, you can't teach in Thailand unless you have a CELTA/TESOL/TEFL qualification and you need a BA Degree in order to get a job and a work permit.

I'm not going to even bother commenting about the "nice lady" part. rolleyes.gif

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"As for teaching, you can't teach in Thailand unless you have a CELTA/TESOL/TEFL qualification and you need a BA Degree in order to get a job and a work permit."

A CELTA/TESOL/TEFL is not and hasn't been a requirement to get a job or a WP. If a specific school requires it, that's their own requirement, but not the governments.

Many teachers have had jobs and WP's without a BA degree. Nowadays you might have to look around a bit, but they're still out there. I've recently seen an ad that stated that you didn't need a degree.

The advice about looking at different areas is good. What suits one may not suit you.

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If seeking a desirable Thai lady that is even half decent, then you can use this as a guideline:

The older you are and the older you become, the more it`s going to cost you.

For example, if you are in your mid 30s or younger, financially stable, than finding a nice loyal young attractive Thai lady should be no problem.

But if you are in your 40s or older and seeking a Thai lady about 15 years or more younger than yourself, it`s going to cost you. In other words, the Thai lady becomes a tied lady, the relationship ending when the money runs out.

You say you are educated. What does this mean exactly? Do you have the qualifications and paperwork to back this up? If so, then you should have no problems finding a teaching job in Thailand.

If you are looking for culture, climate, food, affordable living and perhaps meeting a great lady, then I recommend good old Chiang Mai up here in the North. It has all these things and thinks it would be suitable for you.

But in the meantime I suggest that you do some surveying and research online before committing yourself to moving over here. Check out the employment for foreigner’s laws and the different regions of Thailand.

Good luck and hope everything works out for you.

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Try Pattaya, Phuket, or Mukdahan. :rolleyes:

Or seriously, can we 'umble teachers ask you, that if your main reasons for moving to Thailand are what you stated in your post, and NOT teaching, and if you have no experience previously teaching (not to mention no experience here in Thailand), that you please stay home. Schools in Thailand really don't need any more foreign teachers who are teaching to stay here. They need foreign teachers who are staying here to teach.

But really, adding in the part about never having come to Thailand, and I am starting to smell that stuff under the bridge....

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Try Pattaya, Phuket, or Mukdahan. :rolleyes:

Or seriously, can we 'umble teachers ask you, that if your main reasons for moving to Thailand are what you stated in your post, and NOT teaching, and if you have no experience previously teaching (not to mention no experience here in Thailand), that you please stay home. Schools in Thailand really don't need any more foreign teachers who are teaching to stay here. They need foreign teachers who are staying here to teach.

But really, adding in the part about never having come to Thailand, and I am starting to smell that stuff under the bridge....

rolleyes.gif Me too....especially the "meeting the chicks" part. Funny! biggrin.gif

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