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Wont Be Many Brits Left Here Soon 47 Baht To Sterling Oh Dear

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The best way round the education question and the 3 year rule is this. Apply for political asylum, get the house £250 each a week plus £100 each a week hardship money, then say " by the way I want to go to university ( in pidgeon English ) making sure you tell the authorities that " I aint got no money" and "if you dont come up with goods I will say you are infringeing my human rights."




Where were you brought up?

Is ZZaa the only educated man on this forum?


It'll not help your application, you know.

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...So are you saying that a British citizen, who has been living overseas, decides to return to UK to go to university and will not enjoy the Gbp 9 k fees if they haven't lived there for the last 3 yrs?

Exactly. Not sure of the figure, though.

People who live overseas but have British passports are not considered as home students, but as overseas students.


But only people who don't keep a UK mailing address

Wrong there so don't go counting on that. The form you now have to fill in for a Uni to assess your eligibility for home student status would flag you up straight away unless you blatantly lie. Not easy to do that either in most cases and if your qualifications for the course were gained outside the EU or designated overseas dependencies in the last 3 years you have no chance.

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...So are you saying that a British citizen, who has been living overseas, decides to return to UK to go to university and will not enjoy the Gbp 9 k fees if they haven't lived there for the last 3 yrs?

Exactly. Not sure of the figure, though.

People who live overseas but have British passports are not considered as home students, but as overseas students.


But only people who don't keep a UK mailing address

Wrong there so don't go counting on that. The form you now have to fill in for a Uni to assess your eligibility for home student status would flag you up straight away unless you blatantly lie. Not easy to do that either in most cases and if your qualifications for the course were gained outside the EU or designated overseas dependencies in the last 3 years you have no chance.

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...So are you saying that a British citizen, who has been living overseas, decides to return to UK to go to university and will not enjoy the Gbp 9 k fees if they haven't lived there for the last 3 yrs?

Exactly. Not sure of the figure, though.

People who live overseas but have British passports are not considered as home students, but as overseas students.


But only people who don't keep a UK mailing address

or have a Scottish Passport...... :D

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...So are you saying that a British citizen, who has been living overseas, decides to return to UK to go to university and will not enjoy the Gbp 9 k fees if they haven't lived there for the last 3 yrs?

Exactly. Not sure of the figure, though.

People who live overseas but have British passports are not considered as home students, but as overseas students.


But only people who don't keep a UK mailing address

or have a Scottish Passport...... :D

It's a McHoot, isn't it ! <_<

Yes, there might well be an exception for diplomats & servicemen working overseas, or for people who 'forgot' to register their departure with HM-Tax-Men, or pretended not-to-have-left (until they're found-out), or whatever.

But the gist of it is as Bkkorupcountry suggests. I understand his bemusement, you'd think that UK-citizenship meant something, or that they might want UK-citizens to be educated in the 'mother country' instead of taking their cash elsewhere, but no. B)

Edited by Ricardo
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Maybe not..............

UK 'Is Worst Place To Live In Europe'

The UK is now officially the worst place to live in Europe, with people getting a "raw deal" on quality of life and high cost of living, a new study has revealed.

Britons are faced with some of the highest retail prices in Europe

Comparison website uSwitch said that things were getting so bad that one in 10 people in this country were considering emigrating.

France and Spain came out on top of uSwitch's Quality of Life Index, with the UK bottom of a 10-country league table.

The index covers working hours, VAT, holidays, spending on health and education - and hours of sunshine.

The UK also came bottom of another table based on the cost of energy, petrol, food, alcohol, cigarettes and life expectancy.

Food and diesel prices are the highest in Europe, while unleaded petrol, alcohol and cigarettes all cost more than the European average, said the report.

People in the UK now have the lowest holiday entitlement in Europe as well as having one of the highest retirement ages, the study found.

A survey of over 2,000 adults found their biggest concern was "broken society", as well as the cost of living, crime and violence.

Spain is high on the list for quality of life - but Brits can't afford to holiday there

Some 5% said they were happy with the UK, with over one in 10 "seriously considering" emigrating.

France topped the index for the third year in a row, despite the average household annual net income being £7,000 below that of the UK.

Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at uSwitch.com, said: "Last year at least our neighbours in Ireland were worse off, now we can't even console ourselves with that.

"We are now officially at the bottom of the pile."

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...So are you saying that a British citizen, who has been living overseas, decides to return to UK to go to university and will not enjoy the Gbp 9 k fees if they haven't lived there for the last 3 yrs?

Exactly. Not sure of the figure, though.

People who live overseas but have British passports are not considered as home students, but as overseas students.


But only people who don't keep a UK mailing address

Wrong there so don't go counting on that. The form you now have to fill in for a Uni to assess your eligibility for home student status would flag you up straight away unless you blatantly lie. Not easy to do that either in most cases and if your qualifications for the course were gained outside the EU or designated overseas dependencies in the last 3 years you have no chance.

Absolutely right, its totally amazing. The whole system is meant to be based on the fact that education is paid out of council tax. But having a UK address and paying council tax is not enough. It really doesn't make sense.

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You know, what these last threads seem to mean to me is that when I was born in the UK I was English/British and lucky me, great place to live and that citizenship was mine until I died, a bit like a lifetime guarantee,but, it now seems some where along the road that some Governments have been changing the goalposts and now that guanrantee has come down to just 90 days? What an absoulute disgrace, what a way to treat your own people! As I keep saying immigrants and asylum seekers get a better deal than the people that were born there. Nobody notices and nobody cares nd what do I read in the DM today? That that jolly bunch of financial wizards come graytrain passengers over in the EU are now going to try and force the UK Govt to give immediate rights to Immigrants and not make them wait, who is running that place, or UK PLC come to think of it! Again go back to all this lot, give you heart attack!

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The best way round the education question and the 3 year rule is this. Apply for political asylum, get the house £250 each a week plus £100 each a week hardship money, then say " by the way I want to go to university ( in pidgeon English ) making sure you tell the authorities that " I aint got no money" and "if you dont come up with goods I will say you are infringeing my human rights."




Where were you brought up?

Is ZZaa the only educated man on this forum?


It'll not help your application, you know.

I crnt speel wear I was brawt up that y I want too go to university in the gud old u of K. Sew I kan lern to reed and rite like you kan mistr. The ownly leson I eva had was abowt u of K and it land ful flowing with milk ( wot is that?) and muny. Muny same same, no hav but want and lots, do eye get mor if am drug adict and alkoholic, if yes ey am. If ey cum tieland you can teech me?

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For the OP's information here is a spreadsheet that I keep for the exchange rate at KBank from the beginning of this year up to 1pm today.

I have them going back to 2000 but it makes me sad to look at them but if anybody wants them I will post the short version.

Forex 2011 v1.xls

Historical rates are easily available online from a number of sources.

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This will make a few of you happy :whistling:

Benefits legal warning to UK over cash for EU nationals

There are concerns the UK could be forced to pay out to so-called "benefits tourists"

The European Commission has threatened legal action against the UK, saying a test of eligibility for benefits discriminates against foreigners.

The "right to reside" qualification for benefits is automatic for UK nationals but assessed for other EU nationals.

The commission said this breached EU law and gave the UK two months to say how it would bring its rules into line.

Employment Minister Chris Grayling said it was unacceptable "that we should open our doors to benefit tourism".


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You know, what these last threads seem to mean to me is that when I was born in the UK I was English/British and lucky me, great place to live and that citizenship was mine until I died, a bit like a lifetime guarantee,but, it now seems some where along the road that some Governments have been changing the goalposts and now that guanrantee has come down to just 90 days? What an absoulute disgrace, what a way to treat your own people! As I keep saying immigrants and asylum seekers get a better deal than the people that were born there. Nobody notices and nobody cares nd what do I read in the DM today? That that jolly bunch of financial wizards come graytrain passengers over in the EU are now going to try and force the UK Govt to give immediate rights to Immigrants and not make them wait, who is running that place, or UK PLC come to think of it! Again go back to all this lot, give you heart attack!

What is the DM? Is it the Daily Mail?

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I remember when it was under 40THB to 1 GBP, and don't seem to recall a shortage of Brits here then.

I remember that too. I also remember how much cheaper Thailand was then.

Absolutely- the bar scene was sooooo much cheaper then. Gone up over 100% in GoGos since the mid 90s.

Unfortunately my wages didn't go up 100% in the same time period!

100% in 15 years is just about a 4% increase per year. Not really anything unusual.

And, since sterling is worth 20% more against the Thai baht now than it was in the mid-90's, the increase in real currency terms is even less than that.

If your salary is calculated in baht, though, and it has not gone up 100% in 15 years, you're pretty much screwed.

Excuse me, I'd have been lucky to get 3% increase a year between 1998 and 2009 in inflation adjustment, so I was actually working for less in real terms as inflation was higher than 3%.

What's this about sterling being worth 20% more than in the mid 90s? I was getting 45 to the baht in 95 and I get 48 today, while many things have gone up. Try getting a good room near Nana for 800 baht now, more like 1200 for the same room.

Sure you can get meals cheaply, but unless you want to find some cheap restaurant or eat off street carts food is more, train travel has gone up, it's hard to find a hut at the beach for under 400/500 low season, and as for temporary girlfriends.....................

BTW I'm retired and living off savings for 2 years, and yes, pretty much screwed thanks to the financial morons that think giving savers 0% interest is a good idea. Think I got 0.62p last statement! Oh well, once the capital's gone I can just go 'ome and become another social security statistic and bleed the taxpayer.

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BTW I'm retired and living off savings for 2 years, and yes, pretty much screwed thanks to the financial morons that think giving savers 0% interest is a good idea. Think I got 0.62p last statement! Oh well, once the capital's gone I can just go 'ome and become another social security statistic and bleed the taxpayer.

You could have moved your savings to Australia and had 6% interest (Most banks)

You could move your money to Thailand and get 3.5% (Bangkok Bank)

You could invest your money in HK or Singapore and get a return of 9%

Why are you lending money to UK banks at 0%?

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According to www.xe.com, the baht was trading at 39.78 to one pound sterling on today's date in 1996.

Today, it's trading at 48.2.

That means that the pound is worth 21% more against the baht today than it was on the same date in 1996.

You say that you paid 800 baht (approx. 20 pounds sterling) in the mid nineties for a hotel room that costs 1,200 baht (approx. 25 pound sterling) today.

That means that the cost of the room has gone up only 25% in sterling terms in 15 years.

A 25% increase in fifteen years...that is piddling! It works out to like a 1.5% increase per year!

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BTW I'm retired and living off savings for 2 years, and yes, pretty much screwed thanks to the financial morons that think giving savers 0% interest is a good idea. Think I got 0.62p last statement! Oh well, once the capital's gone I can just go 'ome and become another social security statistic and bleed the taxpayer.

You could have moved your savings to Australia and had 6% interest (Most banks)

You could move your money to Thailand and get 3.5% (Bangkok Bank)

You could invest your money in HK or Singapore and get a return of 9%

Why are you lending money to UK banks at 0%?

Do you think I know how to invest my money in Oz? LOL.

I'm lending money to the UK because my super has to go into a UK bank, and don't ask why I leave it there- it's complicated.

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According to www.xe.com, the baht was trading at 39.78 to one pound sterling on today's date in 1996.

Today, it's trading at 48.2.

That means that the pound is worth 21% more against the baht today than it was on the same date in 1996.

You say that you paid 800 baht (approx. 20 pounds sterling) in the mid nineties for a hotel room that costs 1,200 baht (approx. 25 pound sterling) today.

That means that the cost of the room has gone up only 25% in sterling terms in 15 years.

A 25% increase in fifteen years...that is piddling! It works out to like a 1.5% increase per year!

Well I remember changing my Sterling at 45 before the baht was floated in 1996 because I was really happy when it went up to 46 after.

And the pound was exchanged at something like 99 in 1997. Completely irrelevant if you didn't happen to change money at that rate then. I had none left as I'd changed it all at 46 the year before.

It's only piddling if you can afford it. Otherwise you have to get a cheaper and cheaper room to stick to your fixed sterling budget. I haven't actually stayed at that hotel since they put their rate up, as paying more for less service is against my ethics, and it's actually 1580 baht today.

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You know, what these last threads seem to mean to me is that when I was born in the UK I was English/British and lucky me, great place to live and that citizenship was mine until I died, a bit like a lifetime guarantee,but, it now seems some where along the road that some Governments have been changing the goalposts and now that guanrantee has come down to just 90 days? What an absoulute disgrace, what a way to treat your own people! As I keep saying immigrants and asylum seekers get a better deal than the people that were born there. Nobody notices and nobody cares nd what do I read in the DM today? That that jolly bunch of financial wizards come graytrain passengers over in the EU are now going to try and force the UK Govt to give immediate rights to Immigrants and not make them wait, who is running that place, or UK PLC come to think of it! Again go back to all this lot, give you heart attack!

What is the DM? Is it the Daily Mail?


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I was getting 45 to the baht in 95 and I get 48 today, while many things have gone up.

We feel your pain, but prices everywhere in the world have gone up a lot since 1995. Why would Thailand be any different?

I don't expect things to be different in LOS. I was just making the point to someone else that my wages in the UK went up less in real terms than costs in real terms in Thailand since 1995.

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I was getting 45 to the baht in 95 and I get 48 today, while many things have gone up.

We feel your pain, but prices everywhere in the world have gone up a lot since 1995. Why would Thailand be any different?

I don't expect things to be different in LOS. I was just making the point to someone else that my wages in the UK went up less in real terms than costs in real terms in Thailand since 1995.

Less than 1.5% increase in your income per year? How do you keep up with inflation in the UK?

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According to www.xe.com, the baht was trading at 39.78 to one pound sterling on today's date in 1996.

Today, it's trading at 48.2.

That means that the pound is worth 21% more against the baht today than it was on the same date in 1996.

You say that you paid 800 baht (approx. 20 pounds sterling) in the mid nineties for a hotel room that costs 1,200 baht (approx. 25 pound sterling) today.

That means that the cost of the room has gone up only 25% in sterling terms in 15 years.

A 25% increase in fifteen years...that is piddling! It works out to like a 1.5% increase per year!

Well I remember changing my Sterling at 45 before the baht was floated in 1996 because I was really happy when it went up to 46 after.

And the pound was exchanged at something like 99 in 1997. Completely irrelevant if you didn't happen to change money at that rate then. I had none left as I'd changed it all at 46 the year before.

It's only piddling if you can afford it. Otherwise you have to get a cheaper and cheaper room to stick to your fixed sterling budget. I haven't actually stayed at that hotel since they put their rate up, as paying more for less service is against my ethics, and it's actually 1580 baht today.

We were in the bar of the Honey over that period in 97 when the dosh took off and one old boy hopped it to a money xchange shop near Ekamai and came back with receipts showing that he got a 100Bt = Pound.

I gather that he switched 5 Grand and next day headed off to Patti

Best I got around then was 96..up from 43.

Hotel was Bt400,Beer was (from memory)about 30 Bt a throw and Tuk Tuk to Soi C about 15-20 Bt :D

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Hotel was Bt400,Beer was (from memory)about 30 Bt a throw and Tuk Tuk to Soi C about 15-20 Bt :D

Tonight we were out drinking in quite a nice place (live music too loud)

3 large Ashahi beers for 100 bht

3 large leo beers for 117 bht

So not all that much difference then

Probably about 500km difference, unless you were also on Suk soi 19.

Rinrada wasnt staying in the Honey for 400b in 97 either, not that much difference, but the cheapest room, car park was at least 650 baht

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I guess the exchange rate will be down to 46 baht to £1 sterling by late tomorrow morning.

My crystal ball tells me that it`s a probability the rate will decrease to 40 baht for £1 sterling in the foreseeable future.

Make no mistake, this is going to affect everyone who obtains their incomes from abroad, not only the British, and of course this must have a dramatic effect on tourism. It makes no difference what the TAT does; the tourists just simply will not be able to afford to holiday here.

For many ex-pats living here that have not planned well or are already on shoestring budgets, many will not have a future here in Thailand if this decrease trend in bahts for western currencies continues for much longer.

Only one benefit of the falling exchange rates that I can think of; is that I wont have to queue so long when applying for my visa extension at Immigration.

Thailand is still a cheap tourist destination. Where else would you want to go on holiday, where you can have a good time with just $100 per day? Bad economy may bring more visitors who would otherwise visit more expensive places?

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You know, what these last threads seem to mean to me is that when I was born in the UK I was English/British and lucky me, great place to live and that citizenship was mine until I died, a bit like a lifetime guarantee,but, it now seems some where along the road that some Governments have been changing the goalposts and now that guanrantee has come down to just 90 days? What an absoulute disgrace, what a way to treat your own people! As I keep saying immigrants and asylum seekers get a better deal than the people that were born there. Nobody notices and nobody cares nd what do I read in the DM today? That that jolly bunch of financial wizards come graytrain passengers over in the EU are now going to try and force the UK Govt to give immediate rights to Immigrants and not make them wait, who is running that place, or UK PLC come to think of it! Again go back to all this lot, give you heart attack!

What is the DM? Is it the Daily Mail?

Commonly known as the Daily Wail.

Not so much a Newspaper, more a Comic,Similar to the Sun!

Edited by MAJIC
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Hotel was Bt400,Beer was (from memory)about 30 Bt a throw and Tuk Tuk to Soi C about 15-20 Bt :D

Tonight we were out drinking in quite a nice place (live music too loud)

3 large Ashahi beers for 100 bht

3 large leo beers for 117 bht

So not all that much difference then

where you drinking outside a 7-11 by any chance?

never is 7 years seen a place sell beer that cheap, well apart from a 7-11 and the mom and pop stores .. but not a bar , as if they are selling t that price there is 0 profit

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You know, what these last threads seem to mean to me is that when I was born in the UK I was English/British and lucky me, great place to live and that citizenship was mine until I died, a bit like a lifetime guarantee,but, it now seems some where along the road that some Governments have been changing the goalposts and now that guanrantee has come down to just 90 days? What an absoulute disgrace, what a way to treat your own people! As I keep saying immigrants and asylum seekers get a better deal than the people that were born there. Nobody notices and nobody cares nd what do I read in the DM today? That that jolly bunch of financial wizards come graytrain passengers over in the EU are now going to try and force the UK Govt to give immediate rights to Immigrants and not make them wait, who is running that place, or UK PLC come to think of it! Again go back to all this lot, give you heart attack!

What is the DM? Is it the Daily Mail?

Commonly known as the Daily Wail.

Not so much a Newspaper, more a Comic,Similar to the Sun!

But an up market "Sun"! Or has the quality, over time brought down? You are probably not far wide of the mark, big headlines and litle substance, usually. At least online its free.

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