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UN receives Palestine's bid to become Member State


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My position is that NEITHER leadership side really wants peace, and yes you do need to include HAMAS in the Palestinian leadership. I am not comfortable with being an apologist for Netanyahu specifically as I don't like the man. However, I don't think any Israeli leader can make peace with the current Palestinian leadership. Please explain to me how any Israelis should trust the Gazans, when the land was returned to them, and they returned the gesture of peace by electing an extremist government openly advocating genocide of the Jewish people. Sadly, sometimes peace just isn't possible ... yet.

Edited by Jingthing
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My position is that NEITHER leadership side really wants peace, and yes you do need to include HAMAS in the Palestinian leadership. I am not comfortable with being an apologist for Netanyahu specifically as I don't like the man. However, I don't think any Israeli leader can make peace with the current Palestinian leadership. Please explain to me how any Israelis should trust the Gazans, when the land was returned to them, and they returned the gesture of peace by electing an extremist government openly advocating genocide of the Jewish people. Sadly, sometimes peace just isn't possible ... yet.

I don't really think a serious, lasting peace is possible. Which means a continued occupation with Israeli dominance. I can live with that, what I can't live with is the hypocrisy that surrounds this issue on a daily basis.

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"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for the inability to reach a peace deal that would end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Thursday.

Bill kind of left out the important fact that Abbas made the Hamas terrorists part of his government. Netanyahu can't be blamed for that. :whistling:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I don't really think a serious, lasting peace is possible. Which means a continued occupation with Israeli dominance. I can live with that, what I can't live with is the hypocrisy that surrounds this issue on a daily basis.

In the near and medium term, the prospects look very bad. Maybe see what happens if/when Israel attacks Iran's nuclear program which currently is actually a much bigger existential threat to Israel than the Palestinians. I wish people using the O word would spell out what they really mean. Hamas would say the non-west bank part of Israel is also occupied as they can't seem to shut up about "liberation" of all the Israeli land.

If you are hoping to escape from hypocrisy in this world, I suggest hard drugs.

Edited by Jingthing
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Is the Hamas, a major politcal party in the Palestinian Territories and currently administering the Gaza strip, still on the list of terrorist organisations of the USA and some other UN member states?

Is it still the declared policy of the Hamas to eradicate a member state of the UN, ie Israel, from the map?

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Is the Hamas, a major politcal party in the Palestinian Territories and currently administering the Gaza strip, still on the list of terrorist organisations of the USA and some other UN member states?

Is it still the declared policy of the Hamas to eradicate a member state of the UN, ie Israel, from the map?

Hamas is the ruling government of Gaza, elected democratically.

Hamas is on record as OPPOSING the Abbas led UN statehood recognition bid because they don't favor a two state solution, they want victory over ALL of Israel. Not only does Hamas oppose the bid, they are actively suppressing Palestinian communication favoring the bid.

The European Union,[8][9] the United States,[10] Canada, Israel and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization ...


Co-founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin stated in 1987 and the Hamas Charter affirmed in 1988 that Hamas was founded to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and to establish an Islamic state in the area that is now Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip

Wiki -- Hamas

Abbas, not to mention the majority of the UN nations supporting the Abbas bid are basically acting like Gaza and Hamas doesn't exist. But they DO exist.

As so many commentators have noted, Abbas is about to retire and he wants to leave a legacy as his time is out now. The timing is his personal thing, and otherwise completely wrong, considering the political division between the West Bank and Gaza.

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