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B12 Injections In Bangkok?


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I have been told that I need to have B12 injections injected into me once every 3 months. I have been given a big supply of them to last me for a few years, however what is the best way to go about this? Do I just walk into a hospital and ask them to inject me? Or am I better off finding a regular doctor, like a GP? Forgive me for being slightly ignorant, but can you even get GP's in Bangkok?

Also I need to have a regular blood test done, where do I get this done? Can I get it done at the same place I get my b12 injections done?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi there firstly B12 I just popped along to my GP and bingo no probs, a friend the same except he pops along to Khon Kaen Ram they do the same cost being 100baht to cover the syringe.

Yes there are GP's in Thailand

Blood check at the hospital or as with myself there is a local clinic that analyse blood for doctors & hospitals I pop along Every 2/3 weeks cost being 200baht (they give me a typed result of WBC,RBC,Hb,Hct,Platelet count,Neutophil,Lymphocyte,Eosinophil,Monocyte).

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All you need do ,is go to your nearest Govt. hospital , get your self a hospital card- bobs your uncle.I do suggest ,if it is not urgent you go after 14.00 hours ,as you will find you will see a doctor very quickly .Go in the morning and there are millions in front of you.I have been using my local Govt .hospital for nearly 20 years.And I am still alive to tell the tale!!. I have NEVER been to a private hospital. And NEVER will. I have been hospitalized once , for 6 days- got excellent treatment , for minimal cost.

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it will be helpful if you can get a medical summary from the doctor who originally treated you, giving the diagnosis, most recent labs and recommended treatment. Will save time and repeat tests.

If you have pernisious anemia, you will need periodic blood counts. Can be done at any ho

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Who did you go to, a VET ?

B12 injections - poison into the body

Vitamins - from the SUN and fruits

Regular blood tests...for what ?

Wow what a really immature response! I almost feel like I should respond to you with why I need these but why should I when I don't have to justify myself to a troll.

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Vitamin D comes from the effect of sunlight and, to a lesser extent, some foods.

B12 is totally different and has important functions, as do the other B vits, notably B1 but also B6. They are mainly important for maintaining neuro (nerve) and liver functions, although there are a number of illnesses (including a kind of anemia) which are related to B vit deficiency (see google).

I had an operation which stops me from absorbing B vits efficiently, so I have supplements. For B12, I give myself shots about every 1-2 months. I use a small insulin syringe, because the shots are 0,5 cc (I have the training to give shots, and am not advising people to do their own...although if you know any diabetics, it's simple to watch what they do). Some Hollywood stars swear by B12 shots, and pay a lot of money every month for something that costs 800baht for a box of 100 vials in the chinese pharmacies opposite Chula Hospital.

The liver stores B12 and will excrete it over time, as the body needs it. I believe that it can also draw on reserves which it can make by itself, but that is extreme.

If you really want a strong supplement which boosts B1 B6 and B 12, Neurobion is available freely in pharmacies. However, Sheryl is quite right because you shouldn't take extra without seeing an MD who specialises in this, or a nutritionist. Why? Because a normal balanced diet will give you vitamins. If you are pregnant, an alcoholic, a vegan, or one or two other things, then you may need to have extra. A good compromise for worried 'normal' people is multivitamins from the pharmacy. Some conditions (and operations on the gut) can result in absorption probs, which is when you need to get advice.

There is a screening blood test which will measure vitamins and minerals from normal food intake, but some doctors will not do it if there is no reason to suspect that you have diet or vitamin problems. Iron, of course, is very important, especially for pregnant women and older people, but a routine general blood test will always include Hb (haemoglobin) and will show regular anaemia, which will then be investigated as to cause (iron lack, internal bleeding, stomach problems). Simply popping out and buying iron tablets may be a mistake without advice. Most will give very black stools, and you may get frightened--but some iron preparations can also cause severe stomach problems.

Vitamin C is also rather important (and people with colds will often take loads, but it is also known to have an effect on harmful free radicals). Luckily, scurvy is now rare, although you may remember that the British introduced Lime Juice (hence LIMEYS) to stop sailors, fed on salt pork and dry biscuits, dying on long trips. These days, we all have juices, fruits and other things which have Vit C, so most people don't need to worry.


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When I lived in Udon, I would go to AEK Hospital where I could get a shot of B-12 (500mg). I had to see a doctor, but as a walk in, it cost 700 baht and took about 45 minutes. This is a private hospital, and the costs are higher than Govt hospitals, but next to western medical costs and hassles, it was a fun experience. I'm sure that the same is available in Bkk. BTW, one time in Bkk, I walked in to Bankok Hospital on Sukhumvit Rd at Tong Lor. I had what I thought was a wart on my joo, so the resident dermatologist burned it off (froze, actually) and I was relieved that it wasn't HPV, and cost me 1400. In and out in 1 hour, max.

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