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Zimbabwe to sue European Union over sanctions


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Zimbabwe to sue European Union over sanctions

2011-10-03 06:41:18 GMT+7 (ICT)

HARARE (BNO NEWS) -- The government of the African nation of Zimbabwe is preparing a lawsuit against the European Union for imposing what it calls illegal sanctions, state-run media reported on Sunday.

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and his senior lieutenants have faced visa and financial restrictions since 2002 when the European Union and other countries first imposed targeted measures in retaliation to alleged human rights abuses and vote rigging by the Zimbabwean leader.

In February of this year, Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party launched a national campaign entitled 'Sanctions do kill' against the Western sanctions with a rally in Harare. During the rally, Mugabe threatened to seize Western-based companies in retaliation against the sanctions.

Harare businessmen were also called to a meeting at the party's provincial headquarters where they were ordered to support a petition which was later presented to Western embassies. Some businessmen said they were threatened with unspecified action if they failed to sign the petition.

On Sunday, the state-run Sunday Mail newspaper reported that the country's Attorney-General's Office has assembled a team of lawyers to file a lawsuit at the General Court of the European Court of Justice to demand justification for the sanctions. "Of course, we are going to sue," said Attorney-General Johannes Tomana. "We wrote to them and we want them to justify the continued imposition of illegal sanctions on us."

On September 1, Tomana sent a letter to the European Union to demand it be given the reasons behind the European Union's decision to continue sanctions against Zimbabwe. "Unless I hear from you in the next 14 days, I shall be taking steps as may be necessary and appropriate to protect the rights and interests of the Government of Zimbabwe and all the natural and legal persons and entities, subject to the restrictive measures in terms of your aforesaid decision," the letter said.

However, the European Union allegedly ignored the letter and did not respond. "I have carried out a diligent inquiry and I have established that the Government of Zimbabwe and all the natural and legal persons and entities listed have neither received communication from the Council of European Union advising them of the Council decision nor have they been informed of the grounds for their listing as subject to restrictive measures in terms of Article 6 (2)," Tomana explained.

The European Union decided in February to extend sanctions against Zimbabwe by at least one more year although it did remove 35 people from the visa ban and asset freeze list as a reward for some political reform. However, 163 people and 31 businesses are still on the sanction list for alleged connections to human rights abuses, the undermining of democracy or the abuse of the rule of law.

Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since December 1987, making him one of Africa's longest-lasting leaders. Elections were held in February 2008 during which Mugabe lost, but a second round led to his 'victory' amid widespread reports of severe violence and vote rigging.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-10-03

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This is so sad... why don't NATO sort old Bob out?

I agree another beautiful prosperous African country governed into ruin.

NATO is quick enough intervening in North African and the Middle East but seems reluctant to do anything about these Black African countries.

They should have left Iraq alone and invaded Zimbabwe instead. Would have cheaper and got some positive results.


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This is so sad... why don't NATO sort old Bob out?

I agree another beautiful prosperous African country governed into ruin.

NATO is quick enough intervening in North African and the Middle East but seems reluctant to do anything about these Black African countries.

They should have left Iraq alone and invaded Zimbabwe instead. Would have cheaper and got some positive results.


I have always wondered this myself and came up with the conclusion that there Is not enough oil or gas in Zimbabwe to warrant ' intervention'

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What a sad, sick, raving mad, lunatic,old dictater,

He murdered his own people,and ran the once booming Country,of Zimbabwe (formerly) Rhodesia) under the Ian Smith Government,literally into the ground,he survives on rigged ballot box votes,at the point of a gun,and should have been deposed many years ago.

He gained independedence, and slaughtered the white Dutch Afrikaneers (the working backbone of the Country that ran Plantations for 150+years) and drove the survivors out of Zimbabwe,only to see the Lush farmland and Plantations become Jungle once more,within six months, and his people surviving (some) on Foreign aid,for many years of his rule.

Like all true Greedy,Megalomanic, Dictaters,he refuses to see his faults and ridiculous decisions,and the harm that his bloody rule,has done to his people/virtual slaves,(anyone see a resemblance to another budding,up and coming Dictater,frequently discussed on Thai Visa)

And now Magabe has the outrageous,audacity to seek compensation for his acts and atrocities.

May he rot in hell for all eternity!

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I need to lay the blame for much of what happened at the door- 10 Downing St.

The Brits sold out their own kin to this terrorist.

Yes agreed. I can only put it down to post colonial guilt syndrome softening their brains. Mind you I suspect the old minority ruling class in South Africa are upping sticks just as Rhodesians have.

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This is so sad... why don't NATO sort old Bob out?

I agree another beautiful prosperous African country governed into ruin.

NATO is quick enough intervening in North African and the Middle East but seems reluctant to do anything about these Black African countries.

They should have left Iraq alone and invaded Zimbabwe instead. Would have cheaper and got some positive results.


Not an option. The dominant power in the region is South Africa and the SA government believes in a different non violent approach. Any military intervention would require the assistance and co-operation of Zimbabwe's neighbours and not one favours a military intervention. I think Africans have had enough of Bwana telling them what to do. Mr. Mugabe is in power because of former colonial activities. Had the transition from the brutal white regime been handled differently, perhaps Zimbabwe would have turned out like Ghana. South Africa will have a major say what happens and until the refugee crisis worsens, South Africa will not intervene. Such an intervention could provoke unrest in South Africa. The last thing Africa needs now is another war as the world would not be able to handle the resulting refugee crisis.

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This is so sad... why don't NATO sort old Bob out?

I agree another beautiful prosperous African country governed into ruin.

NATO is quick enough intervening in North African and the Middle East but seems reluctant to do anything about these Black African countries.

They should have left Iraq alone and invaded Zimbabwe instead. Would have cheaper and got some positive results.


What was once known as the food bowl of Africa is now the toilet.

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Mugabe builds an ocean liner out of styrofoam and flotsam, with manure packing the cracks - and while the ship goes down, he wants the EU leaders to pay him respects. They'll pay respects when he's six feet under - maybe send him a peanut shell in commemoration.

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He should sue. Not like their gonna pay him but let it be known that it's majorly the fault of the sanctions that Zimbabwe is messed up like it is. Funny the Euro's sanction trade away from Zimbabwe because the're mad they cant extort and oppress the people anymore, then they wanna talk about how the place has gone to hell because of Mugabe.

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I need to lay the blame for much of what happened at the door- 10 Downing St.

The Brits sold out their own kin to this terrorist.

Yes agreed. I can only put it down to post colonial guilt syndrome softening their brains. Mind you I suspect the old minority ruling class in South Africa are upping sticks just as Rhodesians have.

For many South Africans it's a case of history repeating itself... seeing as many Rhodesians came down to SA to start a new life in the early 80's. only to be looking to get out of SA in the new millennium.

Not that this is a discussion of SA politics.

Difficult situation for White Africans.... we aren't European, and Africans don't consider us as African either.

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He should sue. Not like their gonna pay him but let it be known that it's majorly the fault of the sanctions that Zimbabwe is messed up like it is. Funny the Euro's sanction trade away from Zimbabwe because the're mad they cant extort and oppress the people anymore, then they wanna talk about how the place has gone to hell because of Mugabe.

Have you been to Zimbabwe?

I lost my Safari business there as a result of what's going on... and I certainly don't blame Euro sanctions.

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This is so sad... why don't NATO sort old Bob out?

I agree another beautiful prosperous African country governed into ruin.

NATO is quick enough intervening in North African and the Middle East but seems reluctant to do anything about these Black African countries.

They should have left Iraq alone and invaded Zimbabwe instead. Would have cheaper and got some positive results.


Not an option. The dominant power in the region is South Africa and the SA government believes in a different non violent approach. Any military intervention would require the assistance and co-operation of Zimbabwe's neighbours and not one favours a military intervention. I think Africans have had enough of Bwana telling them what to do. Mr. Mugabe is in power because of former colonial activities. Had the transition from the brutal white regime been handled differently, perhaps Zimbabwe would have turned out like Ghana. South Africa will have a major say what happens and until the refugee crisis worsens, South Africa will not intervene. Such an intervention could provoke unrest in South Africa. The last thing Africa needs now is another war as the world would not be able to handle the resulting refugee crisis.

Ghana? Hahaaa... Mate, go to Ghana, and then go to Zimbabwe. If you didn't read the papers or try to buy things in the shop you'd think that Ghana was the troubled land, and Zim is the Land of Milk and Honey.

SA government is afraid to do anything because Mugabe was a terrorist, and brother in arms with MK.

Rhodesia was far from a brutal regime. They never had an apartheid system and simply asked that integration be done slowly over time, to avoid exactly this scenario.

Unrest in SA already came from this mess in the form of Black on Black Xenophobic attacks... refugee crisis already existing, mate.

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He should sue. Not like their gonna pay him but let it be known that it's majorly the fault of the sanctions that Zimbabwe is messed up like it is. Funny the Euro's sanction trade away from Zimbabwe because they're mad they cant extort and oppress the people anymore, then they wanna talk about how the place has gone to hell because of Mugabe.

Have you been to Zimbabwe?

I lost my Safari business there as a result of what's going on... and I certainly don't blame Euro sanctions.

Are you white? If so violin.gif gotta about that much sympathy for you. That would be like a American saying he lost his business due to Native American's forcing him out of their reservation.

They should have pushed them out earlier but not without a plan. That's where the Africans messed up. Yes push the whites out but do so in a way were you can keep their equipment and keep the farms running. Also you need a good trade partner as well to guarantee a export market for your crops. China would have been a good idea. Outsiders sure, but at least they could have done it on their own terms.

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