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Thailand To Rewrite History?


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Revise history, Chavalit says

Published on November 10, 2005

Former deputy prime minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh yesterday suggested the government should revise accounts of Thai history in order to reduce the ongoing violence in the South.

He also suggested the government set up a special administrative body to oversee the troubled region - in the same way that Bangkok elects its own governor and sets administrative regulations.

Chavalit, who gave a speech at Kasetsart University entitled “An Analysis of the Situation in the Three Southern Border Provinces”, said insurgents have claimed that Pattani Darussalam existed 600 years before Siam.

He contested this, saying that the claim was not true, as the Kingdom of Siam was formed long before Pattani. “Hence, we need to revise history for better understanding,” he said, adding that Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong should commission a panel to revise historical accounts.

The modern Thai nation annexed Pattani as a province in accordance with the British-Siam Treaty of 1909, separating ethnic Malays in the South from Malaysia.

Since the annexation, local Muslims have set up separatist organisations to fight central control. This has cost many lives.

Chavalit said: “There is nothing wrong with that, as local administration is a part of democracy.”

But he acknowledged that his idea was widely opposed by various parties, who have claimed it might spur separatism.

The former PM also commented on the government’s strategy to use security volunteers, saying that it actually increases the number of militants because it puts weapons in villages already infiltrated by insurgents.

More than 100 government-issued weapons were recently stolen by militants in organised raids throughout the far South.

Rewriting Thai history to ease the southern problem. I've seen, heard and read some bizzare "solutions" as of late, but this takes the cake! If my fraling memory serves me correctly, Japan had earlier this year gotten into some hot water for rewriting their history reagrding their role in WWII. How far will the current administration go to not take blame for anything? To rewrite and attempt to convince people of their "history" is one that may even land them deeper into doo-doo.

Source: Revise History-Chavailt

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Although I am not a Chavalit supporter I'm wondering if there has been something missed in the translation. Could it be that Chavalit is actually asking to be sure that history is taught correctly? It seems that the point he is disputing is the statement that "....insurgents have claimed that Pattani Darussalam existed 600 years before Siam." Chavalit claims that this is not true and that "Culture Minister Uraiwan Thienthong should commission a panel to revise historical accounts." This could simply mean that history books should be corrected if they contain untrue statements. It is possible that "revise historical accounts" could be a poor translation which should read 'revise history books.'

At any rate, I would like to know if someone has a link or two about this history....is it credible to claim that Pattani Darussalem existed 600 years before Siam? To me this is not a critical issue in regards to the problem in the south but I'd like to find out if Chavalit is correct on this historical point or not.

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There's nothing new in this. Hollywood has been rewriting world history for decades.

We can't be sure that the present, conventional view of history is accurate and so a review would, perhaps, be appropriate. History books are written by fallible human beings using their own subjective imterpretation of the facts available to them at the time. If we weren't prepared to consider new information, we might still be scared of falling off the edge of the world.

A reasonable and justifiable amendment of political history that avoids future loss of life without compromising anyone's personal rights or freedom seems worth considering.

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Chownah what is the critical issue? I constantly confused about the situation down there.

I'm also confused about the article. It first says he was a deputy PM then later states he was a former PM?????!!!! Who writes this stuff? (Rhetorical question!)

If you've got 2 sides claiming different opinions surely you'd need evidence to prove the revision of the books.

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A reasonable and justifiable amendment of political history that avoids future loss of life without compromising anyone's personal rights or freedom seems worth considering.

The suggested revision to history is such as to further remove the claims of Muslim Majority within the region.

Chavalit is sufficiently feeble minded as to believe the Muslims will swallow his History over that which they learn and understand in their own community.

The man is both and idiot and a liability... always has been.

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Chownah what is the critical issue?  I constantly confused about the situation down there.

I'm also confused about the article.  It first says he was a deputy PM then later states he was a former PM?????!!!! Who writes this stuff? (Rhetorical question!)

If you've got 2 sides claiming different opinions surely you'd need evidence to prove the revision of the books.

What I meant was that in my opinion if Pattani Darussalam existed 600 years before Siam or not should have no bearing as to whether the seperatists should be allowed to seperate or to be more or less autonomous or whatever. I'm not really into discussing what is/are the crucial issue/s since it would probably just start a big arguement..and I'm not in the mood. I guess I could say that the main issue is that the seperatists want to be seperate and the gov't (naturally) wants them to be part of Thailand.

Also, I believe that Chavalit was deputy PM and before that he was the PM so infact they are correct because he did hold both jobs at different times in the past. He's an old time Thai politician and many many Thais that I've met say that he was too greedy and stole too much from the gov't...I guess even the Thai people have a limit as to how much corruption is acceptable.

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Regardless South will always be thailand - nothing will change that fact.

No true Buddhist could ever support that statement as true.

Buddhist or not we are talking reality. Fearless would slaughter the muslim population in the south before he gave one inch of land to them.

Sad but true....! :o:D:D


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