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New Ed Visa And Moving To Another City

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Hi, I am about to sign up to a new school in Pattaya and my visa is expiring in 3 weeks. The school's named Excel Language School. I have been studying Thai Language in Bangkok for the last 2 years and I've been very happy with my school. However, we plan to move to Pattaya in next 3 - 4 months when our contract with our apartment is finished. My school said I can just sign up now with my Bangkok's address but I do not know much about this. As far as I know, you have to study in the province where you live in to get the visa?. Has anyone been in similar situation as mine? I am just curious. Also if anyone knows much about that language school in Pattaya? Do I have to get out of the country, and reapply for new ED visa or should I just go extend at pattaya immigration when the document is ready?

My school asked me to bring a proof letter of my current address, copy of the contract (is it ok if it is not in my name because it is under my other half's name?). Is it a new rule? Because I didn't need to do that before. If so, what do I have to include in a proof letter of my address (such as, building owner's sign, passport #, etc, etc)? Both of us don't work at all.

It would be greatly appreciated, if anyone can shed some light over this. TIA

P.S If possible I would like to get a tourist visa for this time and not enrolling to any school right away. But I was told that I cannot change from ED visa to TV. Is it true?

I totally understand that I should inquire all my concerns t my school and I am going there on thursdays but I have this feeling in me to know like right now =D It's ok if every question of mine is not answered. I really appreciate whatever you have to share with me here!!

Edited by crystal8
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I assume you are currently on an extension of stay for the reason of study. You can leave Thailand without first getting a re-entry permit, then apply at a Thai consulate for a tourist visa and return to Thailand with that visa. This way you won't have to rush into a contract with a new Thai language school.

Once you decide to sign up with a new school, you will have to go to a Thai consulate again, with paperwork from the school, to get a new non-ED visa and after that you can again get extensions for study every 90 days.

"Other half" is often used to mean "wife" and if this is so in your case and if your wife is Thai, you can apply at a Thai consulate for a non-O visa for the purpose of visiting your wife instead of a tourist visa (there is no visa type for visiting "other half")

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Good to see that ED visas are so popular these days, great way of staying long term in Thailand. Learning Thai is very useful if you live here. The number of newly opened schools is also amazing. There must be hundreds of them now. I am hearing new names all the time.

The rules change from time to time but no big changes recently. The school you mentioned is not well known but also I have never heard anything bad about them, there is a Thai school in every soi now so just apply common sense. If you see students around ask them and they will be happy to share their experience of the place. Some small schools are well run as they are run by the owner.

Walen School - try before you buy

Edited by MacWalen
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You do have to study in the province where you sign up for the ed visa, why not try tls / Ctls language school whom have schools in Bangkok and Pattaya they would easily transfer your documents and believe they register students in Bangkok and transfer to pattaya and vis versa. If you ed visa is still live they may be able to save a trip to Laos. Goodluck

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