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Do You Remember The Days?

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Do you remember the days when this board was filled with warnings from those with privelaged information? In the run up to APEC we were contstantly hearing that anyone staying long term on 30 day no-visa stays would soon be doomed for all of eternity.

I'd just like to point out that here we are 4 months or so later and the poverty packers continue to walk over the border and walk back with no problems whatsoever.

Do those who were constantly insisting that the long term tourists were about to be denied entry and sent home, not feel at least a little bit embarassed that very little or nothing (depending on who you ask) has changed and that the 30 day stayers continue to be met with smiles at the border crossings througout the Kingdom?

I know, I know, things REALLY are about to change! Really! At some point, you have to admit that there was really no impending crisis and indeed, no reason for the 30 day people to worry.

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Many of the 30 days walkers might have applied to proper visas already, so we don't hear so much of the hassle at the borders. :o

Immigration issues and changes of rules does not happen overnight in Thailand, my best guess is that the rules will tighten soon.

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I can say from first hand experience that at least in the North, the 30 day people are having no problems.

If the changes that were being talked about do come soon, then as I have said all along, I will thank those people who warned us. But unelss I was mistaken, the vast majority of the posts had a feeling of urgency to them ie. 'your days are numbered'. They didn't say, 'in a year to five years, expect some kind of changes'.

And as month after month goes by, it seems natural that the credibility of those who posted this information, becomes less and less.

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Doctor, you're a funny guy. Annoying beyond comprehension, but nevertheless, you make me laugh. And I know that that puts a smile on your face too.

If we look at the two responses to my post, we see one very level headed and reasonable answer from George (please see exhibit A). Now, turning to exhibit B, we see good ol antagonising Pat Pong, flinging insults as usual. The facts are that every single dirty, filty, poor, disgusting excuse for an expat, living in the North on 30 day stays is having no problems at the border. It is so convenient to ignore the facts though, isn't it?

You remind me of the 'Doctors' who wrote 500 page books back in 1999 warning of the impending disaster that the year 2000 and Y2K would bring. Guess what? Nothing happened. And you can bet that they've got all kinds of excuses as to why. At the end of the day though. It is simple. They were wrong. But admitting that you're wrong hurts. And the bigger the ego, the more it hurts.

And doctor, I'm sitting at my lap top in my office overlooking the mountains. I just drove home in my new car. Why you feel the need to condemn anyone who questions you is beyond me. Perhaps we need to delve into your childhood.

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Just for a third (fourth?) opinion here...

As a previous 30-day walker from 7 years ago to a now non-B visa holder, and knowing how quickly things tend to happen here in LOS, I would guess that it will be at least another 6-9 months before anything is likely to change regarding 30-day walkers (i.e. 1 year since all the hullabaloo started).

So ChiangMiaThai, come back in 9 months and if nothing has changed then you can do all the gloating you like! (...and Dr Pong can eat his humble pie).

Actually, if nothing happens within the next 9 months then Pong should have to walk down all of Patpong Rd wearing nothing but a G-string.

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Just for a third (fourth?) opinion here...

As a previous 30-day walker from 7 years ago to a now non-B visa holder, and knowing how quickly things tend to happen here in LOS, I would guess that it will be at least another 6-9 months before anything is likely to change regarding 30-day walkers (i.e. 1 year since all the hullabaloo started).

So ChiangMiaThai, come back in 9 months and if nothing has changed then you can do all the gloating you like! (...and Dr Pong can eat his humble pie).

Actually, if nothing happens within the next 9 months then Pong should have to walk down all of Patpong Rd wearing nothing but a G-string.

Yes Edward, i agree, things could eventually change. My main complaint or maybe just the point that I would like to bring attention to is that if you read back over the posts from the people supposedly privy to high level information, they talk of imminent changes. I realize that things may eventually change. But the tones of the posts would lead most people to conclude that within days or weeks, the 30 dayers would no longer be welcome.

I've said all along that if things do change I will thank those who warned of the changes. However, I have to say that as months go by and the 30 dayers continue to have no problems, it makes me take more and more of what I read here with a grain of salt.

And I have a feeling it wouldn't be a pretty sight, but I am all for the g-string.

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Do you think we are running this site without any inside information at all? We are in fact very well informed about what's going to happen in July, 2004, but we have promised to seal our lips.

As soon the new Immigration rules are official, we will propably be the first source to inform you about it.

Until then, the best advice I can give you:

Try to get a proper visa, the 30 days on arrivals is soon NOT an option. It was desigend for the occational tourist, not for the defacto resident.

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To all the 30-day walkers:

have you ever considered why Thailand allows people to enter Thailand without a visa for up to 30 days?

Thailand needs tourists and wants to make it easy for them to visit.

The problem here in Thailand is that the people drafting the laws have little understanding and experience on the subject. As a result the laws have loop-holes and do not cover every eventuality. That's why many laws here are always subject to interpretation by the officers enforcing them.

For the sake of genuine tourists I hope that the 30 day stamps will be available in the future but a maximum number of stamps per year (3-4) should be applied.

People staying in Thailand for years on 30-day stamps must have some sort of income. Where does it come from? Working illegeally in Thailand? If from abroad why not declare it and get a proper visa?



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For the sake of genuine tourists I hope that the 30 day stamps will be available in the future but a maximum number of stamps per year (3-4) should be applied.

People staying in Thailand for years on 30-day stamps must have some sort of income. Where does it come from? Working illegeally in Thailand? If from abroad why not declare it and get a proper visa?



I've been comming in on 30 day visas for the last twenty years. Sorry to inform you I'm not working illegally or smuggling anything. Sure I'd love to queue up at the Thai consulate in Jakarta or Riyhad every couple of months just to please you. Maybe you can contribute to a fund for my taxi fares and extra hotel bills.

The 30 day system was designed to make it easy for tourists to enter the country and spend their money. It's been abused by a small percentage of "hangers on" but that's no reason to change it. It works well.

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For the sake of genuine tourists I hope that the 30 day stamps will be available in the future but a maximum number of stamps per year (3-4) should be applied.

People staying in Thailand for years on 30-day stamps must have some sort of income. Where does it come from? Working illegeally  in Thailand? If from abroad why not declare it and get a proper visa?



I've been comming in on 30 day visas for the last twenty years. Sorry to inform you I'm not working illegally or smuggling anything. Sure I'd love to queue up at the Thai consulate in Jakarta or Riyhad every couple of months just to please you. Maybe you can contribute to a fund for my taxi fares and extra hotel bills.

The 30 day system was designed to make it easy for tourists to enter the country and spend their money. It's been abused by a small percentage of "hangers on" but that's no reason to change it. It works well.

Twenty freaking years ...and you still believe that you are a tourist. Are you on that clear Lao liquid, or Ya Bah :o

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Doktor Pat

Being thick your point escapes me. Why should I apply for a 60 day tourist visa when I need to stay less than 30 days. If I'm not working here that makes me what ? A resident ! Don't kid yourself, your long term visa is only as good as the next government change of mind. Keep your suitcase packed.

Don't know about low khao, but I suggest you try some prune juice.

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I just drove home in my new car.

Whatever did you use for a drivers license ? Being a congenital non complier, you'd still be using ( illegally ) your US license. The crap will hit the fan if you have an accident.


You assume you know all. You never even bothered to consider that the 30 day rules don't affect me and that I may be interested nevertheless.

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Do you think we are running this site without any inside information at all? We are in fact very well informed about what's going to happen in July, 2004, but we have promised to seal our lips.

As soon the new Immigration rules are official, we will propably be the first source to inform you about it.

Until then, the best advice I can give you:

Try to get a proper visa, the 30 days on arrivals is soon NOT an option. It was desigend for the occational tourist, not for the defacto resident.

Hi George,

I do believe you have inside information. My main point is that if you look back at the posts from about 4 months ago, most people would get the impression that things were about to change immediately. So when I look at the calendar and see that much time has passed and many people I know still head for the border, it just makes me wonder.

But I have heard this July, 2004 date before so I'll be waiting to see what happens.

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Your posts always indicated that you were a walker, and you are shouting.

You assumed Doctor. We may have more in common than you think. I do know many people more or less living here on 30 day stays so the issue is of interest to me.

And I do absolutely think there should be a limit to the number of consecutive 30 day stays per year. maybe 3 or so... BUT I think that anyone who has lived here on 30 day stays whether it be for 1 year or 20 years, can not be blamed as it is immigration who looks at their passport month after month and grants another stamp. Anyway, we have gone over it all before. I am very interested to see what happens in July.

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You assumed Doctor. We may have more in common than you think. I do know many people more or less living here on 30 day stays so the issue is of interest to me.

And I do absolutely think there should be a limit to the number of consecutive 30 day stays per year. maybe 3 or so... BUT I think that anyone who has lived here on 30 day stays whether it be for 1 year or 20 years, can not be blamed as it is immigration who looks at their passport month after month and grants another stamp. Anyway, we have gone over it all before. I am very interested to see what happens in July.

From Saulus to Paulus?

Congratulations! :o

  New rules re: 30 day visas

ChiangMaiThai Posted on: Tue 2003-09-09, 19:16:53

Replies: 2

Views: 206  Last month in Mae Sai I asked immigration if there was a limit to how many times I could cross over and cross back for another 30 days. they said that there was no legal limit, but that if they suspected me of drug running, I would be receiving a visit from my embassy. That was right before the new laws went into effect. So maybe they have received some list of new regulations. I will ask in about 10 days when I go back.

I will also ask about this 1000 baht fee for entering on a 30 day no visa stay. I have heard rumours that it is true, but no hard evidence as of yet.

At any rate, soon I will return to my country and try to get a non-im visa at a 'friendly consualte'. I'm feeling a bit iffy with all these new rules, although I think a lot may be blow out of proportion. I don't think we will really know until we are affected by the laws and people can start posting their experiences.

  Forum: Thai visas, residency and Work permits  ·  Post Preview: #15094

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Your posts always indicated that you were a walker, and you are shouting.

You assumed Doctor. We may have more in common than you think. I do know many people more or less living here on 30 day stays so the issue is of interest to me.

And I do absolutely think there should be a limit to the number of consecutive 30 day stays per year. maybe 3 or so... BUT I think that anyone who has lived here on 30 day stays whether it be for 1 year or 20 years, can not be blamed as it is immigration who looks at their passport month after month and grants another stamp. Anyway, we have gone over it all before. I am very interested to see what happens in July.

Beware the vice of assumption. OK let's see mid year CMT :o

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You assumed Doctor. We may have more in common than you think. I do know many people more or less living here on 30 day stays so the issue is of interest to me.

And I do absolutely think there should be a limit to the number of consecutive 30 day stays per year. maybe 3 or so... BUT I think that anyone who has lived here on 30 day stays whether it be for 1 year or 20 years, can not be blamed as it is immigration who looks at their passport month after month and grants another stamp. Anyway, we have gone over it all before. I am very interested to see what happens in July.

From Saulus to Paulus?

Congratulations! :o

  New rules re: 30 day visas

ChiangMaiThai Posted on: Tue 2003-09-09, 19:16:53

Replies: 2

Views: 206  Last month in Mae Sai I asked immigration if there was a limit to how many times I could cross over and cross back for another 30 days. they said that there was no legal limit, but that if they suspected me of drug running, I would be receiving a visit from my embassy. That was right before the new laws went into effect. So maybe they have received some list of new regulations. I will ask in about 10 days when I go back.

I will also ask about this 1000 baht fee for entering on a 30 day no visa stay. I have heard rumours that it is true, but no hard evidence as of yet.

At any rate, soon I will return to my country and try to get a non-im visa at a 'friendly consualte'. I'm feeling a bit iffy with all these new rules, although I think a lot may be blow out of proportion. I don't think we will really know until we are affected by the laws and people can start posting their experiences.

  Forum: Thai visas, residency and Work permits  ·  Post Preview: #15094

Good detective work Axel. That's right. I've been here before on Non-Im. I've been here before for months at a time that were somewhat unplanned on 30 day stays too, as I was last September. I decided to go back to the non-im to be safe and so far anyway, it looks as if there was no need to bother. Although, I do prefer the peace of mind. Looking forward to July.

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I do know many people more or less living here on 30 day stays so the issue is of interest to me.

I try to avoid Pataya but found myself there for three days this week, staying with the aunt of a friend. I enjoyed it, though I didn't go into the town bit. That might be why.

Last night I came back in the bus and a nasty episode reminded me of this visa debate. Boarded bus, found four drunken European men in our seats.

Had a lot of trouble getting them out and into the correct seats ie the ones corresponding to the number on their tickets.

Thought one guy was going to get violent. His Thai girlfriend eased his dishevelled bulk into the correct seat and he started throwing things at her. Spent the rest of the trip with his head hanging over the seat and into the aisle. I thought he was going to be sick.

Another one of his friends looked a gentleman but felt up one of my friends as he was leaving.

Nasty bunch, but Thailand keeps letting them in.

There's no way I am going to back the cause of people like these, who are a disgrace to themselves, the country they come from and the generosity of their Thai hosts.

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