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Chemical Burns


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Hi, I used gatsby hair colouring trying to change my hair colour just for fun but I did not do it carefully and burned my skin horribly. I went to the hospital , the doctor think its allergy, even after I explained to him that its a chemical burns he still give me allergic prescriptions. The hair coloring contains chemicals including Hydrogen Peroxide etc.

The burned area turned into dark spots and some dark skin peeled off. Please tell me how do I treat? Will all the dark spot peel off after a while and regrow the skin? I am very worried cause its on my face.

in haste,



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Hi,  I used gatsby hair colouring trying to change my hair colour just for fun but I did not do it carefully and burned my skin horribly.  I went to the hospital , the doctor think its allergy, even after I explained to him that its a chemical burns he still give me allergic prescriptions.  The hair coloring contains chemicals including Hydrogen Peroxide etc.

The burned area turned into dark spots and some dark skin peeled off. Please tell me how do I treat? Will all the dark spot peel off after a while and regrow the skin? I am very worried cause its on my face.

in haste,



You don't mention how long ago this happened. If it is within the past 24 hours applying hydrocortisone ointment may help.

Otherwise. there is an ointment called flamazine you can buy, it is the best treatment for any burn. Buy some normal saline irrigation solution too, and some vaseline gauze (forget what they call it here -- but it's a dressing that won't stick) and regular gauze to put over that. Gently wash the area with the saline then apply the ointment with a clean tongure depressor, cover with the nonstick gauze then the regular, repeat daily (more often if you need to wash your face in between).

This sounds like the type of reaction called Stevens-Johnson, it can be quite serious so if the lesions get any worse or you notice swelling elsewhere or throat/mouth lesions go straight to a good hospital as you'll need to be treated with systemic steroids. If it doesn't get worse then treat as I described...and never again use that product, and make a note of ALL its ingrediants since you are allergic to at least one of them and need to avoid all future exposures. Subsequent reactions will be worse. So write down what the chemicals are and make it a part of your medical histroy that you had this reaction.

It is not likely to cause permanent scarring, and if it does there are teratments that can remove it. The important thing is to make sure the reaction doesn't get worse and prevent infection, which the flamazine will do. It also speeds up the healing. Good luck

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could be possible he gave u cortisone oral (prednisone etc) often used with bad allergy attacks along with anti histamines? w/ severe allergy reactions could look like chemical burns : red swollen bubbles etc and the 'allergy meds" could be steroids to prevent and reduce systematic reaction...

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