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Bangkok's Neighbours Shoulder Flood Burden


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Well this is an open invite to any TV members who are displaced by the flooding.

We have 3 rooms spare here in Lat Krabang (BKK), but no kids! Sorry!

PM me before 2PM cos I'll be out for the rugger.

Nice one.

Thank you for being a human.

Take care

There is actually hope for humanity with people like you!

I salute you, I wouldn't have dared to go there. You obviously have a heart of gold! Well done. The World would be a lot better place with people like you, I only hope you don't get stuffed over by some low life! Good on you! you are to be applauded in this day and age!

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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water (for months at a time) to keep the "chosen few" dry! Pray they don't get their patent plastic shoes wet, in case their heels or soles fall off, or their cheap Chinese trouser may shrink!.

I watched some sad moaning bitch the other day in Bangkok on the TV, she had a noodle stall, fat legs, a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, hair in the usual HiSo bird nest. She was all upity beside herself, with her fat arse and fat legs and sour face and white white complexion, and whingeing cause the water was almost up to her fat ankles!!!!!!!

I like the quotes from De Niro in Taxi Driver - (They seem rather fitting)

"Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

" I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the <snip!> toilet. "

"All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Are you Crazy or just Plain Stupid???? Never read such a Bullshit.... and since when is a owner of a Nodle Stall a HI SO???? :blink:

Bangkok is the heart of the Economy in Thailand of course they rather flood a Province instead of the Capital they would do this in any Country not only in Thailand

as a previous post said rather 500 submerged as 5000 a Square Km but I would say it s around 50000 up in Bangkok on a Square Km and think about the damage .... If you have a Problem with that you can move to Bangkok as well .....

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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water (for months at a time) to keep the "chosen few" dry! Pray they don't get their patent plastic shoes wet, in case their heels or soles fall off, or their cheap Chinese trouser may shrink!.

I watched some sad moaning bitch the other day in Bangkok on the TV, she had a noodle stall, fat legs, a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, hair in the usual HiSo bird nest. She was all upity beside herself, with her fat arse and fat legs and sour face and white white complexion, and whingeing cause the water was almost up to her fat ankles!!!!!!!

I like the quotes from De Niro in Taxi Driver - (They seem rather fitting)

"Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

" I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the fuc_kin' toilet. "

"All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Are you Crazy or just Plain Stupid???? Never read such a Bullshit.... and since when is a owner of a Nodle Stall a HI SO???? :blink:

Bangkok is the heart of the Economy in Thailand of course they rather flood a Province instead of the Capital they would do this in any Country not only in Thailand

as a previous post said rather 500 submerged as 5000 a Square Km but I would say it s around 50000 up in Bangkok on a Square Km and think about the damage .... If you have a Problem with that you can move to Bangkok as well .....

Tell that to the people in ChaiNat who will be flooded for weeks....................

This is a major problem.

A few hundred thousand people are going to lose everything, again.

Think about it.

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Tell that to the people in ChaiNat who will be flooded for weeks....................

This is a major problem.

A few hundred thousand people are going to lose everything, again.

Think about it.

Ah, the socialist approach rears its head. Everyone must lose everything they have. So that it is fair.

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Tell that to the people in ChaiNat who will be flooded for weeks....................

This is a major problem.

A few hundred thousand people are going to lose everything, again.

Think about it.

Ah, the socialist approach rears its head. Everyone must lose everything they have. So that it is fair.


any chance of an intelligent response from you ???

how do you connect my comment to socialism ???

further and better particulars, please.

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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water to keep the "chosen few" dry!

I like the quote from De Niro in Taxi Driver - "Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Your statement is utter nonsense. Considering that Bangkok stands for more than 2/3 of the GDP in Thailand people in charge won't take a chance that the capitol comes to a standstill. The impact would be a nationwide one as it would be a fiscal/productivity disaster that would not only harm farmers but all other folk all over Thailand who need goods and supplies from the city to keep their own businesses up and running or people who depend on payments from the government. Apart from that it is virtually impossible to provide emergency services (food, water) for 15 million when streets are flooded one and a half ft. and more up. Think about it, this is not about elite. It's about the fact that 15 Mio people in one city with much more infrastructure are more important to the whole country than a wooden shack next to a rice paddy. That is dramatic and maybe unfair towards countryfolk but so is life.

You miss the point - IT HAPPENS YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR - They do nothing about it! They do nothing at all to protect the city, all they ever do is talk talk talk, and then let the rest of Thailand floods again.

Why don't they get off their &lt;deleted&gt; and put some real preventative measures in place?

It is OK saying that 15 million live in the city, with all its infrastructure and commercial benefits, why don't they solve the problem LONG TERM!

They do absolutely nothing other than a pile of bloody sandbags.

If it generates 2/3rds of the GDP - try spending a bit of it on stopping it flooding in a way that makes sense - You just wait, it won't be three months before they are flying around in fuc_king aeroplanes seeding the fuc_king skies with god knows what chemicals, trying to get the bloody rain to fall!

If you look on another forum, Paknam Web forum, there are lots of threads and photos about flood-prevention measures in Samut Prakan (the province south of Bangkok). There is a large, newly built drainage canal with pumping stations from the airport to the coast and just last November (2010) the Thai King opened a shortcut canal 'Pho' which lessened the distance the water had to run between two sections of the river from 18km to 700m and reduced the time rate of flow down to 10 minutes.

Really these are minor things but they are so new, this bout of flooding is the first real test, I think.

I do echo your reading of the situation; 2011 started with droughts and 2012 will usher in another drought no doubt! What Thailand really needs is a nationwide water management system, it's not a question of being lazy, they simply don't have the funds to accomplish anything significant. Libya had different problems, not floods or droughts but obtaining fresh water; they started their project in 1983 to take water from the southern aquifers to the coastal belt, mostly for irrigation - it opened last September and was funded from the countries vast oil revenues.They call it the 'Great Man-Made River', and it consists of 4,000km of underground pipes. Such a water transportation network would be the only way Thailand could eliminate flood and droughts by getting water where it's needed fast. The country has limited financial means to accomplish this and lacks political will.

The closest idea has been the proposal to build the second Chao Phraya river alongside a new motorway which will run through seven provinces.

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Tell that to the people in ChaiNat who will be flooded for weeks....................

This is a major problem.

A few hundred thousand people are going to lose everything, again.

Think about it.

Ah, the socialist approach rears its head. Everyone must lose everything they have. So that it is fair.


any chance of an intelligent response from you ???

how do you connect my comment to socialism ???

further and better particulars, please.

Here I have to agree with you. Concern with people outside Bangkok has nothing at all to do with socialism.

Flooding in Thailand is a problem which is dealt with in Bangkok by keeping water out. Some suburbs have a few feet, or even yards of water in the living room for months. In a way that's planned as the water is not allowed to flood Bangkok. Economically having your capital city flooded with one or two foot of water for a few weeks is close to suicide effecting people outside Bangkok also. Short term only possibility is try to get rid of the water as soon as possible. Long term start making plans and stick to them, invite foreign help, get going :ermm:

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I'm right in the red disaster zone in Ayuttaya. No food or water here. Can't get out. My son 5 months old here too..

It has long been clear that Ayutthaya was going to hit hard.

I'm amazed you didn't get your kid and family to safety in a timely manner.

Hope you don't suffer too much from the bad decision.

My family there knew long ago it was going to be a lake.

And everybody who has ever given us any advice about investing in land said Ayuttaya was NOT a place to buy because it is so very, very low.

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Tell that to the people in ChaiNat who will be flooded for weeks....................

This is a major problem.

A few hundred thousand people are going to lose everything, again.

Think about it.

Ah, the socialist approach rears its head. Everyone must lose everything they have. So that it is fair.


any chance of an intelligent response from you ???

how do you connect my comment to socialism ???

further and better particulars, please.

Well, of course the people in the rural areas are a sacrificed for the people in Bangkok.

It has long been this way.

It's one of the advantages of living in Bangkok and offsets all the bad stuff.

This has been going on for a long time but the people upcountry keep electing governments like this.

A truly socialist or populist or progressive or even just plain old fair government is needed to spread out the good and bad more evenly in Thailand.

It's really funny anybody expected any increased justice or fairness or righteousness from Taksin's puppet sister.

Rural Thailand picked it's poison with the present government.

Now it's time to pay the piper.

We didn't personally chop down all the forests but now we all pay.

Too many good Thai people stand around and refuse to stand up and say enough is enough.

Leaving governance of the country to evil people decade after decade will never make any of these problems less.

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Concern with people outside Bangkok has nothing at all to do with socialism.

That wasn't said. What was said by poster Willeyeam was that the floodgates should be opened and Bangkok should be drowned. There is only rich HiSi noodle sellers [sic] here anyway. It isn't more than right, since others are flooded. :rolleyes:

Wishing others have it worse because they suffer seem to be the socialist motto - I on the other hand believe that we should work towards better flood-prevention for everyone. Pulling people up, not dragging down those that don't suffer now.

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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water to keep the "chosen few" dry!

I like the quote from De Niro in Taxi Driver - "Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Your statement is utter nonsense. Considering that Bangkok stands for more than 2/3 of the GDP in Thailand people in charge won't take a chance that the capitol comes to a standstill. The impact would be a nationwide one as it would be a fiscal/productivity disaster that would not only harm farmers but all other folk all over Thailand who need goods and supplies from the city to keep their own businesses up and running or people who depend on payments from the government. Apart from that it is virtually impossible to provide emergency services (food, water) for 15 million when streets are flooded one and a half ft. and more up. Think about it, this is not about elite. It's about the fact that 15 Mio people in one city with much more infrastructure are more important to the whole country than a wooden shack next to a rice paddy. That is dramatic and maybe unfair towards countryfolk but so is life.

You miss the point - IT HAPPENS YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR - They do nothing about it! They do nothing at all to protect the city, all they ever do is talk talk talk, and then let the rest of Thailand floods again.

Why don't they get off their &lt;deleted&gt; and put some real preventative measures in place?

It is OK saying that 15 million live in the city, with all its infrastructure and commercial benefits, why don't they solve the problem LONG TERM!

They do absolutely nothing other than a pile of bloody sandbags.

If it generates 2/3rds of the GDP - try spending a bit of it on stopping it flooding in a way that makes sense - <snip!>

No I think you are wrong

You see they have figured out that they can use a 1000 boats on the river to speed up the flow of the river and empty the flood waters faster. So they will soon learn in a few months that they can turn those 1000 boats around and bring the water back in. So no more cloud seeding for rain this year.

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Concern with people outside Bangkok has nothing at all to do with socialism.

That wasn't said. What was said by poster Willeyeam was that the floodgates should be opened and Bangkok should be drowned. There is only rich HiSi noodle sellers [sic] here anyway. It isn't more than right, since others are flooded. :rolleyes:

Wishing others have it worse because they suffer seem to be the socialist motto - I on the other hand believe that we should work towards better flood-prevention for everyone. Pulling people up, not dragging down those that don't suffer now.

Don't mis-quote me. I am not a socialist, I am a facsist neo nazi extremeist!

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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water to keep the "chosen few" dry!

I like the quote from De Niro in Taxi Driver - "Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Your statement is utter nonsense. Considering that Bangkok stands for more than 2/3 of the GDP in Thailand people in charge won't take a chance that the capitol comes to a standstill. The impact would be a nationwide one as it would be a fiscal/productivity disaster that would not only harm farmers but all other folk all over Thailand who need goods and supplies from the city to keep their own businesses up and running or people who depend on payments from the government. Apart from that it is virtually impossible to provide emergency services (food, water) for 15 million when streets are flooded one and a half ft. and more up. Think about it, this is not about elite. It's about the fact that 15 Mio people in one city with much more infrastructure are more important to the whole country than a wooden shack next to a rice paddy. That is dramatic and maybe unfair towards countryfolk but so is life.

You miss the point - IT HAPPENS YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR - They do nothing about it! They do nothing at all to protect the city, all they ever do is talk talk talk, and then let the rest of Thailand floods again.

Why don't they get off their &lt;deleted&gt; and put some real preventative measures in place?

It is OK saying that 15 million live in the city, with all its infrastructure and commercial benefits, why don't they solve the problem LONG TERM!

They do absolutely nothing other than a pile of bloody sandbags.

If it generates 2/3rds of the GDP - try spending a bit of it on stopping it flooding in a way that makes sense - <snip!>

No I think you are wrong

You see they have figured out that they can use a 1000 boats on the river to speed up the flow of the river and empty the flood waters faster. So they will soon learn in a few months that they can turn those 1000 boats around and bring the water back in. So no more cloud seeding for rain this year.

What if the propellers turn more slowly than the flow? Will it slow down the draining?

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This morning in Ayuttaya the water is flowing faster past my window (Im on the 2nd floor).. but thankfully has only risen a few cms.. now about 2.5m.

Does faster flow mean its flower faster out or more is coming from upstream? It seems to me the water needs more exits, the quicker the dykes burst in Bkk the better.

But there's still 300 million gallons a day flowing into Bhumopol dam and 100 million being released.

S'cuse the language, but we're <snip!>.

Edited by metisdead
Expletive removed.
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It appears every year, Bangkok get an inch of water that wets their feet and immediately, they start their usual whining.

Meanwhile, the rice baskets and the farmers further North have to suffer 2 metres of water (for months at a time) to keep the "chosen few" dry! Pray they don't get their patent plastic shoes wet, in case their heels or soles fall off, or their cheap Chinese trouser may shrink!.

I watched some sad moaning bitch the other day in Bangkok on the TV, she had a noodle stall, fat legs, a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, hair in the usual HiSo bird nest. She was all upity beside herself, with her fat arse and fat legs and sour face and white white complexion, and whingeing cause the water was almost up to her fat ankles!!!!!!!

I like the quotes from De Niro in Taxi Driver - (They seem rather fitting)

"Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk."

" I think someone should just take this city and just... just flush it down the <snip!> toilet. "

"All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets"

Open the floodgates, all of them!

Are you Crazy or just Plain Stupid???? Never read such a Bullshit.... and since when is a owner of a Nodle Stall a HI SO???? :blink:

Bangkok is the heart of the Economy in Thailand of course they rather flood a Province instead of the Capital they would do this in any Country not only in Thailand

as a previous post said rather 500 submerged as 5000 a Square Km but I would say it s around 50000 up in Bangkok on a Square Km and think about the damage .... If you have a Problem with that you can move to Bangkok as well .....

And think what happens when BKK with 10-20 Mill people is flooded. Food, clean water, waste water. That is a nightmare.

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