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Nice Rolex Replicas


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i wont bother looking at your test :D

i wore burberry 5+ years ago "mate" :D

and i'll bet 1st u'd heard of burberry was posh spice etc :D

u sad little man :o

Yes, thank you BKKBound04 - I was about to go out and buy a checked burberry cap. Just imagine how humiliated I would feel walking around Sukhumvit wearing a hat 5 years out of date! I would never live it down! Thank goodness BkkBound04 is here to inform us about how to dress. Like you, BkkBound, we all want to look like Wayne Rooney as well.

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thank you so much bkkbound for proving the accuracy of my statements about the character of the wearers of fake rolexes.

there is something about that brand name , and it is only the rolex brand name , that drives people who either cant afford the real thing or are not prepared to pay the full amount for a real rolex (which is an outstandingly crafted watch , and worth every penny of the asking price) to accept second or third best and buy a fake.

these are people who have no interest in the workings of the device , no appreciation of what actually makes the watch so good , no interest in what lies under the skin , people who are concerned only with the superficialities of the appearance of the thing and who seek to convey to others a false impression.

people who seek only to acquire a veneer , with little substance beneath.

people who somewhere along the line saw some mention or connection to the name rolex in a magazine or on the wrist of some filmstar they hopelessly dream of emulating ,  causing some sleepy and underused brain cell to briefly fizz and crackle and imprint the thought ... rolex is good.... in the cortex before sinking back to its normal dozy state.

if they made bentleys , ferraris or aston martins  with hyundai 900cc engines under the hood and vinyl seats , the dealerships would be swamped by fake rolex wearers

once again bkkbound , thank you for your insightful , but superficial ,postings.

In general I would say that many of the characteristics that you find fault with, in the wearers of replica Rolexes (which presumably carries over to all copy, replica and knock-off goods?), apply to some people who buy authentic goods.

Let’ see…

“there is something about that brand name , and it is only the rolex brand name , that drives people…” to purchase authentic Rolex watches.

“these are people who have no interest in the workings of the device , no appreciation of what actually makes the watch so good , no interest in what lies under the skin , people who are concerned only with the superficialities of the appearance of the thing and who seek to convey to others a…” a possibly false impression of their true character by purchasing an authentic Rolex.

“people who seek only to acquire a veneer , with little substance beneath.” (A watch, authentic or not, does not constitute substance.)

“people who somewhere along the line saw some mention or connection to the name rolex in a magazine or on the wrist of some filmstar they hopelessly dream of emulating , causing some sleepy and underused brain cell to briefly fizz and crackle and imprint the thought ... rolex is good.... in the cortex before sinking back to its normal dozy state.” Well this could pretty much apply to the purchaser of an authentic Rolex. In fact, one could argue that this is exactly the effect Rolex themselves would hope for as the result of a successful marketing campaign?

“if they made bentleys , ferraris or aston martins with hyundai 900cc engines under the hood and vinyl seats , the dealerships would be swamped by fake rolex wearers”

Replica cars have never been particularly popular or successful, except possibly in the U.K., either with the wearers of fake Rolexes or any others.

I wouldn’t say that your post was particularly insightful, other than to say it does give the reader insight into how you think, nor would I call it superficial. Flawed comes to mind though.

I think we all try to convey a positive self-image to others. Sometimes this involves a bit of fakery. Hair dye, contact lenses (blue), a tan, teeth whitening, shoe lifts, a nip here, a tuck there come to mind. Other times we might like the look of something, maybe a designer handbag or watch, yes call it a whim, so we buy a knock-off because we might not like it tomorrow, or we might lose it, so why spend 10 times as much on the authentic model? There are also times when we like the look and function of a particular thing, and lo and behold we find, through careful and diligent research, that there are replicas that are 90% as good but cost 10%, so we opt for value. I can only imagine what you think of people who purchase reproductions of works of art, have reproduction furniture, live in new houses with a reproduced architectural style, have rugs meant to look like authentic persians?

Just to restate my thoughts on this matter from an earlier thread, for me, the fact that a person would want to, or currently does, own a replica watch would not be a factor in assessing their character, nor would I feel the irresistible and uncontrollable urge to insult or denigrate them based on their choice of a particular timepiece.

Edited by lomatopo
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actually i wouldnt take any of the posts on this topic (including my own) with any degree of seriousness , other than the 2 or 3 that have actually answered the op's query.

all the other posts have just been wind-ups. :o

but in conclusion , on the subject of fake rolexes ,

try as hard as you like , and i suspect bkkbound has tried harder than most , you can't polish a turd.

Edited by taxexile
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actually i wouldnt take any of the posts on this topic (including my own) with any degree of seriousness , other than the 2 or 3 that have actually answered the op's query.

all the other posts have just been wind-ups. :o

but in conclusion , on the subject of fake rolexes ,

try as hard as you like , and i suspect bkkbound has tried harder than most , you can't polish a turd.

yes Tax, but some of them are already shiney... :D

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actually i wouldnt take any of the posts on this topic (including my own) with any degree of seriousness , other than the 2 or 3 that have actually answered the op's query.

all the other posts have just been wind-ups. :o

but in conclusion , on the subject of fake rolexes ,

try as hard as you like , and i suspect bkkbound has tried harder than most , you can't polish a turd.

taxexile I think everyone reading this thread understands that it is your intent to mock and belittle those who choose to purchase and wear a fake Rolex. The reasons for this are probably known only to you? However you have yet to transcribe the words, that would transform your intent, into any sort of cogent argument, although "polishing a turd" is probably a reasonable attempt in your case?

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taxexile I think everyone reading this thread understands that it is your intent to mock and belittle those who choose to purchase and wear a fake Rolex.

well you would hardly expect me to look up to them as characters to take inspiration from would you.

people who choose to wear fakes that purport to pass off as the real thing (as opposed to cheap fakes that are so obviosly fakes ) are just trying to give a false image or impression of themselves , and people like that should be mocked and belittled. buy the real thing. its just too easy to go out and buy a fake. it devalues the object and it devalues the purchaser.

i was hoping that this thread would stay lighthearted.

i'd much rather blather on about wayne rooneys dress sense and turd polishers.

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I've just bought the 3rd watch that I have ever owned. Over the last 35 years I have worn a watch every day of my life. All 3 watches were seikos, all 3 watches kept close enough to perfect time.

My first watch I was given in approx 1970. I accidently lost it when I took it off to go swimming about 10 years later. I then bought a seiko "sports 100" so I wouldn't need to takeit off to go swimming. That watch, I dived in, swam in, showered in, water skied in until about 6 months ago when it stopped.

I now have a seiko kinetic that will never require a bettery change and so far keeps perfect time, just like my last 2 watches.

I'll probably replace it in another 25 years or so.

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I was given a "real" LV wallet.After using it for about a 18 months, It was starting to fray and come apart.Infact it looked like it was about 10 years old!!I took it to the LV shop in Auckland.They told me they would repair it for a fee..I told them to go and have sex with themselves....So I went out and bought a new fake LV wallet.The fake one is 4 year sold and still looks better than the real mckoy.(Which I keep in a draw at home..)

This was one case where the turd was polished so well, that you could almost see you face in it. :o

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thank you so much bkkbound for proving the accuracy of my statements about the character of the wearers of fake rolexes.

there is something about that brand name , and it is only the rolex brand name , that drives people who either cant afford the real thing or are not prepared to pay the full amount for a real rolex (which is an outstandingly crafted watch , and worth every penny of the asking price) to accept second or third best and buy a fake.

these are people who have no interest in the workings of the device , no appreciation of what actually makes the watch so good , no interest in what lies under the skin , people who are concerned only with the superficialities of the appearance of the thing and who seek to convey to others a false impression.

people who seek only to acquire a veneer , with little substance beneath.

people who somewhere along the line saw some mention or connection to the name rolex in a magazine or on the wrist of some filmstar they hopelessly dream of emulating ,  causing some sleepy and underused brain cell to briefly fizz and crackle and imprint the thought ... rolex is good.... in the cortex before sinking back to its normal dozy state.

if they made bentleys , ferraris or aston martins  with hyundai 900cc engines under the hood and vinyl seats , the dealerships would be swamped by fake rolex wearers

once again bkkbound , thank you for your insightful , but superficial ,postings.

At the end of the day, A watch is for telling the time. The rest is all show for the pretentious folk, of which there seems a lot around here. I'll stick with my Timex. :o

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To match the gold sov ring and the amulets right???

So out of style and bad taste now.

I was given a "real" LV wallet.After using it for about a 18 months, It was starting to fray and come apart.Infact it looked like it was about 10 years old!!I took it to the LV shop in Auckland.They told me they would repair it for a fee..I told them to go and have sex with themselves....So I went out and bought a new fake LV wallet.The fake one is 4 year sold and still looks better than the real mckoy.(Which I keep in a draw at home..)

This was one case where the turd was polished so well, that you could almost see you face in it. :D


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5 pages on fake rolexes, OMB, check the net first and learn the difference between the cheepo,s that last 1 year and good fakes that last more than 5

my gold rolex is in the safe my fake on my wrist... i have had the fake repaired by a man sitting on a stool on sukumvitt

what about a fake movado ,, in bkk.. mkb too ???

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I don't wear a watch - it's uncomfortable.

I'm not into fashion.

I live in Isaan - "Bo Dtong Faaow".

Get up when the sun rises, go to bed when I'm sleepy.

If I need to know the exact time I can look at my telephone.

My work has clocks on the walls. When on my computer, it has a clock.

My car has a clock.

Watches are a thing of the past, for me.

Rolex, fake or not - I don't need, want, or can afford one.

$2000 dollars for something to stick on your wrist? :o

You can buy a decent watch in Khon Kaen for 300 Baht.

Edited by Neeranam
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Well Said.

They Joy of a lazy life in Issan.

Thais concept of time is based a a continuum of life.

Time means nothing.

They eat and sleep when they feel like it.

No Rigidity like the falang world ,of breakfast and eight lunch at 12 and dinner at six.

I don't wear a watch - it's uncomfortable.

I'm not into fashion.

I live in Isaan - "Bo Dton Faaow".

Get up when the sun rises.

If I need to know the exact time I can look at my telephone.

My work has clocks on the walls.

Watches are a thing of the past, for me.

Rolex, fake or not - I don't need or want one.

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5 pages on fake rolexes, OMB, check the net first and learn the difference between the cheepo,s that last 1 year and good fakes that last more than 5

my gold rolex is in the safe my fake on my wrist... i have had the fake repaired by a man sitting on a stool on sukumvitt

what about a fake movado ,, in bkk.. mkb too ???

Is the gold Rolex that's in the safe a real Rolex? Or is it a good fake?

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Man jailed for fake Rolex watch

A Belgian man has been jailed for six months for wearing a fake Rolex .

A court in Dendermonde heard that the man, named only as Gunther R, 33, had been spotted by representatives of Rolex wearing the fake watch and they complained to authorities.

The judge ruled the man had knowingly bought the fake and sentenced him to six months in prison under laws for handling counterfeit goods.

I am surprised the MODS don't close this post - if Rolex where to get a look - they are very sensetive re countefieting at this time.

He was also ordered to pay a £700 fine for breaching brand name registration laws.



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well you would hardly expect me to look up to them as  characters to take inspiration from would you.

Honestly, I’m not sure I expect anything from you. For you, it sounds as though the wearing of a replica watch, and presumably the purchase, use or display of any non-authentic items, is a fatal character flaw. I’d say that for the vast majority of people, who are slightly less strident and judgmental, it is not. I think I’d prefer to meet someone, talk with them, listen to what they say, hear their opinions and interact with them before I decide if they are “characters to take inspiration from.” And I’d try to avoid discounting them as reasonable people based on their choice of a watch. This of course extends to you.

I do agree that we typically make some sort of ‘judgment’ on a person when we first meet them in person. Probably within 15 seconds? Of course this judgment is based solely on what they look like, and possibly what they might say in those first 15 seconds. I daresay I do the same, but I always try combat this initial response, and make every attempt to overcome it, (unless she is extremely attractive). For me, a watch, big or small, subtle or ostentatious, Rolex or Casio, authentic or replica just doesn’t make it onto the radar. For me and my background, I have to say that a watch is typically not that visible as it is usually hidden by a shirt, sweater and/or jacket sleeve. I realize that in warmer climates, with short sleeves, a watch is much more noticeable. Now if I were to come to admire, respect or otherwise value someone, and then found out they wore a replica watch, it would not negatively affect my opinion of them. It's just not that big of a deal for me.

I confess I’m still trying to get a handle on the use, context and meaning of “wind-up.” To me, it refers to repetitive and predictable behavior or actions, coming from a “wind-up” toy, which you wind up and it does the same thing over and over and over. (Much like both our exchanges here, I think?)

However I am beginning to discern a different meaning? I think it might mean one or both of the following:

- a deliberate and proactive attempt, through the use of statements not believed by the initiator, to invoke a provocative response in the intended ‘victim’, that is, a sort of joke to set off someone, preferably forcing them to do or say something even more provocative, and then having a laugh at/with them, but all in good-natured fun

- a response used to extricate one from the difficult position of trying to defend an untenable situation, statement or position. (AKA, “the male bovine excrement” defense.)

I am curious how you detect a “wind-up” on TV and on the internet in general, especially with only written words to go by, and understanding that a lot of people have different ideas, concepts and beliefs. How do you know if someone is trying a “wind-up”, or if there really believe what they are saying, or even if they are just plain crazy? Or do some people just have an intuitive “wind-up” detector?

Wind-up Disclamertm: This post is not intended to be a “wind-up”.

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i think what we wear and how we present ourselves to others can sometimes say more about ourselves than an hour of conversation .

that does not mean that somebody who wears cheap or unfashionable attire is any way more a person or less a person than the one with expensive and fashionable clothes.

and it doesnt mean that i think we should make all encompassing character judgements on people purely on their appearance .

as far as rolexes go , i honestly cannot see why somebody would wear a fake rolex other than to give the impression to someone else that they are wealthy enough to have ,say , 2000 pounds of disposable income to spend on a watch.

thats the same impression i would get if i saw someone wearing a real rolex , not that i could tell the difference. they are not particularly good looking watches , but they are well made and they are a status symbol . why somebody should want to wear a status symbol is also beyond me , but there you go , wealthy asians love them because they are more into status symbols.

for a lot of westerners , its a sign of high status to hide your status , but only those who know your status will know you are hiding it anyway so why bother.

for status read wealth.

we all play funny games with each other when it comes to social intercourse.

- a deliberate and proactive attempt, through the use of statements not believed by the initiator, to invoke a provocative response in the intended ‘victim’, that is, a sort of joke to set off someone, preferably forcing them to do or say something even more provocative, and then having a laugh at/with them, but all in good-natured fun

thats a good definition of wind up.

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Tax - I think why a person wears a fake rolex - novelty factor. I bought one - wore a few times, showed mates told them it was fake. Had a laff - threw in my draw someplace and haven't worn it since. It's crap and I know it.

I own two watches - an authentic TAG and a cheapie Seiko. :D I've had my eye on an Omega, but can't see the point having a third watch. :o Far as buying a real Rolex - don't think I could honestly buy one - be afraid to wear it - awfully tempting for a thief. (read people getting the chop wearing one) Rolex is beautiful, but not practical.

Back to topic - 9/10 times if you hit a watch stand ask the seller to see the fakies, normally these are under the table and not displayed for obvious reasons.

Edited by britmaveric
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they are not particularly good looking watches , but they are well made

Except that they - don't keep time. Several real Rolex watch owners told me that.

On one ocassion I bought 10 fakes and gave them as souvenirs. Some are next to the screens of my colleagues, they laugh at them but say - it's as useful as the battery in them. Show time with no problem.

I wear an Oz Rip Curl surf watch (400US$), made who know where but water resistant and with some utilities (tides, moon position etc) that I don't use any more.

It's a half-baked truth in Australia, a Rolex wearer who shows it off , the watch itself may make him/her not get a job in an interview unless it were for a sales or senior management position.

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Just recieved this in my inbox:


By simply wearing a high quàlity rêplica wàtch you will be amazed at the

new level of confidênce and prêstige you will gain.

Your friends and colleaguês will look at you in a new light.

We offer a huge selêction of the finest names in rêplica watchês,

all constructed to be a 100% rêplica of the original.

The only thing we don't copy, is the pricê!

Búy one for yourself or for someone close, it's a purchasê you will never regret.

Simply cópy and pastê the lînk below into your brówsêr

Now is this just a coincidence? or has anyone else recieved this mail? :o

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes, thank you BKKBound04 - I was about to go out and buy a checked burberry cap. Just imagine how humiliated I would feel walking around Sukhumvit wearing a hat 5 years out of date! I would never live it down! Thank goodness BkkBound04 is here to inform us about how to dress. Like you, BkkBound, we all want to look like Wayne Rooney as well.


telling u how to dress???

i imagine that's your mothers job :D

u wear what u like :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm guessing they might feel alone and neglected, with no one to talk with? No if the thread had been entitled, "What do peole think of replica watches?", or "What do people think of people who buy replica watches?, then perhaps some of these 'humorous' and inane comments would be valid?

i would think that the person who buys and wears a fake rolex , and especially a fake rolex as opposed to other brands , is the person most likely to be alone and neglected , rather than the one posting the inane comments , by the very nature of the wearers obvious personal feelings of insecurity at having to wear a fake expensive wristwatch.

the subject and study of fake watches may very well be interesting to those fascinated by such minutiae , but the study of those who wear them can be even more interesting , as it can reveal so much about the wearer.

rolex , the brand , is associated for better or for worse , with wealth , thrusting dynamism , eliteness and snobbery.

if you want to know if that watch on that persons wrist is a real rolex or not , you dont even need to look at the watch , look at the haircut , or look at the shoes.

its got to the stage these days that even the owners of real rolexes keep them in the drawer these days because they dont want to be associated with birmingham mini cab drivers , yorkshire fish and chip shop owners or plumbers from moosefart , montana.

any forum query will bring forth comments helpful , funny and inane.

just scroll on down if you dont like what you read.

and dont take it all so seriously.

I like the fake watch idea,somebody steals it I get the last laugh :D:o:D

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Just recieved this in my inbox:


By simply wearing a high quàlity rêplica wàtch you will be amazed at the

new level of confidênce and prêstige you will gain.

Your friends and colleaguês will look at you in a new light.

We offer a huge selêction of the finest names in rêplica watchês,

all constructed to be a 100% rêplica of the original.

The only thing we don't copy, is the pricê!

Búy one for yourself or for someone close, it's a purchasê you will never regret.

Simply cópy and pastê the lînk below into your brówsêr

Now is this just a coincidence? or has anyone else recieved this mail?  :D

There are plenty of spammers around who have been wasting their time e-mailing me for a while now with the Rolex pitch as above. It is of little consequence as they go straight in the crap bucket automatically.

As soon as I saw the OP's opening post, my immediate thought was that it was spam.

Nothing has changed... :o

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Nah mate sarcasm is lost on me.

She is a chinese/thai who makes a comfortable living moving counterfeit goods.

Whenever there are people who want to purchase these sort of things then there will always be people to sell them.

As I said stick a fake Rolex on Ebay as a fake rolex and watch some mug pay 100 pounds or more for it as a FAKE.

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