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US Offers Sympathy To Five Countries Across The Region

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Well, since so many in Thailand seem to cater to UK preferences instead of American ones, such as UK visitors, UK standards, and UK sporting events on TV, maybe Thais should be asking the UK for money instead of Americans.

Man, you are spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself.:rolleyes:

That's because the Thai's love the Brits more than the Yanks. And who can blame them!

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Notice no mention of providing financial aid....:rolleyes:

Well, since so many in Thailand seem to cater to UK preferences instead of American ones, such as UK visitors, UK standards, and UK sporting events on TV, maybe Thais should be asking the UK for money instead of Americans.

Man, you are spot on. Couldn't have said it better myself.:rolleyes:

@zydeco & @ ralphlsasser.......like what exactly ? and please be specific ?.......UK sporting events, one assumes you are talking about football (the real football).....this is due to Thai demand not farangs from the UK....Which UK standards are we talking about, and how does Thailand specifically cater for UK farangs...

After racking my brain to figure out how citizens of Land "O" free are less catered for in Thailand over UK citizens and the only one I can come up with is that in Thailand they use 220VAC instead of 110VAC......:o ....and guess what they use in the UK...OMG thats 220VAC as well that conclusive then there is a conspiracy between Thailand and the UK against America....:rolleyes:

Quick call in the aircraft carriers...:rolleyes:

In conclusion beleive you are talking out your bottoms...both of you..:D

What about driving on the WRONG side of the road?? :whistling::D

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Many people hate the Americans for the war and their perceived arrogance but let's be fair here, the Americans are usually the first to send aid and support to allies of theirs who have suffered some sort of disaster and catastrophe.

Even those who aren't allies and as for the comparison between China and the US's contributions as with ANY catastrophe they don't just give away money, they asses the greatest need and also react accordingly, 3 million baht is no doubt a starting point.. Besides China should give it's little brother more anyways they've got ore of it to pass around.

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*edited out*

Expressing sympathy and concern is the appropriate public statement. It shows that the US government is aware of the situation. Secretary Clinton's statements are very clear: The US government is looking at how it can help. Why the knee jerk negative reaction? What has China or Russia said or done? What about any Arab country? Why is it expected that the USA has to provide money? Russia, China, the Arab world and India all have the ability to assist, but they won't, and yet the USA gets slammed because you have an opposing view on other unrelated political issues.

What's your point on the "current ongoing hostilities"? Are you refering to Libya or Afghanistan? Those situations do not compare to the subject at hand. As for past hostilities, I think the Thais were quite happy to be liberated from the Japanese. I know that when the allied forces freed China from the Japanese invaders, my family was quite appreciative. Mind you, they were still somewhat sad that the liberation didn't come fast enough to save those that had been sent to the concentration camps and died of starvation. I suppose one had to be a young kid and see Dutch, English, American, Australian children sent off to die or witness Japanese soldiers rape and mass murder Chinese non combatants to appreciate that point. I think someone else should crawl back under the stone. I am grateful that the US government and its charitable organizations provide assistance, aid and support to Thailand and I am not even an American.

Wow what a brainwashed sheeple you are.


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I'm stuck near the Asia Highway in Ayuttaya, in an apartment with my wife and 5 month old baby. Water's been deep since Wednesday, but in the last 2 days its torrent into a torrent, really dangerous. Only just managed to get out this morning, given free food for the day by locals, nothing to buy, nothing can get through. Helicopters flying overhead every hour, but nothing being dropped. Fresh water is needed, Ive got 12 litres left.

You think my government (I'm English) will help me? Can you give them a ring for me?


Sorry to hear about your situation, (another learning curve)

Regardless where one lives, one should always have plenty, I mean plenty of water stored, caned and dried food, batteries, first aid kit

and powdered milk.

And even more so if one has a baby, stink can happen at anytime, anywhere, I only hope when and if you survive this hardship that you

load up on at least a months supply of what you, wife and baby will need for the next problem that Mother Earth will throw at us due to the

fact that we are not taking care of her.

I wish you Chok-Dee.

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Just read on the nation web site the US is sending helicopters and rescue crew next week. I bet what ever the Thai govt ask for on this they will get it.

Thailand has always had real close ties with the U.S. no matter the era and this goes back to before the cold war.

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